// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.// taskbuild.cpp #define STRICT #define D3D_OVERLOADS #include #include #include #include "struct.h" #include "D3DEngine.h" #include "math3d.h" #include "event.h" #include "misc.h" #include "iman.h" #include "light.h" #include "particule.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "water.h" #include "object.h" #include "physics.h" #include "brain.h" #include "auto.h" #include "camera.h" #include "motion.h" #include "motionhuman.h" #include "robotmain.h" #include "sound.h" #include "displaytext.h" #include "task.h" #include "taskbuild.h" // Constructeur de l'objet. CTaskBuild::CTaskBuild(CInstanceManager* iMan, CObject* object) : CTask(iMan, object) { int i; CTask::CTask(iMan, object); m_type = OBJECT_DERRICK; m_time = 0.0f; m_soundChannel = -1; for ( i=0 ; iFlushEnvelope(m_soundChannel); m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP); m_soundChannel = -1; } for ( i=0 ; iDeleteLight(m_lightRank[i]); } } // Crée un batiment. BOOL CTaskBuild::CreateBuilding(D3DVECTOR pos, float angle) { m_building = new CObject(m_iMan); if ( !m_building->CreateBuilding(pos, angle, 0.0f, m_type, 0.0f) ) { delete m_building; m_building = 0; return FALSE; } m_building->UpdateMapping(); m_building->SetLock(TRUE); // pas encore utilisable if ( m_type == OBJECT_DERRICK ) m_buildingHeight = 35.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_FACTORY ) m_buildingHeight = 28.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_REPAIR ) m_buildingHeight = 30.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_STATION ) m_buildingHeight = 13.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_CONVERT ) m_buildingHeight = 20.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_TOWER ) m_buildingHeight = 30.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_RESEARCH ) m_buildingHeight = 22.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_RADAR ) m_buildingHeight = 19.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_ENERGY ) m_buildingHeight = 20.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_LABO ) m_buildingHeight = 16.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) m_buildingHeight = 40.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_PARA ) m_buildingHeight = 68.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_INFO ) m_buildingHeight = 19.0f; m_buildingHeight *= 0.25f; m_buildingPos = m_building->RetPosition(0); m_buildingPos.y -= m_buildingHeight; m_building->SetPosition(0, m_buildingPos); return TRUE; } // Crée les lumières pour les effets. void CTaskBuild::CreateLight() { D3DLIGHT7 light; D3DCOLORVALUE color; D3DVECTOR center, pos, dir; FPOINT c, p; float angle; int i; if ( !m_engine->RetLightMode() ) return; center = m_metal->RetPosition(0); angle = 0; for ( i=0 ; iCreateLight(); if ( m_lightRank[i] == -1 ) continue; c.x = center.x; c.y = center.z; p.x = center.x+40.0f; p.y = center.z; p = RotatePoint(c, angle, p); pos.x = p.x; pos.z = p.y; pos.y = center.y+40.0f; dir = center-pos; ZeroMemory( &light, sizeof(light) ); light.dltType = D3DLIGHT_SPOT; light.dcvDiffuse.r = 0.0f; light.dcvDiffuse.g = 0.0f; light.dcvDiffuse.b = 0.0f; // blanc (invisible) light.dvPosition.x = pos.x; light.dvPosition.y = pos.y; light.dvPosition.z = pos.z; light.dvDirection.x = dir.x; light.dvDirection.y = dir.y; light.dvDirection.z = dir.z; light.dvRange = D3DLIGHT_RANGE_MAX; light.dvFalloff = 1.0f; light.dvAttenuation0 = 1.0f; light.dvAttenuation1 = 0.0f; light.dvAttenuation2 = 0.0f; light.dvTheta = 0.0f; light.dvPhi = PI/4.0f; m_light->SetLight(m_lightRank[i], light); color.r = -1.0f; color.g = -1.0f; color.b = -0.5f; // violet color.a = 0.0f; m_light->SetLightColor(m_lightRank[i], color); m_light->SetLightColorSpeed(m_lightRank[i], 1.0f/((1.0f/m_speed)*0.25f)); angle += (PI*2.0f)/TBMAXLIGHT; } m_bBlack = FALSE; } // Fait passer les lumières du noir au blanc. void CTaskBuild::BlackLight() { D3DCOLORVALUE color; int i; for ( i=0 ; iSetLightColor(m_lightRank[i], color); m_light->SetLightColorSpeed(m_lightRank[i], 1.0f/((1.0f/m_speed)*0.75f)); } m_bBlack = TRUE; } // Gestion d'un événement. BOOL CTaskBuild::EventProcess(const Event &event) { D3DMATRIX* mat; D3DVECTOR pos, dir, speed; FPOINT dim; float a, g, cirSpeed, dist, linSpeed; if ( m_engine->RetPause() ) return TRUE; if ( event.event != EVENT_FRAME ) return TRUE; if ( m_bError ) return FALSE; m_time += event.rTime; m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed; // ça avance if ( m_phase == TBP_TURN ) // rotation préliminaire ? { a = m_object->RetAngleY(0); g = m_angleY; cirSpeed = Direction(a, g)*1.0f; if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // tourne à gauche/droite return TRUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_MOVE ) // avance/recule préliminaire ? { dist = Length(m_object->RetPosition(0), m_metal->RetPosition(0)); linSpeed = 0.0f; if ( dist > 30.0f ) linSpeed = 1.0f; if ( dist < 30.0f ) linSpeed = -1.0f; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(linSpeed); // avance/recule return TRUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_RECEDE ) // recule terminal ? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(-1.0f); // recule return TRUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_TAKE ) // prend arme ? { return TRUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_PREP ) // prépare ? { return TRUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_TERM ) // termine ? { return TRUE; } if ( !m_bBuild ) // batiment à construire ? { m_bBuild = TRUE; pos = m_metal->RetPosition(0); a = m_object->RetAngleY(0); if ( !CreateBuilding(pos, a+PI) ) { m_metal->SetLock(FALSE); // de nouveau utilisable m_motion->SetAction(-1); m_object->SetObjectParent(14, 0); m_object->SetPosition(14, D3DVECTOR(-1.5f, 0.3f, -1.35f)); m_object->SetAngleZ(14, PI); m_camera->FlushEffect(); Abort(); m_bError = TRUE; m_displayText->DisplayError(ERR_TOOMANY, m_object->RetPosition(0)); return FALSE; } CreateLight(); } pos = m_buildingPos; pos.y += m_buildingHeight*m_progress; m_building->SetPosition(0, pos); // le batiment monte m_building->SetZoom(0, m_progress*0.75f+0.25f); m_metal->SetZoom(0, 1.0f-m_progress); a = (2.0f-2.0f*m_progress); if ( a > 1.0f ) a = 1.0f; dir.x = (Rand()-0.5f)*a*0.1f; dir.z = (Rand()-0.5f)*a*0.1f; dir.y = (Rand()-0.5f)*a*0.1f; m_building->SetCirVibration(dir); if ( !m_bBlack && m_progress >= 0.25f ) { BlackLight(); } if ( m_lastParticule+m_engine->ParticuleAdapt(0.05f) <= m_time ) { m_lastParticule = m_time; pos = m_metal->RetPosition(0); speed.x = (Rand()-0.5f)*20.0f; speed.z = (Rand()-0.5f)*20.0f; speed.y = Rand()*10.0f; dim.x = Rand()*6.0f+4.0f; dim.y = dim.x; m_particule->CreateParticule(pos, speed, dim, PARTIFIRE); pos = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); mat = m_object->RetWorldMatrix(14); pos = Transform(*mat, pos); speed = m_metal->RetPosition(0); speed.x += (Rand()-0.5f)*5.0f; speed.z += (Rand()-0.5f)*5.0f; speed -= pos; dim.x = 2.0f; dim.y = dim.x; m_particule->CreateParticule(pos, speed, dim, PARTIFIREZ); if ( Rand() < 0.3f ) { m_sound->Play(SOUND_BUILD, m_object->RetPosition(0), 0.5f, 1.0f*Rand()*1.5f); } } return TRUE; } // Assigne le but à atteindre. Error CTaskBuild::Start(ObjectType type) { D3DVECTOR pos, speed, pv, pm; Error err; float iAngle, oAngle; m_type = type; m_lastParticule = 0.0f; m_progress = 0.0f; iAngle = m_object->RetAngleY(0); iAngle = NormAngle(iAngle); // 0..2*PI oAngle = iAngle; m_bError = TRUE; // opération impossible pos = m_object->RetPosition(0); if ( pos.y < m_water->RetLevel() ) return ERR_BUILD_WATER; if ( !m_physics->RetLand() ) return ERR_BUILD_FLY; speed = m_physics->RetMotorSpeed(); if ( speed.x != 0.0f || speed.z != 0.0f ) return ERR_BUILD_MOTOR; if ( m_object->RetFret() != 0 ) return ERR_MANIP_BUSY; m_metal = SearchMetalObject(oAngle, 2.0f, 100.0f, PI*0.25f, err); if ( err == ERR_BUILD_METALNEAR && m_metal != 0 ) { err = FlatFloor(); if ( err != ERR_OK ) return err; return ERR_BUILD_METALNEAR; } if ( err != ERR_OK ) return err; err = FlatFloor(); if ( err != ERR_OK ) return err; m_metal->SetLock(TRUE); // plus utilisable m_camera->StartCentering(m_object, PI*0.15f, 99.9f, 0.0f, 1.0f); m_phase = TBP_TURN; // rotation préliminaire nécessaire m_angleY = oAngle; // angle à atteindre pv = m_object->RetPosition(0); pv.y += 8.3f; pm = m_metal->RetPosition(0); m_angleZ = RotateAngle(Length2d(pv, pm), Abs(pv.y-pm.y)); m_physics->SetFreeze(TRUE); // on ne bouge plus m_bBuild = FALSE; // pas encore construit m_bError = FALSE; // ok return ERR_OK; } // Indique si l'action est terminée. Error CTaskBuild::IsEnded() { CAuto* automat; float angle, dist, time; if ( m_engine->RetPause() ) return ERR_CONTINUE; if ( m_bError ) return ERR_STOP; if ( m_phase == TBP_TURN ) // rotation préliminaire ? { angle = m_object->RetAngleY(0); angle = NormAngle(angle); // 0..2*PI if ( TestAngle(angle, m_angleY-PI*0.01f, m_angleY+PI*0.01f) ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); dist = Length(m_object->RetPosition(0), m_metal->RetPosition(0)); if ( dist > 30.0f ) { time = m_physics->RetLinTimeLength(dist-30.0f, 1.0f); m_speed = 1.0f/time; } else { time = m_physics->RetLinTimeLength(30.0f-dist, -1.0f); m_speed = 1.0f/time; } m_phase = TBP_MOVE; m_progress = 0.0f; } return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_MOVE ) // avance/recule préliminaire ? { dist = Length(m_object->RetPosition(0), m_metal->RetPosition(0)); if ( dist >= 25.0f && dist <= 35.0f ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); m_motion->SetAction(MHS_GUN); // prend arme m_phase = TBP_TAKE; m_speed = 1.0f/1.0f; m_progress = 0.0f; } else { if ( m_progress > 1.0f ) // timeout ? { m_metal->SetLock(FALSE); // de nouveau utilisable if ( dist < 30.0f ) return ERR_BUILD_METALNEAR; else return ERR_BUILD_METALAWAY; } } return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_phase == TBP_TAKE ) // prend arme ? { if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_motion->SetAction(MHS_FIRE); // position de tir m_object->SetObjectParent(14, 4); m_object->SetPosition(14, D3DVECTOR(0.6f, 0.1f, 0.3f)); m_object->SetAngleZ(14, 0.0f); m_phase = TBP_PREP; m_speed = 1.0f/1.0f; m_progress = 0.0f; } if ( m_phase == TBP_PREP ) // prépare ? { if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_TREMBLE, m_object->RetPosition(0), 0.0f, 1.0f, TRUE); m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE); m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.7f, 1.5f, 7.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE); m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 1.5f, 2.0f, SOPER_STOP); m_camera->StartEffect(CE_VIBRATION, m_metal->RetPosition(0), 1.0f); m_phase = TBP_BUILD; m_speed = 1.0f/10.f; // durée de 10s m_progress = 0.0f; } if ( m_phase == TBP_BUILD ) // construction ? { if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; DeleteMark(m_metal->RetPosition(0), 20.0f); m_metal->DeleteObject(); // supprime le métal delete m_metal; m_metal = 0; m_building->SetZoom(0, 1.0f); m_building->SetCirVibration(D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); m_building->SetLock(FALSE); // batiment utilisable m_main->CreateShortcuts(); m_displayText->DisplayError(INFO_BUILD, m_buildingPos, 10.0f, 50.0f); automat = m_building->RetAuto(); if ( automat != 0 ) { automat->Init(); } m_motion->SetAction(MHS_GUN); // remet arme m_phase = TBP_TERM; m_speed = 1.0f/1.0f; m_progress = 0.0f; } if ( m_phase == TBP_TERM ) // rotation terminale ? { if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_motion->SetAction(-1); m_object->SetObjectParent(14, 0); m_object->SetPosition(14, D3DVECTOR(-1.5f, 0.3f, -1.35f)); m_object->SetAngleZ(14, PI); if ( m_type == OBJECT_FACTORY || m_type == OBJECT_RESEARCH || m_type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) { m_phase = TBP_RECEDE; m_speed = 1.0f/1.5f; m_progress = 0.0f; } } if ( m_phase == TBP_RECEDE ) // recule ? { if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); } Abort(); return ERR_STOP; } // Termine brutalement l'action en cours. BOOL CTaskBuild::Abort() { if ( m_soundChannel != -1 ) { m_sound->FlushEnvelope(m_soundChannel); m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP); m_soundChannel = -1; } m_camera->StopCentering(m_object, 2.0f); m_physics->SetFreeze(FALSE); // on bouge de nouveau return TRUE; } // Vérifie si le terrain est assez plat et s'il n'y a pas // un autre objet trop proche. Error CTaskBuild::FlatFloor() { CObject *pObj; ObjectType type; D3DVECTOR center, pos, oPos, bPos; FPOINT c, p; float radius, max, oRadius, bRadius, angle, dist; int i, j; BOOL bLittleFlat, bBase; radius = 0.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_DERRICK ) radius = 5.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_FACTORY ) radius = 15.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_REPAIR ) radius = 12.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_STATION ) radius = 12.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_CONVERT ) radius = 12.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_TOWER ) radius = 7.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_RESEARCH ) radius = 10.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_RADAR ) radius = 5.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_ENERGY ) radius = 8.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_LABO ) radius = 12.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) radius = 20.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_PARA ) radius = 20.0f; if ( m_type == OBJECT_INFO ) radius = 5.0f; if ( radius == 0.0f ) return ERR_GENERIC; center = m_metal->RetPosition(0); angle = m_terrain->RetFineSlope(center); bLittleFlat = ( angle < FLATLIMIT ); max = m_terrain->RetFlatZoneRadius(center, radius); if ( max < radius ) // zone trop petite ? { if ( bLittleFlat ) { m_main->SetShowLimit(1, PARTILIMIT3, m_metal, center, max, 10.0f); } return bLittleFlat?ERR_BUILD_FLATLIT:ERR_BUILD_FLAT; } max = 100000.0f; bBase = FALSE; for ( i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++ ) { pObj = (CObject*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_OBJECT, i); if ( pObj == 0 ) break; if ( !pObj->RetActif() ) continue; // inactif ? if ( pObj->RetTruck() != 0 ) continue; // objet transporté ? if ( pObj == m_metal ) continue; if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; type = pObj->RetType(); if ( type == OBJECT_BASE ) { oPos = pObj->RetPosition(0); dist = Length(center, oPos)-80.0f; if ( dist < max ) { max = dist; bPos = oPos; bRadius = oRadius; bBase = TRUE; } } else { j = 0; while ( pObj->GetCrashSphere(j++, oPos, oRadius) ) { dist = Length(center, oPos)-oRadius; if ( dist < max ) { max = dist; bPos = oPos; bRadius = oRadius; bBase = FALSE; } } } } if ( max < radius ) { m_main->SetShowLimit(1, PARTILIMIT2, m_metal, center, max, 10.0f); if ( bRadius < 2.0f ) bRadius = 2.0f; m_main->SetShowLimit(2, PARTILIMIT3, m_metal, bPos, bRadius, 10.0f); return bBase?ERR_BUILD_BASE:ERR_BUILD_BUSY; } max = 100000.0f; for ( i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++ ) { pObj = (CObject*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_OBJECT, i); if ( pObj == 0 ) break; if ( !pObj->RetActif() ) continue; // inactif ? if ( pObj->RetTruck() != 0 ) continue; // objet transporté ? if ( pObj == m_metal ) continue; if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; type = pObj->RetType(); if ( type == OBJECT_DERRICK || type == OBJECT_FACTORY || type == OBJECT_STATION || type == OBJECT_CONVERT || type == OBJECT_REPAIR || type == OBJECT_TOWER || type == OBJECT_RESEARCH || type == OBJECT_RADAR || type == OBJECT_ENERGY || type == OBJECT_LABO || type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR || type == OBJECT_START || type == OBJECT_END || type == OBJECT_INFO || type == OBJECT_PARA || type == OBJECT_SAFE || type == OBJECT_HUSTON ) // bâtiment ? { j = 0; while ( pObj->GetCrashSphere(j++, oPos, oRadius) ) { dist = Length(center, oPos)-oRadius; if ( dist < max ) { max = dist; bPos = oPos; bRadius = oRadius; } } } } if ( max-BUILDMARGIN < radius ) { m_main->SetShowLimit(1, PARTILIMIT2, m_metal, center, max-BUILDMARGIN, 10.0f); m_main->SetShowLimit(2, PARTILIMIT3, m_metal, bPos, bRadius+BUILDMARGIN, 10.0f); return bBase?ERR_BUILD_BASE:ERR_BUILD_NARROW; } return ERR_OK; } // Cherche l'objet métal le plus proche. CObject* CTaskBuild::SearchMetalObject(float &angle, float dMin, float dMax, float aLimit, Error &err) { CObject *pObj, *pBest; D3DVECTOR iPos, oPos; ObjectType type; float min, iAngle, a, aa, aBest, distance, magic; int i; BOOL bMetal; iPos = m_object->RetPosition(0); iAngle = m_object->RetAngleY(0); iAngle = NormAngle(iAngle); // 0..2*PI min = 1000000.0f; pBest = 0; bMetal = FALSE; for ( i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++ ) { pObj = (CObject*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_OBJECT, i); if ( pObj == 0 ) break; if ( !pObj->RetActif() ) continue; // objet inactif ? if ( pObj->RetTruck() != 0 ) continue; // objet transporté ? type = pObj->RetType(); if ( type != OBJECT_METAL ) continue; bMetal = TRUE; // métal existe oPos = pObj->RetPosition(0); distance = Length(oPos, iPos); a = RotateAngle(oPos.x-iPos.x, iPos.z-oPos.z); // CW ! if ( distance > dMax ) continue; if ( !TestAngle(a, iAngle-aLimit, iAngle+aLimit) ) continue; if ( distance < dMin ) { err = ERR_BUILD_METALNEAR; // trop proche return pObj; } aa = Abs(a-iAngle); if ( aa > PI ) aa = PI*2.0f-aa; magic = distance*aa; if ( magic < min ) { min = magic; aBest = a; pBest = pObj; } } if ( pBest == 0 ) { if ( bMetal ) err = ERR_BUILD_METALAWAY; // trop loin else err = ERR_BUILD_METALINEX; // inexistant } else { angle = aBest; err = ERR_OK; } return pBest; } // Détruit toutes les marques proches. void CTaskBuild::DeleteMark(D3DVECTOR pos, float radius) { CObject* pObj; D3DVECTOR oPos; ObjectType type; float distance; int i; for ( i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++ ) { pObj = (CObject*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_OBJECT, i); if ( pObj == 0 ) break; type = pObj->RetType(); if ( type != OBJECT_MARKSTONE && type != OBJECT_MARKURANIUM && type != OBJECT_MARKKEYa && type != OBJECT_MARKKEYb && type != OBJECT_MARKKEYc && type != OBJECT_MARKKEYd && type != OBJECT_MARKPOWER ) continue; oPos = pObj->RetPosition(0); distance = Length(oPos, pos); if ( distance <= radius ) { pObj->DeleteObject(); // supprime la marque delete pObj; i --; } } }