// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // device.h #pragma once #include "graphics/common/color.h" #include "graphics/common/light.h" #include "graphics/common/material.h" #include "graphics/common/texture.h" #include "graphics/common/vertex.h" #include "math/matrix.h" #include namespace Gfx { /** \struct DeviceConfig \brief General config for graphics device These settings are common window options set by SDL. */ struct DeviceConfig { //! Screen width int width; //! Screen height int height; //! Bits per pixel int bpp; //! Full screen bool fullScreen; //! Resizeable window bool resizeable; //! Double buffering bool doubleBuf; //! No window frame (also set with full screen) bool noFrame; //! Constructor calls LoadDefault() DeviceConfig() { LoadDefault(); } //! Loads the default values void LoadDefault(); }; /** \enum TransformType \brief Type of transformation in rendering pipeline These correspond to DirectX's three transformation matrices. */ enum TransformType { TRANSFORM_WORLD, TRANSFORM_VIEW, TRANSFORM_PROJECTION }; /** \enum RenderState \brief Render states that can be enabled/disabled */ enum RenderState { RENDER_STATE_LIGHTING, RENDER_STATE_TEXTURING, RENDER_STATE_BLENDING, RENDER_STATE_FOG, RENDER_STATE_DEPTH_TEST, RENDER_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE, RENDER_STATE_ALPHA_TEST, RENDER_STATE_DITHERING }; /** \enum CompFunc \brief Type of function used to compare values */ enum CompFunc { COMP_FUNC_NEVER, COMP_FUNC_LESS, COMP_FUNC_EQUAL, COMP_FUNC_NOTEQUAL, COMP_FUNC_LEQUAL, COMP_FUNC_GREATER, COMP_FUNC_GEQUAL, COMP_FUNC_ALWAYS }; /** \enum BlendFunc \brief Type of blending function */ enum BlendFunc { BLEND_ZERO, BLEND_ONE, BLEND_SRC_COLOR, BLEND_INV_SRC_COLOR, BLEND_DST_COLOR, BLEND_INV_DST_COLOR, BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA, BLEND_DST_ALPHA, BLEND_INV_DST_ALPHA, BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE }; /** \enum FogMode \brief Type of fog calculation function */ enum FogMode { FOG_LINEAR, FOG_EXP, FOG_EXP2 }; /** \enum CullMode \brief Culling mode for polygons */ enum CullMode { //! Cull clockwise side CULL_CW, //! Cull counter-clockwise side CULL_CCW }; /** \enum FillMode \brief Polygon fill mode */ enum FillMode { //! Draw only points FILL_POINT, //! Draw only lines FILL_LINES, //! Draw full polygons FILL_FILL }; /** \enum PrimitiveType \brief Type of primitive to render Only these two types are used. */ enum PrimitiveType { PRIMITIVE_LINES, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP }; /** \class CDevice \brief Abstract interface of graphics device It is based on DIRECT3DDEVICE class from DirectX to make it easier to port existing code. It encapsulates the general graphics device state and provides a common interface to graphics-specific functions which will be used throughout the program, both in CEngine class and in UI classes. Note that it doesn't contain all functions from DirectX, only those that were used in old code. */ class CDevice { public: virtual ~CDevice() {} //! Initializes the device, setting the initial state virtual bool Create() = 0; //! Destroys the device, releasing every acquired resource virtual void Destroy() = 0; //! Returns whether the device has been initialized virtual bool GetWasInit() = 0; //! Returns the last encountered error virtual std::string GetError() = 0; //! Begins drawing the 3D scene virtual void BeginScene() = 0; //! Ends drawing the 3D scene virtual void EndScene() = 0; //! Clears the screen to blank virtual void Clear() = 0; //! Sets the transform matrix of given type virtual void SetTransform(TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix) = 0; //! Returns the current transform matrix of given type virtual const Math::Matrix& GetTransform(TransformType type) = 0; //! Multiplies the current transform matrix of given type by given matrix virtual void MultiplyTransform(TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix) = 0; //! Sets the current material virtual void SetMaterial(Gfx::Material &material) = 0; //! Returns the current material virtual const Gfx::Material& GetMaterial() = 0; //! Returns the maximum number of lights available virtual int GetMaxLightCount() = 0; //! Sets the light at given index virtual void SetLight(int index, Gfx::Light &light) = 0; //! Returns the current light at given index virtual const Gfx::Light& GetLight(int index) = 0; //! Enables/disables the light at given index virtual void SetLightEnabled(int index, bool enabled) = 0; //! Returns the current enable state of light at given index virtual bool GetLightEnabled(int index) = 0; // TODO: // virtual Gfx::Texture* CreateTexture(CImage *image) = 0; // virtual void DestroyTexture(Gfx::Texture *texture) = 0; //! Returns the maximum number of multitexture units virtual int GetMaxTextureCount() = 0; //! Sets the (multi)texture at given index virtual void SetTexture(int index, Gfx::Texture *texture) = 0; //! Returns the (multi)texture at given index virtual Gfx::Texture* GetTexture(int index) = 0; // TODO: // virtual void GetTextureStageState() = 0; // virtual void SetTextureStageState() = 0; //! Renders primitive composed of vertices with single texture virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, Gfx::Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount) = 0; //! Renders primitive composed of vertices with color information and single texture virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, Gfx::VertexCol *vertices, int vertexCount) = 0; //! Renders primitive composed of vertices with multitexturing (2 textures) virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, Gfx::VertexTex2 *vertices, int vertexCount) = 0; // TODO: // virtual void ComputeSphereVisibility() = 0; //! Enables/disables the given render state virtual void SetRenderState(Gfx::RenderState state, bool enabled) = 0; //! Returns the current setting of given render state virtual bool GetRenderState(Gfx::RenderState state) = 0; //! Sets the function of depth test virtual void SetDepthTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc func) = 0; //! Returns the current function of depth test virtual Gfx::CompFunc GetDepthTestFunc() = 0; //! Sets the depth bias (constant value added to Z-coords) virtual void SetDepthBias(float factor) = 0; //! Returns the current depth bias virtual float GetDepthBias() = 0; //! Sets the alpha test function and reference value virtual void SetAlphaTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc func, float refValue) = 0; //! Returns the current alpha test function and reference value virtual void GetAlphaTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc &func, float &refValue) = 0; //! Sets the blending functions for source and destination operations virtual void SetBlendFunc(Gfx::BlendFunc srcBlend, Gfx::BlendFunc dstBlend) = 0; //! Returns the current blending functions for source and destination operations virtual void GetBlendFunc(Gfx::BlendFunc &srcBlend, Gfx::BlendFunc &dstBlend) = 0; //! Sets the clear color virtual void SetClearColor(Gfx::Color color) = 0; //! Returns the current clear color virtual Gfx::Color GetClearColor() = 0; //! Sets the global ambient color virtual void SetGlobalAmbient(Gfx::Color color) = 0; //! Returns the global ambient color virtual Gfx::Color GetGlobalAmbient() = 0; //! Sets the fog parameters: mode, color, start distance, end distance and density (for exp models) virtual void SetFogParams(Gfx::FogMode mode, Gfx::Color color, float start, float end, float density) = 0; //! Returns the current fog parameters: mode, color, start distance, end distance and density (for exp models) virtual void GetFogParams(Gfx::FogMode &mode, Gfx::Color &color, float &start, float &end, float &density) = 0; //! Sets the current cull mode virtual void SetCullMode(Gfx::CullMode mode) = 0; //! Returns the current cull mode virtual Gfx::CullMode GetCullMode() = 0; //! Sets the current fill mode virtual void SetFillMode(Gfx::FillMode mode) = 0; //! Returns the current fill mode virtual Gfx::FillMode GetFillMode() = 0; }; }; // namespace Gfx