"""settings that allow changing of the license clause used in askbot instances""" from askbot import const from askbot.conf.settings_wrapper import settings from askbot.conf.super_groups import CONTENT_AND_UI from askbot.deps import livesettings from askbot.skins import utils as skin_utils from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.conf import settings as django_settings LICENSE_SETTINGS = livesettings.ConfigurationGroup( 'LICENSE_SETTINGS', _('Content License'), super_group = CONTENT_AND_UI ) settings.register( livesettings.BooleanValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'USE_LICENSE', description = _('Show license clause in the site footer'), default = True ) ) settings.register( livesettings.StringValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_ACRONYM', description = _('Short name for the license'), default = 'cc-by-sa' ) ) settings.register( livesettings.StringValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_TITLE', description = _('Full name of the license'), default = _('Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0'), ) ) settings.register( livesettings.BooleanValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_USE_URL', description = _('Add link to the license page'), default = True ) ) settings.register( livesettings.URLValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_URL', description = _('License homepage'), help_text = _( 'URL of the official page with all the license legal clauses' ), default = const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['cc-by-sa'] ) ) settings.register( livesettings.BooleanValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_USE_LOGO', description = _('Use license logo'), default = True ) ) settings.register( livesettings.ImageValue( LICENSE_SETTINGS, 'LICENSE_LOGO_URL', description = _('License logo image'), default = '/images/cc-by-sa.png', url_resolver = skin_utils.get_media_url ) )