path: root/forum/management/commands/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'forum/management/commands/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/forum/management/commands/ b/forum/management/commands/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5204a81e..00000000
--- a/forum/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
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-from import NoArgsCommand
-from django.db import connection
-from django.db.models import Q, F
-from forum.models import *
-from forum import const
-from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
-from django.utils.translation import ungettext
-import datetime
-from django.conf import settings
-import logging
-from forum.utils.odict import OrderedDict
-from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-from forum import const
-def extend_question_list(src, dst, limit=False):
- """src is a query set with questions
- or None
- dst - is an ordered dictionary
- """
- if limit and len(dst.keys()) >= const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL:
- return
- if src is None:#is not QuerySet
- return #will not do anything if subscription of this type is not used
- cutoff_time = src.cutoff_time
- for q in src:
- if q in dst:
- #the latest cutoff time wins for a given question
- #if the question falls into several subscription groups
- if cutoff_time > dst[q]['cutoff_time']:
- dst[q]['cutoff_time'] = cutoff_time
- else:
- #initialise a questions metadata dictionary to use for email reporting
- dst[q] = {'cutoff_time':cutoff_time}
-class Command(NoArgsCommand):
- def handle_noargs(self,**options):
- try:
- try:
- self.send_email_alerts()
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- finally:
- connection.close()
- def get_updated_questions_for_user(self,user):
- #these are placeholders for separate query sets per question group
- #there are four groups - one for each EmailFeedSetting.feed_type
- #and each group has subtypes A and B
- #that's because of the strange thing commented below
- #see note on Q and F objects marked with todo tag
- q_sel_A = None
- q_sel_B = None
- q_ask_A = None
- q_ask_B = None
- q_ans_A = None
- q_ans_B = None
- q_all_A = None
- q_all_B = None
- now =
- #Q_set1 - base questionquery set for this user
- Q_set1 = Question.objects.exclude(
- last_activity_by=user
- ).exclude(
- last_activity_at__lt=user.date_joined#exclude old stuff
- ).exclude(
- deleted=True
- ).exclude(
- closed=True
- ).order_by('-last_activity_at')
- #todo: for some reason filter on did not work as expected ~Q(viewed__who=user) |
- # Q(viewed__who=user,viewed__when__lt=F('last_activity_at'))
- #returns way more questions than you might think it should
- #so because of that I've created separate query sets Q_set2 and Q_set3
- #plus two separate queries run faster!
- #questions that are not seen by the user
- Q_set2 = Q_set1.filter(~Q(viewed__who=user))
- #questions seen before the last modification
- Q_set3 = Q_set1.filter(Q(viewed__who=user,viewed__when__lt=F('last_activity_at')))
- #todo may shortcirquit here is len(user_feeds) == 0
- user_feeds = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(subscriber=user).exclude(frequency='n')
- if len(user_feeds) == 0:
- return {};#short cirquit
- for feed in user_feeds:
- #each group of updates has it's own cutoff time
- #to be saved as a new parameter for each query set
- #won't send email for a given question if it has been done
- #after the cutoff_time
- cutoff_time = now - EmailFeedSetting.DELTA_TABLE[feed.frequency]
- if feed.reported_at == None or feed.reported_at <= cutoff_time:
- Q_set_A = Q_set2#.exclude(last_activity_at__gt=cutoff_time)#report these excluded later
- Q_set_B = Q_set3#.exclude(last_activity_at__gt=cutoff_time)
- feed.reported_at = now
- not actually report anything, depending on filters below
- if feed.feed_type == 'q_sel':
- q_sel_A = Q_set_A.filter(followed_by=user)
- q_sel_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time #store cutoff time per query set
- q_sel_B = Q_set_B.filter(followed_by=user)
- q_sel_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time #store cutoff time per query set
- elif feed.feed_type == 'q_ask':
- q_ask_A = Q_set_A.filter(author=user)
- q_ask_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- q_ask_B = Q_set_B.filter(author=user)
- q_ask_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- elif feed.feed_type == 'q_ans':
- q_ans_A = Q_set_A.filter(answers__author=user)[:const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL]
- q_ans_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- q_ans_B = Q_set_B.filter(answers__author=user)[:const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL]
- q_ans_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- elif feed.feed_type == 'q_all':
- if user.tag_filter_setting == 'ignored':
- ignored_tags = Tag.objects.filter(user_selections__reason='bad', \
- user_selections__user=user)
- q_all_A = Q_set_A.exclude( tags__in=ignored_tags )[:const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL]
- q_all_B = Q_set_B.exclude( tags__in=ignored_tags )[:const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL]
- else:
- selected_tags = Tag.objects.filter(user_selections__reason='good', \
- user_selections__user=user)
- q_all_A = Q_set_A.filter( tags__in=selected_tags )
- q_all_B = Q_set_B.filter( tags__in=selected_tags )
- q_all_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- q_all_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time
- #build list in this order
- q_list = OrderedDict()
- extend_question_list(q_sel_A, q_list)
- extend_question_list(q_sel_B, q_list)
- if user.tag_filter_setting == 'interesting':
- extend_question_list(q_all_A, q_list)
- extend_question_list(q_all_B, q_list)
- extend_question_list(q_ask_A, q_list, limit=True)
- extend_question_list(q_ask_B, q_list, limit=True)
- extend_question_list(q_ans_A, q_list, limit=True)
- extend_question_list(q_ans_B, q_list, limit=True)
- if user.tag_filter_setting == 'ignored':
- extend_question_list(q_all_A, q_list, limit=True)
- extend_question_list(q_all_B, q_list, limit=True)
- ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Question)
- for q, meta_data in q_list.items():
- #this loop edits meta_data for each question
- #so that user will receive counts on new edits new answers, etc
- #maybe not so important actually??
- #keeps email activity per question per user
- try:
- update_info = Activity.objects.get(
- user=user,
- content_type=ctype,
- )
- emailed_at = update_info.active_at
- except Activity.DoesNotExist:
- update_info = Activity(user=user, content_object=q, activity_type=EMAIL_UPDATE_ACTIVITY)
- emailed_at = datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)#long time ago
- except Activity.MultipleObjectsReturned:
- raise Exception('server error - multiple question email activities found per user-question pair')
- cutoff_time = meta_data['cutoff_time']#cutoff time for the question
- #wait some more time before emailing about this question
- if emailed_at > cutoff_time:
- #here we are maybe losing opportunity to record the finding
- #of yet unseen version of a question
- meta_data['skip'] = True
- continue
- #collect info on all sorts of news that happened after
- #the most recent emailing to the user about this question
- q_rev = QuestionRevision.objects.filter(question=q,\
- revised_at__gt=emailed_at)
- q_rev = q_rev.exclude(author=user)
- #now update all sorts of metadata per question
- meta_data['q_rev'] = len(q_rev)
- if len(q_rev) > 0 and q.added_at == q_rev[0].revised_at:
- meta_data['q_rev'] = 0
- meta_data['new_q'] = True
- else:
- meta_data['new_q'] = False
- new_ans = Answer.objects.filter(question=q,\
- added_at__gt=emailed_at)
- new_ans = new_ans.exclude(author=user)
- meta_data['new_ans'] = len(new_ans)
- ans_rev = AnswerRevision.objects.filter(answer__question=q,\
- revised_at__gt=emailed_at)
- ans_rev = ans_rev.exclude(author=user)
- meta_data['ans_rev'] = len(ans_rev)
- if len(q_rev) + len(new_ans) + len(ans_rev) == 0:
- meta_data['skip'] = True
- else:
- meta_data['skip'] = False
- update_info.active_at = now
- #save question email update activity
- #q_list is actually a ordered dictionary
- #print 'user %s gets %d' % (user.username, len(q_list.keys()))
- #todo: sort question list by update time
- return q_list
- def __action_count(self,string,number,output):
- if number > 0:
- output.append(_(string) % {'num':number})
- def send_email_alerts(self):
- #does not change the database, only sends the email
- #todo: move this to template
- for user in User.objects.all():
- #todo: q_list is a dictionary, not a list
- q_list = self.get_updated_questions_for_user(user)
- if len(q_list.keys()) == 0:
- continue
- num_q = 0
- num_moot = 0
- for meta_data in q_list.values():
- if meta_data['skip']:
- num_moot = True
- else:
- num_q += 1
- if num_q > 0:
- url_prefix = settings.APP_URL
- subject = _('email update message subject')
- print 'have %d updated questions for %s' % (num_q, user.username)
- text = ungettext('%(name)s, this is an update message header for %(num)d question',
- '%(name)s, this is an update message header for %(num)d questions',num_q) \
- % {'num':num_q, 'name':user.username}
- text += '<ul>'
- items_added = 0
- items_unreported = 0
- for q, meta_data in q_list.items():
- act_list = []
- if meta_data['skip']:
- continue
- if items_added >= const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL:
- items_unreported = num_q - items_added #may be inaccurate actually, but it's ok
- else:
- items_added += 1
- if meta_data['new_q']:
- act_list.append(_('new question'))
- self.__action_count('%(num)d rev', meta_data['q_rev'],act_list)
- self.__action_count('%(num)d ans', meta_data['new_ans'],act_list)
- self.__action_count('%(num)d ans rev',meta_data['ans_rev'],act_list)
- act_token = ', '.join(act_list)
- text += '<li><a href="%s?sort=latest">%s</a> <font color="#777777">(%s)</font></li>' \
- % (url_prefix + q.get_absolute_url(), q.title, act_token)
- text += '</ul>'
- text += '<p></p>'
- #if len(q_list.keys()) >= const.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL:
- # text += _('There may be more questions updated since '
- # 'you have logged in last time as this list is '
- # 'abridged for your convinience. Please visit '
- # 'the forum and see what\'s new!<br>'
- # )
- text += _(
- 'Please visit the forum and see what\'s new! '
- 'Could you spread the word about it - '
- 'can somebody you know help answering those questions or '
- 'benefit from posting one?'
- )
- feeds = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(
- subscriber=user,
- )
- feed_freq = [feed.frequency for feed in feeds]
- text += '<p></p>'
- if 'd' in feed_freq:
- text += _('Your most frequent subscription setting is \'daily\' '
- 'on selected questions. If you are receiving more than one '
- 'email per day'
- 'please tell about this issue to the forum administrator.'
- )
- elif 'w' in feed_freq:
- text += _('Your most frequent subscription setting is \'weekly\' '
- 'if you are receiving this email more than once a week '
- 'please report this issue to the forum administrator.'
- )
- text += ' '
- text += _(
- 'There is a chance that you may be receiving links seen '
- 'before - due to a technicality that will eventually go away. '
- )
- # text += '</p>'
- #if num_moot > 0:
- # text += '<p></p>'
- # text += ungettext('There is also one question which was recently '\
- # +'updated but you might not have seen its latest version.',
- # 'There are also %(num)d more questions which were recently updated '\
- # +'but you might not have seen their latest version.',num_moot) \
- # % {'num':num_moot,}
- # text += _('Perhaps you could look up previously sent forum reminders in your mailbox.')
- # text += '</p>'
- link = url_prefix + user.get_profile_url() + '?sort=email_subscriptions'
- text += _('go to %(link)s to change frequency of email updates or %(email)s administrator') \
- % {'link':link, 'email':settings.ADMINS[0][1]}
- msg = EmailMessage(subject, text, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
- msg.content_subtype = 'html'
- msg.send()
- #uncomment lines below to get copies of emails sent to others
- #todo: maybe some debug setting would be appropriate here
- #msg2 = EmailMessage(subject, text, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [''])
- #msg2.content_subtype = 'html'
- #msg2.send()