===================================== Askbot as reusable django application ===================================== Askbot can be used both as as dedicated site and as an application within a larger site. There are still issues to resolve to make askbot a truly reusable app, but some are already solved. This page is a guide for using askbot as an independent app and it is somewhat technical. .. _adding-askbot-to-pre-existing-site: Adding askbot to a pre-existing site ==================================== If you already have a django site with users, after adding askbot to your project, run a management command just once:: python manage.py add_missing_subscriptions .. note:: This only applies to users registered before the installation of Askbot. Newer users will have default subscription records created automatically, by the Django's ``post_save`` signal. The email subscription settings are also created automatically when certain pages are visited and when ``send_email_alerts`` command is run, so it is not mandatory to run ``add_missing_subscriptions``. .. _askbot-with-alternative-login-system: Using alternative login system ============================== Askbot has a bundled application for user login and registration, but it can be replaced with any other. Just remove ``'askbot.deps.django_authopenid'`` from the ``INSTALLED_APPS``, remove ``'askbot.deps.django_authopenid.backends.AuthBackend'`` from the ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``, install another registration app and modify ``LOGIN_URL`` and ``LOGOUT_URL`` accordingly. If you are adding Askbot to a django site that already has registered users, please see :ref:`this section `. There are two caveats. Firstly, if you are using some other login/registration app, please disable feature "settings"->"data entry and display"->"allow posting before logging in". This may be fixed in the future by adding a snippet of code to run right after the user logs in - please ask at askbot forum if you are interested. Secondly, disable setting "settings"->"user settings"->"allow add and remove login methods". This one is specific to the builtin login application which allows more than one login method per user account.