"""place for the API calls into askbot at this point most of the useful functions are still in the askbot.models module, but api must become a place to manupulate the data in the askbot application so that other implementations of the data storage could be possible """ from django.db.models import Q from askbot import models from askbot import const def get_info_on_moderation_items(user): """returns a dictionary with counts of new and seen moderation items for a given user if user is not a moderator or admin, returns None """ if user.is_anonymous(): return None if not(user.is_moderator() or user.is_administrator()): return None messages = models.ActivityAuditStatus.objects.filter( activity__activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE, user = user ) seen_count = messages.filter( status = models.ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_SEEN ).count() new_count = messages.filter( status = models.ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_NEW ).count() return { 'seen_count': seen_count, 'new_count': new_count } def get_admin(seed_user_id = None): """returns user objects with id == seed_user_id if the user with that id is not an administrator, the function will try to find another admin or moderator who has the smallest user id if the user is not found, or there are no moderators/admins User.DoesNotExist will be raised The reason this function is here and not on a manager of the user object is because we still patch the django-auth User table and it's probably better not to patch the manager """ if seed_user_id: user = models.User.objects.get(id = seed_user_id)#let it raise error here if user.is_administrator() or user.is_moderator(): return user try: return models.User.objects.filter( Q(is_superuser=True) | Q(status='m') ).order_by('id')[0] except IndexError: raise models.User.DoesNotExist( """Please add a moderator or an administrator to the forum first there don't seem to be any""" )