// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // engine.h #pragma once #include "graphics/common/color.h" #include "graphics/common/material.h" #include "graphics/common/vertex.h" #include "math/intpoint.h" #include "math/matrix.h" #include "math/point.h" #include "math/vector.h" class CApplication; class CInstanceManager; class CObject; class CSound; namespace Gfx { class CDevice; class CLight; class CText; class CParticle; class CWater; class CCloud; class CLightning; class CPlanet; class CTerrain; //const int MAXOBJECT = 1200; //const int MAXSHADOW = 500; //const int MAXGROUNDSPOT = 100; enum ObjectType { //! Object doesn't exist OBJTYPE_NULL = 0, //! Terrain OBJTYPE_TERRAIN = 1, //! Fixed object OBJTYPE_FIX = 2, //! Moving object OBJTYPE_VEHICULE = 3, //! Part of a moving object OBJTYPE_DESCENDANT = 4, //! Fixed object type quartz OBJTYPE_QUARTZ = 5, //! Fixed object type metal OBJTYPE_METAL = 6 }; enum TriangleType { //! triangles TRIANGLE_TYPE_6T = 1, //! surfaces TRIANGLE_TYPE_6S = 2 }; enum Mapping { MAPPING_X = 1, MAPPING_Y = 2, MAPPING_Z = 3, MAPPING_1X = 4, MAPPING_1Y = 5, MAPPING_1Z = 6 }; enum MouseType { MOUSE_HIDE = 0, // no mouse MOUSE_NORM = 1, MOUSE_WAIT = 2, MOUSE_EDIT = 3, MOUSE_HAND = 4, MOUSE_CROSS = 5, MOUSE_SHOW = 6, MOUSE_NO = 7, MOUSE_MOVE = 8, // + MOUSE_MOVEH = 9, // - MOUSE_MOVEV = 10, // | MOUSE_MOVED = 11, // / MOUSE_MOVEI = 12, // \ // MOUSE_SCROLLL = 13, // << MOUSE_SCROLLR = 14, // >> MOUSE_SCROLLU = 15, // ^ MOUSE_SCROLLD = 16, // v MOUSE_TARGET = 17 }; enum ShadowType { SHADOW_NORM = 0, SHADOW_WORM = 1 }; enum RenderState { //! Normal opaque materials RSTATE_NORMAL = 0, //! The transparent texture (black = no) RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK = (1<<0), //! The transparent texture (white = no) RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE = (1<<1), //! The transparent diffuse color RSTATE_TDIFFUSE = (1<<2), //! Texture wrap RSTATE_WRAP = (1<<3), //! Texture borders with solid color RSTATE_CLAMP = (1<<4), //! Light texture (ambient max) RSTATE_LIGHT = (1<<5), //! Double black texturing RSTATE_DUAL_BLACK = (1<<6), //! Double white texturing RSTATE_DUAL_WHITE = (1<<7), //! Part 1 (no change in. MOD!) RSTATE_PART1 = (1<<8), //! Part 2 RSTATE_PART2 = (1<<9), //! Part 3 RSTATE_PART3 = (1<<10), //! Part 4 RSTATE_PART4 = (1<<11), //! Double-sided face RSTATE_2FACE = (1<<12), //! Image using alpha channel RSTATE_ALPHA = (1<<13), //! Always use 2nd floor texturing RSTATE_SECOND = (1<<14), //! Causes the fog RSTATE_FOG = (1<<15), //! The transparent color (black = no) RSTATE_TCOLOR_BLACK = (1<<16), //! The transparent color (white = no) RSTATE_TCOLOR_WHITE = (1<<17) }; struct Triangle { Gfx::VertexTex2 triangle[3]; Gfx::Material material; int state; char texName1[20]; char texName2[20]; }; struct ObjLevel6 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; Gfx::Material material; int state; Gfx::TriangleType type; Gfx::VertexTex2 vertex[1]; }; struct ObjLevel5 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; int reserve; Gfx::ObjLevel6* table[1]; }; struct ObjLevel4 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; float min, max; Gfx::ObjLevel5* table[1]; }; struct ObjLevel3 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; int objRank; Gfx::ObjLevel4* table[1]; }; struct ObjLevel2 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; char texName1[20]; char texName2[20]; Gfx::ObjLevel3* table[1]; }; struct ObjLevel1 { int totalPossible; int totalUsed; Gfx::ObjLevel2* table[1]; }; struct Object { bool used; // true -> object exists bool visible; // true -> visible object bool drawWorld; // true -> shape behind the interface bool drawFront; // true -> shape before the interface int totalTriangle; // number of triangles used Gfx::ObjectType type; // type of the object (TYPE*) Math::Matrix transform; // transformation matrix float distance; // distance point of view - original Math::Vector bboxMin; // bounding box of the object Math::Vector bboxMax; // (the origin 0, 0, 0 is always included) float radius; // radius of the sphere at the origin int shadowRank; // rank of the associated shadow float transparency; // transparency of the object (0 .. 1) }; struct Shadow { bool used; // true -> object exists bool hide; // true -> invisible shadow (object carried by ex.) int objRank; // rank of the object Gfx::ShadowType type; // type of shadow Math::Vector pos; // position for the shadow Math::Vector normal; // normal terrain float angle; // angle of the shadow float radius; // radius of the shadow float intensity; // intensity of the shadow float height; // height from the ground }; struct GroundSpot { bool used; // true -> object exists Gfx::Color color; // color of the shadow float min, max; // altitudes min / max float smooth; // transition area Math::Vector pos; // position for the shadow float radius; // radius of the shadow Math::Vector drawPos; // drawn to position the shade float drawRadius; // radius of the shadow drawn }; struct GroundMark { bool used; // true -> object exists bool draw; // true -> drawn mark int phase; // 1 = increase, 2 = fixed, 3 = decrease float delay[3]; // time for 3 phases float fix; // fixed time Math::Vector pos; // position for marks float radius; // radius of marks float intensity; // color intensity Math::Vector drawPos; // drawn in position marks float drawRadius; // radius marks drawn float drawIntensity; // current drawn int dx, dy; // dimensions table char* table; // pointer to the table }; class CEngine { public: CEngine(CInstanceManager *iMan, CApplication *app); ~CEngine(); void SetDevice(Gfx::CDevice *device); Gfx::CDevice* RetDevice(); void SetTerrain(Gfx::CTerrain* terrain); bool WriteProfile(); void SetPause(bool pause); bool RetPause(); void SetMovieLock(bool lock); bool RetMovieLock(); void SetShowStat(bool show); bool RetShowStat(); void SetRenderEnable(bool enable); int OneTimeSceneInit(); int InitDeviceObjects(); int DeleteDeviceObjects(); int RestoreSurfaces(); int Render(); int FrameMove(float rTime); void StepSimul(float rTime); int FinalCleanup(); void AddStatisticTriangle(int nb); int RetStatisticTriangle(); void SetHiliteRank(int *rankList); bool GetHilite(Math::Point &p1, Math::Point &p2); bool GetSpriteCoord(int &x, int &y); void SetInfoText(int line, char* text); char * RetInfoText(int line); //LRESULT MsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void FirstExecuteAdapt(bool first); //int GetVidMemTotal(); //bool IsVideo8MB(); //bool IsVideo32MB(); bool EnumDevices(char *bufDevices, int lenDevices, char *bufModes, int lenModes, int &totalDevices, int &selectDevices, int &totalModes, int &selectModes); bool RetFullScreen(); bool ChangeDevice(char *device, char *mode, bool full); Math::Matrix* RetMatView(); Math::Matrix* RetMatLeftView(); Math::Matrix* RetMatRightView(); void TimeInit(); void TimeEnterGel(); void TimeExitGel(); float TimeGet(); int RetRestCreate(); int CreateObject(); void FlushObject(); bool DeleteObject(int objRank); bool SetDrawWorld(int objRank, bool draw); bool SetDrawFront(int objRank, bool draw); bool AddTriangle(int objRank, Gfx::VertexTex2* vertex, int nb, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max, bool globalUpdate); bool AddSurface(int objRank, Gfx::VertexTex2* vertex, int nb, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max, bool globalUpdate); bool AddQuick(int objRank, Gfx::ObjLevel6* buffer, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max, bool globalUpdate); Gfx::ObjLevel6* SearchTriangle(int objRank, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max); void ChangeLOD(); bool ChangeSecondTexture(int objRank, char* texName2); int RetTotalTriangles(int objRank); int GetTriangles(int objRank, float min, float max, Gfx::Triangle* buffer, int size, float percent); bool GetBBox(int objRank, Math::Vector &min, Math::Vector &max); bool ChangeTextureMapping(int objRank, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max, Gfx::Mapping mode, float au, float bu, float av, float bv); bool TrackTextureMapping(int objRank, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, char* texName1, char* texName2, float min, float max, Gfx::Mapping mode, float pos, float factor, float tl, float ts, float tt); bool SetObjectTransform(int objRank, const Math::Matrix &transform); bool GetObjectTransform(int objRank, Math::Matrix &transform); bool SetObjectType(int objRank, Gfx::ObjectType type); Gfx::ObjectType RetObjectType(int objRank); bool SetObjectTransparency(int objRank, float value); bool ShadowCreate(int objRank); void ShadowDelete(int objRank); bool SetObjectShadowHide(int objRank, bool hide); bool SetObjectShadowType(int objRank, Gfx::ShadowType type); bool SetObjectShadowPos(int objRank, const Math::Vector &pos); bool SetObjectShadowNormal(int objRank, const Math::Vector &n); bool SetObjectShadowAngle(int objRank, float angle); bool SetObjectShadowRadius(int objRank, float radius); bool SetObjectShadowIntensity(int objRank, float intensity); bool SetObjectShadowHeight(int objRank, float h); float RetObjectShadowRadius(int objRank); void GroundSpotFlush(); int GroundSpotCreate(); void GroundSpotDelete(int rank); bool SetObjectGroundSpotPos(int rank, const Math::Vector &pos); bool SetObjectGroundSpotRadius(int rank, float radius); bool SetObjectGroundSpotColor(int rank, const Gfx::Color &color); bool SetObjectGroundSpotMinMax(int rank, float min, float max); bool SetObjectGroundSpotSmooth(int rank, float smooth); int GroundMarkCreate(Math::Vector pos, float radius, float delay1, float delay2, float delay3, int dx, int dy, char* table); bool GroundMarkDelete(int rank); void Update(); void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &vEyePt, const Math::Vector &vLookatPt, const Math::Vector &vUpVec, float fEyeDistance); bool FreeTexture(char* name); bool LoadTexture(char* name, int stage=0); bool LoadAllTexture(); void SetLimitLOD(int rank, float limit); float RetLimitLOD(int rank, bool last=false); void SetTerrainVision(float vision); void SetGroundSpot(bool mode); bool RetGroundSpot(); void SetShadow(bool mode); bool RetShadow(); void SetDirty(bool mode); bool RetDirty(); void SetFog(bool mode); bool RetFog(); bool RetStateColor(); void SetSecondTexture(int texNum); int RetSecondTexture(); void SetRankView(int rank); int RetRankView(); void SetDrawWorld(bool draw); void SetDrawFront(bool draw); void SetAmbiantColor(const Gfx::Color &color, int rank=0); Gfx::Color RetAmbiantColor(int rank=0); void SetWaterAddColor(const Gfx::Color &color); Gfx::Color RetWaterAddColor(); void SetFogColor(const Gfx::Color &color, int rank=0); Gfx::Color RetFogColor(int rank=0); void SetDeepView(float length, int rank=0, bool ref=false); float RetDeepView(int rank=0); void SetFogStart(float start, int rank=0); float RetFogStart(int rank=0); void SetBackground(char *name, Gfx::Color up=Gfx::Color(), Gfx::Color down=Gfx::Color(), Gfx::Color cloudUp=Gfx::Color(), Gfx::Color cloudDown=Gfx::Color(), bool full=false, bool quarter=false); void RetBackground(char *name, Gfx::Color &up, Gfx::Color &down, Gfx::Color &cloudUp, Gfx::Color &cloudDown, bool &full, bool &quarter); void SetFrontsizeName(char *name); void SetOverFront(bool front); void SetOverColor(const Gfx::Color &color=Gfx::Color(), int mode=RSTATE_TCOLOR_BLACK); void SetParticuleDensity(float value); float RetParticuleDensity(); float ParticuleAdapt(float factor); void SetClippingDistance(float value); float RetClippingDistance(); void SetObjectDetail(float value); float RetObjectDetail(); void SetGadgetQuantity(float value); float RetGadgetQuantity(); void SetTextureQuality(int value); int RetTextureQuality(); void SetTotoMode(bool present); bool RetTotoMode(); void SetLensMode(bool present); bool RetLensMode(); void SetWaterMode(bool present); bool RetWaterMode(); void SetBlitzMode(bool present); bool RetBlitzMode(); void SetSkyMode(bool present); bool RetSkyMode(); void SetBackForce(bool present); bool RetBackForce(); void SetPlanetMode(bool present); bool RetPlanetMode(); void SetLightMode(bool present); bool RetLightMode(); void SetEditIndentMode(bool autoIndent); bool RetEditIndentMode(); void SetEditIndentValue(int value); int RetEditIndentValue(); void SetSpeed(float speed); float RetSpeed(); void SetTracePrecision(float factor); float RetTracePrecision(); void SetFocus(float focus); float RetFocus(); Math::Vector RetEyePt(); Math::Vector RetLookatPt(); float RetEyeDirH(); float RetEyeDirV(); Math::Point RetDim(); void UpdateMatProj(); void ApplyChange(); void FlushPressKey(); void ResetKey(); void SetKey(int keyRank, int option, int key); int RetKey(int keyRank, int option); void SetJoystick(bool enable); bool RetJoystick(); void SetDebugMode(bool mode); bool RetDebugMode(); bool RetSetupMode(); bool IsVisiblePoint(const Math::Vector &pos); int DetectObject(Math::Point mouse); void SetState(int state, Gfx::Color color=Gfx::Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); void SetTexture(char *name, int stage=0); void SetMaterial(const Gfx::Material &mat); void MoveMousePos(Math::Point pos); void SetMousePos(Math::Point pos); Math::Point RetMousePos(); void SetMouseType(Gfx::MouseType type); Gfx::MouseType RetMouseType(); void SetMouseHide(bool hide); bool RetMouseHide(); void SetNiceMouse(bool nice); bool RetNiceMouse(); bool RetNiceMouseCap(); CText* RetText(); bool ChangeColor(char *name, Gfx::Color colorRef1, Gfx::Color colorNew1, Gfx::Color colorRef2, Gfx::Color colorNew2, float tolerance1, float tolerance2, Math::Point ts, Math::Point ti, Math::Point *pExclu=0, float shift=0.0f, bool hSV=false); bool OpenImage(char *name); bool CopyImage(); bool LoadImage(); bool ScrollImage(int dx, int dy); bool SetDot(int x, int y, Gfx::Color color); bool CloseImage(); bool WriteScreenShot(char *filename, int width, int height); //bool GetRenderDC(HDC &hDC); //bool ReleaseRenderDC(HDC &hDC); //PBITMAPINFO CreateBitmapInfoStruct(HBITMAP hBmp); //bool CreateBMPFile(LPTSTR pszFile, PBITMAPINFO pbi, HBITMAP hBMP, HDC hDC); protected: void MemSpace1(Gfx::ObjLevel1 *&p, int nb); void MemSpace2(Gfx::ObjLevel2 *&p, int nb); void MemSpace3(Gfx::ObjLevel3 *&p, int nb); void MemSpace4(Gfx::ObjLevel4 *&p, int nb); void MemSpace5(Gfx::ObjLevel5 *&p, int nb); void MemSpace6(Gfx::ObjLevel6 *&p, int nb); Gfx::ObjLevel2* AddLevel1(Gfx::ObjLevel1 *&p1, char* texName1, char* texName2); Gfx::ObjLevel3* AddLevel2(Gfx::ObjLevel2 *&p2, int objRank); Gfx::ObjLevel4* AddLevel3(Gfx::ObjLevel3 *&p3, float min, float max); Gfx::ObjLevel5* AddLevel4(Gfx::ObjLevel4 *&p4, int reserve); Gfx::ObjLevel6* AddLevel5(Gfx::ObjLevel5 *&p5, Gfx::TriangleType type, const Gfx::Material &mat, int state, int nb); bool IsVisible(int objRank); bool DetectBBox(int objRank, Math::Point mouse); bool DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, Gfx::VertexTex2 *triangle, int objRank, float &dist); bool TransformPoint(Math::Vector &p2D, int objRank, Math::Vector p3D); void ComputeDistance(); void UpdateGeometry(); void RenderGroundSpot(); void DrawShadow(); void DrawBackground(); void DrawBackgroundGradient(Gfx::Color up, Gfx::Color down); void DrawBackgroundImageQuarter(Math::Point p1, Math::Point p2, char *name); void DrawBackgroundImage(); void DrawPlanet(); void DrawFrontsize(); void DrawOverColor(); bool GetBBox2D(int objRank, Math::Point &min, Math::Point &max); void DrawHilite(); void DrawMouse(); void DrawSprite(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon); protected: CInstanceManager* m_iMan; CApplication* m_app; Gfx::CDevice* m_device; Gfx::CText* m_text; Gfx::CLight* m_light; Gfx::CParticle* m_particule; Gfx::CWater* m_water; Gfx::CCloud* m_cloud; Gfx::CLightning* m_blitz; Gfx::CPlanet* m_planet; Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain; CSound* m_sound; int m_blackSrcBlend[2]; int m_blackDestBlend[2]; int m_whiteSrcBlend[2]; int m_whiteDestBlend[2]; int m_diffuseSrcBlend[2]; int m_diffuseDestBlend[2]; int m_alphaSrcBlend[2]; int m_alphaDestBlend[2]; Math::Matrix m_matProj; Math::Matrix m_matLeftView; Math::Matrix m_matRightView; Math::Matrix m_matView; float m_focus; Math::Matrix m_matWorldInterface; Math::Matrix m_matProjInterface; Math::Matrix m_matViewInterface; long m_baseTime; long m_stopTime; float m_absTime; float m_lastTime; float m_speed; bool m_pause; bool m_render; bool m_movieLock; Math::IntPoint m_dim; Math::IntPoint m_lastDim; Gfx::ObjLevel1* m_objectPointer; int m_objectParamTotal; Gfx::Object* m_objectParam; int m_shadowTotal; Gfx::Shadow* m_shadow; Gfx::GroundSpot* m_groundSpot; Gfx::GroundMark m_groundMark; Math::Vector m_eyePt; Math::Vector m_lookatPt; float m_eyeDirH; float m_eyeDirV; int m_rankView; Gfx::Color m_ambiantColor[2]; Gfx::Color m_backColor[2]; Gfx::Color m_fogColor[2]; float m_deepView[2]; float m_fogStart[2]; Gfx::Color m_waterAddColor; int m_statisticTriangle; bool m_updateGeometry; char m_infoText[10][200]; int m_alphaMode; bool m_stateColor; bool m_forceStateColor; bool m_groundSpotVisible; bool m_shadowVisible; bool m_dirty; bool m_fog; bool m_firstGroundSpot; int m_secondTexNum; char m_backgroundName[50]; Gfx::Color m_backgroundColorUp; Gfx::Color m_backgroundColorDown; Gfx::Color m_backgroundCloudUp; Gfx::Color m_backgroundCloudDown; bool m_backgroundFull; bool m_backgroundQuarter; bool m_overFront; Gfx::Color m_overColor; int m_overMode; char m_frontsizeName[50]; bool m_drawWorld; bool m_drawFront; float m_limitLOD[2]; float m_particuleDensity; float m_clippingDistance; float m_lastClippingDistance; float m_objectDetail; float m_lastObjectDetail; float m_terrainVision; float m_gadgetQuantity; int m_textureQuality; bool m_totoMode; bool m_lensMode; bool m_waterMode; bool m_skyMode; bool m_backForce; bool m_planetMode; bool m_lightMode; bool m_editIndentMode; int m_editIndentValue; float m_tracePrecision; int m_hiliteRank[100]; bool m_hilite; Math::Point m_hiliteP1; Math::Point m_hiliteP2; int m_lastState; Gfx::Color m_lastColor; char m_lastTexture[2][50]; Gfx::Material m_lastMaterial; Math::Point m_mousePos; Gfx::MouseType m_mouseType; bool m_mouseHide; bool m_niceMouse; //LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 m_imageSurface; //DDSURFACEDESC2 m_imageDDSD; //WORD* m_imageCopy; //int m_imageDX; //int m_imageDY; }; }; // namespace Gfx