bcfg2-repositoryConfiguration for all serverspline11 dayssummarylogtree
bcfg2Custom fork of bcfg2 (configuration management)spline2 yearssummarylogtree
iscsi-helperHelper scripts for managing iscsi targets using ietd.spline13 yearssummarylogtree
wekanOpen-source Trello-like kanban ( yearssummarylogtree
kvmStandalone remote console client (no Java Applet)spline5 yearssummarylogtree
git-tftpdTFTP server that saves all files into a git repospline4 yearssummarylogtree
askbot-notifyaskbot drop in module for notifications via phenny socket notifyspline11 yearssummarylogtree
chatchatspline4 yearssummarylogtree
comicsfetching some popular webcomics and generating static web pagesspline6 yearssummarylogtree
etherpadfork of etherpad for splinespline13 yearssummarylogtree
overlayown overlay for gentoo portagespline9 yearssummarylogtree
sks-wwwpublic webpage for sks keyserverspline6 yearssummarylogtree
update-motdscript to update the motd with entries from /var/log/changesspline12 yearssummarylogtree
mirror-syncscripts for syncing the public mirrorspline11 yearssummarylogtree
bcfg2-toolssome little helper for bcfg2spline8 yearssummarylogtree
askbotsource for deployed askbot instance ( yearssummarylogtree
spline-startupstartup for user daemonsspline19 monthssummarylogtree
util-vserver-netnsvserver wrapper to support network namespacesspline9 yearssummarylogtree
klausurenweb app for archiving exams of coursesspline2 yearssummarylogtree