/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "graphics/engine/modelfile.h" #include "common/ioutils.h" #include "common/logger.h" #include "common/stringutils.h" #include "common/resources/inputstream.h" #include "graphics/engine/engine.h" #include "math/geometry.h" #include #include #include // Graphics module namespace namespace Gfx { bool ReadBinaryVertex(std::istream& stream, Vertex& vertex) { vertex.coord.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.coord.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.coord.z = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.z = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool WriteBinaryVertex(Vertex vertex, std::ostream& stream) { IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.y, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.z, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.y, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.z, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord.y, stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool ReadBinaryVertexTex2(std::istream& stream, VertexTex2& vertex) { vertex.coord.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.coord.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.coord.z = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.normal.z = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord2.x = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); vertex.texCoord2.y = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool WriteBinaryVertexTex2(VertexTex2 vertex, std::ostream& stream) { IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.y, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.coord.z, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.y, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.normal.z, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord.y, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord2.x, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(vertex.texCoord2.y, stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool ReadTextVertexTex2(const std::string& text, VertexTex2& vertex) { std::stringstream stream; stream.str(text); std::string what; stream >> what; if (what != "c") return false; stream >> vertex.coord.x >> vertex.coord.y >> vertex.coord.z; stream >> what; if (what != "n") return false; stream >> vertex.normal.x >> vertex.normal.y >> vertex.normal.z; stream >> what; if (what != "t1") return false; stream >> vertex.texCoord.x >> vertex.texCoord.y; stream >> what; if (what != "t2") return false; stream >> vertex.texCoord2.x >> vertex.texCoord2.y; return !stream.fail(); } bool WriteTextVertexTex2(const VertexTex2& vertex, std::ostream& stream) { stream << "c " << vertex.coord.x << " " << vertex.coord.y << " " << vertex.coord.z; stream << " n " << vertex.normal.x << " " << vertex.normal.y << " " << vertex.normal.z; stream << " t1 " << vertex.texCoord.x << " " << vertex.texCoord.y; stream << " t2 " << vertex.texCoord2.x << " " << vertex.texCoord2.y; stream << std::endl; return !stream.fail(); } bool ReadBinaryMaterial(std::istream& stream, Material& material) { material.diffuse.r = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.diffuse.g = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.diffuse.b = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.diffuse.a = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.ambient.r = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.ambient.g = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.ambient.b = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.ambient.a = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.specular.r = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.specular.g = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.specular.b = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); material.specular.a = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); /* emissive.r = */ IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); /* emissive.g = */ IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); /* emissive.b = */ IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); /* emissive.a = */ IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); /* power = */ IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool WriteBinaryMaterial(const Material& material, std::ostream& stream) { IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.diffuse.r, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.diffuse.g, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.diffuse.b, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.diffuse.a, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.ambient.r, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.ambient.g, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.ambient.b, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.ambient.a, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.specular.r, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.specular.g, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.specular.b, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(material.specular.a, stream); /* emissive.r */ IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(0.0f, stream); /* emissive.g */ IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(0.0f, stream); /* emissive.b */ IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(0.0f, stream); /* emissive.a */ IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(0.0f, stream); /* power */ IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(0.0f, stream); return !stream.fail(); } bool ReadTextMaterial(const std::string& text, Material& material) { std::stringstream stream; stream.str(text); std::string what; stream >> what; if (what != "dif") return false; stream >> material.diffuse.r >> material.diffuse.g >> material.diffuse.b >> material.diffuse.a; stream >> what; if (what != "amb") return false; stream >> material.ambient.r >> material.ambient.g >> material.ambient.b >> material.ambient.a; stream >> what; if (what != "spc") return false; stream >> material.specular.r >> material.specular.g >> material.specular.b >> material.specular.a; return !stream.fail(); } bool WriteTextMaterial(const Material& material, std::ostream& stream) { stream << "dif " << material.diffuse.r << " " << material.diffuse.g << " " << material.diffuse.b << " " << material.diffuse.a; stream << " amb " << material.ambient.r << " " << material.ambient.g << " " << material.ambient.b << " " << material.ambient.a; stream << " spc " << material.specular.r << " " << material.specular.g << " " << material.specular.b << " " << material.specular.a; stream << std::endl; return !stream.fail(); } template bool ReadLineValue(std::istream& stream, const std::string& prefix, T& value) { std::string line; while (true) { if (stream.eof() || stream.fail()) return false; std::getline(stream, line); if (!line.empty() && line[0] != '#') break; } std::stringstream s; s.str(line); std::string what; s >> what; if (what != prefix) return false; s >> value; return true; } bool ReadLineString(std::istream& stream, const std::string& prefix, std::string& value) { std::string line; while (true) { if (stream.eof() || stream.fail()) return false; std::getline(stream, line); if (!line.empty() && line[0] != '#') break; } std::stringstream s; s.str(line); std::string what; s >> what; if (what != prefix) return false; std::getline(s, value); return true; } CModelFile::CModelFile() : m_printDebugInfo(false) { } CModelFile::~CModelFile() { } /******************************************************* Deprecated formats *******************************************************/ /** * \struct OldModelHeader * \brief Colobot binary model header info * * @deprecated */ struct OldModelHeader { //! Revision number int revision; //! Version number int version; //! Total number of triangles int totalTriangles; //! Reserved area int reserved[10]; OldModelHeader() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; /** * \struct OldModelTriangle1 * \brief Colobot binary model file version 1 * * @deprecated */ struct OldModelTriangle1 { char used; char selected; Vertex p1; Vertex p2; Vertex p3; Material material; char texName[20]; float min; float max; OldModelTriangle1() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; /** * \struct OldModelTriangle2 * \brief Colobot binary model file version 2 * * @deprecated */ struct OldModelTriangle2 { char used; char selected; Vertex p1; Vertex p2; Vertex p3; Material material; char texName[20]; float min; float max; long state; short reserved1; short reserved2; short reserved3; short reserved4; OldModelTriangle2() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; /** * \struct OldModelTriangle3 * \brief Colobot binary model file version 3 * * @deprecated */ struct OldModelTriangle3 { char used; char selected; VertexTex2 p1; VertexTex2 p2; VertexTex2 p3; Material material; char texName[20]; float min; float max; long state; short texNum2; short reserved2; short reserved3; short reserved4; OldModelTriangle3() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; bool CModelFile::ReadModel(const std::string& fileName) { m_triangles.clear(); CInputStream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return ReadModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::ReadModel(std::istream& stream) { m_triangles.clear(); OldModelHeader header; header.revision = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); header.version = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); header.totalTriangles = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) header.reserved[i] = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); if (!stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model file header\n"); return false; } // Old model version #1 if ( (header.revision == 1) && (header.version == 0) ) { for (int i = 0; i < header.totalTriangles; ++i) { OldModelTriangle1 t; t.used = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); t.selected = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); /* padding */ IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, unsigned int>(stream); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p1); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p2); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p3); ReadBinaryMaterial(stream, t.material); stream.read(t.texName, 20); t.min = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); t.max = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model data\n"); return false; } ModelTriangle triangle; triangle.p1.FromVertex(t.p1); triangle.p2.FromVertex(t.p2); triangle.p3.FromVertex(t.p3); triangle.material = t.material; triangle.tex1Name = std::string(t.texName); triangle.lodLevel = MinMaxToLodLevel(t.min, t.max); m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } else if ( header.revision == 1 && header.version == 1 ) { for (int i = 0; i < header.totalTriangles; ++i) { OldModelTriangle2 t; t.used = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); t.selected = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); /* padding */ IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, unsigned int>(stream); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p1); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p2); ReadBinaryVertex(stream, t.p3); ReadBinaryMaterial(stream, t.material); stream.read(t.texName, 20); t.min = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); t.max = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); t.state = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, long>(stream); t.reserved1 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved2 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved3 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved4 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model data\n"); return false; } ModelTriangle triangle; triangle.p1.FromVertex(t.p1); triangle.p2.FromVertex(t.p2); triangle.p3.FromVertex(t.p3); triangle.material = t.material; triangle.tex1Name = std::string(t.texName); triangle.lodLevel = MinMaxToLodLevel(t.min, t.max); triangle.state = t.state; m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < header.totalTriangles; ++i) { OldModelTriangle3 t; t.used = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); t.selected = IOUtils::ReadBinary<1, char>(stream); /* padding */ IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, unsigned int>(stream); ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p1); ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p2); ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p3); ReadBinaryMaterial(stream, t.material); stream.read(t.texName, 20); t.min = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); t.max = IOUtils::ReadBinaryFloat(stream); t.state = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, long>(stream); t.texNum2 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved2 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved3 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); t.reserved4 = IOUtils::ReadBinary<2, short>(stream); if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model data\n"); return false; } ModelTriangle triangle; triangle.p1 = t.p1; triangle.p2 = t.p2; triangle.p3 = t.p3; triangle.material = t.material; triangle.tex1Name = std::string(t.texName); triangle.lodLevel = MinMaxToLodLevel(t.min, t.max); triangle.state = t.state; triangle.variableTex2 = t.texNum2 == 1; if (!triangle.variableTex2 && t.texNum2 != 0) { if (t.texNum2 >= 1 && t.texNum2 <= 10) triangle.state |= ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_BLACK; if (t.texNum2 >= 11 && t.texNum2 <= 20) triangle.state |= ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_WHITE; char tex2Name[20] = { 0 }; sprintf(tex2Name, "dirty%.2d.png", t.texNum2); // hardcoded as in original code triangle.tex2Name = tex2Name; } m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { // All extensions are now png m_triangles[i].tex1Name = StrUtils::Replace(m_triangles[i].tex1Name, "bmp", "png"); m_triangles[i].tex1Name = StrUtils::Replace(m_triangles[i].tex1Name, "tga", "png"); m_triangles[i].tex2Name = StrUtils::Replace(m_triangles[i].tex2Name, "bmp", "png"); m_triangles[i].tex2Name = StrUtils::Replace(m_triangles[i].tex2Name, "tga", "png"); // TODO: fix this in model files if (m_triangles[i].tex1Name == "plant.png") m_triangles[i].state |= ENG_RSTATE_ALPHA; if (m_printDebugInfo) { GetLogger()->Trace("ModelTriangle %d\n", i+1); std::string s1 = m_triangles[i].p1.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p1: %s\n", s1.c_str()); std::string s2 = m_triangles[i].p2.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p2: %s\n", s2.c_str()); std::string s3 = m_triangles[i].p3.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p3: %s\n", s3.c_str()); std::string d = m_triangles[i].material.diffuse.ToString(); std::string a = m_triangles[i].material.ambient.ToString(); std::string s = m_triangles[i].material.specular.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" mat: d: %s a: %s s: %s\n", d.c_str(), a.c_str(), s.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" tex1: %s tex2: %s\n", m_triangles[i].tex1Name.c_str(), m_triangles[i].variableTex2 ? "(variable)" : m_triangles[i].tex2Name.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" lod level: %d\n", m_triangles[i].lodLevel); GetLogger()->Trace(" state: %ld\n", m_triangles[i].state); } } return true; } bool CModelFile::WriteModel(const std::string& fileName) { std::ofstream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); if (!stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return WriteModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::WriteModel(std::ostream& stream) { if (m_triangles.size() == 0) { GetLogger()->Error("Empty model\n"); return false; } OldModelHeader header; header.revision = 1; header.version = 2; header.totalTriangles = m_triangles.size(); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.revision, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.version, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.totalTriangles, stream); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.reserved[i], stream); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { OldModelTriangle3 t; t.used = true; t.p1 = m_triangles[i].p1; t.p2 = m_triangles[i].p2; t.p3 = m_triangles[i].p3; t.material = m_triangles[i].material; strncpy(t.texName, m_triangles[i].tex1Name.c_str(), 20); LODLevelToMinMax(m_triangles[i].lodLevel, t.min, t.max); t.state = m_triangles[i].state; int no = 0; if (m_triangles[i].variableTex2) no = 1; else sscanf(m_triangles[i].tex2Name.c_str(), "dirty%d.png", &no); // hardcoded as in the original code t.texNum2 = no; IOUtils::WriteBinary<1, char>(t.used, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<1, char>(t.selected, stream); /* padding */ IOUtils::WriteBinary<2, unsigned int>(0, stream); WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p1, stream); WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p2, stream); WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p3, stream); WriteBinaryMaterial(t.material, stream); stream.write(t.texName, 20); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(t.min, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryFloat(t.max, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, long>(t.state, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<2, short>(t.texNum2, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<2, short>(t.reserved2, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<2, short>(t.reserved3, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<2, short>(t.reserved4, stream); } return true; } LODLevel CModelFile::MinMaxToLodLevel(float min, float max) { if (min == 0.0f && max == 100.0f) return LOD_High; else if (min == 100.0f && max == 200.0f) return LOD_Medium; else if (min == 200.0f && max == 1000000.0f) return LOD_Low; else if (min == 0.0f && max == 1000000.0f) return LOD_Constant; return LOD_Constant; } void CModelFile::LODLevelToMinMax(LODLevel lodLevel, float& min, float& max) { switch (lodLevel) { case LOD_High: min = 0.0f; max = 100.0f; break; case LOD_Medium: min = 100.0f; max = 200.0f; break; case LOD_Low: min = 200.0f; max = 1000000.0f; break; case LOD_Constant: min = 0.0f; max = 1000000.0f; break; } } /******************************************************* New formats *******************************************************/ /** * \struct NewModelHeader * \brief Header for new binary model file */ struct NewModelHeader { //! File version (1, 2, ...) int version; //! Total number of triangles int totalTriangles; NewModelHeader() { version = 0; totalTriangles = 0; } }; /** * \struct NewModelTriangle1 * \brief Triangle of new binary model file * * NOTE: at this time, it is identical to ModelTriangle struct, but it may change * independently in the future. */ struct NewModelTriangle1 { //! 1st vertex VertexTex2 p1; //! 2nd vertex VertexTex2 p2; //! 3rd vertex VertexTex2 p3; //! Material Material material; //! Name of 1st texture std::string tex1Name; //! Name of 2nd texture std::string tex2Name; //! If true, 2nd texture will be taken from current engine setting bool variableTex2; //! LOD level int lodLevel; //! Rendering state to be set int state; NewModelTriangle1() { variableTex2 = true; lodLevel = 0; state = 0; } }; bool CModelFile::ReadTextModel(const std::string& fileName) { CInputStream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return ReadTextModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::ReadTextModel(std::istream& stream) { m_triangles.clear(); NewModelHeader header; bool headOk = ReadLineValue(stream, "version", header.version) && ReadLineValue(stream, "total_triangles", header.totalTriangles); if (!headOk || !stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model file header\n"); return false; } // New model version 1 if (header.version == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < header.totalTriangles; ++i) { NewModelTriangle1 t; std::string p1Text, p2Text, p3Text; std::string matText; char varTex2Ch = 0; bool triOk = ReadLineString(stream, "p1", p1Text) && ReadTextVertexTex2(p1Text, t.p1) && ReadLineString(stream, "p2", p2Text) && ReadTextVertexTex2(p2Text, t.p2) && ReadLineString(stream, "p3", p3Text) && ReadTextVertexTex2(p3Text, t.p3) && ReadLineString(stream, "mat", matText) && ReadTextMaterial(matText, t.material) && ReadLineValue(stream, "tex1", t.tex1Name) && ReadLineValue(stream, "tex2", t.tex2Name) && ReadLineValue(stream, "var_tex2", varTex2Ch) && ReadLineValue(stream, "lod_level", t.lodLevel) && ReadLineValue(stream, "state", t.state); if (!triOk || stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model data\n"); return false; } t.variableTex2 = varTex2Ch == 'Y'; ModelTriangle triangle; triangle.p1 = t.p1; triangle.p2 = t.p2; triangle.p3 = t.p3; triangle.material = t.material; triangle.tex1Name = t.tex1Name; triangle.tex2Name = t.tex2Name; triangle.variableTex2 = t.variableTex2; triangle.state = t.state; switch (t.lodLevel) { case 0: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Constant; break; case 1: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Low; break; case 2: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Medium; break; case 3: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_High; break; default: break; } m_triangles.push_back(triangle); continue; } } else { GetLogger()->Error("Unknown model file version\n"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { GetLogger()->Trace("ModelTriangle %d\n", i+1); std::string s1 = m_triangles[i].p1.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p1: %s\n", s1.c_str()); std::string s2 = m_triangles[i].p2.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p2: %s\n", s2.c_str()); std::string s3 = m_triangles[i].p3.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p3: %s\n", s3.c_str()); std::string d = m_triangles[i].material.diffuse.ToString(); std::string a = m_triangles[i].material.ambient.ToString(); std::string s = m_triangles[i].material.specular.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" mat: d: %s a: %s s: %s\n", d.c_str(), a.c_str(), s.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" tex1: %s tex2: %s\n", m_triangles[i].tex1Name.c_str(), m_triangles[i].tex2Name.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" lod level: %d\n", m_triangles[i].lodLevel); GetLogger()->Trace(" state: %ld\n", m_triangles[i].state); } return true; } bool CModelFile::WriteTextModel(const std::string &fileName) { std::ofstream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::out); if (!stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return WriteTextModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::WriteTextModel(std::ostream& stream) { if (m_triangles.size() == 0) { GetLogger()->Error("Empty model\n"); return false; } NewModelHeader header; header.version = 1; header.totalTriangles = m_triangles.size(); stream << "# Colobot text model" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "### HEAD" << std::endl; stream << "version " << header.version << std::endl; stream << "total_triangles " << header.totalTriangles << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "### TRIANGLES" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { NewModelTriangle1 t; t.p1 = m_triangles[i].p1; t.p2 = m_triangles[i].p2; t.p3 = m_triangles[i].p3; t.material = m_triangles[i].material; t.tex1Name = m_triangles[i].tex1Name; t.tex2Name = m_triangles[i].tex2Name; t.variableTex2 = m_triangles[i].variableTex2; t.state = m_triangles[i].state; switch (m_triangles[i].lodLevel) { case LOD_Constant: t.lodLevel = 0; break; case LOD_Low: t.lodLevel = 1; break; case LOD_Medium: t.lodLevel = 2; break; case LOD_High: t.lodLevel = 3; break; } stream << "p1 "; WriteTextVertexTex2(t.p1, stream); stream << "p2 "; WriteTextVertexTex2(t.p2, stream); stream << "p3 "; WriteTextVertexTex2(t.p3, stream); stream << "mat "; WriteTextMaterial(t.material, stream); stream << "tex1 " << t.tex1Name << std::endl; stream << "tex2 " << t.tex2Name << std::endl; stream << "var_tex2 " << (t.variableTex2 ? 'Y' : 'N') << std::endl; stream << "lod_level " << t.lodLevel << std::endl; stream << "state " << t.state << std::endl; stream << std::endl; if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error writing model file\n"); return false; } } return true; } bool CModelFile::ReadBinaryModel(const std::string& fileName) { CInputStream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return ReadBinaryModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::ReadBinaryModel(std::istream& stream) { m_triangles.clear(); NewModelHeader header; header.version = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); header.totalTriangles = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); if (!stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model file header\n"); return false; } // New model version 1 if (header.version == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < header.totalTriangles; ++i) { NewModelTriangle1 t; ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p1); ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p2); ReadBinaryVertexTex2(stream, t.p3); ReadBinaryMaterial(stream, t.material); t.tex1Name = IOUtils::ReadBinaryString<1>(stream); t.tex2Name = IOUtils::ReadBinaryString<1>(stream); t.variableTex2 = IOUtils::ReadBinaryBool(stream); t.lodLevel = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); t.state = IOUtils::ReadBinary<4, int>(stream); if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error reading model data\n"); return false; } ModelTriangle triangle; triangle.p1 = t.p1; triangle.p2 = t.p2; triangle.p3 = t.p3; triangle.material = t.material; triangle.tex1Name = t.tex1Name; triangle.tex2Name = t.tex2Name; triangle.variableTex2 = t.variableTex2; triangle.state = t.state; switch (t.lodLevel) { case 0: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Constant; break; case 1: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Low; break; case 2: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_Medium; break; case 3: triangle.lodLevel = LOD_High; break; default: break; } m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } else { GetLogger()->Error("Unknown model file version\n"); return false; } if (m_printDebugInfo) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { GetLogger()->Trace("ModelTriangle %d\n", i+1); std::string s1 = m_triangles[i].p1.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p1: %s\n", s1.c_str()); std::string s2 = m_triangles[i].p2.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p2: %s\n", s2.c_str()); std::string s3 = m_triangles[i].p3.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" p3: %s\n", s3.c_str()); std::string d = m_triangles[i].material.diffuse.ToString(); std::string a = m_triangles[i].material.ambient.ToString(); std::string s = m_triangles[i].material.specular.ToString(); GetLogger()->Trace(" mat: d: %s a: %s s: %s\n", d.c_str(), a.c_str(), s.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" tex1: %s tex2: %s\n", m_triangles[i].tex1Name.c_str(), m_triangles[i].tex2Name.c_str()); GetLogger()->Trace(" lod level: %d\n", m_triangles[i].lodLevel); GetLogger()->Trace(" state: %ld\n", m_triangles[i].state); } } return true; } bool CModelFile::WriteBinaryModel(const std::string& fileName) { std::ofstream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); if (!stream.good()) { GetLogger()->Error("Could not open file '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return WriteBinaryModel(stream); } bool CModelFile::WriteBinaryModel(std::ostream& stream) { if (m_triangles.size() == 0) { GetLogger()->Error("Empty model\n"); return false; } NewModelHeader header; header.version = 1; header.totalTriangles = m_triangles.size(); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.version, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(header.totalTriangles, stream); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_triangles.size() ); ++i) { NewModelTriangle1 t; t.p1 = m_triangles[i].p1; t.p2 = m_triangles[i].p2; t.p3 = m_triangles[i].p3; t.material = m_triangles[i].material; t.tex1Name = m_triangles[i].tex1Name; t.tex2Name = m_triangles[i].tex2Name; t.variableTex2 = m_triangles[i].variableTex2; t.state = m_triangles[i].state; switch (m_triangles[i].lodLevel) { case LOD_Constant: t.lodLevel = 0; break; case LOD_Low: t.lodLevel = 1; break; case LOD_Medium: t.lodLevel = 2; break; case LOD_High: t.lodLevel = 3; break; } WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p1, stream); WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p2, stream); WriteBinaryVertexTex2(t.p3, stream); WriteBinaryMaterial(t.material, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryString<1>(t.tex1Name, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryString<1>(t.tex2Name, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinaryBool(t.variableTex2, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(t.lodLevel, stream); IOUtils::WriteBinary<4, int>(t.state, stream); if (stream.fail()) { GetLogger()->Error("Error writing model file\n"); return false; } } return true; } const std::vector& CModelFile::GetTriangles() { return m_triangles; } int CModelFile::GetTriangleCount() { return m_triangles.size(); } void CModelFile::SetPrintDebugInfo(bool printDebugInfo) { m_printDebugInfo = printDebugInfo; } } // namespace Gfx