// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see . #define STRICT #define D3D_OVERLOADS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "struct.h" #include "D3DEngine.h" #include "D3DMath.h" #include "language.h" #include "event.h" #include "misc.h" #include "iman.h" #include "restext.h" #include "math3d.h" #include "robotmain.h" #include "object.h" #include "camera.h" #include "sound.h" #include "script.h" #include "interface.h" #include "button.h" #include "check.h" #include "slider.h" #include "edit.h" #include "list.h" #include "label.h" #include "group.h" #include "window.h" #include "text.h" #include "cbottoken.h" #include "studio.h" // Constructeur de l'objet. CStudio::CStudio(CInstanceManager* iMan) { m_iMan = iMan; m_iMan->AddInstance(CLASS_STUDIO, this); m_engine = (CD3DEngine*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_ENGINE); m_event = (CEvent*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_EVENT); m_interface = (CInterface*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_INTERFACE); m_main = (CRobotMain*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_MAIN); m_camera = (CCamera*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_CAMERA); m_sound = (CSound*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_SOUND); m_bEditMaximized = FALSE; m_bEditMinimized = FALSE; m_time = 0.0f; m_bRealTime = TRUE; m_bRunning = FALSE; m_fixInfoTextTime = 0.0f; m_helpFilename[0] = 0; m_dialog = SD_NULL; } // Destructeur de l'objet. CStudio::~CStudio() { m_iMan->DeleteInstance(CLASS_STUDIO, this); } // Gestion d'un �v�nement. BOOL CStudio::EventProcess(const Event &event) { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CSlider* slider; char res[100]; if ( m_dialog != SD_NULL ) // dialogue existe ? { return EventDialog(event); } if ( event.event == EVENT_FRAME ) { EventFrame(event); } pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( event.event == pw->RetEventMsgClose() ) { Event newEvent = event; newEvent.event = EVENT_STUDIO_OK; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT ) // texte modifi� ? { ColorizeScript(edit); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_LIST ) // liste cliqu�e ? { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(m_helpFilename, -1); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_NEW ) // nouveau ? { m_script->New(edit, ""); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN ) // ouvrir ? { StartDialog(SD_OPEN); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE ) // enregistrer ? { StartDialog(SD_SAVE); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO ) // annuler ? { edit->Undo(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_CUT ) // couper ? { edit->Cut(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_COPY ) // copier ? { edit->Copy(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE ) // coller ? { edit->Paste(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE ) // taille ? { slider = (CSlider*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE); if ( slider == 0 ) return FALSE; m_main->SetFontSize(9.0f+slider->RetVisibleValue()*6.0f); ViewEditScript(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL && // instructions ? m_dialog == SD_NULL ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(SATCOM_HUSTON, FALSE); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_HELP && // aide ? m_dialog == SD_NULL ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(SATCOM_PROG, FALSE); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE ) // compile ? { char buffer[100]; if ( m_script->GetScript(edit) ) // compile { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_STUDIO_COMPOK, res); SetInfoText(res, FALSE); } else { m_script->GetError(buffer); SetInfoText(buffer, FALSE); } } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_RUN ) // run/stop ? { if ( m_script->IsRunning() ) { Event newEvent = event; newEvent.event = EVENT_OBJECT_PROGSTOP; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); // stoppe } else { if ( m_script->GetScript(edit) ) // compile { SetInfoText("", FALSE); Event newEvent = event; newEvent.event = EVENT_OBJECT_PROGSTART; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); // start } else { char buffer[100]; m_script->GetError(buffer); SetInfoText(buffer, FALSE); } } } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME ) // temps r�el ? { m_bRealTime = !m_bRealTime; m_script->SetStepMode(!m_bRealTime); UpdateFlux(); UpdateButtons(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_STUDIO_STEP ) // step ? { m_script->Step(event); } if ( event.event == EVENT_KEYDOWN ) { if ( event.param == m_engine->RetKey(KEYRANK_CBOT, 0) || event.param == m_engine->RetKey(KEYRANK_CBOT, 1) ) { if ( m_helpFilename[0] != 0 ) { m_main->StartDisplayInfo(m_helpFilename, -1); } } } if ( event.event == EVENT_WINDOW3 ) // fen�tre d�plac�e ? { m_editActualPos = m_editFinalPos = pw->RetPos(); m_editActualDim = m_editFinalDim = pw->RetDim(); m_main->SetWindowPos(m_editActualPos); m_main->SetWindowDim(m_editActualDim); AdjustEditScript(); } if ( event.event == pw->RetEventMsgReduce() ) { if ( m_bEditMinimized ) { m_editFinalPos = m_main->RetWindowPos(); m_editFinalDim = m_main->RetWindowDim(); m_bEditMinimized = FALSE; m_bEditMaximized = FALSE; } else { m_editFinalPos.x = 0.00f; m_editFinalPos.y = -0.44f; m_editFinalDim.x = 1.00f; m_editFinalDim.y = 0.50f; m_bEditMinimized = TRUE; m_bEditMaximized = FALSE; } m_main->SetEditFull(m_bEditMaximized); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) { pw->SetMaximized(m_bEditMaximized); pw->SetMinimized(m_bEditMinimized); } } if ( event.event == pw->RetEventMsgFull() ) { if ( m_bEditMaximized ) { m_editFinalPos = m_main->RetWindowPos(); m_editFinalDim = m_main->RetWindowDim(); m_bEditMinimized = FALSE; m_bEditMaximized = FALSE; } else { m_editFinalPos.x = 0.00f; m_editFinalPos.y = 0.00f; m_editFinalDim.x = 1.00f; m_editFinalDim.y = 1.00f; m_bEditMinimized = FALSE; m_bEditMaximized = TRUE; } m_main->SetEditFull(m_bEditMaximized); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) { pw->SetMaximized(m_bEditMaximized); pw->SetMinimized(m_bEditMinimized); } } return TRUE; } // Fait �voluer une valeur en fonction du temps �coul�. float Evolution(float final, float actual, float time) { float value; value = actual + (final-actual)*time; if ( final > actual ) { if ( value > final ) value = final; // ne d�passe pas } else { if ( value < final ) value = final; // ne d�passe pas } return value; } // Fait �voluer le studio selon le temps �coul�. BOOL CStudio::EventFrame(const Event &event) { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CList* list; float time; int cursor1, cursor2, iCursor1, iCursor2; char res[100]; m_time += event.rTime; m_fixInfoTextTime -= event.rTime; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit == 0 ) return FALSE; list = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_LIST); if ( list == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( !m_script->IsRunning() && m_bRunning ) // arr�t ? { m_bRunning = FALSE; UpdateFlux(); // stop AdjustEditScript(); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_STUDIO_PROGSTOP, res); SetInfoText(res, FALSE); Event newEvent = event; newEvent.event = EVENT_OBJECT_PROGSTOP; m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); // stoppe } if ( m_script->IsRunning() && !m_bRunning ) // d�part ? { m_bRunning = TRUE; UpdateFlux(); // run AdjustEditScript(); } UpdateButtons(); if ( m_bRunning ) { m_script->GetCursor(cursor1, cursor2); edit->GetCursor(iCursor1, iCursor2); if ( cursor1 != iCursor1 || cursor2 != iCursor2 ) // curseurs chang�s ? { edit->SetCursor(cursor1, cursor2); // montre o� en est l'ex�cution edit->ShowSelect(); } m_script->UpdateList(list); // met � jour la liste des variables } else { SearchToken(edit); } if ( m_editFinalPos.x != m_editActualPos.x || m_editFinalPos.y != m_editActualPos.y || m_editFinalDim.x != m_editActualDim.x || m_editFinalDim.y != m_editActualDim.y ) { time = event.rTime*20.0f; m_editActualPos.x = Evolution(m_editFinalPos.x, m_editActualPos.x, time); m_editActualPos.y = Evolution(m_editFinalPos.y, m_editActualPos.y, time); m_editActualDim.x = Evolution(m_editFinalDim.x, m_editActualDim.x, time); m_editActualDim.y = Evolution(m_editFinalDim.y, m_editActualDim.y, time); AdjustEditScript(); } return TRUE; } // Indique si un caract�re fait partie d'un mot. BOOL IsToken(int character) { char c; c = tolower(RetNoAccent(character)); return ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' ); } // Cherche si le curseur est sur un mot-cl�. void CStudio::SearchToken(CEdit* edit) { ObjectType type; int len, cursor1, cursor2, i, character, level; char* text; char token[100]; text = edit->RetText(); len = edit->RetTextLength(); edit->GetCursor(cursor1, cursor2); i = cursor1; if ( i > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)text[i-1]; if ( !IsToken(character) ) { level = 1; while ( i > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)text[i-1]; if ( character == ')' ) { level ++; } else if ( character == '(' ) { level --; if ( level == 0 ) break; } i --; } if ( level > 0 ) { m_helpFilename[0] = 0; SetInfoText("", TRUE); return; } while ( i > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)text[i-1]; if ( IsToken(character) ) break; i --; } } } while ( i > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)text[i-1]; if ( !IsToken(character) ) break; i --; } cursor2 = i; while ( i < len ) { character = (unsigned char)text[i]; if ( !IsToken(character) ) break; i ++; } cursor1 = i; len = cursor1-cursor2; if ( len > 100-1 ) len = 100-1; for ( i=0 ; iColorizeScript(edit); } // D�but de l'�dition d'un programme. void CStudio::StartEditScript(CScript *script, char* name, int rank) { FPOINT pos, dim; CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CButton* button; CSlider* slider; CList* list; char res[100]; m_script = script; m_rank = rank; m_main->SetEditLock(TRUE, TRUE); m_main->SetEditFull(FALSE); m_bInitPause = m_engine->RetPause(); m_main->SetSpeed(1.0f); m_editCamera = m_camera->RetType(); m_camera->SetType(CAMERA_EDIT); m_bRunning = m_script->IsRunning(); m_bRealTime = m_bRunning; m_script->SetStepMode(!m_bRealTime); button = (CButton*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_BUTTON_QUIT); if ( button != 0 ) { button->ClearState(STATE_VISIBLE); } pos = m_editFinalPos = m_editActualPos = m_main->RetWindowPos(); dim = m_editFinalDim = m_editActualDim = m_main->RetWindowDim(); pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(pos, dim, 8, EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pw->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pw->SetRedim(TRUE); // avant SetName ! pw->SetMovable(TRUE); pw->SetClosable(TRUE); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_STUDIO_TITLE, res); pw->SetName(res); pw->SetMinDim(FPOINT(0.49f, 0.50f)); pw->SetMaximized(m_bEditMaximized); pw->SetMinimized(m_bEditMinimized); m_main->SetEditFull(m_bEditMaximized); edit = pw->CreateEdit(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit == 0 ) return; edit->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); edit->SetInsideScroll(FALSE); //? if ( m_bRunning ) edit->SetEdit(FALSE); edit->SetMaxChar(EDITSTUDIOMAX); edit->SetFontType(FONT_COURIER); edit->SetFontStretch(0.7f); edit->SetDisplaySpec(TRUE); edit->SetAutoIndent(m_engine->RetEditIndentMode()); m_script->PutScript(edit, name); ColorizeScript(edit); ViewEditScript(); list = pw->CreateList(pos, dim, 1, EVENT_STUDIO_LIST, 1.2f); list->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); list->SetFontType(FONT_COURIER); list->SetSelectCap(FALSE); list->SetFontSize(SMALLFONT*0.85f); //? list->SetFontStretch(1.0f); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 56, EVENT_STUDIO_NEW); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 57, EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 58, EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 59, EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 60, EVENT_STUDIO_CUT); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 61, EVENT_STUDIO_COPY); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 62, EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); slider = pw->CreateSlider(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE); slider->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); slider->SetVisibleValue((m_main->RetFontSize()-9.0f)/6.0f); pw->CreateGroup(pos, dim, 19, EVENT_LABEL1); // logo SatCom button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+57, EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+60, EVENT_STUDIO_HELP); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, -1, EVENT_STUDIO_OK); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, -1, EVENT_STUDIO_CANCEL); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 64+23, EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 21, EVENT_STUDIO_RUN); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 64+22, EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); button = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 64+29, EVENT_STUDIO_STEP); button->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); UpdateFlux(); UpdateButtons(); AdjustEditScript(); } // Repositionne tous les contr�les d'�dition. void CStudio::AdjustEditScript() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CButton* button; CGroup* group; CSlider* slider; CList* list; FPOINT wpos, wdim, pos, dim, ppos, ddim; float hList; wpos = m_editActualPos; wdim = m_editActualDim; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) { pw->SetPos(wpos); pw->SetDim(wdim); wdim = pw->RetDim(); } if ( m_bRunning ) hList = 80.0f/480.0f; else hList = 20.0f/480.0f; pos.x = wpos.x+0.01f; pos.y = wpos.y+0.09f+hList; dim.x = wdim.x-0.02f; dim.y = wdim.y-0.22f-hList; edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit != 0 ) { edit->SetPos(pos); edit->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.01f; pos.y = wpos.y+0.09f; dim.x = wdim.x-0.02f; dim.y = hList; list = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_LIST); if ( list != 0 ) { list->SetPos(pos); list->SetDim(dim); } dim.x = 0.04f; dim.y = 0.04f*1.5f; dim.y = 25.0f/480.0f; pos.y = wpos.y+wdim.y-dim.y-0.06f; pos.x = wpos.x+0.01f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_NEW); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.05f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.09f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.14f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.19f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_CUT); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.23f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_COPY); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.27f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.32f; slider = (CSlider*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE); if ( slider != 0 ) { ppos = pos; ddim.x = dim.x*0.7f; ddim.y = dim.y; ppos.y -= 3.0f/480.0f; ddim.y += 6.0f/480.0f; slider->SetPos(ppos); slider->SetDim(ddim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.36f; group = (CGroup*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_LABEL1); if ( group != 0 ) { group->SetPos(pos); group->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.40f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.44f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_HELP); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.y = wpos.y+0.02f; pos.x = wpos.x+0.01f; dim.x = 80.0f/640.0f; dim.y = 25.0f/480.0f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_OK); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.14f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_CANCEL); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.28f; dim.x = dim.y*0.75f; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.28f+dim.x*1; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_RUN); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.28f+dim.x*2; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } pos.x = wpos.x+0.28f+dim.x*3; button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_STEP); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetPos(pos); button->SetDim(dim); } } // Fin de l'�dition d'un programme. BOOL CStudio::StopEditScript(BOOL bCancel) { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CButton* button; char buffer[100]; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( !bCancel && !m_script->IsRunning() ) { edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit != 0 ) { if ( !m_script->GetScript(edit) ) // compile { m_script->GetError(buffer); SetInfoText(buffer, FALSE); return FALSE; } } } m_script->SetStepMode(FALSE); m_interface->DeleteControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); button = (CButton*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_BUTTON_QUIT); if ( button != 0 ) { button->SetState(STATE_VISIBLE); } if ( !m_bInitPause ) m_engine->SetPause(FALSE); m_sound->MuteAll(FALSE); m_main->SetEditLock(FALSE, TRUE); m_camera->SetType(m_editCamera); return TRUE; } // Sp�cifie le message � afficher. // Les messages non cliquables restent 8 secondes, m�me si un // message cliquable est affich� avant. void CStudio::SetInfoText(char *text, BOOL bClickable) { CWindow* pw; CList* list; char res[100]; if ( bClickable && m_fixInfoTextTime > 0.0f ) return; if ( !bClickable ) m_fixInfoTextTime = 8.0f; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return; list = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_LIST); if ( list == 0 ) return; list->Flush(); // juste le texte list->SetName(0, text); if ( text[0] == 0 ) bClickable = FALSE; list->SetSelectCap(bClickable); if ( bClickable ) { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_STUDIO_LISTTT, res); list->SetTooltip(res); list->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); } else { list->SetTooltip(""); //? list->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); list->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, text[0] != 0); } } // Changement de la taille l'�dition d'un programme. void CStudio::ViewEditScript() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; POINT dim; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return; edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit == 0 ) return; dim = m_engine->RetDim(); edit->SetFontSize(m_main->RetFontSize()/(dim.x/640.0f)); } // Met � jour le mode de fonctionnement. void CStudio::UpdateFlux() { if ( m_bRunning ) { #if 1 if ( m_bRealTime ) // run ? { m_engine->SetPause(FALSE); m_sound->MuteAll(FALSE); } else // step by step ? { m_engine->SetPause(TRUE); m_sound->MuteAll(TRUE); } #else m_engine->SetPause(FALSE); m_sound->MuteAll(FALSE); #endif } else // stop ? { m_engine->SetPause(TRUE); m_sound->MuteAll(TRUE); } } // Met � jour les boutons. void CStudio::UpdateButtons() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* edit; CButton* button; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return; edit = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( edit == 0 ) return; if ( m_bRunning ) { edit->SetIcon(1); // fond rouge edit->SetEditCap(FALSE); // juste pour voir edit->SetHiliteCap(TRUE); } else { edit->SetIcon(0); // fond standard edit->SetEditCap(TRUE); edit->SetHiliteCap(TRUE); } button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE); if ( button == 0 ) return; button->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, !m_bRunning); button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_RUN); if ( button == 0 ) return; button->SetIcon(m_bRunning?8:21); // stop/run button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME); if ( button == 0 ) return; button->SetIcon(m_bRealTime?64+22:64+21); button->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, (!m_bRunning || !m_script->IsContinue())); button = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_STEP); if ( button == 0 ) return; button->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, (m_bRunning && !m_bRealTime && !m_script->IsContinue())); } // D�but de l'affichage d'un dialogue. void CStudio::StartDialog(StudioDialog type) { CWindow* pw; CButton* pb; CCheck* pc; CLabel* pla; CList* pli; CEdit* pe; FPOINT pos, dim; char name[100]; m_dialog = type; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW0); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW1); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW4); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW6); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW7); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW8); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN || m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { pos = m_main->RetIOPos(); dim = m_main->RetIODim(); } //? pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(pos, dim, 8, EVENT_WINDOW9); pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(pos, dim, m_dialog==SD_OPEN?14:13, EVENT_WINDOW9); pw->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pw->SetMovable(TRUE); pw->SetClosable(TRUE); pw->SetMinDim(FPOINT(320.0f/640.0f, (121.0f+18.0f*4)/480.0f)); if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN ) GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_OPEN, name); if ( m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_SAVE, name); pw->SetName(name); pos = FPOINT(0.0f, 0.0f); dim = FPOINT(0.0f, 0.0f); if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN || m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_LIST, name); pla = pw->CreateLabel(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL1, name); pla->SetJustif(1); pli = pw->CreateList(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_LIST); pli->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_NAME, name); pla = pw->CreateLabel(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL2, name); pla->SetJustif(1); pe = pw->CreateEdit(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); pe->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); if ( m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { pe->SetText(m_script->RetFilename()); } GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_DIR, name); pla = pw->CreateLabel(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL3, name); pla->SetJustif(1); pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK1); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_PRIVATE, name); pc->SetName(name); pc->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); #if _POLISH pc->SetFontSize(8.0f); #endif pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, dim, 0, EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK2); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_PUBLIC, name); pc->SetName(name); pc->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); #if _POLISH pc->SetFontSize(8.0f); #endif pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, -1, EVENT_DIALOG_OK); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN ) GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_OPEN, name); if ( m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_SAVE, name); pb->SetName(name); pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, -1, EVENT_DIALOG_CANCEL); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); GetResource(RES_EVENT, EVENT_DIALOG_CANCEL, name); pb->SetName(name); AdjustDialog(); UpdateDialogList(); UpdateDialogPublic(); UpdateDialogAction(); pe->SetCursor(999, 0); // s�lectionne tout pe->SetFocus(TRUE); } m_main->SetSatComLock(TRUE); // impossible d'utiliser le SatCom } // Fin de l'affichage d'un dialogue. void CStudio::StopDialog() { CWindow* pw; if ( m_dialog == SD_NULL ) return; m_dialog = SD_NULL; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW0); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW1); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW4); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW6); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW7); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW8); if ( pw != 0 ) pw->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); m_interface->DeleteControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); m_main->SetSatComLock(FALSE); // possible d'utiliser le SatCom } // Ajuste tous les contr�les de dialogue suite � un changement de g�om�trie. void CStudio::AdjustDialog() { CWindow* pw; CButton* pb; CCheck* pc; CLabel* pla; CList* pli; CEdit* pe; FPOINT wpos, wdim, ppos, ddim; int nli, nch; char name[100]; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; wpos = pw->RetPos(); wdim = pw->RetDim(); pw->SetPos(wpos); // pour d�placer les boutons de la barre de titre if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN || m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { ppos.x = wpos.x+10.0f/640.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+wdim.y-55.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = wdim.x-20.0f/640.0f; ddim.y = 20.0f/480.0f; pla = (CLabel*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL1); if ( pla != 0 ) { pla->SetPos(ppos); pla->SetDim(ddim); } nli = (int)((wdim.y-120.0f/480.0f)/(18.0f/480.0f)); ddim.y = nli*18.0f/480.0f+9.0f/480.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+wdim.y-48.0f/480.0f-ddim.y; pli = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LIST); if ( pli != 0 ) { pli->SetPos(ppos); pli->SetDim(ddim); pli->SetTabs(0, ddim.x-(50.0f+130.0f+16.0f)/640.0f); pli->SetTabs(1, 50.0f/640.0f, -1); pli->SetTabs(2, 130.0f/640.0f); //? pli->ShowSelect(); } ppos.y = wpos.y+30.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = 50.0f/640.0f; ddim.y = 20.0f/480.0f; pla = (CLabel*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL2); if ( pla != 0 ) { pla->SetPos(ppos); pla->SetDim(ddim); } ppos.x += 50.0f/640.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+36.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = wdim.x-170.0f/640.0f; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); if ( pe != 0 ) { pe->SetPos(ppos); pe->SetDim(ddim); nch = (int)((ddim.x*640.0f-22.0f)/8.0f); pe->GetText(name, 100); pe->SetMaxChar(nch); name[nch] = 0; // tronque le texte selon max pe->SetText(name); } ppos.x = wpos.x+10.0f/640.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+5.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = 50.0f/640.0f; ddim.y = 16.0f/480.0f; pla = (CLabel*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL3); if ( pla != 0 ) { pla->SetPos(ppos); pla->SetDim(ddim); } ppos.x += 50.0f/640.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+12.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = 70.0f/640.0f; pc = (CCheck*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK1); if ( pc != 0 ) { pc->SetPos(ppos); pc->SetDim(ddim); } ppos.x += 80.0f/640.0f; pc = (CCheck*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK2); if ( pc != 0 ) { pc->SetPos(ppos); pc->SetDim(ddim); } ppos.x = wpos.x+wdim.x-100.0f/640.0f; ppos.y = wpos.y+34.0f/480.0f; ddim.x = 90.0f/640.0f; ddim.y = 23.0f/480.0f; pb = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_OK); if ( pb != 0 ) { pb->SetPos(ppos); pb->SetDim(ddim); } ppos.y -= 26.0f/480.0f; pb = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_CANCEL); if ( pb != 0 ) { pb->SetPos(ppos); pb->SetDim(ddim); } } } // Gestion de l'�v�nement d'un dialogue. BOOL CStudio::EventDialog(const Event &event) { CWindow* pw; FPOINT wpos, wdim; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( event.event == EVENT_WINDOW9 ) // fen�tre d�plac�e ? { wpos = pw->RetPos(); wdim = pw->RetDim(); m_main->SetIOPos(wpos); m_main->SetIODim(wdim); AdjustDialog(); } if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN || m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_LIST ) { UpdateChangeList(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT ) { UpdateChangeEdit(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK1 ) // private ? { m_main->SetIOPublic(FALSE); UpdateDialogPublic(); UpdateDialogList(); } if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK2 ) // public ? { m_main->SetIOPublic(TRUE); UpdateDialogPublic(); UpdateDialogList(); } } if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_OK || (event.event == EVENT_KEYDOWN && event.param == VK_RETURN) ) { if ( m_dialog == SD_OPEN ) { if ( !ReadProgram() ) return TRUE; } if ( m_dialog == SD_SAVE ) { if ( !WriteProgram() ) return TRUE; } StopDialog(); return TRUE; } if ( event.event == EVENT_DIALOG_CANCEL || (event.event == EVENT_KEYDOWN && event.param == VK_ESCAPE) || event.event == pw->RetEventMsgClose() ) { StopDialog(); return TRUE; } return TRUE; } // Met � jour le nom suite � un clic dans la liste. void CStudio::UpdateChangeList() { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; CEdit* pe; char name[100]; char* p; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pl = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LIST); if ( pl == 0 ) return; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return; strcpy(name, pl->RetName(pl->RetSelect())); name[pe->RetMaxChar()] = 0; // tronque selon lg max �ditable p = strchr(name, '\t'); // cherche 1er tabulateur if ( p != 0 ) *p = 0; pe->SetText(name); pe->SetCursor(999, 0); // s�lectionne tout pe->SetFocus(TRUE); UpdateDialogAction(); } // Met � jour la liste suite � un changement dans le nom. void CStudio::UpdateChangeEdit() { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pl = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LIST); if ( pl == 0 ) return; pl->SetSelect(-1); UpdateDialogAction(); } // Met � jour le bouton d'action. void CStudio::UpdateDialogAction() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* pe; CButton* pb; char name[100]; int len, i; BOOL bError; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return; pb = (CButton*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_OK); if ( pb == 0 ) return; pe->GetText(name, 100); len = strlen(name); if ( len == 0 ) { bError = TRUE; } else { bError = FALSE; for ( i=0 ; i' || name[i] == '"' || name[i] == '|' || name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '\\' ) bError = TRUE; } } pb->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, !bError); } // Met � jour les boutons private/public. void CStudio::UpdateDialogPublic() { CWindow* pw; CCheck* pc; CLabel* pl; char name[100]; char dir[_MAX_FNAME]; char text[_MAX_FNAME+100]; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pc = (CCheck*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK1); if ( pc != 0 ) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, !m_main->RetIOPublic()); } pc = (CCheck*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_CHECK2); if ( pc != 0 ) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_main->RetIOPublic()); } pl = (CLabel*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LABEL1); if ( pl != 0 ) { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_IO_LIST, name); SearchDirectory(dir, FALSE); sprintf(text, name, dir); pl->SetName(text, FALSE); } } // Remplit la liste avec tous les programmes sauv�s. void CStudio::UpdateDialogList() { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; long hFile; struct _finddata_t fileBuffer; struct _finddata_t* listBuffer; BOOL bDo; char dir[_MAX_FNAME]; char temp[_MAX_FNAME]; int nbFilenames, i; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return; pl = (CList*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_LIST); if ( pl == 0 ) return; pl->Flush(); nbFilenames = 0; listBuffer = (_finddata_t*)malloc(sizeof(_finddata_t)*1000); SearchDirectory(dir, FALSE); strcat(dir, "*"); // liste tout hFile = _findfirst(dir, &fileBuffer); if ( hFile != -1 ) { do { if ( (fileBuffer.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) == 0 ) { listBuffer[nbFilenames++] = fileBuffer; } } while ( _findnext(hFile, &fileBuffer) == 0 && nbFilenames < 1000 ); } do // trie tous les noms : { bDo = FALSE; for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) { fileBuffer = listBuffer[i]; // �change i et i+1 listBuffer[i] = listBuffer[i+1]; listBuffer[i+1] = fileBuffer; bDo = TRUE; } } } while ( bDo ); for ( i=0 ; iSetName(i, temp); } free(listBuffer); } // Construit le nom du dossier o� ouvrir/enregistrer. // Si le dossier n'existe pas, il est �ventuellement cr��. void CStudio::SearchDirectory(char *dir, BOOL bCreate) { if ( m_main->RetIOPublic() ) { sprintf(dir, "%s\\", m_main->RetPublicDir()); } else { sprintf(dir, "%s\\%s\\Program\\", m_main->RetSavegameDir(), m_main->RetGamerName()); } if ( bCreate ) { _mkdir(dir); // si n'existe pas encore ! } } // Lit un nouveau programme. BOOL CStudio::ReadProgram() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* pe; char filename[100]; char dir[100]; char* p; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return FALSE; pe->GetText(filename, 100); if ( filename[0] == 0 ) return FALSE; p = strstr(filename, ".txt"); if ( p == 0 || p != filename+strlen(filename)-4 ) { strcat(filename, ".txt"); } SearchDirectory(dir, TRUE); strcat(dir, filename); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( !pe->ReadText(dir) ) return FALSE; m_script->SetFilename(filename); ColorizeScript(pe); return TRUE; } // Ecrit le programme actuel. BOOL CStudio::WriteProgram() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* pe; char filename[100]; char dir[100]; char* p; pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW9); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DIALOG_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return FALSE; pe->GetText(filename, 100); if ( filename[0] == 0 ) return FALSE; p = strstr(filename, ".txt"); if ( p == 0 || p != filename+strlen(filename)-4 ) { strcat(filename, ".txt"); } SearchDirectory(dir, TRUE); strcat(dir, filename); pw = (CWindow*)m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW3); if ( pw == 0 ) return FALSE; pe = (CEdit*)pw->SearchControl(EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT); if ( pe == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( !pe->WriteText(dir) ) return FALSE; m_script->SetFilename(filename); return TRUE; }