# Makefile # Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com # Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2. # archive - Create phenny.tar.bz2 using git archive archive: ; # hg archive -t tbz2 phenny-hg.tar.bz2 git archive --format=tar --prefix=phenny/ HEAD | bzip2 > phenny.tar.bz2 # ci - Check the code into git and push to github ci: ; # hg ci git commit -a && git push origin master # log - Show a log of recent updates log: ; # git log --date=short --format='%h %ad %s' git graph # sync - Push phenny to pubble:opt/phenny/ sync: ; rsync -avz ./ pubble:opt/phenny/ help: ; @egrep '^# [a-z]+ - ' Makefile | sed 's/# //'