// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // math/test/geometry_test.cpp /* Unit tests for functions in geometry.h */ #include "../func.h" #include "../geometry.h" #include "../conv.h" #include "../old/math3d.h" #include "../../graphics/d3d/d3dutil.h" #include #include using namespace std; const float TEST_TOLERANCE = 1e-5; // Test for rewritten function RotateAngle() int TestRotateAngle() { if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(1.0f, 1.0f), 0.25f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(0.0f, 2.0f), 0.5f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(-0.5f, 0.5f), 0.75f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(-1.0f, 0.0f), Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(-1.0f, -1.0f), 1.25f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(0.0f, -2.0f), 1.5f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; if (! Math::IsEqual(Math::RotateAngle(1.0f, -1.0f), 1.75f * Math::PI, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } // Tests for other altered, complex or uncertain functions int TestAngle() { const Math::Vector u(-0.0786076246943884, 0.2231249091714256, -1.1601361718477805); const Math::Vector v(-1.231228742001907, -1.720549809950561, -0.690468438834111); float mathResult = Math::Angle(u, v); float oldMathResult = Angle(VEC_TO_D3DVEC(u), VEC_TO_D3DVEC(v)); if (! Math::IsEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE) ) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestRotateView() { const Math::Vector center(0.617909142705555, 0.896939729454538, -0.615041943652284); const float angleH = 44.5; const float angleV = 12.3; const float dist = 34.76; Math::Vector mathResult = Math::RotateView(center, angleH, angleV, dist); Math::Vector oldMathResult = D3DVEC_TO_VEC(RotateView(VEC_TO_D3DVEC(center), angleH, angleV, dist)); if (! Math::VectorsEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLookatPoint() { const Math::Vector eye(-2.451183170579471, 0.241270270546559, -0.490677411454893); const float angleH = 48.4; const float angleV = 32.4; const float length = 74.44; Math::Vector mathResult = Math::LookatPoint(eye, angleH, angleV, length); Math::Vector oldMathResult = D3DVEC_TO_VEC(LookatPoint(VEC_TO_D3DVEC(eye), angleH, angleV, length)); if (! Math::VectorsEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestProjection() { const Math::Vector a(0.852064846846319, -0.794279497087496, -0.655779805476688); const Math::Vector b(-0.245838834102304, -0.841115596038861, 0.470457161487799); const Math::Vector p(2.289326061164255, -0.505511362271196, 0.660204551169491); Math::Vector mathResult = Math::Projection(a, b, p); Math::Vector oldMathResult = D3DVEC_TO_VEC(Projection(VEC_TO_D3DVEC(a), VEC_TO_D3DVEC(b), VEC_TO_D3DVEC(p))); if (! Math::VectorsEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadViewMatrix() { const Math::Vector from(2.5646013154868874, -0.6058794133917031, -0.0441195127419744); const Math::Vector at(0.728044925765569, -0.206343977871841, 2.543158236935463); const Math::Vector worldUp(-1.893738133660711, -1.009584441407070, 0.521745988225582); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadViewMatrix(mathResult, from, at, worldUp); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DVECTOR fromD3D = VEC_TO_D3DVEC(from); D3DVECTOR atD3D = VEC_TO_D3DVEC(at); D3DVECTOR worldUpD3D = VEC_TO_D3DVEC(worldUp); D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix(mat, fromD3D, atD3D, worldUpD3D); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadProjectionMatrix() { const float fov = 76.3f; const float aspect = 0.891f; const float nearPlane = 12.3f; const float farPlane = 1238.9f; Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadProjectionMatrix(mathResult, fov, aspect, nearPlane, farPlane); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetProjectionMatrix(mat, fov, aspect, nearPlane, farPlane); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadTranslationMatrix() { const Math::Vector translation(-0.3631590720995237, 1.6976327614875211, 0.0148815191502145); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadTranslationMatrix(mathResult, translation); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetTranslateMatrix(mat, translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadScaleMatrix() { const Math::Vector scale(0.612236460285503, -0.635566935025364, -0.254321375332065); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadScaleMatrix(mathResult, scale); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetScaleMatrix(mat, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationXMatrix() { const float angle = 0.513790685774275; Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationXMatrix(mathResult, angle); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetRotateXMatrix(mat, angle); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationYMatrix() { const float angle = -0.569166650127303; Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationYMatrix(mathResult, angle); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetRotateYMatrix(mat, angle); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationZMatrix() { const float angle = 0.380448034347452; Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationZMatrix(mathResult, angle); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DUtil_SetRotateZMatrix(mat, angle); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationMatrix() { const float angle = -0.987747190637790; const Math::Vector dir(-0.113024727688331, -0.781265998072571, 1.838972397076884); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationMatrix(mathResult, dir, angle); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; D3DVECTOR dirD3D = VEC_TO_D3DVEC(dir); D3DUtil_SetRotationMatrix(mat, dirD3D, angle); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationXZYMatrix() { const Math::Vector angles(-0.841366567984597, -0.100543315396357, 1.610647811559988); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationXZYMatrix(mathResult, angles); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; MatRotateXZY(mat, VEC_TO_D3DVEC(angles)); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestLoadRotationZXYMatrix() { const Math::Vector angles(0.275558495480206, -0.224328265970090, 0.943077216574253); Math::Matrix mathResult; Math::LoadRotationZXYMatrix(mathResult, angles); Math::Matrix oldMathResult; { D3DMATRIX mat; MatRotateZXY(mat, VEC_TO_D3DVEC(angles)); oldMathResult = D3DMAT_TO_MAT(mat); } if (! Math::MatricesEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int TestTransform() { Math::Matrix transformMatrix( (float[4][4]) { { -0.9282074720977896, 0.6794734970319730, -1.3234304946882685, 0.0925294727863890 }, { -0.0395527963683484, 0.2897634352353881, 1.9144398570315440, -1.4062267508968478 }, { 0.9133323625282361, -0.6741836434774530, -0.2188812951424338, -1.0089184339952666 }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } } ); Math::Vector vector(-0.314596433318370, -0.622681232583150, -0.371307535743574); Math::Vector mathResult = Math::Transform(transformMatrix, vector); Math::Vector oldMathResult = Transform(transformMatrix, vector); if (! Math::VectorsEqual(mathResult, oldMathResult, TEST_TOLERANCE)) return __LINE__; return 0; } int main() { // Functions to test int (*TESTS[])() = { TestRotateAngle, TestAngle, TestRotateView, TestLookatPoint, TestProjection, TestLoadViewMatrix, TestLoadProjectionMatrix, TestLoadTranslationMatrix, TestLoadScaleMatrix, TestLoadRotationXMatrix, TestLoadRotationYMatrix, TestLoadRotationZMatrix, TestLoadRotationMatrix, TestLoadRotationXZYMatrix, TestLoadRotationZXYMatrix, TestTransform }; const int TESTS_SIZE = sizeof(TESTS) / sizeof(*TESTS); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TESTS_SIZE; ++i) { result = TESTS[i](); if (result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Test function %d failed at line %d\n", i+1, result); return result; } } fprintf(stderr, "All tests successful\n"); return 0; }