// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: D3DMath.cpp // // Desc: Shortcut macros and functions for using DX objects // // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3D_OVERLOADS #define STRICT #include #include #include "D3DMath.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_MatrixMultiply() // Desc: Does the matrix operation: [Q] = [A] * [B]. Note that the order of // this operation was changed from the previous version of the DXSDK. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_MatrixMultiply( D3DMATRIX& q, D3DMATRIX& a, D3DMATRIX& b ) { FLOAT* pA = (FLOAT*)&a; FLOAT* pB = (FLOAT*)&b; FLOAT pM[16]; ZeroMemory( pM, sizeof(D3DMATRIX) ); for( WORD i=0; i<4; i++ ) for( WORD j=0; j<4; j++ ) for( WORD k=0; k<4; k++ ) pM[4*i+j] += pA[4*i+k] * pB[4*k+j]; memcpy( &q, pM, sizeof(D3DMATRIX) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_MatrixInvert() // Desc: Does the matrix operation: [Q] = inv[A]. Note: this function only // works for matrices with [0 0 0 1] for the 4th column. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DMath_MatrixInvert( D3DMATRIX& q, D3DMATRIX& a ) { if( fabs(a._44 - 1.0f) > .001f) return E_INVALIDARG; if( fabs(a._14) > .001f || fabs(a._24) > .001f || fabs(a._34) > .001f ) return E_INVALIDARG; FLOAT fDetInv = 1.0f / ( a._11 * ( a._22 * a._33 - a._23 * a._32 ) - a._12 * ( a._21 * a._33 - a._23 * a._31 ) + a._13 * ( a._21 * a._32 - a._22 * a._31 ) ); q._11 = fDetInv * ( a._22 * a._33 - a._23 * a._32 ); q._12 = -fDetInv * ( a._12 * a._33 - a._13 * a._32 ); q._13 = fDetInv * ( a._12 * a._23 - a._13 * a._22 ); q._14 = 0.0f; q._21 = -fDetInv * ( a._21 * a._33 - a._23 * a._31 ); q._22 = fDetInv * ( a._11 * a._33 - a._13 * a._31 ); q._23 = -fDetInv * ( a._11 * a._23 - a._13 * a._21 ); q._24 = 0.0f; q._31 = fDetInv * ( a._21 * a._32 - a._22 * a._31 ); q._32 = -fDetInv * ( a._11 * a._32 - a._12 * a._31 ); q._33 = fDetInv * ( a._11 * a._22 - a._12 * a._21 ); q._34 = 0.0f; q._41 = -( a._41 * q._11 + a._42 * q._21 + a._43 * q._31 ); q._42 = -( a._41 * q._12 + a._42 * q._22 + a._43 * q._32 ); q._43 = -( a._41 * q._13 + a._42 * q._23 + a._43 * q._33 ); q._44 = 1.0f; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_VectorMatrixMultiply() // Desc: Multiplies a vector by a matrix //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DMath_VectorMatrixMultiply( D3DVECTOR& vDest, D3DVECTOR& vSrc, D3DMATRIX& mat) { FLOAT x = vSrc.x*mat._11 + vSrc.y*mat._21 + vSrc.z* mat._31 + mat._41; FLOAT y = vSrc.x*mat._12 + vSrc.y*mat._22 + vSrc.z* mat._32 + mat._42; FLOAT z = vSrc.x*mat._13 + vSrc.y*mat._23 + vSrc.z* mat._33 + mat._43; FLOAT w = vSrc.x*mat._14 + vSrc.y*mat._24 + vSrc.z* mat._34 + mat._44; if( fabs( w ) < g_EPSILON ) return E_INVALIDARG; vDest.x = x/w; vDest.y = y/w; vDest.z = z/w; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_VertexMatrixMultiply() // Desc: Multiplies a vertex by a matrix //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DMath_VertexMatrixMultiply( D3DVERTEX& vDest, D3DVERTEX& vSrc, D3DMATRIX& mat ) { HRESULT hr; D3DVECTOR* pSrcVec = (D3DVECTOR*)&vSrc.x; D3DVECTOR* pDestVec = (D3DVECTOR*)&vDest.x; if( SUCCEEDED( hr = D3DMath_VectorMatrixMultiply( *pDestVec, *pSrcVec, mat ) ) ) { pSrcVec = (D3DVECTOR*)&vSrc.nx; pDestVec = (D3DVECTOR*)&vDest.nx; hr = D3DMath_VectorMatrixMultiply( *pDestVec, *pSrcVec, mat ); } return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_QuaternionFromRotation() // Desc: Converts a normalized axis and angle to a unit quaternion. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromRotation( FLOAT& x, FLOAT& y, FLOAT& z, FLOAT& w, D3DVECTOR& v, FLOAT fTheta ) { x = sinf( fTheta/2.0f ) * v.x; y = sinf( fTheta/2.0f ) * v.y; z = sinf( fTheta/2.0f ) * v.z; w = cosf( fTheta/2.0f ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_RotationFromQuaternion() // Desc: Converts a normalized axis and angle to a unit quaternion. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_RotationFromQuaternion( D3DVECTOR& v, FLOAT& fTheta, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT w ) { fTheta = acosf(w) * 2.0f; v.x = x / sinf( fTheta/2.0f ); v.y = y / sinf( fTheta/2.0f ); v.z = z / sinf( fTheta/2.0f ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_QuaternionFromAngles() // Desc: Converts euler angles to a unit quaternion. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromAngles( FLOAT& x, FLOAT& y, FLOAT& z, FLOAT& w, FLOAT fYaw, FLOAT fPitch, FLOAT fRoll ) { FLOAT fSinYaw = sinf( fYaw/2.0f ); FLOAT fSinPitch = sinf( fPitch/2.0f ); FLOAT fSinRoll = sinf( fRoll/2.0f ); FLOAT fCosYaw = cosf( fYaw/2.0f ); FLOAT fCosPitch = cosf( fPitch/2.0f ); FLOAT fCosRoll = cosf( fRoll/2.0f ); x = fSinRoll * fCosPitch * fCosYaw - fCosRoll * fSinPitch * fSinYaw; y = fCosRoll * fSinPitch * fCosYaw + fSinRoll * fCosPitch * fSinYaw; z = fCosRoll * fCosPitch * fSinYaw - fSinRoll * fSinPitch * fCosYaw; w = fCosRoll * fCosPitch * fCosYaw + fSinRoll * fSinPitch * fSinYaw; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_MatrixFromQuaternion() // Desc: Converts a unit quaternion into a rotation matrix. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_MatrixFromQuaternion( D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT w ) { FLOAT xx = x*x; FLOAT yy = y*y; FLOAT zz = z*z; FLOAT xy = x*y; FLOAT xz = x*z; FLOAT yz = y*z; FLOAT wx = w*x; FLOAT wy = w*y; FLOAT wz = w*z; mat._11 = 1 - 2 * ( yy + zz ); mat._12 = 2 * ( xy - wz ); mat._13 = 2 * ( xz + wy ); mat._21 = 2 * ( xy + wz ); mat._22 = 1 - 2 * ( xx + zz ); mat._23 = 2 * ( yz - wx ); mat._31 = 2 * ( xz - wy ); mat._32 = 2 * ( yz + wx ); mat._33 = 1 - 2 * ( xx + yy ); mat._14 = mat._24 = mat._34 = 0.0f; mat._41 = mat._42 = mat._43 = 0.0f; mat._44 = 1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_QuaternionFromMatrix() // Desc: Converts a rotation matrix into a unit quaternion. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromMatrix( FLOAT& x, FLOAT& y, FLOAT& z, FLOAT& w, D3DMATRIX& mat ) { if( mat._11 + mat._22 + mat._33 > 0.0f ) { FLOAT s = sqrtf( mat._11 + mat._22 + mat._33 + mat._44 ); x = (mat._23-mat._32) / (2*s); y = (mat._31-mat._13) / (2*s); z = (mat._12-mat._21) / (2*s); w = 0.5f * s; } else { } FLOAT xx = x*x; FLOAT yy = y*y; FLOAT zz = z*z; FLOAT xy = x*y; FLOAT xz = x*z; FLOAT yz = y*z; FLOAT wx = w*x; FLOAT wy = w*y; FLOAT wz = w*z; mat._11 = 1 - 2 * ( yy + zz ); mat._12 = 2 * ( xy - wz ); mat._13 = 2 * ( xz + wy ); mat._21 = 2 * ( xy + wz ); mat._22 = 1 - 2 * ( xx + zz ); mat._23 = 2 * ( yz - wx ); mat._31 = 2 * ( xz - wy ); mat._32 = 2 * ( yz + wx ); mat._33 = 1 - 2 * ( xx + yy ); mat._14 = mat._24 = mat._34 = 0.0f; mat._41 = mat._42 = mat._43 = 0.0f; mat._44 = 1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_QuaternionMultiply() // Desc: Mulitples two quaternions together as in {Q} = {A} * {B}. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_QuaternionMultiply( FLOAT& Qx, FLOAT& Qy, FLOAT& Qz, FLOAT& Qw, FLOAT Ax, FLOAT Ay, FLOAT Az, FLOAT Aw, FLOAT Bx, FLOAT By, FLOAT Bz, FLOAT Bw ) { FLOAT Dx = Ax*Bw + Ay*Bz - Az*By + Aw*Bx; FLOAT Dy = -Ax*Bz + Ay*Bw + Az*Bx + Aw*By; FLOAT Dz = Ax*By - Ay*Bx + Az*Bw + Aw*Bz; FLOAT Dw = -Ax*Bx - Ay*By - Az*Bz + Aw*Bw; Qx = Dx; Qy = Dy; Qz = Dz; Qw = Dw; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: D3DMath_SlerpQuaternions() // Desc: Compute a quaternion which is the spherical linear interpolation // between two other quaternions by dvFraction. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID D3DMath_QuaternionSlerp( FLOAT& Qx, FLOAT& Qy, FLOAT& Qz, FLOAT& Qw, FLOAT Ax, FLOAT Ay, FLOAT Az, FLOAT Aw, FLOAT Bx, FLOAT By, FLOAT Bz, FLOAT Bw, FLOAT fAlpha ) { // Compute dot product (equal to cosine of the angle between quaternions) FLOAT fCosTheta = Ax*Bx + Ay*By + Az*Bz + Aw*Bw; // Check angle to see if quaternions are in opposite hemispheres if( fCosTheta < 0.0f ) { // If so, flip one of the quaterions fCosTheta = -fCosTheta; Bx = -Bx; By = -By; Bz = -Bz; Bw = -Bw; } // Set factors to do linear interpolation, as a special case where the // quaternions are close together. FLOAT fBeta = 1.0f - fAlpha; // If the quaternions aren't close, proceed with spherical interpolation if( 1.0f - fCosTheta > 0.001f ) { FLOAT fTheta = acosf( fCosTheta ); fBeta = sinf( fTheta*fBeta ) / sinf( fTheta); fAlpha = sinf( fTheta*fAlpha ) / sinf( fTheta); } // Do the interpolation Qx = fBeta*Ax + fAlpha*Bx; Qy = fBeta*Ay + fAlpha*By; Qz = fBeta*Az + fAlpha*Bz; Qw = fBeta*Aw + fAlpha*Bw; }