''' This file must hold keys for translatable messages that are used as variables it is important that a dummy _() function is used here this way message key will be pulled into django.po and can still be used as a variable in python files. In addition, some messages are repeated too many times in the code, so we need to be able to retreive them by a key. Therefore we have a function here, called get_i18n_message(). Possibly all messages included in this file could be implemented this way. ''' _ = lambda v:v #NOTE: all strings must be explicitly put into this dictionary, #because you don't want to import _ from here with import * __all__ = [] #messages loaded in the templates via direct _ calls _('most relevant questions') _('click to see most relevant questions') _('by relevance') _('click to see the oldest questions') _('by date') _('click to see the newest questions') _('click to see the least recently updated questions') _('by activity') _('click to see the most recently updated questions') _('click to see the least answered questions') _('by answers') _('click to see the most answered questions') _('click to see least voted questions') _('by votes') _('click to see most voted questions') _('interesting') _('ignored') _('subscribed') TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED_MESSAGE = _('tags are required') TAG_WRONG_CHARS_MESSAGE = _( 'please use letters, numbers and characters "-+.#"' ) def get_i18n_message(key): messages = { 'BLOCKED_USERS_CANNOT_POST': _( 'Sorry, your account appears to be blocked and you cannot make new posts ' 'until this issue is resolved. Please contact the forum administrator to ' 'reach a resolution.' ), 'SUSPENDED_USERS_CANNOT_POST': _( 'Sorry, your account appears to be suspended and you cannot make new posts ' 'until this issue is resolved. You can, however edit your existing posts. ' 'Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution.' ) } return messages[key]