/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "graphics/engine/modelmanager.h" #include "app/app.h" #include "app/gamedata.h" #include "common/logger.h" #include "graphics/engine/engine.h" #include template<> Gfx::CModelManager* CSingleton::m_instance = nullptr; namespace Gfx { CModelManager::CModelManager(CEngine* engine) { m_engine = engine; } CModelManager::~CModelManager() { } bool CModelManager::LoadModel(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored) { GetLogger()->Debug("Loading model '%s'\n", fileName.c_str()); CModelFile modelFile; if (CApplication::GetInstance().IsDebugModeActive(DEBUG_MODELS)) modelFile.SetPrintDebugInfo(true); std::string filePath = CGameData::GetInstancePointer()->GetFilePath(DIR_MODEL, fileName); if (!modelFile.ReadModel(filePath)) { GetLogger()->Error("Loading model '%s' failed\n", filePath.c_str()); return false; } ModelInfo modelInfo; modelInfo.baseObjRank = m_engine->CreateBaseObject(); modelInfo.triangles = modelFile.GetTriangles(); if (mirrored) Mirror(modelInfo.triangles); FileInfo fileInfo(fileName, mirrored); m_models[fileInfo] = modelInfo; std::vector vs(3, VertexTex2()); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( modelInfo.triangles.size() ); i++) { int state = modelInfo.triangles[i].state; std::string tex2Name = modelInfo.triangles[i].tex2Name; if (modelInfo.triangles[i].variableTex2) { int texNum = m_engine->GetSecondTexture(); if (texNum >= 1 && texNum <= 10) state |= ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_BLACK; if (texNum >= 11 && texNum <= 20) state |= ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_WHITE; char name[20] = { 0 }; sprintf(name, "dirty%.2d.png", texNum); tex2Name = name; } vs[0] = modelInfo.triangles[i].p1; vs[1] = modelInfo.triangles[i].p2; vs[2] = modelInfo.triangles[i].p3; m_engine->AddBaseObjTriangles(modelInfo.baseObjRank, vs, ENG_TRIANGLE_TYPE_TRIANGLES, modelInfo.triangles[i].material, state, modelInfo.triangles[i].tex1Name, tex2Name, modelInfo.triangles[i].lodLevel, false); } return true; } bool CModelManager::AddModelReference(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored, int objRank) { auto it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); if (it == m_models.end()) { if (!LoadModel(fileName, mirrored)) return false; it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); } m_engine->SetObjectBaseRank(objRank, (*it).second.baseObjRank); return true; } bool CModelManager::AddModelCopy(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored, int objRank) { auto it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); if (it == m_models.end()) { if (!LoadModel(fileName, mirrored)) return false; it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); } int copyBaseObjRank = m_engine->CreateBaseObject(); m_engine->CopyBaseObject((*it).second.baseObjRank, copyBaseObjRank); m_engine->SetObjectBaseRank(objRank, copyBaseObjRank); m_copiesBaseRanks.push_back(copyBaseObjRank); return true; } bool CModelManager::IsModelLoaded(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored) { return m_models.count(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)) > 0; } int CModelManager::GetModelBaseObjRank(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored) { auto it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); if (it == m_models.end()) return -1; return (*it).second.baseObjRank; } void CModelManager::DeleteAllModelCopies() { for (int baseObjRank : m_copiesBaseRanks) { m_engine->DeleteBaseObject(baseObjRank); } m_copiesBaseRanks.clear(); } void CModelManager::UnloadModel(const std::string& fileName, bool mirrored) { auto it = m_models.find(FileInfo(fileName, mirrored)); if (it == m_models.end()) return; m_engine->DeleteBaseObject((*it).second.baseObjRank); m_models.erase(it); } void CModelManager::UnloadAllModels() { for (auto& mf : m_models) m_engine->DeleteBaseObject(mf.second.baseObjRank); m_models.clear(); } void CModelManager::Mirror(std::vector& triangles) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( triangles.size() ); i++) { VertexTex2 t = triangles[i].p1; triangles[i].p1 = triangles[i].p2; triangles[i].p2 = t; triangles[i].p1.coord.z = -triangles[i].p1.coord.z; triangles[i].p2.coord.z = -triangles[i].p2.coord.z; triangles[i].p3.coord.z = -triangles[i].p3.coord.z; triangles[i].p1.normal.z = -triangles[i].p1.normal.z; triangles[i].p2.normal.z = -triangles[i].p2.normal.z; triangles[i].p3.normal.z = -triangles[i].p3.normal.z; } } float CModelManager::GetHeight(std::vector& triangles, Math::Vector pos) { const float limit = 5.0f; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( triangles.size() ); i++) { if ( fabs(pos.x - triangles[i].p1.coord.x) < limit && fabs(pos.z - triangles[i].p1.coord.z) < limit ) return triangles[i].p1.coord.y; if ( fabs(pos.x - triangles[i].p2.coord.x) < limit && fabs(pos.z - triangles[i].p2.coord.z) < limit ) return triangles[i].p2.coord.y; if ( fabs(pos.x - triangles[i].p3.coord.x) < limit && fabs(pos.z - triangles[i].p3.coord.z) < limit ) return triangles[i].p3.coord.y; } return 0.0f; } }