diff options
-rw-r--r--locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin38205 -> 37992 bytes
-rw-r--r--locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin25940 -> 25411 bytes
-rw-r--r--locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin33579 -> 32607 bytes
-rw-r--r--locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin63555 -> 63247 bytes
-rw-r--r--locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin37880 -> 24359 bytes
15 files changed, 852 insertions, 1025 deletions
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js b/forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
index 35cc4aa7..03690dc5 100755..100644
--- a/forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
+++ b/forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
@@ -1,162 +1,225 @@
-//var i18nLang;
-var i18nZh = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'用户权限不在操作范围',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'不能设置自己的回答为最佳答案',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'匿名用户不能收藏问题,请先',
- 'please login':'注册或者登录',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'匿名用户不能投票',
- '>15 points requried to upvote':'需要+15积分才能投支持票。',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'需要+100积分才能投反对票。',
- 'please see': '查看',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'不能给自己的帖子投票',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的投票。',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'这个投票已经过时,不能撤销。',
- 'please confirm offensive':"确定要归类该帖为广告、人身攻击、恶意言论吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'匿名用户不能操作,请先',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'不能重复操作。',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的5次‘水帖’操作。',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"需要+15积分才能归类‘垃圾帖’。",
- 'confirm delete':"确定要删除/撤销删除该帖吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"匿名用户不能删除或撤销删除帖子",
- 'post recovered':"操作成功!该帖子已被恢复。",
- 'post deleted':"操作成功!该帖子已删除。",
- 'add comment':'添加评论',
- 'community karma points':'社区积分',
- 'to comment, need':'评论需要',
- 'delete this comment':'删除此评论',
- 'hide comments':"隐藏评论",
- 'add a comment':"添加评论",
- 'comments':"评论",
- 'confirm delete comment':"真要删除此评论吗?",
- 'characters':'字符',
- 'can write':'还可写',
- 'click to close':'点击消息框关闭',
- 'loading...':'读取中...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'标签不能为空。',
- 'tablimits info':"最多5个标签,每个标签长度小于20个字符。",
- 'content cannot be empty':'内容不能为空。',
- 'content minchars': '请输入至少 {0} 字符。',
- 'please enter title':'请输入标题。',
- 'title minchars':"请输入至少 {0} 字符。",
- 'delete':'删除',
- 'undelete': '取消',
- 'bold':'粗体',
- 'italic':'斜体',
- 'link':'超链接',
- 'quote':'引用',
- 'preformatted text':'代码',
- 'image':'图片',
- 'numbered list':'数字编号列表',
- 'bulleted list':'项目符号列表',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'水平线',
- 'undo':'撤销',
- 'redo':'重做',
- 'enter image url':'<b>输入图片地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的截图\"',
- 'enter url':'<b>输入Web地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的网站\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'或者上传本地图片:'
-var i18nEn = {
- 'need >15 points to report spam':'need >15 points to report spam ',
- '>15 points requried to upvote':'>15 points required to upvote ',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
- 'to comment, need': '(to comment other people\'s posts, karma ',
- 'please see':'please see ',
- 'community karma points':' or more is necessary) - ',
- 'upload image':'Upload image:',
- 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. \"image title\"',
- 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. \"page title\"',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'sorry, older votes cannot be revoked',
- 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
- 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
- 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
- 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
- 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
- 'can write':'have ',
- 'tablimits info':'up to 5 tags, no more than 20 characters each',
- 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
- 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
- 'characters':'characters left',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 points required to downvote '
-var i18nEs = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
- 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'usuarios anónimos no pueden votar',
- '>15 points requried to upvote': '>15 puntos requeridos para votar positivamente',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 puntos requeridos para votar negativamente',
- 'please see': 'por favor vea',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'no se puede votar por sus propias publicaciones',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'no puede revocar un voto viejo',
- 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"necesita >15 puntos para reportar spam",
- 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
- 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
- 'post deleted':"publicación borrada。",
- 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
- 'community karma points':'reputación comunitaria',
- 'to comment, need':'para comentar, necesita reputación',
- 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
- 'hide comments':"ocultar comentarios",
- 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
- 'comments':"comentarios",
- 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
- 'characters':'caracteres faltantes',
- 'can write':'tiene ',
- 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
- 'loading...':'cargando...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacías',
- 'tablimits info':"hasta 5 etiquetas de no mas de 20 caracteres cada una",
- 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacío',
- 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
- 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un título',
- 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
- 'delete':'borrar',
- 'undelete': 'recuperar',
- 'bold': 'negrita',
- 'italic':'cursiva',
- 'link':'enlace',
- 'quote':'citar',
- 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
- 'image':'imagen',
- 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
- 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
- 'undo':'deshacer',
- 'redo':'rehacer',
- 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo de imagen\"',
- 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo del enlace\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'cargar imagen:',
- 'questions/' : 'preguntas/',
- 'answers/' : 'respuestas/',
- 'comments/' : 'comentarios/',
- 'vote/' : 'votar/',
- 'delete/' : 'eliminar/'
-var i18n = {
- 'en':i18nEn,
- 'zh-cn':i18nZh,
- 'es':i18nEs
-var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];
+//var i18nLang;
+var i18nZh = {
+ 'insufficient privilege':'用户权限不在操作范围',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'不能设置自己的回答为最佳答案',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'匿名用户不能收藏问题,请先',
+ 'please login':'注册或者登录',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'匿名用户不能投票',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote':'需要+15积分才能投支持票。',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'需要+100积分才能投反对票。',
+ 'please see': '查看',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'不能给自己的帖子投票',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的投票。',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'这个投票已经过时,不能撤销。',
+ 'please confirm offensive':"确定要归类该帖为广告、人身攻击、恶意言论吗?",
+ 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'匿名用户不能操作,请先',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'不能重复操作。',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的5次‘水帖’操作。',
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':"需要+15积分才能归类‘垃圾帖’。",
+ 'confirm delete':"确定要删除/撤销删除该帖吗?",
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"匿名用户不能删除或撤销删除帖子",
+ 'post recovered':"操作成功!该帖子已被恢复。",
+ 'post deleted':"操作成功!该帖子已删除。",
+ 'add comment':'添加评论',
+ 'community karma points':'社区积分',
+ 'to comment, need':'评论需要',
+ 'delete this comment':'删除此评论',
+ 'hide comments':"隐藏评论",
+ 'add a comment':"添加评论",
+ 'comments':"评论",
+ 'confirm delete comment':"真要删除此评论吗?",
+ 'characters':'字符',
+ 'can write':'还可写',
+ 'click to close':'点击消息框关闭',
+ 'loading...':'读取中...',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'标签不能为空。',
+ 'tablimits info':"最多5个标签,每个标签长度小于20个字符。",
+ 'content cannot be empty':'内容不能为空。',
+ 'content minchars': '请输入至少 {0} 字符。',
+ 'please enter title':'请输入标题。',
+ 'title minchars':"请输入至少 {0} 字符。",
+ 'delete':'删除',
+ 'undelete': '取消',
+ 'bold':'粗体',
+ 'italic':'斜体',
+ 'link':'超链接',
+ 'quote':'引用',
+ 'preformatted text':'代码',
+ 'image':'图片',
+ 'numbered list':'数字编号列表',
+ 'bulleted list':'项目符号列表',
+ 'heading':'标题',
+ 'horizontal bar':'水平线',
+ 'undo':'撤销',
+ 'redo':'重做',
+ 'enter image url':'<b>输入图片地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的截图\"',
+ 'enter url':'<b>输入Web地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的网站\"</p>"',
+ 'upload image':'或者上传本地图片:'
+var i18nEn = {
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':'need >15 points to report spam ',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote':'>15 points required to upvote ',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
+ 'to comment, need': '(to comment other people\'s posts, karma ',
+ 'please see':'please see ',
+ 'community karma points':' or more is necessary) - ',
+ 'upload image':'Upload image:',
+ 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. \"image title\"',
+ 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. \"page title\"',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'sorry, older votes cannot be revoked',
+ 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
+ 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
+ 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
+ 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
+ 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
+ 'can write':'have ',
+ 'tablimits info':'up to 5 tags, no more than 20 characters each',
+ 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
+ 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
+ 'characters':'characters left',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 points required to downvote '
+var i18nTr = {
+ 'insufficient privilege':'buna yetkiniz yoktur',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'en cevap olarak kendi cevabınızı seçemezsiniz',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'üye girişi yapmadan favori seçemezsiniz',
+ 'please login':'lütfen üye girişi yapınız',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'üye girişi yapmadan oy kullanamazsınız',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote': 'beğeninizi göstermek için en az 15 puan toplamalısınız',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'beğenmediğinizi göstermek için en az 100 puan toplamalısınız',
+ 'please see': 'lütfen bakın',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'kendi yazılarınıza oy veremezsiniz',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'bugünlük oy verme kotanız doldu',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'verilen bir oyu iptal edemezsiniz',
+ 'please confirm offensive':"şikayetinizi onaylayın",
+ 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'üye girişi yapmadan şikayet gönderemezsiniz',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'şikayet mesajı olarak iki kez işaretlemelisiniz',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'şikayet kotası aşıldı',
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':"spam olarak bildirmek için an az 15 puanınız olmalı",
+ 'confirm delete':"Bunu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"üye girişi yapmadan yazı silemez yada geri alamazsınız",
+ 'post recovered':"yazı geri alındı",
+ 'post deleted':"yazı silindi",
+ 'add comment':'yorum ekle',
+ 'community karma points':'site itibar puanları',
+ 'to comment, need':'Yorum için itibar puanınız olmalı',
+ 'delete this comment':'bu yorumu sil',
+ 'hide comments':"yorumları gizle",
+ 'add a comment':"yorum ekle",
+ 'comments':"yorumlar",
+ 'confirm delete comment':"yorumu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ 'characters':'karakter eksik',
+ 'can write':'yazılabilir ',
+ 'click to close':'kapatmak için tıklayın',
+ 'loading...':'yükleniyor...',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'etiketler boş olamaz',
+ 'tablimits info':"En fazla 5 etiket ve her biri en fazla 20 karakter",
+ 'content cannot be empty':'içerik boş olamaz',
+ 'content minchars': 'Lütfen en az (0) karakter girin',
+ 'please enter title':'lütfen bir başlık yazın',
+ 'title minchars':"Lütfen en az (0) karakter girin",
+ 'delete':'sil',
+ 'undelete': 'geri al',
+ 'bold': 'kalın',
+ 'italic':'italik',
+ 'link':'link',
+ 'quote':'alıntı',
+ 'preformatted text':'hazır metin',
+ 'image':'resimler',
+ 'numbered list':'numaralı liste',
+ 'bulleted list':'işaretli liste',
+ 'heading':'Başlık',
+ 'horizontal bar':'yatay bar',
+ 'undo':'geri',
+ 'redo':'yeniden',
+ 'enter image url':'örnek resmin URLsini girin: <br /> \"resim başlığı\"',
+ 'enter url':'web adresini girin: <br /> \"başlık bağlantısı\"</p>"',
+ 'upload image':'resim yükle:',
+ 'questions/' : 'sorular/',
+ 'answers/' : 'cevaplar/',
+ 'comments/' : 'yorumlar/',
+ 'vote/' : 'oy/',
+ 'delete/' : 'sil/'
+var i18nEs = {
+ 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
+ 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'usuarios anónimos no pueden votar',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote': '>15 puntos requeridos para votar positivamente',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 puntos requeridos para votar negativamente',
+ 'please see': 'por favor vea',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'no se puede votar por sus propias publicaciones',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'no puede revocar un voto viejo',
+ 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
+ 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':"necesita >15 puntos para reportar spam",
+ 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
+ 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
+ 'post deleted':"publicación borrada。",
+ 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
+ 'community karma points':'reputación comunitaria',
+ 'to comment, need':'para comentar, necesita reputación',
+ 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
+ 'hide comments':"ocultar comentarios",
+ 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
+ 'comments':"comentarios",
+ 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
+ 'characters':'caracteres faltantes',
+ 'can write':'tiene ',
+ 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
+ 'loading...':'cargando...',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacías',
+ 'tablimits info':"hasta 5 etiquetas de no mas de 20 caracteres cada una",
+ 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacío',
+ 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
+ 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un título',
+ 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
+ 'delete':'borrar',
+ 'undelete': 'recuperar',
+ 'bold': 'negrita',
+ 'italic':'cursiva',
+ 'link':'enlace',
+ 'quote':'citar',
+ 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
+ 'image':'imagen',
+ 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
+ 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
+ 'heading':'标题',
+ 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
+ 'undo':'deshacer',
+ 'redo':'rehacer',
+ 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo de imagen\"',
+ 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo del enlace\"</p>"',
+ 'upload image':'cargar imagen:',
+ 'questions/' : 'preguntas/',
+ 'answers/' : 'respuestas/',
+ 'comments/' : 'comentarios/',
+ 'vote/' : 'votar/',
+ 'delete/' : 'eliminar/'
+var i18n = {
+ 'en':i18nEn,
+ 'zh-cn':i18nZh,
+ 'es':i18nEs,
+ 'tr':i18nTr
+var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html b/forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html
index 9997be5f..3fc3f400 100644
--- a/forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html
+++ b/forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html
@@ -6,11 +6,7 @@
{% if wiki %}
<p>{% trans "community wiki" %}</p>
- {% blocktrans count post.revisions.all|length as rev_count %}
- one revision
- {% plural %}
- {{rev_count}} revisions
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count post.revisions.all|length as rev_count %}one revision{% plural %}{{rev_count}} revisions{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/templates/question.html b/forum/skins/default/templates/question.html
index 79ff9a5b..48b6d719 100644
--- a/forum/skins/default/templates/question.html
+++ b/forum/skins/default/templates/question.html
@@ -195,16 +195,9 @@
{% endif %}
{% if question.comment_count > 5 %}
{% if request.user|can_add_comments:question %}/
- {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}
- see <strong>one</strong> more
- {% plural %}
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}see <strong>one</strong> more{% plural %}see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
- {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}
- see <strong>one</strong> more comment
- {% plural %}
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments
+ {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}see <strong>one</strong> more comment{% plural %}see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}</a>
@@ -344,17 +337,9 @@
{% endif %}
{% if answer.comment_count > 5 %}
{% if request.user|can_add_comments:answer %}/
- {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}
- see <strong>one</strong> more
- {% plural %}
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}see <strong>one</strong> more{% plural %}see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
- {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}
- see <strong>one</strong> more comment
- {% plural %}
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}see <strong>one</strong> more comment{% plural %} see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}</a>
{% endif %}
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html b/forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html
index 482b1228..269230c7 100644
--- a/forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html
+++ b/forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html
@@ -43,11 +43,7 @@
{% endspaceless %}
{% if answered_question.comment_count %}
- {% blocktrans count answered_question.comment_count as comment_count %}
- (one comment)
- {% plural %}
- the answer has been commented {{comment_count}} times
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count answered_question.comment_count as comment_count %}(one comment){% plural %}the answer has been commented {{comment_count}} times{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
@@ -84,11 +80,7 @@
<a name="tags"></a>
{% spaceless %}
- {% blocktrans count user_tags|length as counter %}
- <span class="count">1</span> Tag
- {% plural %}
- <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Tags
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count user_tags|length as counter %}<span class="count">1</span> Tag{% plural %}<span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Tags{% endblocktrans %}
{% endspaceless %}
<div class="user-stats-table">
@@ -97,8 +89,8 @@
<td width="180" valign="top">
{% for tag in user_tags%}
<a rel="tag"
- title="{% blocktrans with as tag_name %}see other questions with {{view_user}}'s contributions tagged '{{ tag_name }}' {% endblocktrans %}"
- href="{% url questions %}?tags={{tag|urlencode}}&author={{}}&start_over=true">{{}}</a>
+ title="{% blocktrans with as tag_name %}see other questions with {{view_user}}'s contributions tagged '{{ tag_name }}' {% endblocktrans %}"
+ href="{% url questions %}?tags={{tag|urlencode}}&author={{}}&start_over=true">{{}}</a>
<span class="tag-number">&#215; {{ tag.user_tag_usage_count|intcomma }}</span><br/>
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"10" %}
diff --git a/forum/templatetags/ b/forum/templatetags/
index b687889f..d600c23e 100755
--- a/forum/templatetags/
+++ b/forum/templatetags/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from django import template
from forum import auth
from forum_modules.grapefruit import Color
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
import logging
register = template.Library()
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ def cnprog_intword(number):
def humanize_counter(number):
if number == 0:
- return 'no'
+ return _('no items in counter')
elif number >= 1000:
number = number/1000
s = '%.1f' % number
diff --git a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
index bac40111..8674de54 100644
--- a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 95222ead..d760ad21 100644
--- a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 13:17-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 16:44-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-30 05:58\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:433
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
msgstr ""
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:434
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:419
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "toggle preview"
msgstr ""
@@ -2318,31 +2318,25 @@ msgid "next page"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:9
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" one revision\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "one revision"
+msgid_plural "%(rev_count)s revisions"
+msgstr[0] "revisionen/"
+msgstr[1] "revisionen/"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:19
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:15
msgid "asked"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:22
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:18
msgid "answered"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:24
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:20
msgid "posted"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:45
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:41
msgid "updated"
msgstr ""
@@ -2417,7 +2411,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:81
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:99
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:258
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:251
msgid "current number of votes"
msgstr ""
@@ -2439,7 +2433,7 @@ msgid "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:141
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:295
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:288
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_answer.html:58
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_question.html:58
msgid "edit"
@@ -2454,72 +2448,61 @@ msgid "close"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:156
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:300
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:293
msgid ""
"report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:157
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:301
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:294
msgid "flag offensive"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:165
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:183
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:332
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:325
msgid "delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:194
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:343
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:336
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "post a comment"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:198
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:340
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more"
+msgid_plural "see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:204
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:200
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:342
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more comment"
msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-"more comments\n"
+"see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
" "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:220
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:213
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The question has been closed for the following reason \"%(close_reason)s\" by"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:222
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:215
#, python-format
msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:230
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:223
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -2532,105 +2515,75 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers"
msgstr "oldest"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers"
msgstr "newest"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "popular answers"
msgstr "most voted"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:249
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:250
msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:264
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:270
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:262
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:275
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:276
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:268
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:289
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:282
msgid "answer permanent link"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:290
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:283
msgid "permanent link"
msgstr "link"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "undelete"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:347
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:353
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more comment\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:379
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:382
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:364
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:367
msgid "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Notify me</strong> once a day by email when there are any new "
"answers or updates"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:385
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:370
msgid "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Notify me</strong> weekly when there are any new answers or updates"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:390
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:375
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your %(profile_url)s"
@@ -2638,21 +2591,21 @@ msgstr ""
"(note: you can always <strong><a href='%(profile_url)s?"
"sort=email_subscriptions'>change</a></strong> how often you receive updates)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:395
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:380
msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
msgstr ""
"<span class='strong'>Here</span> (once you log in) you will be able to sign "
"up for the periodic email updates about this question."
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:406
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:391
msgid "Your answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:408
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:393
msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:414
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:399
msgid "you can answer anonymously and then login"
msgstr ""
"<span class='strong big'>Please start posting your answer anonymously</span> "
@@ -2661,7 +2614,7 @@ msgstr ""
"answer</strong>, for discussions, <strong>please use comments</strong> and "
"<strong>please do remember to vote</strong> (after you log in)!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:403
msgid "answer your own question only to give an answer"
msgstr ""
"<span class='big strong'>You are welcome to answer your own question</span>, "
@@ -2671,7 +2624,7 @@ msgstr ""
"forget to vote :)</strong> for the answers that you liked (or perhaps did "
"not like)! "
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:420
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:405
msgid "please only give an answer, no discussions"
msgstr ""
"<span class='big strong'>Please try to give a substantial answer</span>. If "
@@ -2681,23 +2634,23 @@ msgstr ""
"please <strong>don't forget to vote</strong> - it really helps to select the "
"best questions and answers!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:456
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:441
msgid "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:459
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:444
msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:461
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:446
msgid "Answer the question"
msgstr "Post Your Answer"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:475
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:460
msgid "Question tags"
msgstr "Tags"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:480
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:465
#: forum/skins/default/templates/questions.html:257
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:11
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:28
@@ -2705,23 +2658,23 @@ msgstr "Tags"
msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag_name)s'"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:486
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:471
msgid "question asked"
msgstr "Asked"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "question was seen"
msgstr "Seen"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:492
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:477
msgid "last updated"
msgstr "Last updated"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:498
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:483
msgid "Related questions"
msgstr ""
@@ -3242,23 +3195,13 @@ msgid "this answer has been selected as correct"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:46
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" (one comment)\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"(one comment)"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"(%(comment_count)s comments)"
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "(one comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
+msgstr[0] "post a comment"
+msgstr[1] "post a comment"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:61
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:57
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3271,42 +3214,36 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:72
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:68
msgid "thumb up"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:69
msgid "user has voted up this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:77
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
msgid "thumb down"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:78
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:74
msgid "user voted down this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:87
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:83
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
-" "
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:100
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:92
#, python-format
msgid ""
"see other questions with %(view_user)s's contributions tagged '%(tag_name)s' "
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:115
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:107
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3958,6 +3895,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Connect to %(APP_SHORT_NAME)s with Facebook!"
msgstr ""
+#: forum/templatetags/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "no items in counter"
+msgstr "no"
#: forum/templatetags/
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
@@ -4181,6 +4123,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "books/"
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " (one comment)\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s "
+#~ "times\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "(one comment)"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "(%(comment_count)s comments)"
#~ msgid "welcome to website"
#~ msgstr "Welcome to Q&amp;A forum"
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
index 118af915..ca392ff1 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 5d1a1d6f..843ea8a7 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 12:43-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 16:45-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:433
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
msgstr ""
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:434
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:419
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "toggle preview"
msgstr ""
@@ -2256,30 +2256,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:9
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" one revision\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
-" "
+msgid "one revision"
+msgid_plural "%(rev_count)s revisions"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:19
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:15
msgid "asked"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:22
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:18
msgid "answered"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:24
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:20
msgid "posted"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:45
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:41
msgid "updated"
msgstr ""
@@ -2354,7 +2348,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:81
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:99
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:258
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:251
msgid "current number of votes"
msgstr ""
@@ -2376,7 +2370,7 @@ msgid "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:141
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:295
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:288
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_answer.html:58
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_question.html:58
msgid "edit"
@@ -2391,72 +2385,61 @@ msgid "close"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:156
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:300
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:293
msgid ""
"report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:157
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:301
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:294
msgid "flag offensive"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:165
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:183
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:332
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:325
msgid "delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:194
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:343
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:336
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "post a comment"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:198
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:340
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more"
+msgid_plural "see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:204
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:200
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:342
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more comment"
msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-"more comments\n"
+"see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
" "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:220
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:213
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The question has been closed for the following reason \"%(close_reason)s\" by"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:222
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:215
#, python-format
msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:230
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:223
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -2469,105 +2452,75 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers"
msgstr "oldest"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers"
msgstr "newest"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "popular answers"
msgstr "most voted"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:249
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:250
msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:264
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:270
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:262
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:275
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:276
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:268
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:289
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:282
msgid "answer permanent link"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:290
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:283
msgid "permanent link"
msgstr "link"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "undelete"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:347
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:353
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more comment\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:379
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:382
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:364
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:367
msgid "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Notify me</strong> once a day by email when there are any new "
"answers or updates"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:385
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:370
msgid "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Notify me</strong> weekly when there are any new answers or updates"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:390
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:375
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your %(profile_url)s"
@@ -2575,21 +2528,21 @@ msgstr ""
"(note: you can always <strong><a href='%(profile_url)s?"
"sort=email_subscriptions'>change</a></strong> how often you receive updates)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:395
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:380
msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
msgstr ""
"<span class='strong'>Here</span> (once you log in) you will be able to sign "
"up for the periodic email updates about this question."
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:406
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:391
msgid "Your answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:408
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:393
msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:414
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:399
msgid "you can answer anonymously and then login"
msgstr ""
"<span class='strong big'>Please start posting your answer anonymously</span> "
@@ -2598,7 +2551,7 @@ msgstr ""
"answer</strong>, for discussions, <strong>please use comments</strong> and "
"<strong>please do remember to vote</strong> (after you log in)!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:403
msgid "answer your own question only to give an answer"
msgstr ""
"<span class='big strong'>You are welcome to answer your own question</span>, "
@@ -2608,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
"forget to vote :)</strong> for the answers that you liked (or perhaps did "
"not like)! "
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:420
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:405
msgid "please only give an answer, no discussions"
msgstr ""
"<span class='big strong'>Please try to give a substantial answer</span>. If "
@@ -2618,23 +2571,23 @@ msgstr ""
"please <strong>don't forget to vote</strong> - it really helps to select the "
"best questions and answers!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:456
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:441
msgid "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:459
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:444
msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:461
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:446
msgid "Answer the question"
msgstr "Post Your Answer"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:475
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:460
msgid "Question tags"
msgstr "Tags"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:480
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:465
#: forum/skins/default/templates/questions.html:257
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:11
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:28
@@ -2642,23 +2595,23 @@ msgstr "Tags"
msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag_name)s'"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:486
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:471
msgid "question asked"
msgstr "Asked"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "question was seen"
msgstr "Seen"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:492
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:477
msgid "last updated"
msgstr "Last updated"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:498
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:483
msgid "Related questions"
msgstr ""
@@ -3180,22 +3133,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:46
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" (one comment)\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times\n"
-" "
+msgid "(one comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
msgstr[0] ""
-"(one comment)"
msgstr[1] ""
-"(%(comment_count)s comments)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:61
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:57
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3208,42 +3151,36 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:72
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:68
msgid "thumb up"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:69
msgid "user has voted up this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:77
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
msgid "thumb down"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:78
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:74
msgid "user voted down this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:87
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:83
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
-" "
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:100
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:92
#, python-format
msgid ""
"see other questions with %(view_user)s's contributions tagged '%(tag_name)s' "
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:115
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:107
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3893,6 +3830,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Connect to %(APP_SHORT_NAME)s with Facebook!"
msgstr ""
+#: forum/templatetags/
+msgid "no items in counter"
+msgstr "no"
#: forum/templatetags/
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
@@ -4116,6 +4057,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "books/"
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " (one comment)\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s "
+#~ "times\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "(one comment)"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "(%(comment_count)s comments)"
#~ msgid "welcome to website"
#~ msgstr "Welcome to Q&amp;A forum"
diff --git a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
index eb7248ff..5a99b360 100644
--- a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 1986b732..81ee37d8 100644
--- a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 13:22-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 16:44-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-30 21:06\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ msgstr "выбрать версию"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:433
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
msgstr "Включить/выключить предварительный просмотр текста"
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ msgstr "Включить/выключить предварительный пр
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:434
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:419
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "toggle preview"
msgstr "включить/выключить предварительный просмотр"
@@ -2268,32 +2268,26 @@ msgid "next page"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:9
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" one revision\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:19
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "one revision"
+msgid_plural "%(rev_count)s revisions"
+msgstr[0] "версия правки"
+msgstr[1] "версия правки"
+msgstr[2] "версия правки"
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:15
msgid "asked"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:22
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:18
msgid "answered"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:24
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:20
msgid "posted"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:45
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:41
msgid "updated"
msgstr ""
@@ -2351,7 +2345,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:81
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:99
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:258
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:251
msgid "current number of votes"
msgstr ""
@@ -2373,7 +2367,7 @@ msgid "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)"
msgstr "удалить закладку (еще раз - чтобы восстановить)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:141
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:295
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:288
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_answer.html:58
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_question.html:58
msgid "edit"
@@ -2388,74 +2382,63 @@ msgid "close"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:156
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:300
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:293
msgid ""
"report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:157
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:301
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:294
msgid "flag offensive"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:165
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:183
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:332
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:325
msgid "delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:194
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:343
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:336
msgid "add comment"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:198
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:340
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more"
+msgid_plural "see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:204
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:200
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:342
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more comment"
msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-"more comments\n"
+"see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
" "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:220
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:213
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The question has been closed for the following reason \"%(close_reason)s\" by"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:222
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:215
#, python-format
msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:230
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:223
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -2469,150 +2452,118 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "popular answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:249
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:250
msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:264
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:270
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:262
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
msgstr "отметить этот вопрос как интересный (еще раз - чтобы удалить закладку)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:275
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:276
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:268
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:289
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:282
msgid "answer permanent link"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:290
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:283
msgid "permanent link"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "undelete"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:347
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:353
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more comment\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:379
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:382
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:364
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:367
msgid "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:385
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:370
msgid "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:390
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:375
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your %(profile_url)s"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:395
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:380
msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:406
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:391
msgid "Your answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:408
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:393
msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:414
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:399
msgid "you can answer anonymously and then login"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:403
msgid "answer your own question only to give an answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:420
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:405
msgid "please only give an answer, no discussions"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:456
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:441
msgid "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:459
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:444
msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:461
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:446
msgid "Answer the question"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:475
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:460
msgid "Question tags"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:480
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:465
#: forum/skins/default/templates/questions.html:257
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:11
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:28
@@ -2620,23 +2571,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag_name)s'"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:486
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:471
msgid "question asked"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "question was seen"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:492
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:477
msgid "last updated"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:498
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:483
msgid "Related questions"
msgstr ""
@@ -3159,20 +3110,14 @@ msgid "this answer has been selected as correct"
msgstr ""
#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:46
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" (one comment)\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "(one comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
+msgstr[0] "комментарии/"
+msgstr[1] "комментарии/"
+msgstr[2] "комментарии/"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:61
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:57
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3186,43 +3131,37 @@ msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:72
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:68
msgid "thumb up"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:69
msgid "user has voted up this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:77
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
msgid "thumb down"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:78
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:74
msgid "user voted down this many times"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:87
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:83
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
-" "
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:100
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:92
#, python-format
msgid ""
"see other questions with %(view_user)s's contributions tagged '%(tag_name)s' "
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:115
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:107
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3756,6 +3695,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Connect to %(APP_SHORT_NAME)s with Facebook!"
msgstr ""
+#: forum/templatetags/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "no items in counter"
+msgstr "no"
#: forum/templatetags/
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
diff --git a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
index 643aa96d..5f71beb9 100644
--- a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 29d0ba68..79d8b2dd 100644
--- a/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 13:18-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 16:46-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-30 02:23\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -876,58 +876,48 @@ msgid "Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Nice answer"
-msgstr "cevap düzeltilmiş"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "nice-answer"
-msgstr "yeni-cevap/"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Answer voted up 10 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Nice Question"
-msgstr "Sorular"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "nice-question"
-msgstr "yeni-soru/"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Question voted up 10 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Pundit"
-msgstr "değiştir"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "pundit"
-msgstr "değiştir"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Left 10 comments with score of 10 or more"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Popular Question"
-msgstr "Soru yazın"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "popular-question"
-msgstr "soru"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Asked a question with 1,000 views"
@@ -966,19 +956,16 @@ msgid "critic"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "First down vote"
-msgstr "beğenmedim"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor"
-msgstr "değiştir"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "editor"
-msgstr "değiştir"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "First edit"
@@ -989,14 +976,12 @@ msgid "Organizer"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "organizer"
-msgstr "Cevabınız"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "First retag"
-msgstr "etiketleri temizle"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Scholar"
@@ -1007,9 +992,8 @@ msgid "scholar"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "First accepted answer on your own question"
-msgstr "diğer sorulara cevaplar ve yorumlar"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Student"
@@ -1024,29 +1008,24 @@ msgid "Asked first question with at least one up vote"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Supporter"
-msgstr "beğendim"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "supporter"
-msgstr "beğendim"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "First up vote"
-msgstr "beğendim"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Teacher"
-msgstr "ara"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "teacher"
-msgstr "ara"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Answered first question with at least one up vote"
@@ -1061,9 +1040,8 @@ msgid "autobiographer"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Completed all user profile fields"
-msgstr "tamamlanmış kullanıcı profili"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Self-Learner"
@@ -1074,65 +1052,52 @@ msgid "self-learner"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Answered your own question with at least 3 up votes"
msgstr ""
-"Kendi soruna cevap vermek üzeresin. Ya da sorunu daha da açıklamak mı "
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Great Answer"
-msgstr "cevap"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "great-answer"
-msgstr "cevap"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Answer voted up 100 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Great Question"
-msgstr "soruları yeniden etiketle"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "great-question"
-msgstr "soruları yeniden etiketle"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Question voted up 100 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Stellar Question"
-msgstr "Hala aklınıza takılan bir soru mu var?"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "stellar-question"
-msgstr "tüm soruları gör"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Question favorited by 100 users"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Famous question"
-msgstr "Soruyu kapat"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "famous-question"
-msgstr "soru"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Asked a question with 10,000 views"
@@ -1151,44 +1116,36 @@ msgid "Actively participated in the private alpha"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Good Answer"
-msgstr "eski cevaplar"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "good-answer"
-msgstr "cevap"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Answer voted up 25 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Good Question"
-msgstr "Sorular"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "good-question"
-msgstr "soru"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Question voted up 25 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Favorite Question"
-msgstr "favori sorular"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "favorite-question"
-msgstr "favori sorular"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Question favorited by 25 users"
@@ -1219,14 +1176,12 @@ msgid "Edited 100 entries"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Generalist"
-msgstr "Gönderen"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "generalist"
-msgstr "Gönderen"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Active in many different tags"
@@ -1237,9 +1192,8 @@ msgid "Expert"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "export"
-msgstr "metin"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Very active in one tag"
@@ -1258,14 +1212,12 @@ msgid "Active member for a year"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Notable Question"
-msgstr "gerçek bir soru değil"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "notable-question"
-msgstr "gerçek bir soru değil"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Asked a question with 2,500 views"
@@ -1304,9 +1256,8 @@ msgid "guru"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Accepted answer and voted up 40 times"
-msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
msgid "Necromancer"
@@ -1329,9 +1280,8 @@ msgid "taxonomist"
msgstr ""
#: forum/migrations/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Created a tag used by 50 questions"
-msgstr "soruları yeniden etiketle"
+msgstr ""
#: forum/models/
#, python-format
@@ -1579,7 +1529,7 @@ msgstr "revizyon seç"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:433
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
msgstr "Toggle gerçek zamanlı Markdown editörü önizleme"
@@ -1587,7 +1537,7 @@ msgstr "Toggle gerçek zamanlı Markdown editörü önizleme"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:434
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:419
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "toggle preview"
msgstr "toggle önizleme"
@@ -2309,32 +2259,24 @@ msgstr "sonraki sayfa"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:9
#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" one revision\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"bir kez düzenlendi\n"
+msgid "one revision"
+msgid_plural "%(rev_count)s revisions"
+msgstr[0] "one revision"
msgstr[1] "%(rev_count)s kez düzenlendi"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:19
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:15
msgid "asked"
msgstr "soruldu"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:22
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:18
msgid "answered"
msgstr "cevaplandı"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:24
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:20
msgid "posted"
msgstr "yollandı"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:45
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:41
msgid "updated"
msgstr "güncellendi"
@@ -2392,7 +2334,7 @@ msgstr "bunu beğendim (iptal için tekrar tıklayın)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:81
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:99
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:258
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:251
msgid "current number of votes"
msgstr "oy geçerli sayısı"
@@ -2415,7 +2357,7 @@ msgstr ""
"bu sorudan favori işaretini kaldır (işareti tekrar koymak için tıklayın)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:141
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:295
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:288
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_answer.html:58
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_question.html:58
msgid "edit"
@@ -2430,78 +2372,61 @@ msgid "close"
msgstr "kapat"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:156
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:300
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:293
msgid ""
"report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
msgstr "şikayet et (spam, reklam, kötü amaçlı yazı vb. içeriyor)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:157
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:301
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:294
msgid "flag offensive"
msgstr "şikayet et"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:165
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "delete"
msgstr "sil"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:183
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:332
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:325
msgid "delete this comment"
msgstr "bu yorumu sil"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:194
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:343
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:336
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "yorum ekle"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:198
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:340
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more"
+msgid_plural "see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more"
msgstr[0] ""
-"diğer <strong>bir tanesine</strong> bak"
msgstr[1] ""
-"<strong>%(counter)s</strong> daha var"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:204
-#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more "
-" "
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:200
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:342
+#, python-format
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more comment"
msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-"more comments\n"
+"see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
" "
msgstr[0] ""
-"<strong>bir</strong> yorum daha gör\n"
-msgstr[1] "diğer <strong>%(counter)s</strong> yorumu gör"
+msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:220
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:213
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The question has been closed for the following reason \"%(close_reason)s\" by"
msgstr "Soru şu nedenle kapatılmış olabilir: %(close_reason)s"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:222
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:215
#, python-format
msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
msgstr "kapatılma tarihi %(closed_at)s"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:230
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:223
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -2518,106 +2443,72 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"%(counter)s cevap:"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
msgstr "ilk önce eski cevaplar görünecek"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers"
msgstr "eski cevaplar"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
msgstr "yeni cevaplar ilk önce görünecek"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers"
msgstr "yeni cevaplar"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
msgstr "çok oy alan cevaplar önce görünsün"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "popular answers"
msgstr "popüler cevaplar"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:249
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:250
msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr "bu cevabı beğendim (iptal etmek için tekrar tıklayın)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:264
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr "bu cevabı beğenmedim (iptal etmek için tekrar tıklayın)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:270
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:262
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
msgstr "bu cevabı favori olarak işaretle (geri almak için tıklayın)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:275
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:276
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:268
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
msgstr "bu soruyu yazan kişi, bu cevabı doğru olarak seçti"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:289
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:282
msgid "answer permanent link"
msgstr "kalıcı bağlantıyı cevapla"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:290
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:283
msgid "permanent link"
msgstr "kalıcı bağlantı"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "undelete"
msgstr "silineni geri al"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:347
-#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"<strong>bir</strong> tane daha gör\n"
-msgstr[1] "<strong>%(counter)s</strong> tane daha gör"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:353
-#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more comment\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"<strong>bir</strong> yorum daha gör\n"
-msgstr[1] "<strong>%(counter)s</strong> yorum daha gör"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:379
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:382
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:364
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:367
msgid "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers"
msgstr "Soruya cevap verilirse bana bildir"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:385
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:370
msgid "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers"
msgstr "Yeni cevapları bana haftalık olarak bildir"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:390
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:375
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your %(profile_url)s"
@@ -2625,51 +2516,51 @@ msgstr ""
"%(profile_url)s adresinden E-mail güncellemelerini alma sıklığını "
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:395
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:380
msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
msgstr "güncellemelerden haberdar olmak için kaydolun."
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:406
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:391
msgid "Your answer"
msgstr "Cevabınız"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:408
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:393
msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
msgstr "Bu soruya ilk cevabı sen yaz!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:414
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:399
msgid "you can answer anonymously and then login"
msgstr ""
"şimdi hemen cevap yazabilir, yollamak için daha sonra üye girişi "
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:403
msgid "answer your own question only to give an answer"
msgstr ""
"Kendi soruna cevap vermek üzeresin. Ya da sorunu daha da açıklamak mı "
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:420
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:405
msgid "please only give an answer, no discussions"
msgstr "sadece cevap yazınız, tartışmaya girmeyiniz."
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:456
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:441
msgid "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer"
msgstr "Cevap yollamak için üye girişi yapmalısınız"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:459
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:444
msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
msgstr "Kendi soruna cevap yaz!"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:461
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:446
msgid "Answer the question"
msgstr "Soru cevapla"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:475
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:460
msgid "Question tags"
msgstr "Soru etiketleri"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:480
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:465
#: forum/skins/default/templates/questions.html:257
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:11
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:28
@@ -2677,23 +2568,23 @@ msgstr "Soru etiketleri"
msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag_name)s'"
msgstr "'%(tag_name)s' etiketli soruları gör"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:486
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:471
msgid "question asked"
msgstr "sorulma zamanı"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "question was seen"
msgstr "izlenme sayısı"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "times"
msgstr "kez"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:492
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:477
msgid "last updated"
msgstr "son güncelleme"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:498
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:483
msgid "Related questions"
msgstr "İlgili sorular"
@@ -3234,20 +3125,12 @@ msgstr "bu cevap doğru olarak seçildi"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:46
#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" (one comment)\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"(bir kez yorum yazıldı)\n"
-msgstr[1] "Cevap %(comment_count)s kez yorumlandı"
+msgid "(one comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
+msgstr[0] "yorum ekle"
+msgstr[1] "yorum ekle"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:61
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:57
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3264,44 +3147,36 @@ msgstr[1] ""
"<span class=\"count\">%(cnt)s</span> oy"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:72
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:68
msgid "thumb up"
msgstr "beğen"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:69
msgid "user has voted up this many times"
msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğendi"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:77
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
msgid "thumb down"
msgstr "beğenme"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:78
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:74
msgid "user voted down this many times"
msgstr "kullanıcılar tarafından defalarca beğenilmedi"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:87
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:83
#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid ""
-" <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"<span class=\"count\">1</span> Etiket\n"
-msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Etiket"
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
+msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Madalya"
+msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Madalya"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:100
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:92
#, python-format
msgid ""
"see other questions with %(view_user)s's contributions tagged '%(tag_name)s' "
msgstr "%(view_user)s 'nin diğer '%(tag_name)s' etiketli diğer sorularını gör"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:115
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:107
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3876,6 +3751,10 @@ msgstr "OpenID girişine dön"
msgid "Connect to %(APP_SHORT_NAME)s with Facebook!"
msgstr "%(APP_SHORT_NAME)s 'a Facebook hesabınızla bağlanın!"
+#: forum/templatetags/
+msgid "no items in counter"
+msgstr "0"
#: forum/templatetags/
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
@@ -4107,3 +3986,111 @@ msgstr "Hoşgeldin %s, seni yeniden burada görmek güzel..."
#: forum_modules/books/
msgid "books/"
msgstr "kitaplar/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>one</strong> "
+#~ "more \n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>%(counter)s</"
+#~ "strong> more\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "diğer <strong>bir tanesine</strong> bak"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "<strong>%(counter)s</strong> daha var"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>one</strong> more "
+#~ "comment\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>%(counter)s</"
+#~ "strong> more comments\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "<strong>bir</strong> yorum daha gör\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "diğer <strong>%(counter)s</strong> yorumu gör"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>one</"
+#~ "strong> more \n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>%"
+#~ "(counter)s</strong> more\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "<strong>bir</strong> tane daha gör\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "<strong>%(counter)s</strong> tane daha gör"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>one</"
+#~ "strong> more comment\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " see <strong>%"
+#~ "(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "<strong>bir</strong> yorum daha gör\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "<strong>%(counter)s</strong> yorum daha gör"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " (one comment)\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s "
+#~ "times\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "(bir kez yorum yazıldı)\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "Cevap %(comment_count)s kez yorumlandı"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Etiket\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Etiket"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " one revision\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "bir kez düzenlendi\n"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%(rev_count)s kez düzenlendi"
diff --git a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/
index 5173c858..683dd1e1 100644
--- a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 348d770e..5a810b45 100644
--- a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 13:19-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 16:45-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ msgstr "选择版本"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:433
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
msgstr "打开或者关闭Markdown编辑器的实时预览"
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ msgstr "打开或者关闭Markdown编辑器的实时预览"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:63
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask.html:98
#: forum/skins/default/templates/ask_form.html:39
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:434
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:419
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:92
msgid "toggle preview"
msgstr "预览开关"
@@ -2341,33 +2341,27 @@ msgid "next page"
msgstr "下一页"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:9
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" one revision\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" %(rev_count)s revisions\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "one revision"
+msgid_plural "%(rev_count)s revisions"
+msgstr[0] "版本"
+msgstr[1] "版本"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:19
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:15
msgid "asked"
msgstr "提问于"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:22
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "answered"
msgstr "回答"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:24
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "posted"
msgstr "投赞成票"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:45
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/post_contributor_info.html:41
msgid "updated"
msgstr "更新于"
@@ -2448,7 +2442,7 @@ msgstr "这篇帖子有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:81
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:99
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:258
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:251
msgid "current number of votes"
msgstr "当前总票数"
@@ -2470,7 +2464,7 @@ msgid "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)"
msgstr "我要收藏这个问题(再次点击取消操作)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:141
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:295
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:288
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_answer.html:58
#: forum/skins/default/templates/revisions_question.html:58
msgid "edit"
@@ -2485,73 +2479,64 @@ msgid "close"
msgstr "关闭"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:156
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:300
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:293
msgid ""
"report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
msgstr "检举该帖为垃“水帖”(含广告、人身攻击、恶意言论等)"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:157
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:301
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:294
msgid "flag offensive"
msgstr "垃圾帖?"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:165
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "delete"
msgstr "删除"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:183
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:332
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete this comment"
msgstr "删除任何一个评论"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:194
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:343
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:336
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "添加评论"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:198
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-" "
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:340
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more"
+msgid_plural "see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more"
msgstr[0] ""
+"个 <span class=\"darkred\"><strong>没有回答的</strong></span> 问题。"
msgstr[1] ""
+"个 <span class=\"darkred\"><strong>没有回答的</strong></span> 问题。"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:204
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:200
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:342
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</strong> more "
-" "
+msgid "see <strong>one</strong> more comment"
msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> "
-"more comments\n"
+"see <strong>%(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
" "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:220
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:213
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The question has been closed for the following reason \"%(close_reason)s\" by"
msgstr "问题以“%s”的原因已被"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:222
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:215
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
msgstr "由于以下原因,你要关闭这个问题"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:230
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:223
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -2564,153 +2549,123 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
msgstr "最先回答显示在最前面"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:238
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:231
msgid "oldest answers"
msgstr "最先回答"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
msgstr "最晚回答显示在最前面"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:240
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:233
msgid "newest answers"
msgstr "最近回答"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
msgstr "投票次数最多的显示在最前面"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:242
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:235
msgid "popular answers"
msgstr "投票最多"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:249
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:250
msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr "这篇帖子有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:264
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:256
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:257
msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
msgstr "这篇帖子没有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:270
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:262
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:263
msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
msgstr "最佳答案(再次点击取消操作)"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:275
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:276
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:268
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:269
msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
msgstr "这个答案已经被提问作者标记为最佳答案"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:289
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:282
msgid "answer permanent link"
msgstr "该回答的链接地址"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:290
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:283
msgid "permanent link"
msgstr "永久链接"
# todo please check this in chinese
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:312
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:305
msgid "undelete"
msgstr "取消"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:347
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more \n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:353
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" see <strong>one</"
-"strong> more comment\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" see <strong>%"
-"(counter)s</strong> more comments\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:379
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:382
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:364
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:367
msgid "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:385
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:370
msgid "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:390
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:375
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your %(profile_url)s"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:395
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:380
msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:406
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:391
msgid "Your answer"
msgstr "您的回答"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:408
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:393
#, fuzzy
msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
msgstr "不是一个可以回答的“问题”"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:414
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:399
msgid "you can answer anonymously and then login"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:418
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:403
msgid "answer your own question only to give an answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:420
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:405
#, fuzzy
msgid "please only give an answer, no discussions"
msgstr "建议您提的问题是可以被答复的,而不仅仅是可以讨论。"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:456
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:441
msgid "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:459
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:444
#, fuzzy
msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
msgstr "回答该问题"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:461
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:446
msgid "Answer the question"
msgstr "回答该问题"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:475
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:460
msgid "Question tags"
msgstr "您正在浏览的问题含有以下标签"
# this is how above two are supposed to be
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:480
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:465
#: forum/skins/default/templates/questions.html:257
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:11
#: forum/skins/default/templates/tag_selector.html:28
@@ -2718,24 +2673,24 @@ msgstr "您正在浏览的问题含有以下标签"
msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag_name)s'"
msgstr "查看有关'%(tagname)s'的问题"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:486
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:471
#, fuzzy
msgid "question asked"
msgstr "提问时间"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "question was seen"
msgstr "目前浏览数量"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:489
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:474
msgid "times"
msgstr "次"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:492
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:477
msgid "last updated"
msgstr "最后更新时间"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:498
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/question.html:483
#, fuzzy
msgid "Related questions"
msgstr "相似的问题"
@@ -3299,19 +3254,13 @@ msgid "this answer has been selected as correct"
msgstr "该回答已被设为最佳答案"
#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:46
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" (one comment)\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times\n"
-" "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "(one comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
+msgstr[0] "添加评论"
+msgstr[1] "添加评论"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:61
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:57
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3324,43 +3273,37 @@ msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:72
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:68
msgid "thumb up"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:69
msgid "user has voted up this many times"
msgstr "该用户投的赞成票总数"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:77
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:73
msgid "thumb down"
msgstr ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:78
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "user voted down this many times"
msgstr "用户投的反对票总数"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:87
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:83
#, python-format
-msgid ""
-" <span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag\n"
-" "
-msgid_plural ""
-" <span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags\n"
-" "
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">1</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:100
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:92
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"see other questions with %(view_user)s's contributions tagged '%(tag_name)s' "
msgstr "查看有关'%s'的问题"
-#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:115
+#: forum/skins/default/templates/user_stats.html:107
#, python-format
msgid ""
@@ -3914,6 +3857,11 @@ msgstr "返回登录"
msgid "Connect to %(APP_SHORT_NAME)s with Facebook!"
msgstr ""
+#: forum/templatetags/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "no items in counter"
+msgstr "no"
#: forum/templatetags/
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
@@ -4493,10 +4441,6 @@ msgstr "读书"
#~ "您正在浏览所有<div class=\"questions-count\">%(q_num)s</div>个标题含有"
#~ "<span class=\"tag\">%(searchtitle)s</span></p>"
-#~ msgid "number of <strong>unanswered</strong> questions"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "个 <span class=\"darkred\"><strong>没有回答的</strong></span> 问题。"
#~ msgid "tagged with"
#~ msgstr "标记为"