// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. #define STRICT #define D3D_OVERLOADS #include #include #include #include "struct.h" #include "D3DEngine.h" #include "event.h" #include "math3d.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "water.h" #include "object.h" #include "event.h" #include "misc.h" #include "robotmain.h" #include "iman.h" #include "map.h" // Constructeur de l'objet. CMap::CMap(CInstanceManager* iMan) : CControl(iMan) { CControl::CControl(iMan); m_main = (CRobotMain*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_MAIN); m_terrain = (CTerrain*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_TERRAIN); m_water = (CWater*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_WATER); m_bEnable = TRUE; m_time = 0.0f; m_zoom = 2.0f; m_offset.x = 0.0f; m_offset.y = 0.0f; m_angle = 0.0f; m_floorColor.r = 1.00f; m_floorColor.g = 0.50f; m_floorColor.b = 0.00f; // orange m_waterColor.r = 0.00f; m_waterColor.g = 0.80f; m_waterColor.b = 1.00f; // bleu m_half = m_terrain->RetMosaic()*m_terrain->RetBrick()*m_terrain->RetSize()/2.0f; m_hiliteRank = -1; FlushObject(); m_fixImage[0] = 0; m_mode = 0; m_bToy = FALSE; m_bDebug = FALSE; } // Destructeur de l'objet. CMap::~CMap() { CControl::~CControl(); } // Cr�e un nouveau bouton. BOOL CMap::Create(FPOINT pos, FPOINT dim, int icon, EventMsg eventMsg) { if ( eventMsg == EVENT_NULL ) eventMsg = GetUniqueEventMsg(); CControl::Create(pos, dim, icon, eventMsg); return TRUE; } // Choix de l'offset, lorsqu'une image fixe est affich�e. void CMap::SetOffset(float ox, float oy) { m_offset.x = ox; m_offset.y = oy; m_half = m_terrain->RetMosaic()*m_terrain->RetBrick()*m_terrain->RetSize()/2.0f; } // Choix de l'angle global de rotation. void CMap::SetAngle(float angle) { m_angle = angle; } // Sp�cifie le mode sp�cial. void CMap::SetMode(int mode) { m_mode = mode; } // Sp�cifie le type de l'ic�ne pour l'objet s�lectionn�. void CMap::SetToy(BOOL bToy) { m_bToy = bToy; } void CMap::SetDebug(BOOL bDebug) { m_bDebug = bDebug; } // Choix du facteur de zoom de la carte. void CMap::SetZoom(float value) { m_zoom = value; m_half = m_terrain->RetMosaic()*m_terrain->RetBrick()*m_terrain->RetSize()/2.0f; } float CMap::RetZoom() { return m_zoom; } // Choix d'un offset fixe. // Active ou d�sactive la carte. void CMap::SetEnable(BOOL bEnable) { m_bEnable = bEnable; SetState(STATE_DEAD, !bEnable); } BOOL CMap::RetEnable() { return m_bEnable; } // Choix de la couleur du sol. void CMap::SetFloorColor(D3DCOLORVALUE color) { m_floorColor = color; } // Choix de la couleur de l'eau. void CMap::SetWaterColor(D3DCOLORVALUE color) { m_waterColor = color; } // Sp�cifie une image fixe � la place du dessin du relief. void CMap::SetFixImage(char *filename) { strcpy(m_fixImage, filename); } // Indique si on utilise une image fixe. BOOL CMap::RetFixImage() { return (m_fixImage[0] != 0); } // Gestion d'un �v�nement. BOOL CMap::EventProcess(const Event &event) { BOOL bInMap; if ( (m_state & STATE_VISIBLE) == 0 ) return TRUE; CControl::EventProcess(event); if ( event.event == EVENT_FRAME ) { m_time += event.rTime; } if ( event.event == EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && Detect(event.pos) ) { m_engine->SetMouseType(D3DMOUSENORM); if ( DetectObject(event.pos, bInMap) != 0 ) { m_engine->SetMouseType(D3DMOUSEHAND); } } if ( event.event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN ) { if ( CControl::Detect(event.pos) ) { SelectObject(event.pos); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // Ajuste l'offset pour ne pas d�passer la carte. FPOINT CMap::AdjustOffset(FPOINT offset) { float limit; limit = m_half - m_half/m_zoom; if ( offset.x < -limit ) offset.x = -limit; if ( offset.x > limit ) offset.x = limit; if ( offset.y < -limit ) offset.y = -limit; if ( offset.y > limit ) offset.y = limit; return offset; } // Indique l'objet survol� par la souris. void CMap::SetHilite(CObject* pObj) { int i; m_hiliteRank = -1; if ( m_bToy || m_fixImage[0] != 0 ) return; // carte avec image fixe ? if ( pObj == 0 ) return; for ( i=0 ; i m_pos.x+m_dim.x || pos.y > m_pos.y+m_dim.y ) return 0; bInMap = TRUE; pos.x = (pos.x-m_pos.x)/m_dim.x*256.0f; pos.y = (pos.y-m_pos.y)/m_dim.y*256.0f; // 0..256 pos.x = (pos.x-128.0f)*m_half/(m_zoom*128.0f)+m_offset.x; pos.y = (pos.y-128.0f)*m_half/(m_zoom*128.0f)+m_offset.y; min = 10000.0f; best = -1; for ( i=MAPMAXOBJECT-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- ) { if ( !m_map[i].bUsed ) continue; if ( m_map[i].color == MAPCOLOR_BBOX && !m_bRadar ) continue; if ( m_map[i].color == MAPCOLOR_ALIEN && !m_bRadar ) continue; dist = Length(m_map[i].pos.x-pos.x, m_map[i].pos.y-pos.y); if ( dist > m_half/m_zoom*8.0f/100.0f ) continue; // trop loin ? if ( dist < min ) { min = dist; best = i; } } if ( best == -1 ) return 0; return m_map[best].object; } // S�lectionne un objet. void CMap::SelectObject(FPOINT pos) { CObject *pObj; BOOL bInMap; pObj = DetectObject(pos, bInMap); if ( pObj != 0 ) { m_main->SelectObject(pObj); } } // Dessine la carte. void CMap::Draw() { FPOINT uv1, uv2; int i; if ( (m_state & STATE_VISIBLE) == 0 ) return; CControl::Draw(); // dessine le fond (bouton) if ( !m_bEnable ) return; if ( m_fixImage[0] == 0 && m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].bUsed ) { m_offset = AdjustOffset(m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].pos); } if ( m_fixImage[0] == 0 ) // dessin du relief ? { m_engine->SetTexture("map.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATENORMAL); uv1.x = 0.5f+(m_offset.x-(m_half/m_zoom))/(m_half*2.0f); uv1.y = 0.5f-(m_offset.y+(m_half/m_zoom))/(m_half*2.0f); uv2.x = 0.5f+(m_offset.x+(m_half/m_zoom))/(m_half*2.0f); uv2.y = 0.5f-(m_offset.y-(m_half/m_zoom))/(m_half*2.0f); DrawVertex(uv1, uv2, 0.97f); // dessine la carte } else // image fixe ? { m_engine->LoadTexture(m_fixImage); m_engine->SetTexture(m_fixImage); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATENORMAL); uv1.x = 0.0f; uv1.y = 0.0f; uv2.x = 1.0f; uv2.y = 1.0f; DrawVertex(uv1, uv2, 0.97f); // dessine la carte } i = MAPMAXOBJECT-1; if ( m_map[i].bUsed ) // s�lection : { DrawFocus(m_map[i].pos, m_map[i].dir, m_map[i].type, m_map[i].color); } for ( i=0 ; im_totalMove ; i-- ) // objets mobiles : { if ( i == m_hiliteRank ) continue; DrawObject(m_map[i].pos, m_map[i].dir, m_map[i].type, m_map[i].color, FALSE, FALSE); } i = MAPMAXOBJECT-1; if ( m_map[i].bUsed && i != m_hiliteRank ) // s�lection : { DrawObject(m_map[i].pos, m_map[i].dir, m_map[i].type, m_map[i].color, TRUE, FALSE); } if ( m_hiliteRank != -1 && m_map[m_hiliteRank].bUsed ) { i = m_hiliteRank; DrawObject(m_map[i].pos, m_map[i].dir, m_map[i].type, m_map[i].color, FALSE, TRUE); DrawHilite(m_map[i].pos); } } // Calcul un point pour DrawFocus. FPOINT CMap::MapInter(FPOINT pos, float dir) { FPOINT p1; float limit; p1.x = pos.x+1.0f; p1.y = pos.y; p1 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p1); p1.x -= pos.x; p1.y -= pos.y; limit = m_mapPos.x+m_mapDim.x-pos.x; if ( p1.x > limit ) // d�passe � droite ? { p1.y = limit*p1.y/p1.x; p1.x = limit; } limit = m_mapPos.y*0.75f+m_mapDim.y*0.75f-pos.y; if ( p1.y > limit ) // d�passe en haut ? { p1.x = limit*p1.x/p1.y; p1.y = limit; } limit = m_mapPos.x-pos.x; if ( p1.x < limit ) // d�passe � gauche ? { p1.y = limit*p1.y/p1.x; p1.x = limit; } limit = m_mapPos.y*0.75f-pos.y; if ( p1.y < limit ) // d�passe en bas ? { p1.x = limit*p1.x/p1.y; p1.y = limit; } p1.x += pos.x; p1.y += pos.y; return p1; } // Dessine le champ de vision de l'objet s�lectionn�. void CMap::DrawFocus(FPOINT pos, float dir, ObjectType type, MapColor color) { FPOINT p0, p1, p2, uv1, uv2, rel; float aMin, aMax, aOct, focus, a; float limit[5]; BOOL bEnding; int quart; if ( m_bToy || m_fixImage[0] != 0 ) return; // carte avec image fixe ? if ( color != MAPCOLOR_MOVE ) return; pos.x = (pos.x-m_offset.x)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; pos.y = (pos.y-m_offset.y)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; if ( pos.x < 0.0f || pos.x > 1.0f || pos.y < 0.0f || pos.y > 1.0f ) return; rel.x = pos.x*2.0f-1.0f; rel.y = pos.y*2.0f-1.0f; // rel [-1..1] pos.x = m_mapPos.x+m_mapDim.x*pos.x; pos.y = m_mapPos.y*0.75f+m_mapDim.y*pos.y*0.75f; focus = m_engine->RetFocus(); dir += PI/2.0f; aMin = NormAngle(dir-PI/4.0f*focus); aMax = NormAngle(dir+PI/4.0f*focus); if ( aMin > aMax ) { aMax += PI*2.0f; // aMax toujours apr�s aMin } limit[0] = RotateAngle( 1.0f-rel.x, 1.0f-rel.y); // sup/droite limit[1] = RotateAngle(-1.0f-rel.x, 1.0f-rel.y); // sup/gauche limit[2] = RotateAngle(-1.0f-rel.x, -1.0f-rel.y); // inf/gauche limit[3] = RotateAngle( 1.0f-rel.x, -1.0f-rel.y); // inf/droite limit[4] = limit[0]+PI*2.0f; a = NormAngle(aMin); for ( quart=0 ; quart<4 ; quart++ ) { if ( a >= limit[quart+0] && a <= limit[quart+1] ) break; } if ( quart == 4 ) quart = -1; uv1.x = 113.0f/256.0f; // d�grad� vert uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 126.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTw); bEnding = FALSE; do { quart ++; aOct = limit[quart%4]; if ( quart >= 4 ) aOct += PI*2.0f; if ( aOct >= aMax-CHOUIA ) { aOct = aMax; bEnding = TRUE; } p0 = pos; p1 = MapInter(pos, aMin); p2 = MapInter(pos, aOct); p0.y /= 0.75f; p1.y /= 0.75f; p2.y /= 0.75f; DrawTriangle(p0, p2, p1, uv1, uv2); aMin = aOct; } while ( !bEnding ); } // Dessine un objet. void CMap::DrawObject(FPOINT pos, float dir, ObjectType type, MapColor color, BOOL bSelect, BOOL bHilite) { FPOINT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, dim, uv1, uv2; BOOL bOut, bUp, bDown, bLeft, bRight; pos.x = (pos.x-m_offset.x)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; pos.y = (pos.y-m_offset.y)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; bOut = bUp = bDown = bLeft = bRight = FALSE; if ( pos.x < 0.06f ) { pos.x = 0.02f; bOut = bLeft = TRUE; } if ( pos.y < 0.06f ) { pos.y = 0.02f; bOut = bDown = TRUE; } if ( pos.x > 0.94f ) { pos.x = 0.98f; bOut = bRight = TRUE; } if ( pos.y > 0.94f ) { pos.y = 0.98f; bOut = bUp = TRUE; } pos.x = m_mapPos.x+m_mapDim.x*pos.x; pos.y = m_mapPos.y+m_mapDim.y*pos.y; dim.x = 2.0f/128.0f*0.75f; dim.y = 2.0f/128.0f; if ( bOut ) // hors de la carte ? { if ( color == MAPCOLOR_BBOX && !m_bRadar ) return; if ( color == MAPCOLOR_ALIEN && !m_bRadar ) return; if ( Mod(m_time+(pos.x+pos.y)*4.0f, 0.6f) > 0.2f ) { return; // clignotte } m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); if ( bUp ) { uv1.x = 160.5f/256.0f; // triangle jaune ^ uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 175.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; } if ( bDown ) { uv1.x = 160.5f/256.0f; // triangle jaune v uv1.y = 255.0f/256.0f; uv2.x = 175.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 240.5f/256.0f; } if ( bRight ) { uv1.x = 176.5f/256.0f; // triangle jaune > uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 191.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; } if ( bLeft ) { uv1.x = 191.0f/256.0f; // triangle jaune < uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 176.5f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; } pos.x -= dim.x/2.0f; pos.y -= dim.y/2.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); return; } if ( bSelect ) { if ( m_bToy ) { dim.x *= 1.2f+sinf(m_time*8.0f)*0.1f; dim.y *= 1.2f+sinf(m_time*8.0f)*0.1f; } else { dim.x *= 1.2f+sinf(m_time*8.0f)*0.3f; dim.y *= 1.2f+sinf(m_time*8.0f)*0.3f; } } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_BASE || color == MAPCOLOR_FIX || color == MAPCOLOR_MOVE ) { if ( bHilite ) { dim.x *= 2.2f; dim.y *= 2.2f; } else { dim.x *= 0.6f; dim.y *= 0.6f; } } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_ALIEN ) { dim.x *= 1.4f; dim.y *= 1.4f; } if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN28 ) // bouteille ? { dim.x *= 3.0f; dim.y *= 3.0f; bHilite = TRUE; } if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN34 ) // caillou ? { dim.x *= 2.0f; dim.y *= 2.0f; bHilite = TRUE; } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_MOVE && bSelect ) { if ( m_bToy ) { p1.x = pos.x; p1.y = pos.y+dim.y*1.4f; p1 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p1); p1.x = pos.x+(p1.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p2.x = pos.x+dim.x*1.2f; p2.y = pos.y+dim.y*0.8f; p2 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p2); p2.x = pos.x+(p2.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p3.x = pos.x+dim.x*1.2f; p3.y = pos.y-dim.y*1.0f; p3 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p3); p3.x = pos.x+(p3.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p4.x = pos.x-dim.x*1.2f; p4.y = pos.y-dim.y*1.0f; p4 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p4); p4.x = pos.x+(p4.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p5.x = pos.x-dim.x*1.2f; p5.y = pos.y+dim.y*0.8f; p5 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p5); p5.x = pos.x+(p5.x-pos.x)*0.75f; } else { p1.x = pos.x; p1.y = pos.y+dim.y*2.4f; p1 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p1); p1.x = pos.x+(p1.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p2.x = pos.x+dim.x*1.0f; p2.y = pos.y-dim.y*1.6f; p2 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p2); p2.x = pos.x+(p2.x-pos.x)*0.75f; p3.x = pos.x-dim.x*1.0f; p3.y = pos.y-dim.y*1.6f; p3 = RotatePoint(pos, dir, p3); p3.x = pos.x+(p3.x-pos.x)*0.75f; } } pos.x -= dim.x/2.0f; pos.y -= dim.y/2.0f; if ( color == MAPCOLOR_BASE || color == MAPCOLOR_FIX ) { DrawObjectIcon(pos, dim, color, type, bHilite); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_MOVE ) { if ( bSelect ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATENORMAL); if ( m_bToy ) { uv1.x = 164.5f/256.0f; // pentagone noir uv1.y = 228.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 172.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 236.0f/256.0f; DrawPenta(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, uv1, uv2); } else { uv1.x = 144.5f/256.0f; // triangle rouge uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 159.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawTriangle(p1, p2, p3, uv1, uv2); } } DrawObjectIcon(pos, dim, color, type, bHilite); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_BBOX ) { if ( m_bRadar ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTw); uv1.x = 64.5f/256.0f; // triangle bleu uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 79.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_ALIEN ) { if ( m_bRadar ) { DrawObjectIcon(pos, dim, color, type, TRUE); } } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTb ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 192.5f/256.0f; // croix bleue uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 207.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTr ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 208.5f/256.0f; // croix rouge uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 223.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTg ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 224.5f/256.0f; // croix verte uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 239.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTy ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 240.5f/256.0f; // croix jaune uv1.y = 240.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 255.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 255.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTv ) { m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 192.5f/256.0f; // croix violette uv1.y = 224.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 207.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 239.0f/256.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } } // Dessine l'ic�ne d'un objet. void CMap::DrawObjectIcon(FPOINT pos, FPOINT dim, MapColor color, ObjectType type, BOOL bHilite) { FPOINT ppos, ddim, uv1, uv2; float dp; int icon; dp = 0.5f/256.0f; m_engine->SetTexture("button3.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATENORMAL); if ( color == MAPCOLOR_MOVE ) { uv1.x = 160.0f/256.0f; // bleu uv1.y = 224.0f/256.0f; } else if ( color == MAPCOLOR_ALIEN ) { uv1.x = 224.0f/256.0f; // vert uv1.y = 224.0f/256.0f; } else { uv1.x = 192.0f/256.0f; // jaune uv1.y = 224.0f/256.0f; } uv2.x = uv1.x+32.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = uv1.y+32.0f/256.0f; uv1.x += dp; uv1.y += dp; uv2.x -= dp; uv2.y -= dp; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); // fond color� if ( bHilite ) { icon = -1; if ( type == OBJECT_FACTORY ) icon = 32; if ( type == OBJECT_DERRICK ) icon = 33; if ( type == OBJECT_CONVERT ) icon = 34; if ( type == OBJECT_RESEARCH ) icon = 35; if ( type == OBJECT_STATION ) icon = 36; if ( type == OBJECT_TOWER ) icon = 37; if ( type == OBJECT_LABO ) icon = 38; if ( type == OBJECT_ENERGY ) icon = 39; if ( type == OBJECT_RADAR ) icon = 40; if ( type == OBJECT_INFO ) icon = 44; if ( type == OBJECT_REPAIR ) icon = 41; if ( type == OBJECT_DESTROYER) icon = 41; if ( type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) icon = 42; if ( type == OBJECT_PARA ) icon = 46; if ( type == OBJECT_SAFE ) icon = 47; if ( type == OBJECT_HUSTON ) icon = 48; if ( type == OBJECT_TARGET1 ) icon = 45; if ( type == OBJECT_BASE ) icon = 43; if ( type == OBJECT_HUMAN ) icon = 8; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfa ) icon = 11; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEta ) icon = 10; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwa ) icon = 9; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEia ) icon = 22; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc ) icon = 17; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEtc ) icon = 16; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwc ) icon = 15; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEic ) icon = 23; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi ) icon = 27; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEti ) icon = 26; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwi ) icon = 25; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEii ) icon = 28; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs ) icon = 14; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEts ) icon = 13; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEws ) icon = 12; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEis ) icon = 24; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErt ) icon = 18; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErc ) icon = 19; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErr ) icon = 20; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErs ) icon = 29; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEsa ) icon = 21; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEft ) icon = 30; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEtt ) icon = 30; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwt ) icon = 30; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEit ) icon = 30; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEtg ) icon = 45; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEdr ) icon = 48; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO2 ) icon = 49; if ( type == OBJECT_MOTHER ) icon = 31; if ( type == OBJECT_ANT ) icon = 31; if ( type == OBJECT_SPIDER ) icon = 31; if ( type == OBJECT_BEE ) icon = 31; if ( type == OBJECT_WORM ) icon = 31; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN28 ) icon = 48; // bouteille if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN34 ) icon = 48; // caillou if ( icon == -1 ) return; m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTw); uv1.x = (32.0f/256.0f)*(icon%8); uv1.y = (32.0f/256.0f)*(icon/8); uv2.x = uv1.x+32.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = uv1.y+32.0f/256.0f; uv1.x += dp; uv1.y += dp; uv2.x -= dp; uv2.y -= dp; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); // ic�ne } } // Dessine l'objet survol� par la souris. void CMap::DrawHilite(FPOINT pos) { FPOINT dim, uv1, uv2; BOOL bOut, bUp, bDown, bLeft, bRight; if ( m_bToy || m_fixImage[0] != 0 ) return; // carte avec image fixe ? pos.x = (pos.x-m_offset.x)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; pos.y = (pos.y-m_offset.y)*(m_zoom*0.5f)/m_half+0.5f; bOut = bUp = bDown = bLeft = bRight = FALSE; if ( pos.x < 0.06f ) { pos.x = 0.02f; bOut = bLeft = TRUE; } if ( pos.y < 0.06f ) { pos.y = 0.02f; bOut = bDown = TRUE; } if ( pos.x > 0.94f ) { pos.x = 0.98f; bOut = bRight = TRUE; } if ( pos.y > 0.94f ) { pos.y = 0.98f; bOut = bUp = TRUE; } pos.x = m_mapPos.x+m_mapDim.x*pos.x; pos.y = m_mapPos.y+m_mapDim.y*pos.y; dim.x = 2.0f/128.0f*0.75f; dim.y = 2.0f/128.0f; dim.x *= 2.0f+cosf(m_time*8.0f)*0.5f; dim.y *= 2.0f+cosf(m_time*8.0f)*0.5f; m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(D3DSTATETTb); uv1.x = 160.5f/256.0f; // hilite uv1.y = 224.5f/256.0f; uv2.x = 175.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 239.0f/256.0f; pos.x -= dim.x/2.0f; pos.y -= dim.y/2.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } // Dessine une ic�ne triangulaire. void CMap::DrawTriangle(FPOINT p1, FPOINT p2, FPOINT p3, FPOINT uv1, FPOINT uv2) { LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 device; D3DVERTEX2 vertex[3]; // 1 triangle D3DVECTOR n; device = m_engine->RetD3DDevice(); n = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normale vertex[0] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv1.y); vertex[1] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv2.y); vertex[2] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p3.x, p3.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, D3DFVF_VERTEX2, vertex, 3, NULL); m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(1); } // Dessine une ic�ne pentagonulaire (� 5 c�t�s, quoi !). void CMap::DrawPenta(FPOINT p1, FPOINT p2, FPOINT p3, FPOINT p4, FPOINT p5, FPOINT uv1, FPOINT uv2) { LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 device; D3DVERTEX2 vertex[5]; // 1 pentagone D3DVECTOR n; device = m_engine->RetD3DDevice(); n = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normale #if 1 vertex[0] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv1.y); vertex[1] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv2.y); vertex[2] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p5.x, p5.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); vertex[3] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p3.x, p3.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); vertex[4] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p4.x, p4.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, D3DFVF_VERTEX2, vertex, 5, NULL); #else vertex[0] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv1.y); vertex[1] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p3.x, p3.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv2.y); vertex[2] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p4.x, p4.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, D3DFVF_VERTEX2, vertex, 3, NULL); #endif m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(3); } // Dessine le tableau des vertex. void CMap::DrawVertex(FPOINT uv1, FPOINT uv2, float zoom) { LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 device; D3DVERTEX2 vertex[4]; // 2 triangles FPOINT p1, p2, c; D3DVECTOR n; device = m_engine->RetD3DDevice(); p1.x = m_pos.x; p1.y = m_pos.y; p2.x = m_pos.x + m_dim.x; p2.y = m_pos.y + m_dim.y; c.x = (p1.x+p2.x)/2.0f; c.y = (p1.y+p2.y)/2.0f; // centre p1.x = (p1.x-c.x)*zoom + c.x; p1.y = (p1.y-c.y)*zoom + c.y; p2.x = (p2.x-c.x)*zoom + c.x; p2.y = (p2.y-c.y)*zoom + c.y; m_mapPos = p1; m_mapDim.x = p2.x-p1.x; m_mapDim.y = p2.y-p1.y; n = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normale vertex[0] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv2.y); vertex[1] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, uv1.x,uv1.y); vertex[2] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv2.y); vertex[3] = D3DVERTEX2(D3DVECTOR(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, uv2.x,uv1.y); device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, D3DFVF_VERTEX2, vertex, 4, NULL); m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2); } // Met � jour le terrain dans la carte. void CMap::UpdateTerrain() { D3DCOLORVALUE color; D3DVECTOR pos; float scale, water, level, intensity; int x, y; if ( m_fixImage[0] != 0 ) return; // image fixe ? if ( !m_engine->OpenImage("map.tga") ) return; scale = m_terrain->RetScaleRelief(); water = m_water->RetLevel(); color.a = 0.0f; for ( y=0 ; y<256 ; y++ ) { for ( x=0 ; x<256 ; x++ ) { pos.x = ((float)x-128.0f)*m_half/128.0f; pos.z = -((float)y-128.0f)*m_half/128.0f; pos.y = 0.0f; if ( pos.x >= -m_half && pos.x <= m_half && pos.z >= -m_half && pos.z <= m_half ) { level = m_terrain->RetFloorLevel(pos, TRUE)/scale; } else { level = 1000.0f; } intensity = level/256.0f; if ( intensity < 0.0f ) intensity = 0.0f; if ( intensity > 1.0f ) intensity = 1.0f; if ( level >= water ) // sur l'eau ? { color.r = m_floorColor.r + (intensity-0.5f); color.g = m_floorColor.g + (intensity-0.5f); color.b = m_floorColor.b + (intensity-0.5f); } else // sous l'eau ? { color.r = m_waterColor.r + (intensity-0.5f); color.g = m_waterColor.g + (intensity-0.5f); color.b = m_waterColor.b + (intensity-0.5f); } m_engine->SetDot(x, y, color); } } m_engine->CopyImage(); // copie avec juste le terrain dessin� m_engine->CloseImage(); } // Met � jour le terrain dans la carte. void CMap::UpdateTerrain(int bx, int by, int ex, int ey) { D3DCOLORVALUE color; D3DVECTOR pos; float scale, water, level, intensity; int x, y; if ( m_fixImage[0] != 0 ) return; // image fixe ? if ( !m_engine->OpenImage("map.tga") ) return; m_engine->LoadImage(); scale = m_terrain->RetScaleRelief(); water = m_water->RetLevel(); color.a = 0.0f; for ( y=by ; y= -m_half && pos.x <= m_half && pos.z >= -m_half && pos.z <= m_half ) { level = m_terrain->RetFloorLevel(pos, TRUE)/scale; } else { level = 1000.0f; } intensity = level/256.0f; if ( intensity < 0.0f ) intensity = 0.0f; if ( intensity > 1.0f ) intensity = 1.0f; if ( level > water ) // sur l'eau ? { color.r = m_floorColor.r + (intensity-0.5f); color.g = m_floorColor.g + (intensity-0.5f); color.b = m_floorColor.b + (intensity-0.5f); } else // sous l'eau ? { color.r = m_waterColor.r + (intensity-0.5f); color.g = m_waterColor.g + (intensity-0.5f); color.b = m_waterColor.b + (intensity-0.5f); } m_engine->SetDot(x, y, color); } } m_engine->CopyImage(); // copie avec juste le terrain dessin� m_engine->CloseImage(); } // Vide tous les objets. void CMap::FlushObject() { int i; m_totalFix = 0; // index objet fixes m_totalMove = MAPMAXOBJECT-2; // index v�hicules mobiles m_bRadar = m_main->RetCheatRadar(); // pas de radar for ( i=0 ; i= m_totalMove ) return; // table pleine ? if ( !pObj->RetActif() ) return; if ( !pObj->RetSelectable() ) return; if ( pObj->RetProxyActivate() ) return; if ( pObj->RetTruck() != 0 ) return; type = pObj->RetType(); pos = pObj->RetPosition(0); dir = -(pObj->RetAngleY(0)+PI/2.0f); if ( m_angle != 0.0f ) { ppos = RotatePoint(m_angle, FPOINT(pos.x, pos.z)); pos.x = ppos.x; pos.z = ppos.y; dir += m_angle; } if ( type == OBJECT_RADAR ) { m_bRadar = TRUE; // radar existe } color = MAPCOLOR_NULL; if ( type == OBJECT_BASE ) { color = MAPCOLOR_BASE; } if ( type == OBJECT_DERRICK || type == OBJECT_FACTORY || type == OBJECT_STATION || type == OBJECT_CONVERT || type == OBJECT_REPAIR || type == OBJECT_DESTROYER|| type == OBJECT_TOWER || type == OBJECT_RESEARCH || type == OBJECT_RADAR || type == OBJECT_INFO || type == OBJECT_ENERGY || type == OBJECT_LABO || type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR || type == OBJECT_PARA || type == OBJECT_SAFE || type == OBJECT_HUSTON || type == OBJECT_TARGET1 || type == OBJECT_START || type == OBJECT_END || // objet fixe ? type == OBJECT_TEEN28 || // bouteille ? type == OBJECT_TEEN34 ) // caillou ? { color = MAPCOLOR_FIX; } if ( type == OBJECT_BBOX || type == OBJECT_KEYa || type == OBJECT_KEYb || type == OBJECT_KEYc || type == OBJECT_KEYd ) { color = MAPCOLOR_BBOX; } if ( type == OBJECT_HUMAN || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEta || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEia || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEic || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEti || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEii || type == OBJECT_MOBILEws || type == OBJECT_MOBILEts || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs || type == OBJECT_MOBILEis || type == OBJECT_MOBILErt || type == OBJECT_MOBILErc || type == OBJECT_MOBILErr || type == OBJECT_MOBILErs || type == OBJECT_MOBILEsa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtg || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwt || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtt || type == OBJECT_MOBILEft || type == OBJECT_MOBILEit || type == OBJECT_MOBILEdr || type == OBJECT_APOLLO2 ) // v�hicule mobile ? { color = MAPCOLOR_MOVE; } if ( type == OBJECT_ANT || type == OBJECT_BEE || type == OBJECT_WORM || type == OBJECT_SPIDER ) // ennemi mobile ? { color = MAPCOLOR_ALIEN; } if ( type == OBJECT_WAYPOINT || type == OBJECT_FLAGb ) { color = MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTb; } if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGr ) { color = MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTr; } if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGg ) { color = MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTg; } if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGy ) { color = MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTy; } if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGv ) { color = MAPCOLOR_WAYPOINTv; } if ( color == MAPCOLOR_NULL ) return; if ( m_fixImage[0] != 0 && !m_bDebug ) // carte avec image fixe ? { if ( (type == OBJECT_TEEN28 || type == OBJECT_TEEN34 ) && m_mode == 0 ) return; if ( type != OBJECT_TEEN28 && type != OBJECT_TEEN34 && color != MAPCOLOR_MOVE ) return; } if ( pObj->RetSelect() ) { m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].type = type; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].object = pObj; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].color = color; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].pos.x = pos.x; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].pos.y = pos.z; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].dir = dir; m_map[MAPMAXOBJECT-1].bUsed = TRUE; } else { if ( color == MAPCOLOR_BASE || color == MAPCOLOR_FIX ) { m_map[m_totalFix].type = type; m_map[m_totalFix].object = pObj; m_map[m_totalFix].color = color; m_map[m_totalFix].pos.x = pos.x; m_map[m_totalFix].pos.y = pos.z; m_map[m_totalFix].dir = dir; m_map[m_totalFix].bUsed = TRUE; m_totalFix ++; } else { m_map[m_totalMove].type = type; m_map[m_totalMove].object = pObj; m_map[m_totalMove].color = color; m_map[m_totalMove].pos.x = pos.x; m_map[m_totalMove].pos.y = pos.z; m_map[m_totalMove].dir = dir; m_map[m_totalMove].bUsed = TRUE; m_totalMove --; } } }