""" General skin settings """ from askbot.conf.settings_wrapper import settings from askbot.deps.livesettings import ConfigurationGroup from askbot.deps.livesettings import values from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core.validators import URLValidator from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from askbot.skins import utils as skin_utils from askbot import const from askbot.conf.super_groups import CONTENT_AND_UI GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS = ConfigurationGroup( 'GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS', _('Skin, logos and HTML parts'), super_group = CONTENT_AND_UI ) def logo_destination_callback(old_url, new_url): url = new_url.strip() if url == '': return '' if url.startswith('/'): return url validate = URLValidator() try: validate(url) return url except ValidationError: raise ValueError(_('Please enter a valid url')) settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'LOGO_DESTINATION_URL', default = '', description = _('Custom destination URL for the logo'), update_callback=logo_destination_callback ) ) settings.register( values.ImageValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'SITE_LOGO_URL', description = _('Q&A site logo'), help_text = _( 'To change the logo, select new file, ' 'then submit this whole form.' ), default = '/images/logo.gif', url_resolver = skin_utils.get_media_url ) ) #cannot use HAS_ASKBOT_LOCALE_MIDDLEWARE due to circular import error if not getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False) and \ 'askbot.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware' in django_settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ASKBOT_LANGUAGE', default = django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, choices = django_settings.LANGUAGES, description = _('Select Language'), ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'SHOW_LOGO', description = _('Show logo'), help_text = _( 'Check if you want to show logo in the forum header ' 'or uncheck in the case you do not want the logo to ' 'appear in the default location' ), default = False ) ) settings.register( values.ImageValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'SITE_FAVICON', description = _('Site favicon'), help_text = _( 'A small 16x16 or 32x32 pixel icon image ' 'used to distinguish your site in the browser ' 'user interface. Please find more information ' 'about favicon ' 'at this page.' ) % {'favicon_info_url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['favicon']}, allowed_file_extensions = ('ico',),#only allow .ico files default = '/images/favicon.gif', url_resolver = skin_utils.get_media_url ) ) settings.register( values.ImageValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'LOCAL_LOGIN_ICON', description = _('Password login button'), help_text = _( 'An 88x38 pixel image that is used on the login screen ' 'for the password login button.' ), default = '/images/pw-login.gif', url_resolver = skin_utils.get_media_url ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ALWAYS_SHOW_ALL_UI_FUNCTIONS', default = False, description = _('Show all UI functions to all users'), help_text = _( 'If checked, all forum functions ' 'will be shown to users, regardless of their ' 'reputation. However to use those functions, ' 'moderation rules, reputation and other limits ' 'will still apply.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ASKBOT_DEFAULT_SKIN', default = 'default', choices = skin_utils.get_skin_choices(), description = _('Select skin'), ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'USE_CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD', default = False, description = _('Customize HTML ') ) ) settings.register( values.LongStringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD', default = '', description = _('Custom portion of the HTML '), help_text = _( 'To use this option, ' 'check "Customize HTML <HEAD>" ' 'above. Contents of this box will be inserted ' 'into the <HEAD> portion of the HTML ' 'output, where elements such as <script>, ' '<link>, <meta> may be added. ' 'Please, keep in mind that adding external ' 'javascript to the <HEAD> is not recommended ' 'because it slows loading of the pages. ' 'Instead, it will be more efficient to place ' 'links to the javascript files into the footer. ' 'Note: if you do use this setting, ' 'please test the site with the W3C HTML validator service.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.LongStringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_HEADER', default = '', description = _('Custom header additions'), help_text = _( 'Header is the bar at the top of the content ' 'that contains user info and site links, ' 'and is common to all pages. ' 'Use this area to enter contents of the header' 'in the HTML format. When customizing the site header ' '(as well as footer and the HTML <HEAD>), ' 'use the HTML validation service to make sure that ' 'your input is valid and works well in all browsers.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'FOOTER_MODE', description = _('Site footer mode'), help_text = _( 'Footer is the bottom portion of the content, ' 'which is common to all pages. ' 'You can disable, customize, or use the default footer.' ), choices = ( ('default', 'default'), ('customize', 'customize'), ('disable', 'disable') ), default = 'default', ) ) settings.register( values.LongStringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_FOOTER', description = _('Custom footer (HTML format)'), help_text = _( 'To enable this function, please select ' 'option \'customize\' in the "Site footer mode" above. ' 'Use this area to enter contents of the footer ' 'in the HTML format. When customizing the site footer ' '(as well as the header and HTML <HEAD>), ' 'use the HTML validation service to make sure that ' 'your input is valid and works well in all browsers.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'USE_CUSTOM_CSS', description = _('Apply custom style sheet (CSS)'), help_text = _( 'Check if you want to change appearance ' 'of your form by adding custom style sheet rules ' '(please see the next item)' ), default = False ) ) settings.register( values.LongStringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_CSS', description = _('Custom style sheet (CSS)'), help_text = _( 'To use this function, check ' '"Apply custom style sheet" option above. ' 'The CSS rules added in this window will be applied ' 'after the default style sheet rules. ' 'The custom style sheet will be served dynamically at ' 'url "<forum url>/custom.css", where ' 'the "<forum url> part depends (default is ' 'empty string) on the url configuration in your urls.py.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'USE_CUSTOM_JS', description = _('Add custom javascript'), default = False, help_text = _( 'Check to enable javascript that you can enter ' 'in the next field' ) ) ) settings.register( values.LongStringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_JS', description = _('Custom javascript'), help_text = _( 'Type or paste plain javascript that you would like ' 'to run on your site. Link to the script will be inserted ' 'at the bottom of the HTML output and will be served ' 'at the url "<forum url>/custom.js". Please, ' 'bear in mind that your javascript code may break other ' 'functionalities of the site and that the behavior may ' 'not be consistent across different browsers ' '(to enable your custom code, check ' '"Add custom javascript" option above).' ) ) ) settings.register( values.IntegerValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'MEDIA_RESOURCE_REVISION', default = 1, description = _('Skin media revision number'), help_text = _( 'Will be set automatically ' 'but you can modify it if necessary.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'MEDIA_RESOURCE_REVISION_HASH', description = _( 'Hash to update the media revision number automatically.' ), default='', help_text = _( 'Will be set automatically, it is not necesary to modify manually.' ) ) )