// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // edit.cpp #include "edit.h" #include namespace Ui { const float MARGX = (5.0f/640.0f); const float MARGY = (5.0f/480.0f); const float MARGYS = (4.0f/480.0f); const float MARGY1 = (1.0f/480.0f); //! time limit for double-click const float DELAY_DBCLICK = 0.3f; //! time limit for scroll const float DELAY_SCROLL = 0.1f; //! expansion for \b; const float BIG_FONT = 1.6f; //! Indicates whether a character is a space. bool IsSpace(int character) { return ( character == ' ' || character == '\t' || character == '\n' ); } //! Indicates whether a character is part of a word. bool IsWord(int character) { char c; c = tolower(GetNoAccent(character)); return ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' ); } //! Indicates whether a character is a word separator. bool IsSep(int character) { if ( IsSpace(character) ) return false; return !IsWord(character); } //! Object's constructor. //CEdit::CEdit(CInstanceManager* iMan) : CControl(iMan) CEdit::CEdit () : CControl () { Math::Point pos; int i; m_maxChar = 100; m_text = new char[sizeof(char)*(m_maxChar+1)]; m_len = 0; m_app = CApplication::GetInstancePointer(); m_fontType = Gfx::FONT_COURIER; m_scroll = 0; m_bEdit = true; m_bHilite = true; m_bInsideScroll = true; m_bCapture = false; m_bDisplaySpec = false; m_bSoluce = false; m_bGeneric = false; m_bAutoIndent = false; m_cursor1 = 0; m_cursor2 = 0; m_column = 0; m_imageTotal = 0; HyperFlush(); for ( i=0 ; i(m_scroll); pc->Create(pos, dim, -1, EVENT_NULL); MoveAdjust(); } return true; } void CEdit::SetPos(Math::Point pos) { CControl::SetPos(pos); MoveAdjust(); } void CEdit::SetDim(Math::Point dim) { CControl::SetDim(dim); MoveAdjust(); } void CEdit::MoveAdjust() { Math::Point pos, dim; float height; m_lineDescent = m_engine->GetText()->GetDescent(m_fontType, m_fontSize); m_lineAscent = m_engine->GetText()->GetAscent(m_fontType, m_fontSize); m_lineHeight = m_engine->GetText()->GetHeight(m_fontType, m_fontSize); height = m_dim.y-(m_bMulti?MARGY*2.0f:MARGY1); m_lineVisible = static_cast((height/m_lineHeight)); if ( m_scroll != 0 ) { if ( m_bInsideScroll ) { pos.x = m_pos.x + m_dim.x - MARGX-SCROLL_WIDTH; pos.y = m_pos.y + MARGYS; dim.x = SCROLL_WIDTH; dim.y = m_dim.y - MARGYS*2.0f; } else { pos.x = m_pos.x + m_dim.x - SCROLL_WIDTH; pos.y = m_pos.y; dim.x = SCROLL_WIDTH; dim.y = m_dim.y; } m_scroll->SetPos(pos); m_scroll->SetDim(dim); } Justif(); if ( m_lineFirst > m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible ) { m_lineFirst = m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible; if ( m_lineFirst < 0 ) m_lineFirst = 0; } pos.x = m_pos.x+m_dim.x-(m_bMulti?SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f); pos.y = m_pos.y; GlintCreate(pos, false, false); } // Management of an event. bool CEdit::EventProcess(const Event &event) { bool bShift, bControl; if ( (m_state & STATE_VISIBLE) == 0 ) return true; if ( event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN && event.mouseButton.button == 5 && Detect(event.pos) ) { Scroll(m_lineFirst-3, true); return true; } if ( event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN && event.mouseButton.button == 4 && // TODO Detect(event.pos) ) { Scroll(m_lineFirst+3, true); return true; } CControl::EventProcess(event); if ( event.type == EVENT_FRAME ) { m_time += event.rTime; m_timeBlink += event.rTime; } if ( event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE ) { if ( Detect(event.pos) && event.pos.x < m_pos.x+m_dim.x-(m_bMulti?MARGX+SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f) ) { if ( m_bEdit ) { m_engine->SetMouseType(Gfx::ENG_MOUSE_EDIT); } else { if ( IsLinkPos(event.pos) ) { m_engine->SetMouseType(Gfx::ENG_MOUSE_HAND); } else { m_engine->SetMouseType(Gfx::ENG_MOUSE_NORM); } } } } if ( m_scroll != 0 && !m_bGeneric ) { m_scroll->EventProcess(event); if ( event.type == m_scroll->GetEventType() ) { Scroll(); return true; } } if ( event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN && m_bFocus ) { bShift = (event.keyState&KS_SHIFT); bControl = (event.keyState&KS_CONTROL); if ( (event.param == 'X' && !bShift && bControl) || (event.param == KEY(DELETE) && bShift && !bControl) ) { Cut(); return true; } if ( (event.param == 'C' && !bShift && bControl) || (event.param == KEY(INSERT) && !bShift && bControl) ) { Copy(); return true; } if ( (event.param == 'V' && !bShift && bControl) || (event.param == KEY(INSERT) && bShift && !bControl) ) { Paste(); return true; } if ( event.param == 'A' && !bShift && bControl ) { SetCursor(999999, 0); return true; } if ( event.param == 'O' && !bShift && bControl ) { Event newEvent(EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN); // m_event->NewEvent(newEvent, EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN); m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); } if ( event.param == 'S' && !bShift && bControl ) { Event newEvent( EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE ); // m_event->MakeEvent(newEvent, EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE); m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); } if ( event.param == 'Z' && !bShift && bControl ) { Undo(); return true; } if ( event.param == 'U' && !bShift && bControl ) { if ( MinMaj(false) ) return true; } if ( event.param == 'U' && bShift && bControl ) { if ( MinMaj(true) ) return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(TAB) && !bShift && !bControl && !m_bAutoIndent ) { if ( Shift(false) ) return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(TAB) && bShift && !bControl && !m_bAutoIndent ) { if ( Shift(true) ) return true; } if ( m_bEdit ) { if ( event.param == KEY(LEFT) ) { MoveChar(-1, bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(RIGHT) ) { MoveChar(1, bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(UP) ) { MoveLine(-1, bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(DOWN) ) { MoveLine(1, bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(PAGEUP) ) // PageUp ? { MoveLine(-(m_lineVisible-1), bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(PAGEDOWN) ) // PageDown ? { MoveLine(m_lineVisible-1, bControl, bShift); return true; } } else { if ( event.param == KEY(LEFT) || event.param == KEY(UP) ) { Scroll(m_lineFirst-1, true); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(RIGHT) || event.param == KEY(DOWN) ) { Scroll(m_lineFirst+1, true); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(PAGEUP) ) // PageUp ? { Scroll(m_lineFirst-(m_lineVisible-1), true); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(PAGEDOWN) ) // PageDown ? { Scroll(m_lineFirst+(m_lineVisible-1), true); return true; } } if ( event.param == KEY(HOME) ) { MoveHome(bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(END) ) { MoveEnd(bControl, bShift); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(BACKSPACE) ) // backspace ( <- ) ? { Delete(-1); SendModifEvent(); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(DELETE) ) { Delete(1); SendModifEvent(); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(RETURN) ) { Insert('\n'); SendModifEvent(); return true; } if ( event.param == KEY(TAB) ) { Insert('\t'); SendModifEvent(); return true; } } if ( event.type == EVENT_ACTIVE && m_bFocus ) { if ( event.param >= ' ' && event.param <= 255 ) { Insert((char)event.param); SendModifEvent(); return true; } } if ( event.type == EVENT_ACTIVE ) { if ( event.param == m_eventType ) { m_bFocus = true; } else { m_bFocus = false; } } if ( event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN && event.mouseButton.button == 1) { m_mouseFirstPos = event.pos; m_mouseLastPos = event.pos; if ( Detect(event.pos) ) { if ( event.pos.x < m_pos.x+m_dim.x-(m_bMulti?MARGX+SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f) ) { MouseClick(event.pos); if ( m_bEdit || m_bHilite ) m_bCapture = true; } m_bFocus = true; } else { m_bFocus = false; } } if ( event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE && m_bCapture ) { m_mouseLastPos = event.pos; MouseMove(event.pos); } if ( event.type == EVENT_FRAME && m_bCapture ) { MouseMove(m_mouseLastPos); } if ( event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP && event.mouseButton.button == 1) { if ( Detect(event.pos) ) { if ( event.pos.x < m_pos.x+m_dim.x-(m_bMulti?MARGX+SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f) ) { MouseRelease(m_mouseFirstPos); } } if ( m_bCapture ) { if ( m_timeLastClick+DELAY_DBCLICK > m_time ) // double-click ? { MouseDoubleClick(event.pos); } m_timeLastClick = m_time; m_bCapture = false; } } return true; } // Sends an event to indicate that the text was modified. void CEdit::SendModifEvent() { Event newEvent (m_eventType); // m_event->MakeEvent(newEvent, m_eventType); m_event->AddEvent(newEvent); } // Detects whether the mouse is over a hyperlink character. bool CEdit::IsLinkPos(Math::Point pos) { int i; if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) return false; i = MouseDetect(pos); if ( i == -1 ) return false; if ( i >= m_len ) return false; if ( (m_format[i]& Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) == Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK) return true; // TODO return false; } // Positions the cursor after a double click. void CEdit::MouseDoubleClick(Math::Point mouse) { int i, character; if ( m_bMulti ) // Multi-line? { i = MouseDetect(mouse); if ( i == -1 ) return; while ( i > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[i-1]; if ( !IsWord(character) ) break; i --; } m_cursor2 = i; while ( i < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[i]; if ( !IsWord(character) ) break; i ++; } m_cursor1 = i; } else // single-line? { m_cursor2 = 0; m_cursor1 = m_len; // selects all } m_bUndoForce = true; Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Positions the cursor when clicked. void CEdit::MouseClick(Math::Point mouse) { int i; i = MouseDetect(mouse); if ( i == -1 ) return; if ( m_bEdit || m_bHilite ) { m_cursor1 = i; m_cursor2 = i; m_bUndoForce = true; m_timeBlink = 0.0f; // lights the cursor immediately ColumnFix(); } } // Positions the cursor when clicked released. void CEdit::MouseRelease(Math::Point mouse) { int i, j, rank; i = MouseDetect(mouse); if ( i == -1 ) return; if ( !m_bEdit ) { if ( m_format.size() > 0 && i < m_len && m_cursor1 == m_cursor2 && (m_format[i]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) == Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK) //TODO { rank = -1; for ( j=0 ; j<=i ; j++ ) { if ( (j == 0 || (m_format[j-1]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) != Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK) && // TODO check if good (m_format[j+0]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) == Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK) // TODO { rank ++; } } HyperJump(m_link[rank].name, m_link[rank].marker); } } } // Positions the cursor after movement. void CEdit::MouseMove(Math::Point mouse) { int i; if ( m_bMulti && m_timeLastScroll+DELAY_SCROLL <= m_time ) { if ( mouse.y > m_pos.y+m_dim.y ) // above? { Scroll(m_lineFirst-1, false); mouse.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-MARGY-m_lineHeight/2.0f; } if ( mouse.y < m_pos.y ) // lower? { Scroll(m_lineFirst+1, false); mouse.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-MARGY-m_lineVisible*m_lineHeight+m_lineHeight/2.0f; } m_timeLastScroll = m_time; } i = MouseDetect(mouse); if ( i != -1 ) { m_cursor1 = i; m_bUndoForce = true; m_timeBlink = 0.0f; // lights the cursor immediately ColumnFix(); } } // Positions the cursor when clicked. int CEdit::MouseDetect(Math::Point mouse) { Math::Point pos; float indentLength, offset, size; int i, len, c; bool bTitle; if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { indentLength = m_engine->GetText()->GetCharWidth(static_cast(' '), m_fontType, m_fontSize, 0.0f) * m_engine->GetEditIndentValue(); } pos.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-m_lineHeight-(m_bMulti?MARGY:MARGY1); for ( i=m_lineFirst ; i 0 && (m_format[m_lineOffset[i]]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_BIG ); if ( i >= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible ) break; pos.x = m_pos.x+(10.0f/640.0f); if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { pos.x += indentLength*m_lineIndent[i]; } offset = mouse.x-pos.x; if ( bTitle ) pos.y -= m_lineHeight; if ( mouse.y > pos.y ) { len = m_lineOffset[i+1] - m_lineOffset[i]; if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { // c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(m_text+m_lineOffset[i], // len, offset, m_fontSize, // m_fontStretch, m_fontType); c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[i]), m_fontType, m_fontSize, offset); // TODO check if good } else { size = m_fontSize; if ( bTitle ) size *= Gfx::FONT_SIZE_BIG; // c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(m_text+m_lineOffset[i], // m_format+m_lineOffset[i], // len, offset, size, // m_fontStretch); c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[i]), std::vector(m_format.begin()+m_lineOffset[i], m_format.end()), size, offset); // TODO check if good } return m_lineOffset[i]+c; } if ( bTitle ) i ++; pos.y -= m_lineHeight; } return -1; } // Clears all history. void CEdit::HyperFlush() { m_historyTotal = 0; m_historyCurrent = -1; } // Indicates which is the home page. void CEdit::HyperHome(const char *filename) { HyperFlush(); HyperAdd(filename, 0); } // Performs a hyper jump through a link. void CEdit::HyperJump(const char *name, const char *marker) { char filename[100]; char sMarker[100]; int i, line, pos; if ( m_historyCurrent >= 0 ) { m_history[m_historyCurrent].firstLine = m_lineFirst; } strcpy(sMarker, marker); //? sprintf(filename, "help\\%s.txt", name); if ( name[0] == '%' ) { UserDir(filename, name, ""); strcat(filename, ".txt"); } else { sprintf(filename, "help\\%s.txt", name); } if ( ReadText(filename) ) { Justif(); line = 0; for ( i=0 ; i= m_lineOffset[i] ) { line = i; } } break; } } SetFirstLine(line); HyperAdd(filename, line); } } // Adds text to the history of visited. bool CEdit::HyperAdd(const char *filename, int firstLine) { if ( m_historyCurrent >= EDITHISTORYMAX-1 ) return false; m_historyCurrent ++; strcpy(m_history[m_historyCurrent].filename, filename); m_history[m_historyCurrent].firstLine = firstLine; m_historyTotal = m_historyCurrent+1; return true; } // Indicates whether a button EVENT_HYPER_ * is active or not. bool CEdit::HyperTest(EventType event) { if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_HOME ) { return ( m_historyCurrent > 0 ); } if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_PREV ) { return ( m_historyCurrent > 0 ); } if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_NEXT ) { return ( m_historyCurrent < m_historyTotal-1 ); } return false; } // Performs the action corresponding to a button EVENT_HYPER_ *. bool CEdit::HyperGo(EventType event) { if ( !HyperTest(event) ) return false; m_history[m_historyCurrent].firstLine = m_lineFirst; if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_HOME ) { m_historyCurrent = 0; } if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_PREV ) { m_historyCurrent --; } if ( event == EVENT_HYPER_NEXT ) { m_historyCurrent ++; } ReadText(m_history[m_historyCurrent].filename); Justif(); SetFirstLine(m_history[m_historyCurrent].firstLine); return true; } // Draw the editable line. void CEdit::Draw() { Math::Point pos, ppos, dim, start, end; float size, indentLength; int i, j, beg, len, c1, c2, o1, o2, eol, iIndex, line; if ( (m_state & STATE_VISIBLE) == 0 ) return; if ( m_state & STATE_SHADOW ) { DrawShadow(m_pos, m_dim); } pos.x = m_pos.x; pos.y = m_pos.y; dim.x = m_dim.x; if ( !m_bInsideScroll ) dim.x -= m_bMulti?SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f; dim.y = m_dim.y; DrawBack(pos, dim); // background // Displays all lines. c1 = m_cursor1; c2 = m_cursor2; if ( c1 > c2 ) Math::Swap(c1, c2); // always c1 <= c2 if ( m_bInsideScroll ) { dim.x -= m_bMulti?SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f + (1.0f/640.0f); } if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { indentLength = m_engine->GetText()->GetCharWidth(static_cast(' '), m_fontType, m_fontSize, 0.0f) * m_engine->GetEditIndentValue(); } pos.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-m_lineHeight-(m_bMulti?MARGY:MARGY1); for ( i=m_lineFirst ; i= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible ) break; pos.x = m_pos.x+(10.0f/640.0f); if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { for ( j=0 ; jGetText()->DrawText(&s, m_fontType, m_fontSize, pos, 1.0f, Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, 0); pos.x += indentLength; } } beg = m_lineOffset[i]; len = m_lineOffset[i+1] - m_lineOffset[i]; ppos = pos; size = m_fontSize; // Headline \b;? if ( beg+len < m_len && m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_BIG ) { start.x = ppos.x-MARGX; end.x = dim.x-MARGX*2.0f; start.y = ppos.y-(m_bMulti?0.0f:MARGY1)-m_lineHeight*(BIG_FONT-1.0f); end.y = m_lineHeight*BIG_FONT; DrawPart(start, end, 2); // blue gradient background -> size *= BIG_FONT; ppos.y -= m_lineHeight*(BIG_FONT-1.0f); } // As \t;? if ( beg+len < m_len && m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_NORM ) { start.x = ppos.x-MARGX; end.x = dim.x-MARGX*2.0f; start.y = ppos.y-(m_bMulti?0.0f:MARGY1); end.y = m_lineHeight; DrawPart(start, end, 2); // blue gradient background -> } // Subtitle \s;? if ( beg+len < m_len && m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_LITTLE ) { start.x = ppos.x-MARGX; end.x = dim.x-MARGX*2.0f; start.y = ppos.y-(m_bMulti?0.0f:MARGY1); end.y = m_lineHeight; DrawPart(start, end, 3); // yellow background gradient -> } // Table \tab;? if ( beg+len < m_len && m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) == Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE ) { start.x = ppos.x-MARGX; end.x = dim.x-MARGX*2.0f; start.y = ppos.y-(m_bMulti?0.0f:MARGY1); end.y = m_lineHeight; DrawPart(start, end, 11); // fond orange d�grad� -> } // Image \image; ? if ( beg+len < m_len && m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_IMAGE) != 0 ) { line = 1; while ( true ) // includes the image slices { if ( i+line >= m_lineTotal || i+line >= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible || (m_format[beg+line]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_IMAGE) == 0 ) break; line ++; } iIndex = m_text[beg]; // character = index in m_image pos.y -= m_lineHeight*(line-1); DrawImage(pos, m_image[iIndex].name, m_image[iIndex].width*(m_fontSize/Gfx::FONT_SIZE_SMALL), m_image[iIndex].offset, m_image[iIndex].height*line, line); pos.y -= m_lineHeight; i += line-1; continue; } if ( ((m_bEdit && m_bFocus && m_bHilite) || (!m_bEdit && m_bHilite) ) && c1 != c2 && beg <= c2 && beg+len >= c1 ) // selected area? { o1 = c1; if ( o1 < beg ) o1 = beg; o2 = c2; if ( o2 > beg+len ) o2 = beg+len; if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { start.x = ppos.x+m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth(std::string(m_text+beg), m_fontType, size); end.x = m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth(std::string(m_text+o1), m_fontType, size); } else { start.x = ppos.x+m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth(std::string(m_text+beg), std::vector(m_format.begin()+beg, m_format.end()), size); end.x = m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth(std::string(m_text+o1), std::vector(m_format.begin()+o1, m_format.end()), size); } start.y = ppos.y-(m_bMulti?0.0f:MARGY1); end.y = m_lineHeight; if ( m_format.size() > 0 && (m_format[beg]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_BIG) end.y *= BIG_FONT; DrawPart(start, end, 1); // plain yellow background } eol = 16; // > if ( len > 0 && m_text[beg+len-1] == '\n' ) { len --; // does not display the '\ n' eol = 0; // nothing } if ( beg+len >= m_len ) { eol = 2; // square (eot) } if ( !m_bMulti || !m_bDisplaySpec ) eol = 0; if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { m_engine->GetText()->DrawText(std::string(m_text+beg), m_fontType, size, ppos, m_dim.x, Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, eol); } else { m_engine->GetText()->DrawText(std::string(m_text+beg), std::vector(m_format.begin()+beg, m_format.end()), size, ppos, m_dim.x, Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, eol); } pos.y -= m_lineHeight; if ( i < m_lineTotal-2 && m_lineOffset[i+1] == m_lineOffset[i+2] ) { pos.y -= m_lineHeight; // double jump line \b; i ++; } } // Shows the cursor. if ( (m_bEdit && m_bFocus && m_bHilite && Math::Mod(m_timeBlink, 1.0f) <= 0.5f) ) // it blinks { pos.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-m_lineHeight-(m_bMulti?MARGY:MARGY1*2.0f); for ( i=m_lineFirst ; iGetText()->SizeText(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[i]), m_fontType, size, pos, Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, start, end); } else { m_engine->GetText()->SizeText(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[i]), std::vector(m_format.begin()+m_lineOffset[i], m_format.end()), size, pos, Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, start, end); } pos.x = end.x; break; } pos.y -= m_lineHeight; } pos.x -= 1.0f / 640.0f; dim.x = 2.0f / 640.0f; dim.y = m_lineHeight; DrawPart(pos, dim, 0); // red } if ( m_scroll != 0 && !m_bGeneric ) { m_scroll->Draw(); } } // Draw an image part. void CEdit::DrawImage(Math::Point pos, const char *name, float width, float offset, float height, int nbLine) { Math::Point uv1, uv2, dim; float dp; char filename[100]; //? sprintf(filename, "diagram\\%s.bmp", name); UserDir(filename, name, "diagram"); strcat(filename, ".bmp"); m_engine->SetTexture(filename); m_engine->SetState(Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL); uv1.x = 0.0f; uv2.x = 1.0f; uv1.y = offset; uv2.y = offset+height; dp = 0.5f/256.0f; uv1.x += dp; uv1.y += dp; uv2.x -= dp; uv2.y -= dp; dim.x = width; dim.y = m_lineHeight*nbLine; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } // Draw the background. void CEdit::DrawBack(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim) { Math::Point uv1,uv2, corner; float dp; if ( m_bGeneric ) return; m_engine->SetTexture("button2.tga"); m_engine->SetState(Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL); if ( m_bMulti ) { uv1.x = 128.0f/256.0f; // light blue uv1.y = 64.0f/256.0f; uv2.x = 160.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 96.0f/256.0f; } else { uv1.x = 160.0f/256.0f; // medium blue uv1.y = 192.0f/256.0f; uv2.x = 192.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 224.0f/256.0f; } if ( m_icon == 1 ) { uv1.x = 192.0f/256.0f; // orange uv1.y = 96.0f/256.0f; uv2.x = 224.0f/256.0f; uv2.y = 128.0f/256.0f; } dp = 0.5f/256.0f; uv1.x += dp; uv1.y += dp; uv2.x -= dp; uv2.y -= dp; if ( m_bMulti ) { corner.x = 10.0f/640.0f; corner.y = 10.0f/480.0f; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2, corner, 8.0f/256.0f); } else { DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2, 8.0f/256.0f); } } // Draws an icon background. void CEdit::DrawPart(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon) { Math::Point uv1, uv2; float dp; #if _POLISH m_engine->SetTexture("textp.tga"); #else m_engine->SetTexture("text.tga"); #endif m_engine->SetState(Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL); uv1.x = (16.0f/256.0f)*(icon%16); uv1.y = (240.0f/256.0f); uv2.x = (16.0f/256.0f)+uv1.x; uv2.y = (16.0f/256.0f)+uv1.y; dp = 0.5f/256.0f; uv1.x += dp; uv1.y += dp; uv2.x -= dp; uv2.y -= dp; DrawIcon(pos, dim, uv1, uv2); } // Give the text to edit. void CEdit::SetText(const char *text, bool bNew) { int i, j, font; bool bBOL; if ( !bNew ) UndoMemorize(OPERUNDO_SPEC); m_len = strlen(text); if ( m_len > m_maxChar ) m_len = m_maxChar; if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { j = 0; bBOL = true; for ( i=0 ; i max ) max = max-1; strncpy(buffer, m_text, max); buffer[max] = 0; } // Returns the length of the text. int CEdit::GetTextLength() { return m_len; } // Returns a name in a command. // \x nom1 nom2 nom3; void GetNameParam(const char *cmd, int rank, char *buffer) { int i; for ( i=0 ; iDeleteTexture(filename); } } // Reads the texture of an image. void CEdit::LoadImage(const char *name) { char filename[100]; //? sprintf(filename, "diagram\\%s.bmp", name); UserDir(filename, name, "diagram"); strcat(filename, ".bmp"); m_engine->LoadTexture(filename); } // Read from a text file. bool CEdit::ReadText(const char *filename, int addSize) { FILE *file = NULL; char *buffer; int len, i, j, n, font, iIndex, iLines, iCount, iLink, res; char iName[50]; char text[50]; float iWidth; KeyRank key; bool bInSoluce, bBOL; if ( filename[0] == 0 ) return false; file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if ( file == NULL ) return false; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); m_maxChar = len+addSize+100; m_len = len; m_cursor1 = 0; m_cursor2 = 0; FreeImage(); delete m_text; m_text = new char[sizeof(char)*(m_maxChar+1)]; buffer = new char[sizeof(char)*(m_maxChar+1)]; fread(buffer, 1, len, file); if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) { m_format.clear(); } fclose(file); bInSoluce = false; font = m_fontType; iIndex = 0; iLink = 0; m_imageTotal = 0; m_markerTotal = 0; i = j = 0; bBOL = true; while ( i < m_len ) { if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { if ( buffer[i] == '\t' ) { if ( !bBOL ) { m_text[j] = buffer[i]; if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) m_format[j] = font; j ++; } i ++; continue; // removes the tabs } bBOL = ( buffer[i] == '\n' || buffer[i] == '\r' ); } if ( buffer[i] == '\r' ) // removes \ r { i ++; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i] == '\\' && buffer[i+2] == ';' ) { if ( buffer[i+1] == 'n' ) // normal ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_FONT; font |= Gfx::FONT_COLOBOT; } i += 3; } else if ( buffer[i+1] == 'c' ) // cbot ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_FONT; font |= Gfx::FONT_COURIER; } i += 3; } else if ( buffer[i+1] == 'b' ) // big title ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE; font |= Gfx::FONT_TITLE_BIG; } i += 3; } else if ( buffer[i+1] == 't' ) // title ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE; font |= Gfx::FONT_TITLE_NORM; } i += 3; } else if ( buffer[i+1] == 's' ) // subtitle ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE; font |= Gfx::FONT_TITLE_LITTLE; } i += 3; } else if ( buffer[i+1] == 'l' ) // link ? { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK; } i += 3; } else { i += 3; } } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \u marker name; ? buffer[i+1] == 'u' && buffer[i+2] == ' ' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { if ( iLink < EDITLINKMAX ) { GetNameParam(buffer+i+3, 0, m_link[iLink].name); GetNameParam(buffer+i+3, 1, m_link[iLink].marker); iLink ++; } font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; } i += strchr(buffer+i, ';')-(buffer+i)+1; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \m marker; ? buffer[i+1] == 'm' && buffer[i+2] == ' ' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { if ( m_markerTotal < EDITLINKMAX ) { GetNameParam(buffer+i+3, 0, m_marker[m_markerTotal].name); m_marker[m_markerTotal].pos = j; m_markerTotal ++; } } i += strchr(buffer+i, ';')-(buffer+i)+1; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \image name lx ly; ? buffer[i+1] == 'i' && buffer[i+2] == 'm' && buffer[i+3] == 'a' && buffer[i+4] == 'g' && buffer[i+5] == 'e' && buffer[i+6] == ' ' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { #if _DEMO strcpy(iName, "demo"); #else GetNameParam(buffer+i+7, 0, iName); #endif //? iWidth = m_lineHeight*RetValueParam(buffer+i+7, 1); iWidth = static_cast(GetValueParam(buffer+i+7, 1)); iWidth *= m_engine->GetText()->GetHeight(Gfx::FONT_COLOBOT, Gfx::FONT_SIZE_SMALL); iLines = GetValueParam(buffer+i+7, 2); LoadImage(iName); // A part of image per line of text. for ( iCount=0 ; iCount 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \button; ? buffer[i+1] == 'b' && buffer[i+2] == 'u' && buffer[i+3] == 't' && buffer[i+4] == 't' && buffer[i+5] == 'o' && buffer[i+6] == 'n' && buffer[i+7] == ' ' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { m_text[j] = GetValueParam(buffer+i+8, 0); m_format[j] = font|Gfx::FONT_BUTTON; j ++; } i += strchr(buffer+i, ';')-(buffer+i)+1; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \token; ? buffer[i+1] == 't' && buffer[i+2] == 'o' && buffer[i+3] == 'k' && buffer[i+4] == 'e' && buffer[i+5] == 'n' && buffer[i+6] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN; } i += 7; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \type; ? buffer[i+1] == 't' && buffer[i+2] == 'y' && buffer[i+3] == 'p' && buffer[i+4] == 'e' && buffer[i+5] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TYPE; } i += 6; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \const; ? buffer[i+1] == 'c' && buffer[i+2] == 'o' && buffer[i+3] == 'n' && buffer[i+4] == 's' && buffer[i+5] == 't' && buffer[i+6] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_CONST; } i += 7; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \key; ? buffer[i+1] == 'k' && buffer[i+2] == 'e' && buffer[i+3] == 'y' && buffer[i+4] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEY; } i += 5; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \tab; ? buffer[i+1] == 't' && buffer[i+2] == 'a' && buffer[i+3] == 'b' && buffer[i+4] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font |= Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE; } i += 5; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \norm; ? buffer[i+1] == 'n' && buffer[i+2] == 'o' && buffer[i+3] == 'r' && buffer[i+4] == 'm' && buffer[i+5] == ';' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; } i += 6; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \begin soluce; ? buffer[i+1] == 'b' && buffer[i+2] == 's' && buffer[i+3] == ';' ) { bInSoluce = true; i += 4; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \end soluce; ? buffer[i+1] == 'e' && buffer[i+2] == 's' && buffer[i+3] == ';' ) { bInSoluce = false; i += 4; } else if ( m_format.size() > 0 && buffer[i+0] == '\\' && // \key name; ? buffer[i+1] == 'k' && buffer[i+2] == 'e' && buffer[i+3] == 'y' && buffer[i+4] == ' ' ) { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { if ( SearchKey(buffer+i+5, key) ) { res = 0; //res = m_app->GetInputBinding(key).key; // TODO input bindings if ( res != 0 ) { if ( GetResource(RES_KEY, res, iName) ) { m_text[j] = ' '; m_format[j] = font; j ++; n = 0; while ( iName[n] != 0 ) { m_text[j] = iName[n++]; m_format[j] = font; j ++; } m_text[j] = ' '; m_format[j] = font; j ++; // res = m_app->GetInputBinding(key).joy; // TODO input bindings res = 0; if ( res != 0 ) { if ( GetResource(RES_KEY, res, iName) ) { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_KEY_OR, text); n = 0; while ( text[n] != 0 ) { m_text[j] = text[n++]; m_format[j] = font&~Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT; j ++; } n = 0; while ( iName[n] != 0 ) { m_text[j] = iName[n++]; m_format[j] = font; j ++; } m_text[j] = ' '; m_format[j] = font; j ++; } } while ( buffer[i++] != ';' ); continue; } } } m_text[j] = '?'; m_format[j] = font; j ++; } while ( buffer[i++] != ';' ); } else { if ( m_bSoluce || !bInSoluce ) { m_text[j] = buffer[i]; if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) m_format[j] = font; j ++; } i ++; font &= ~Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE; // reset title if ( (font&Gfx::FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT) == Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE ) { font &= ~Gfx::FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE; } } } m_len = j; m_imageTotal = iIndex; delete buffer; Justif(); ColumnFix(); return true; } // Writes all the text in a file. bool CEdit::WriteText(const char *filename) { FILE* file; char buffer[1000+20]; int i, j, k, n; float iDim; if ( filename[0] == 0 ) return false; file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if ( file == NULL ) return false; if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { iDim = m_dim.x; m_dim.x = 1000.0f; // puts an infinite width! Justif(); } i = j = k = 0; while ( m_text[i] != 0 && i < m_len ) { if ( m_bAutoIndent && i == m_lineOffset[k] ) { for ( n=0 ; n= 1000-1 ) { fwrite(buffer, 1, j, file); j = 0; } i ++; } if ( j > 0 ) { fwrite(buffer, 1, j, file); } fclose(file); if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { m_dim.x = iDim; // presents the initial width Justif(); } return true; } // Manage the number of max characters editable. void CEdit::SetMaxChar(int max) { m_maxChar = max; FreeImage(); delete m_text; m_text = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(m_maxChar+1)); if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) { m_format.clear(); } m_len = 0; m_cursor1 = 0; m_cursor2 = 0; Justif(); UndoFlush(); } int CEdit::GetMaxChar() { return m_maxChar; } // Mode management "editable". void CEdit::SetEditCap(bool bMode) { m_bEdit = bMode; } bool CEdit::GetEditCap() { return m_bEdit; } // Mode management "hilitable" (that's the franch). void CEdit::SetHiliteCap(bool bEnable) { m_bHilite = bEnable; } bool CEdit::GetHiliteCap() { return m_bHilite; } // Lift in / out connection. void CEdit::SetInsideScroll(bool bInside) { m_bInsideScroll = bInside; } bool CEdit::GetInsideScroll() { return m_bInsideScroll; } // Specifies whether to display the links showing the solution. void CEdit::SetSoluceMode(bool bSoluce) { m_bSoluce = bSoluce; } bool CEdit::GetSoluceMode() { return m_bSoluce; } // Indicates whether the text is a defile that generic. void CEdit::SetGenericMode(bool bGeneric) { m_bGeneric = bGeneric; } bool CEdit::GetGenericMode() { return m_bGeneric; } // Management of automatic indentation mode with {}. void CEdit::SetAutoIndent(bool bMode) { m_bAutoIndent = bMode; } bool CEdit::GetAutoIndent() { return m_bAutoIndent; } // Moves the cursors. void CEdit::SetCursor(int cursor1, int cursor2) { if ( cursor1 > m_len ) cursor1 = m_len; if ( cursor2 > m_len ) cursor2 = m_len; m_cursor1 = cursor1; m_cursor2 = cursor2; m_bUndoForce = true; ColumnFix(); } // Returns the sliders. void CEdit::GetCursor(int &cursor1, int &cursor2) { cursor1 = m_cursor1; cursor2 = m_cursor2; } // Displayed line modifies the first. void CEdit::SetFirstLine(int rank) { Scroll(rank, true); } // Returns the first displayed line. int CEdit::GetFirstLine() { if ( m_historyTotal > 0 ) { if ( m_historyCurrent == 0 ) { return m_lineFirst; } else { return m_history[0].firstLine; } } return m_lineFirst; } // Shows the selected area. void CEdit::ShowSelect() { int cursor1, cursor2, line; if ( m_cursor1 < m_cursor2 ) { cursor1 = m_cursor1; cursor2 = m_cursor2; } else { cursor1 = m_cursor2; cursor2 = m_cursor1; } line = GetCursorLine(cursor2); if ( line >= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible ) { line -= m_lineVisible-1; if ( line < 0 ) line = 0; Scroll(line, false); } line = GetCursorLine(cursor1); if ( line < m_lineFirst ) { Scroll(line, false); } } // Management of the display mode of special characters. void CEdit::SetDisplaySpec(bool bDisplay) { m_bDisplaySpec = bDisplay; } bool CEdit::GetDisplaySpec() { return m_bDisplaySpec; } // Multi-fonts mode management. void CEdit::SetMultiFont(bool bMulti) { m_format.clear(); } bool CEdit::GetMultiFont() { return ( m_format.size() > 0 ); } // Management of the character size. void CEdit::SetFontSize(float size) { CControl::SetFontSize(size); MoveAdjust(); } // Moves according to the visible lift. void CEdit::Scroll() { float value; if ( m_scroll != 0 ) { value = m_scroll->GetVisibleValue(); value *= m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible; Scroll((int)(value+0.5f), true); } } // Moves according to the visible lift. void CEdit::Scroll(int pos, bool bAdjustCursor) { int max, line; m_lineFirst = pos; if ( m_lineFirst < 0 ) m_lineFirst = 0; max = m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible; if ( max < 0 ) max = 0; if ( m_lineFirst > max ) m_lineFirst = max; line = GetCursorLine(m_cursor1); if ( bAdjustCursor && m_bEdit ) { // Cursor too high? if ( line < m_lineFirst ) { MoveLine(m_lineFirst-line, false, false); return; } // Cursor too low? if ( line >= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible ) { MoveLine(m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible-line-1, false, false); return; } } Justif(); } // Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. void CEdit::MoveHome(bool bWord, bool bSelect) { int begin, tab; if ( bWord ) { m_cursor1 = 0; } else { begin = m_cursor1; while ( begin > 0 && m_text[begin-1] != '\n' ) { begin --; } tab = begin; while ( tab < m_len && (m_text[tab] == '\t' || m_text[tab] == ' ') ) { tab ++; } if ( m_cursor1 == tab ) { m_cursor1 = begin; } else { m_cursor1 = tab; } } if ( !bSelect ) m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; m_bUndoForce = true; Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Moves the cursor to the end of the line. void CEdit::MoveEnd(bool bWord, bool bSelect) { if ( bWord ) { m_cursor1 = m_len; } else { while ( m_cursor1 < m_len && m_text[m_cursor1] != '\n' ) { m_cursor1 ++; } } if ( !bSelect ) m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; m_bUndoForce = true; Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Moves the cursor through characters. void CEdit::MoveChar(int move, bool bWord, bool bSelect) { int character; if ( move == -1 ) // back? { if ( bWord ) { while ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1-1]; if ( !IsSpace(character) ) break; m_cursor1 --; } if ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1-1]; if ( IsSpace(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1-1]; if ( !IsSpace(character) ) break; m_cursor1 --; } } else if ( IsWord(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1-1]; if ( !IsWord(character) ) break; m_cursor1 --; } } else if ( IsSep(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1-1]; if ( !IsSep(character) ) break; m_cursor1 --; } } } } else { m_cursor1 --; if ( m_cursor1 < 0 ) m_cursor1 = 0; } } if ( move == 1 ) // advance? { if ( bWord ) { if ( m_cursor1 < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1]; if ( IsSpace(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1]; if ( !IsSpace(character) ) break; m_cursor1 ++; } } else if ( IsWord(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1]; if ( !IsWord(character) ) break; m_cursor1 ++; } } else if ( IsSep(character) ) { while ( m_cursor1 < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1]; if ( !IsSep(character) ) break; m_cursor1 ++; } } } while ( m_cursor1 < m_len ) { character = (unsigned char)m_text[m_cursor1]; if ( !IsSpace(character) ) break; m_cursor1 ++; } } else { m_cursor1 ++; if ( m_cursor1 > m_len ) m_cursor1 = m_len; } } if ( !bSelect ) m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; m_bUndoForce = true; Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Moves the cursor lines. void CEdit::MoveLine(int move, bool bWord, bool bSelect) { float column, indentLength; int i, line, c; if ( move == 0 ) return; for ( i=0 ; i>move ; i-- ) // back? { while ( m_cursor1 > 0 && m_text[m_cursor1-1] != '\n' ) { m_cursor1 --; } if ( m_cursor1 != 0 ) { m_cursor1 --; while ( m_cursor1 > 0 ) { if ( m_text[--m_cursor1] == '\n' ) { m_cursor1 ++; break; } } } } for ( i=0 ; iGetText()->GetCharWidth(static_cast(' '), m_fontType, m_fontSize, 0.0f) * m_engine->GetEditIndentValue(); column -= indentLength*m_lineIndent[line]; } if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[line]), m_fontType, m_fontSize, m_lineOffset[line+1]-m_lineOffset[line]); } else { c = m_engine->GetText()->Detect(std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[line]), std::vector(m_format.begin()+m_lineOffset[line], m_format.end()), m_fontSize, m_lineOffset[line+1]-m_lineOffset[line]); } m_cursor1 = m_lineOffset[line]+c; if ( !bSelect ) m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; m_bUndoForce = true; Justif(); } // Sets the horizontal position. void CEdit::ColumnFix() { float indentLength; int line; line = GetCursorLine(m_cursor1); if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { m_column = m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth( std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[line]), m_fontType, m_fontSize); } else { m_column = m_engine->GetText()->GetStringWidth( std::string(m_text+m_lineOffset[line]), std::vector(m_format.begin()+m_lineOffset[line], m_format.end()), m_fontSize ); } if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { indentLength = m_engine->GetText()->GetCharWidth(static_cast(' '), m_fontType, m_fontSize, 0.0f) * m_engine->GetEditIndentValue(); m_column += indentLength*m_lineIndent[line]; } } // Cut the selected characters or entire line. bool CEdit::Cut() // TODO MS Windows allocations { /* HGLOBAL hg; char* text; char c; int c1, c2, start, len, i, j; if ( !m_bEdit ) return false; c1 = m_cursor1; c2 = m_cursor2; if ( c1 > c2 ) Math::Swap(c1, c2); // always c1 <= c2 if ( c1 == c2 ) { while ( c1 > 0 ) { if ( m_text[c1-1] == '\n' ) break; c1 --; } while ( c2 < m_len ) { c2 ++; if ( m_text[c2-1] == '\n' ) break; } } if ( c1 == c2 ) return false; start = c1; len = c2-c1; if ( !(hg = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, len*2+1)) ) { return false; } if ( !(text = (char*)GlobalLock(hg)) ) { GlobalFree(hg); return false; } j = 0; for ( i=start ; i c2 ) Math::Swap(c1, c2); // always c1 <= c2 if ( c1 == c2 ) { while ( c1 > 0 ) { if ( m_text[c1-1] == '\n' ) break; c1 --; } while ( c2 < m_len ) { c2 ++; if ( m_text[c2-1] == '\n' ) break; } } if ( c1 == c2 ) return false; start = c1; len = c2-c1; if ( !(hg = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, len*2+1)) ) { return false; } if ( !(text = (char*)GlobalLock(hg)) ) { GlobalFree(hg); return false; } j = 0; for ( i=start ; iGetEditIndentValue() ; i++ ) { InsertOne(' '); } } else { InsertOne(character); } } else { InsertOne(character); } Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Inserts a plain character. void CEdit::InsertOne(char character) { int i; if ( !m_bEdit ) return; if ( !m_bMulti && character == '\n' ) return; if ( m_cursor1 != m_cursor2 ) { DeleteOne(0); // deletes the selected characters } if ( m_len >= m_maxChar ) return; for ( i=m_len ; i>=m_cursor1 ; i-- ) { m_text[i] = m_text[i-1]; // shoot if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) { m_format[i] = m_format[i-1]; // shoot } } m_len ++; m_text[m_cursor1] = character; if ( m_format.size() > 0 ) { m_format[m_cursor1] = 0; } m_cursor1++; m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; } // Deletes the character left of cursor or all selected characters. void CEdit::Delete(int dir) { if ( !m_bEdit ) return; UndoMemorize(OPERUNDO_DELETE); DeleteOne(dir); Justif(); ColumnFix(); } // Deletes the character left of cursor or all selected plain characters. void CEdit::DeleteOne(int dir) { int i, end, hole; if ( !m_bEdit ) return; if ( m_cursor1 == m_cursor2 ) { if ( dir < 0 ) { if ( m_cursor1 == 0 ) return; m_cursor1 --; } else { if ( m_cursor2 == m_len ) return; m_cursor2 ++; } } if ( m_cursor1 > m_cursor2 ) Math::Swap(m_cursor1, m_cursor2); hole = m_cursor2-m_cursor1; end = m_len-hole; for ( i=m_cursor1 ; i 0 ) { m_format[i] = m_format[i+hole]; } } m_len -= hole; m_cursor2 = m_cursor1; } // Calculates the indentation level of brackets {and}. int CEdit::IndentCompute() { int i, level; level = 0; for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) { if ( m_text[i-1] == '\n' ) return nb; if ( m_text[i-1] != '\t' ) return -1; nb ++; i --; } return nb; } // Adds or removes qq tabs. void CEdit::IndentTabAdjust(int number) { int i; for ( i=0 ; inumber ; i-- ) // delete? { DeleteOne(-1); } } // Indent the left or right the entire selection. bool CEdit::Shift(bool bLeft) { bool bInvert = false; int c1, c2, i; if ( m_cursor1 == m_cursor2 ) return false; UndoMemorize(OPERUNDO_SPEC); c1 = m_cursor1; c2 = m_cursor2; if ( c1 > c2 ) { Math::Swap(c1, c2); // always c1 <= c2 bInvert = true; } if ( c1 > 0 ) { if ( m_text[c1-1] != '\n' ) return false; } if ( c2 < m_len ) { if ( m_text[c2-1] != '\n' ) return false; } if ( bLeft ) // shifts left? { i = c1; while ( i < c2 ) { if ( m_text[i] == '\t' ) { m_cursor1 = i; m_cursor2 = i+1; DeleteOne(0); c2 --; } while ( i < c2 && m_text[i++] != '\n' ); } } else // shifts right? { i = c1; while ( i < c2 ) { m_cursor1 = m_cursor2 = i; InsertOne('\t'); c2 ++; while ( i < c2 && m_text[i++] != '\n' ); } } if ( bInvert ) Math::Swap(c1, c2); m_cursor1 = c1; m_cursor2 = c2; Justif(); ColumnFix(); SendModifEvent(); return true; } // Math::Min conversion <-> shift the selection. bool CEdit::MinMaj(bool bMaj) { int c1, c2, i, character; if ( m_cursor1 == m_cursor2 ) return false; UndoMemorize(OPERUNDO_SPEC); c1 = m_cursor1; c2 = m_cursor2; if ( c1 > c2 ) Math::Swap(c1, c2); // alwyas c1 <= c2 for ( i=c1 ; iGetText()->GetCharWidth(static_cast(' '), m_fontType, m_fontSize, 0.0f) * m_engine->GetEditIndentValue(); } bString = bRem = false; i = 0; while ( true ) { bDual = false; width = m_dim.x-(10.0f/640.0f)*2.0f-(m_bMulti?MARGX*2.0f+SCROLL_WIDTH:0.0f); if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { width -= indentLength*m_lineIndent[m_lineTotal-1]; } if ( m_format.size() == 0 ) { // TODO check if good i += m_engine->GetText()->Justify(m_text+i, m_fontType, m_fontSize, width); } else { size = m_fontSize; if ( (m_format[i]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_TITLE) == Gfx::FONT_TITLE_BIG ) // headline? { size *= BIG_FONT; bDual = true; } if ( (m_format[i]&Gfx::FONT_MASK_IMAGE) != 0 ) // image part? { i ++; // jumps just a character (index in m_image) } else { // TODO check if good i += m_engine->GetText()->Justify(std::string(m_text+i), std::vector(m_format.begin()+i, m_format.end()), size, width); } } if ( i >= m_len ) break; if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { for ( j=m_lineOffset[m_lineTotal-1] ; j= EDITLINEMAX-2 ) break; } if ( m_len > 0 && m_text[m_len-1] == '\n' ) { m_lineOffset[m_lineTotal] = m_len; m_lineIndent[m_lineTotal] = 0; m_lineTotal ++; } m_lineOffset[m_lineTotal] = m_len; m_lineIndent[m_lineTotal] = 0; if ( m_bAutoIndent ) { for ( i=0 ; i<=m_lineTotal ; i++ ) { if ( m_text[m_lineOffset[i]] == '}' ) { if ( m_lineIndent[i] > 0 ) m_lineIndent[i] --; } } } if ( m_bMulti ) { if ( m_bEdit ) { line = GetCursorLine(m_cursor1); if ( line < m_lineFirst ) { m_lineFirst = line; } if ( line >= m_lineFirst+m_lineVisible ) { m_lineFirst = line-m_lineVisible+1; } } } else { m_lineFirst = 0; } if ( m_scroll != 0 ) { if ( m_lineTotal <= m_lineVisible ) { m_scroll->SetVisibleRatio(1.0f); m_scroll->SetVisibleValue(0.0f); m_scroll->SetArrowStep(0.0f); } else { value = static_cast(m_lineVisible/m_lineTotal); m_scroll->SetVisibleRatio(value); value = static_cast(m_lineFirst/(m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible)); m_scroll->SetVisibleValue(value); value = static_cast(1.0f/(m_lineTotal-m_lineVisible)); m_scroll->SetArrowStep(value); } } m_timeBlink = 0.0f; // lights the cursor immediately } // Returns the rank of the line where the cursor is located. int CEdit::GetCursorLine(int cursor) { int line, i; line = 0; for ( i=0 ; i= m_lineOffset[i] ) { line = i; } } return line; } // Flush the buffer undo. void CEdit::UndoFlush() { int i; for ( i=0 ; i=1 ; i-- ) { m_undo[i] = m_undo[i-1]; } len = m_len; if ( len == 0 ) len ++; m_undo[0].text = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1)); memcpy(m_undo[0].text, m_text, m_len); m_undo[0].len = m_len; m_undo[0].cursor1 = m_cursor1; m_undo[0].cursor2 = m_cursor2; m_undo[0].lineFirst = m_lineFirst; } // Back to previous state. bool CEdit::UndoRecall() { int i; if ( m_undo[0].text == 0 ) return false; m_len = m_undo[0].len; memcpy(m_text, m_undo[0].text, m_len); m_cursor1 = m_undo[0].cursor1; m_cursor2 = m_undo[0].cursor2; m_lineFirst = m_undo[0].lineFirst; for ( i=0 ; i