path: root/askbot/skins/common/media/js/i18n.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'askbot/skins/common/media/js/i18n.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 469 deletions
diff --git a/askbot/skins/common/media/js/i18n.js b/askbot/skins/common/media/js/i18n.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 192d335b..00000000
--- a/askbot/skins/common/media/js/i18n.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-//var i18nLang;
-var i18nZh = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'用户权限不在操作范围',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'不能设置自己的回答为最佳答案',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'匿名用户不能收藏问题,请先',
- 'please login':'注册或者登录',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的投票。',
- 'please confirm offensive':"确定要归类该帖为广告、人身攻击、恶意言论吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'匿名用户不能操作,请先',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'不能重复操作。',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的5次‘水帖’操作。',
- 'confirm delete':"确定要删除/撤销删除该帖吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"匿名用户不能删除或撤销删除帖子",
- 'post recovered':"操作成功!该帖子已被恢复。",
- 'post deleted':"操作成功!该帖子已删除。",
- 'add comment':'添加评论',
- 'delete this comment':'删除此评论',
- 'add a comment':"添加评论",
- 'comments':"评论",
- 'confirm delete comment':"真要删除此评论吗?",
- '{0} characters left': '还可写{0}字符',
- 'click to close':'点击消息框关闭',
- 'loading...':'读取中...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'标签不能为空。',
- 'content cannot be empty':'内容不能为空。',
- 'content minchars': '请输入至少 {0} 字符。',
- 'please enter title':'请输入标题。',
- 'title minchars':"请输入至少 {0} 字符。",
- 'delete':'删除',
- 'undelete':'取消',
- 'bold':'粗体',
- 'italic':'斜体',
- 'link':'超链接',
- 'quote':'引用',
- 'preformatted text':'代码',
- 'image':'图片',
- 'numbered list':'数字编号列表',
- 'bulleted list':'项目符号列表',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'水平线',
- 'undo':'撤销',
- 'redo':'重做',
- 'enter image url':'<b>输入图片地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的截图\"',
- 'enter url':'<b>输入Web地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的网站\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'或者上传本地图片:'
-var i18nZhtw = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'權限不足',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'不能蔽掃自珍',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'匿名用戶不能收藏問題',
- 'please login':'請先登錄',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'對不起,您已用完今日所有的投票。',
- 'please confirm offensive':"確定要歸類該帖為廣告、人身攻擊、惡意言論嗎?",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'匿名用戶不能操作',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'不能重複操作。',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'對不起,您已用完今日所有的5次『水帖』操作。',
- 'confirm delete':"確定刪除",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"匿名用戶不能刪除或恢復帖子",
- 'post recovered':"操作成功!該帖子已被恢複。",
- 'post deleted':"操作成功!該帖子已刪除。",
- 'add comment':'添加評論',
- 'delete this comment':'刪除此評論',
- 'add a comment':"添加評論",
- 'comments':"評論",
- 'confirm delete comment':"刪除評論確認",
- '{0} characters left': '還可寫{0}字',
- 'click to close':'點擊消息框關閉',
- 'loading...':'讀取中...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'標籤不能為空白',
- 'content cannot be empty':'內容不能為空白',
- 'content minchars': '請輸入至少 {0} 字符。',
- 'please enter title':'請輸入標題。',
- 'title minchars':"請輸入至少 {0} 字符。",
- 'delete':'刪除',
- 'undelete':'取消',
- 'bold':'粗體',
- 'italic':'斜體',
- 'link':'超連接',
- 'quote':'引用',
- 'preformatted text':'代碼',
- 'image':'圖片',
- 'numbered list':'數字編號列表',
- 'bulleted list':'項目符號列表',
- 'heading':'標題',
- 'horizontal bar':'水平線',
- 'undo':'撤銷',
- 'redo':'重做',
- 'enter image url':'<b>輸入圖片地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的截圖\"',
- 'enter url':'<b>輸入Web地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的網站\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'或者上傳本地圖片:'
-var i18nEn = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote": "sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ",
- 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
- 'upload image':'Upload image:',
- 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. or upload an image file',
- 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. \"page title\"',
- 'upload file attachment':'Please choose and upload a file:',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
- 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
- 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
- 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
- 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
- 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
- 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
- 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
- 'characters':'characters left',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
- 'edit':'edit',
- 'click to edit this comment':'click to edit this comment',
- 'confirm abandon comment':'Are you sure you do not want to post this comment?',
- 'save comment': 'save comment',
- 'enter more characters': 'please enter at least {0} more characters',
- 'Follow': 'Follow',
- '<b>Following</b><b class="unfollow">Unfollow</b>': '<b>Following</b><b class="unfollow">Unfollow</b>',
-var i18nFi = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote": "kirjaudu sisään, jotta voit käyttää tätä ominaisuutta ",
- 'tags cannot be empty':'anna vähintään yksi tagi',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'kirjaudu sisään, jotta voit käyttää tätä ominaisuutta',
- 'upload image':'Lähetä kuva:',
- 'enter image url':'Anna kuvan URL-osoite, esim. \"kuvan otsikko\"',
- 'enter url':'Anna URL-osoite, esim. \"sivun otsikko\"',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'olet käyttänyt tämän päivän osalta äänesi',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'et voi hyväksyä omaa vastaustasi parhaaksi',
- 'please confirm offensive':'oletko varma, että tämä on roskaposti, loukkaava tai muuta hyväksymätöntä?',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'olet käyttänyt tämän päivän merkkausmäärät ',
- 'confirm delete':'oletko varma, että haluat poistaa tämän?',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'kirjaudu sisään, jotta voit käyttää tätä ominaisuutta',
- 'post recovered':'postauksesi on palautettu!',
- 'post deleted':'postauksesi on poistettu',
- 'confirm delete comment':'oletko varma, että haluat poistaa tämän kommentin?',
- 'content minchars': 'syötä vähintään {0} merkkiä',
- 'title minchars':"syötä vähintään {0} merkkiä",
- '{0} characters left': '{0} merkkiä jäljellä',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'ei voi merkata kahta kertaa '
-var i18nTr = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote":"üye girişi yapmadan oy kullanamazsınız",
- 'insufficient privilege':'buna yetkiniz yoktur',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'en cevap olarak kendi cevabınızı seçemezsiniz',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'üye girişi yapmadan favori seçemezsiniz',
- 'please login':'lütfen üye girişi yapınız',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'bugünlük oy verme kotanız doldu',
- 'please confirm offensive':"şikayetinizi onaylayın",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'üye girişi yapmadan şikayet gönderemezsiniz',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'şikayet mesajı olarak iki kez işaretlemelisiniz',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'şikayet kotası aşıldı',
- 'confirm delete':"Bunu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"üye girişi yapmadan yazı silemez yada geri alamazsınız",
- 'post recovered':"yazı geri alındı",
- 'post deleted':"yazı silindi",
- 'add comment':'yorum ekle',
- 'delete this comment':'bu yorumu sil',
- 'add a comment':"yorum ekle",
- 'comments':"yorumlar",
- 'confirm delete comment':"yorumu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
- '{0} characters left': 'yazılabilir {0} karakter eksik',
- 'click to close':'kapatmak için tıklayın',
- 'loading...':'yükleniyor...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'etiketler boş olamaz',
- 'content cannot be empty':'içerik boş olamaz',
- 'content minchars': 'Lütfen en az (0) karakter girin',
- 'please enter title':'lütfen bir başlık yazın',
- 'title minchars':"Lütfen en az (0) karakter girin",
- 'delete':'sil',
- 'undelete':'geri al',
- 'bold': 'kalın',
- 'italic':'italik',
- 'link':'link',
- 'quote':'alıntı',
- 'preformatted text':'hazır metin',
- 'image':'resimler',
- 'numbered list':'numaralı liste',
- 'bulleted list':'işaretli liste',
- 'heading':'Başlık',
- 'horizontal bar':'yatay bar',
- 'undo':'geri',
- 'redo':'yeniden',
- 'enter image url':'örnek resmin URLsini girin: <br /> \"resim başlığı\"',
- 'enter url':'web adresini girin: <br /> \"başlık bağlantısı\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'resim yükle:'
-var i18nEs = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote":"usuarios anónimos no pueden votar",
- 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
- 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
- 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
- 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
- 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
- 'post deleted':"publicación borrada。",
- 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
- 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
- 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
- 'comments':"comentarios",
- 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
- '{0} characters left': '{0} caracteres faltantes',
- 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
- 'loading...':'cargando...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacías',
- 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacío',
- 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
- 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un título',
- 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
- 'delete':'borrar',
- 'undelete': 'recuperar',
- 'bold': 'negrita',
- 'italic':'cursiva',
- 'link':'enlace',
- 'quote':'citar',
- 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
- 'image':'imagen',
- 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
- 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
- 'undo':'deshacer',
- 'redo':'rehacer',
- 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo de imagen\"',
- 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo del enlace\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'cargar imagen:'
-var i18nDe = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote":"Gastbenutzer können nicht abstimmen ",
- 'add a comment': 'Kommentar hinzufügen',
- 'add comment': 'OK',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete': 'Gastbenutzer können Beiträge nicht löschen oder wiederherstellen',
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts': 'Gastbenutzer können Beiträge nicht melden',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions': 'Gastbenutzer können keine Fragen als Favoriten markieren',
- 'bold': 'Fett',
- 'bulleted list': 'Liste',
- '{0} characters left': '{0} characters left',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice': 'Beiträge können nicht doppelt gemeldet werden',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best': 'Eigene Antworten können nicht als die korrekte akzeptiert werden',
- 'click to close': 'Schließen mit Klick',
- 'comments': 'Kommentare',
- 'confirm delete': 'Löschen bestätigen',
- 'confirm delete comment': 'Löschen des Kommentars bestätigen',
- 'content cannot be empty': 'Inhalt darf nicht leer sein',
- 'content minchars': 'Bitte mindestens {0} Zeichen eingeben',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted': 'Tägliches Abstimmungslimit erreicht',
- 'delete': 'löschen',
- 'delete this comment': 'Diesen Kommentar löschen',
- 'enter image url': 'Bild-URL eingeben, zum Beispiel <br />',
- 'enter url': 'URL eingeben, zum Beispiel <br /> </p>',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted': 'Tägliches Limit zum Melden von Beiträgen erreicht',
- 'heading': 'Titel',
- 'horizontal bar': 'horizontaler Balken',
- 'image': 'Bild',
- 'insufficient privilege': 'nicht genügend Rechte',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'link': 'Link',
- 'loading...': 'Lade...',
- 'numbered list': 'Nummerierte Liste',
- 'please confirm offensive': 'Bitte beleidigenden/regelwidrigen Beitrag bestätigen',
- 'please enter title': 'Bitte Titel eingeben',
- 'please login': 'Bitte einloggen',
- 'post deleted': 'Beitrag gelöscht',
- 'post recovered': 'Beitrag wiederhergestellt',
- 'preformatted text': 'Vorformatierter Text',
- 'quote': 'Zitat',
- 'redo': 'Wiederholen',
- 'tags cannot be empty': 'Tags dürfen nicht leer sein',
- 'title minchars': 'Bitte mindestens {0} Zeichen eingeben',
- 'undelete': 'wiederherstellen',
- 'undo': 'Rückgängig',
- 'upload image': 'Bild hochladen'
-var i18nRu = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote": "Извините, но для того чтобы голосовать, ",
- 'add a comment': 'добавить комментарий',
- 'add comment': 'добавить комментарий',
- 'save comment': 'сохранить комментарий',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete': 'неавторизированные пользователи не могут восстанавливать и удалять сообщения ',
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts': 'Извините, но для того чтобы пожаловаться на сообщение, ',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions': 'Извините, но для того чтобы добавть вопрос в закладки, ',
- 'Are you sure you want to remove your {provider} login?': 'Вы действительно хотите удалить логин через {provider}?',
- 'bold': 'жирный',
- 'bulleted list': 'маркированный список',
- 'cancel': 'cancel',
- '{0} characters left': 'осталось место для {0} символов',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice': 'нельзя отметить сообщение как спам два раза',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best': 'Извините, выбрать собственный ответ в качестве лучшего не разрешается',
- 'Change password': 'Изменить пароль',
- 'Change your {provider} password': 'Измените Ваш пароль для {provider}',
- 'click to close': 'нажмите, что бы закрыть',
- 'Create a password for {provider}': 'Создать пароль для {provider}',
- 'Create password': 'Создать пароль',
- 'Create a password-protected account': 'Создать аккаунт, защищенный паролем',
- 'comments': 'комментарии',
- 'confirm abandon comment': '',
- 'Connect your {provider_name} account to {site}': 'Соедините {site} с Вашим аккаунтом от {provider_name}',
- 'confirm delete': 'Удалить?',
- 'confirm delete comment': 'Удалить комментарий?',
- 'content cannot be empty': 'пожалуйста, добавьте содержание',
- 'content minchars': 'содержание должно быть более {0} символов',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted': 'исчерпан доступный на сегодня лимит голосований',
- 'delete': 'удалить',
- 'save tags': 'запомнить теги',
- 'delete this comment': 'удалить этот комментарий',
- 'Delete this notification?': 'Удалить это извещение?',
- 'Delete these notifications?': 'Удалить эти извещения?',
- 'enter image url': 'введите url изображения, например:<br />',
- 'enter url': 'введите url, например:<br /> </p>',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted': 'исчерпан доступный на сегодня лимит сообщений о спаме',
- 'file name': 'название файла',
- 'heading': 'заголовок',
- 'horizontal bar': 'горизонтальная полоса',
- 'image': 'изображение',
- 'image description': 'описание изображения',
- 'insufficient privilege': 'недостаточно прав',
- 'italic': 'курсив',
- 'link': 'ссылка',
- 'link text': 'текст ссылки',
- 'loading...': 'загрузка...',
- 'passwords do not match': 'пароли не совпадают',
- 'numbered list': 'пронумерованный список',
- 'Please add one or more login methods.': 'Пожалуйста, добавьте хотя бы один постоянный метод для авторизации.',
- 'please confirm offensive': 'Вы уверены что это сообщение неуместно?',
- 'please enter title': 'пожалуйста, введите заголовок',
- 'Please enter your {token_name}, then proceed': 'Чтобы продолжить, пожалуйста введите {token_name}',
- 'Please select at least one item': 'Пожалуйста, отметьте хотя бы одно извещение',
- 'enter more characters': 'недостаточно символов, пожалуйста, добавьте ещё {0}',
- 'please login': 'введите логин',
- 'post deleted': 'сообщение удалено',
- 'post recovered': 'восстановить сообщение',
- 'preformatted text': 'форматирование текста',
- 'quote': 'цитата',
- 'redo': 'повторить',
- 'see questions tagged \'{tag}\'': 'смотрите вопросы, помеченные \'{tag}\'',
- 'Show/change current login methods': 'Просмотреть, изменить существующие методы авторизации.',
- 'tags cannot be empty': 'введите теги',
- 'title minchars': 'заголовок должен быть более {0} символов',
- 'undelete': 'восстановить',
- 'click to edit this comment': 'нажмите здесь, чтобы отредактировать этот комментарий',
- 'edit': 'редактировать',
- 'undo': 'отменить',
- 'upload image': 'загрузить изображение',
- 'upload file attachment': 'загрузить файл',
- 'You don\'t have a method to log in right now, please add one or more by clicking any of the icons below.': 'У Вас сейчас нет постоянного метода авторизации, пожалуйста выберите хотя бы один, нажав на любую из предложеных ниже кнопок.'
-var i18nFr = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote":"les utilisateurs anonyment ne peuvent pas voter ",
- 'add a comment': 'Ajouter un commentaire',
- 'add comment': 'OK',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete': 'Les utilisateurs anonymes ne peuvent pas supprimer/restaurer',
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts': 'Les utilisateurs anonymes ne peuvent pas signaler les messages à contenu abusif',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions': 'Les utilisateurs anonymes ne peuvent pas sélectionner leurs questions favorites',
- 'bold': 'gras',
- 'bulleted list': 'liste',
- '{0} characters left': '{0} characters left',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice': 'Vous ne pouvez pas signaler deux fois un message à contenu abusif',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best': 'Vous ne pouvez pas désigner une de vos propres réponses comme étant la meilleure réponse',
- 'click to close': 'cliquez pour fermer',
- 'comments': 'commentaires',
- 'confirm delete': 'Confirmer la suppression',
- 'confirm delete comment': 'Confirmer la suppression du commentaire',
- 'content cannot be empty': 'Le contenu ne doit pas être vide',
- 'content minchars': 'Veuillez saisir au moins {0} caractères',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted': 'Votre quota journalier de votes est atteint',
- 'delete': 'supprimer',
- 'delete this comment': 'supprimer ce commentaire',
- 'enter image url': 'Veuillez saisir une URL menant à une image, par exemple <br />',
- 'enter url': 'Entrez une URL, par exemple <br /> </p>',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted': 'Votre quota journalier de signalements de contenus abusifs a été atteint',
- 'heading': 'Titre',
- 'horizontal bar': 'Barre horizontale',
- 'image': 'Image',
- 'insufficient privilege': 'Privilèges insuffisants',
- 'italic': 'italique',
- 'link': 'lien',
- 'loading...': 'Chargement en cours...',
- 'numbered list': 'liste numérotée',
- 'please confirm offensive': 'Veuillez confirmer que le contenu est abusif',
- 'please enter title': 'Veuillez saisir un titre',
- 'please login': 'Veuillez vous authentifier',
- 'post deleted': 'Message supprimé',
- 'post recovered': 'Message restauré',
- 'preformatted text': 'Texte préformaté',
- 'quote': 'Citer',
- 'redo': 'Rétablir',
- 'tags cannot be empty': 'Les mots-clés ne doivent pas être vides',
- 'title minchars': 'Veuillez saisir au moins {0} caractères',
- 'undelete': 'Restaurer',
- 'undo': 'Annuler',
- 'upload image': 'Charger une image'
-var i18nIt = {
- "anonymous users cannot vote":"Gli utenti anonimi non possono votare ",
- 'add a comment': 'Aggiungi un commento',
- 'add comment': 'OK',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete': 'Gli utenti anonimi non possono cancellare/annullare la cancellazione',
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts': 'Gli utenti anonimi non possono flaggare come offensivo questo post',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions': 'Gli utenti anonimi non possono aggiungere domande ai preferiti',
- 'bold': 'grassetto',
- 'bulleted list': 'Lista',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice': 'non è possibile flaggare come offensivo più di una volta ',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best': 'non è possibile assegnare come miglior risposta ad una propria domanda una propria risposta',
- '{0} characters left': '{0} caratteri rimanenti',
- 'click to close': 'clicca per chiudere',
- 'comments': 'commenti',
- 'confirm delete': 'conferma la cancellazione',
- 'confirm delete comment': 'Vuoi davvero cancellare il commento?',
- 'content cannot be empty': 'il contenuto non può essere vuoto',
- 'content minchars': 'per favore inserisci più di {0} caratteri',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted': 'Spiacente, hai raggiunto il limite odierno massimo di voti',
- 'delete': 'elimina',
- 'delete this comment': 'Elimina questo commento',
- 'enter image url': 'inserisci l\'URL dell\'immagine, es. \"titolo immagine\"',
- 'enter url': 'inserisci l\'indirizzo web, e.g. <br /> </p>',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted': 'spiacente, hai raggiunto il limite odierno massimo di flag offensivi ',
- 'heading': 'Titolo',
- 'horizontal bar': 'barra orizzontale',
- 'image': 'Immagine',
- 'insufficient privilege': 'privilegi non sufficienti',
- 'italic': 'corsivo',
- 'link': 'Link',
- 'loading...': 'Caricamento...',
- 'numbered list': 'Lista numerata',
- 'please confirm offensive': 'sei certo che questo post sia offensivo, contenga spam, pubblicità, osservazioni poco idonee, ecc.?',
- 'please enter title': 'Per favore inserisci il titolo',
- 'please login': 'Per favore effettua il login',
- 'post deleted': 'Post eliminato',
- 'post recovered': 'Post recuperato',
- 'preformatted text': 'Testo preformattato',
- 'quote': 'cita',
- 'redo': 'Esegui nuovamente',
- 'tags cannot be empty': 'Il campo Tags non può essere vuoto',
- 'title minchars': 'per favore inserisci almeno {0} caratteri',
- 'undelete': 'elimina',
- 'undo': 'annulla',
- 'upload image': 'carica immagine'
-var i18n = {
- 'en':i18nEn,
- 'zh-cn':i18nZh,
- 'es':i18nEs,
- 'tr':i18nTr,
- 'de':i18nDe,
- 'ru':i18nRu,
- 'fr':i18nFr,
- 'it':i18nIt,
- 'zh-tw':i18nZhtw
-var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];