// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // gldevice.h #pragma once #include "graphics/common/device.h" #include #include #include namespace Gfx { /** \struct GLDeviceConfig \brief Additional config with OpenGL-specific settings */ struct GLDeviceConfig : public DeviceConfig { //! Size of red channel in bits int redSize; //! Size of green channel in bits int greenSize; //! Size of blue channel in bits int blueSize; //! Size of alpha channel in bits int alphaSize; //! Color depth in bits int depthSize; //! Force hardware acceleration (video mode set will fail on lack of hw accel) bool hardwareAccel; //! Constructor calls LoadDefaults() GLDeviceConfig() { LoadDefault(); } //! Loads the default values void LoadDefault(); }; struct GLDevicePrivate; /** \class CGLDevice \brief Implementation of CDevice interface in OpenGL Provides the concrete implementation of 3D device in OpenGL. This class should be initialized (by calling Initialize() ) only after setting the video mode by CApplication, once the OpenGL context is defined. Because of that, CGLDeviceConfig is outside the CDevice class and must be set in CApplication. */ class CGLDevice : public Gfx::CDevice { public: CGLDevice(); virtual ~CGLDevice(); virtual bool GetWasInit(); virtual std::string GetError(); virtual bool Create(); virtual void Destroy(); virtual void BeginScene(); virtual void EndScene(); virtual void Clear(); virtual void SetTransform(Gfx::TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix); virtual const Math::Matrix& GetTransform(Gfx::TransformType type); virtual void MultiplyTransform(Gfx::TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix); virtual void SetMaterial(Gfx::Material &material); virtual const Gfx::Material& GetMaterial(); virtual int GetMaxLightCount(); virtual void SetLight(int index, Gfx::Light &light); virtual const Gfx::Light& GetLight(int index); virtual void SetLightEnabled(int index, bool enabled); virtual bool GetLightEnabled(int index); virtual int GetMaxTextureCount(); virtual void SetTexture(int index, Gfx::Texture *texture); virtual Gfx::Texture* GetTexture(int index); virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount); virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, Gfx::VertexCol *vertices, int vertexCount); virtual void DrawPrimitive(Gfx::PrimitiveType type, VertexTex2 *vertices, int vertexCount); virtual void SetRenderState(Gfx::RenderState state, bool enabled); virtual bool GetRenderState(Gfx::RenderState state); virtual void SetDepthTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc func); virtual Gfx::CompFunc GetDepthTestFunc(); virtual void SetDepthBias(float factor); virtual float GetDepthBias(); virtual void SetAlphaTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc func, float refValue); virtual void GetAlphaTestFunc(Gfx::CompFunc &func, float &refValue); virtual void SetBlendFunc(Gfx::BlendFunc srcBlend, Gfx::BlendFunc dstBlend); virtual void GetBlendFunc(Gfx::BlendFunc &srcBlend, Gfx::BlendFunc &dstBlend); virtual void SetClearColor(Gfx::Color color); virtual Gfx::Color GetClearColor(); virtual void SetGlobalAmbient(Gfx::Color color); virtual Gfx::Color GetGlobalAmbient(); virtual void SetFogParams(Gfx::FogMode mode, Gfx::Color color, float start, float end, float density); virtual void GetFogParams(Gfx::FogMode &mode, Gfx::Color &color, float &start, float &end, float &density); virtual void SetCullMode(Gfx::CullMode mode); virtual Gfx::CullMode GetCullMode(); virtual void SetFillMode(Gfx::FillMode mode) ; virtual Gfx::FillMode GetFillMode(); private: //! Private, OpenGL-specific data GLDevicePrivate* m_private; //! Was initialized? bool m_wasInit; //! Last encountered error std::string m_error; //! Current world matrix Math::Matrix m_worldMat; //! Current view matrix Math::Matrix m_viewMat; //! OpenGL modelview matrix = world matrix * view matrix Math::Matrix m_modelviewMat; //! Current projection matrix Math::Matrix m_projectionMat; //! The current material Gfx::Material m_material; //! Current lights std::vector m_lights; //! Current lights enable status std::vector m_lightsEnabled; //! Current textures std::vector m_textures; //! Set of all created textures std::set m_allTextures; }; }; // namespace Gfx