Changes in Askbot ================= Development version ------------------- * Added management command `apply_hinted_tags` to batch-apply tags from a list * Added hovercard on the user's karma display in the header * Added option to hide ad blocks from logged in users * Applied Askbot templates to the settings control panel * Added option to auto-follow questions by the question posters with default "on" * Support for Django 1.5 * Auto-tweet option for questions and answers * Added Chech and Croatian translations * Disable/enable best answer feature * Allowed post owners repost answers and comments (this used to be mod-only function). * Answer editor is "folded" by default. Editor buttons and options show on click. * Management command `askbot_import_jive` to import data from Jive forums. * Added possibility to choose editor for comments: plain text, or same as editor used for the questions or answers: WMD or TinyMCE. * Added ajax search to the tags page * Added a placeholder template for the custom javascript on the question page * Allowed to disable the big "ask" button. * Some support for the media compression (Tyler Mandry) * Allowed to enable and disable question scopes on the main page * Added full text support for some languages with Postgresql: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese (requires package textsearch_ja), Norwegian, Portugese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. * repost answer as a comment under the previous (older) answer * minor edit option for question and answer, to suppress email alerts * allowed tags to be created upon marking them as interesting/ignored/subscribed 0.7.48 (Jan 28, 2013) --------------------- * made "how to ask the question" instructions editable * added RSS auto-discovery link * added support for multilingual site (experimental) * tag subscription manager on the tags page (Adolfo) 0.7.47 (Dec 13, 2012) --------------------- * Bugfix release 0.7.46 (Dec 12, 2012) --------------------- * Bugfix release 0.7.45 (Dec 12, 2012) --------------------- * Feedback sender's email is added to the Reply-To header in the feedback form (Evgeny) * Reimplemented search as drop-down (Evgeny) * Basic design to work on smartphones (Evgeny) * Allowed use of alternative form on the user signup page (Evgeny) 0.7.44 (Nov 11, 2012) --------------------- * Support for django 1.4 (Adolfo) * Added option to enable/disable rss feeds (Evgeny) * Added minimum reputation to insert links and hotlinked images (Evgeny) * Added minimum reputation to suggest links as plain text (Evgeny) * Added support of Haystack for search (Adolfo) * Added minimum reputation setting to accept any answer as correct (Evgeny) * Added "VIP" option to groups - if checked, all posts belong to the group and users of that group in the future will be able to moderate those posts. Moderation features for VIP group are in progress (Evgeny) * Added setting `NOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME` to use with enabled celery daemon (Adolfo) * Added setting `ASKBOT_INTERNAL_IPS` - to allow anonymous access to closed sites from dedicated IP addresses (Evgeny) * Moved default skin from `askbot/skins/default` to simply `askbot` (Evgeny) * Repost comment as answer (Adolfo) * Question list widget (Adolfo) * Ask a question widget (Adolfo) * Embeddable widget generator (Adolfo) * Groups are shown in the dropdown menu in the header (Adolfo) * Added group moderation requests to the moderators inboxes (Evgeny) * Group joining may be open/closed or moderated (Evgeny) * Adding "extra options" to the ldap session (Evgeny) * Tag moderation (Evgeny) * Editable optional three level category selector for the tags (Evgeny) * Tag editor adding tags as they are typed (Evgeny) * Added optional support for unicode slugs (Evgeny) * Allow switching comment with answer and answer with question comment (Adolfo) * Allow user names longer than 30 characters (Evgeny) * Option to disable feedback form for the anonymos users (Evgeny) * Optional restriction to have confirmed email address to join forum (Evgeny) * Optional list of allowed email addresses and email domain name for the new users (Evgeny) * Optional support for unicode slugs (Evgeny) * Optionally allow limiting one answer per question per person (Evgeny) * Added management command `build_livesettings_cache` (Adolfo) * Administrators can post under fictional user accounts without logging out (jtrain, Evgeny) * Welcome email for the case when replying by email is enabled (Evgeny) * Detection of email signature based on the response to the welcome email (Evgeny) * Hide "website" and "about" section of the blocked user profiles to help prevent user profile spam (Evgeny) * Added a function to create a custom user profile tab, the feature requires access to the server (Evgeny) * Added optional top banner to the question page (Evgeny) * Made "bootstrap mode" default and created instead "large site mode" (Evgeny) * Added interesting/ignored/subscribed tags to the user profile page (Paul Backhouse, Evgeny) 0.7.43 (May 14, 2012) --------------------- * User groups (Evgeny) * Public/Private/Hidden reputation (Evgeny) * Enabling/disabling the badges system (Evgeny) * Created a basic post moderation feature (Evgeny) * Created a way to specify reasons for rejecting posts in a modal dialog (Evgeny) * A number of bug fixes (Adolfo Fitoria, Jim Tittsler, Evgeny Fadeev, Robin Stocker, Radim Řehůřek, Silvio Heuberger) 0.7.41, 0.7.42 (April 21, 2012) ------------------------------- * Bug fixes 0.7.40 (March 29, 2012) ----------------------- * New data models!!! (`Tomasz Zieliński `_) * Made email recovery link work when askbot is deployed on subdirectory (Evgeny) * Added tests for the CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN setting in the startup_procedures (Evgeny) * Askbot now respects django's staticfiles app (Radim Řehůřek, Evgeny) * Fixed the url translation bug (Evgeny) * Added left sidebar option (Evgeny) * Added "help" page and links to in the header and the footer (Evgeny) * Removed url parameters and the hash fragment from uploaded files - amazon S3 for some reason adds weird expiration parameters (Evgeny) * Reduced memory usage in data migrations (Evgeny) * Added progress bars to slow data migrations (Evgeny) * Added a management command to build_thread_summary_cache (Evgeny) * Added a management delete_contextless_badge_award_activities (Evgeny) * Fixed a file upload issue in FF and IE found by jerry_gzy (Evgeny) * Added test on maximum length of title working for utf-8 text (Evgeny) * Added caching and invalidation to the question page (Evgeny) * Added a management command delete_contextless_activities (Evgeny) * LDAP login configuration (github user `monkut `_) * Check order of middleware classes (Daniel Mican) * Added "reply by email" function (`Vasil Vangelovski `_) * Enabled "ask by email" via Lamson (Evgeny) * Tags can be optional (Evgeny) * Fixed dependency of Django up to 1.3.1, because settings must be upgraded for Django 1.4 (Evgeny) 0.7.39 (Jan 11, 2012) --------------------- * restored facebook login after FB changed the procedure (Evgeny) 0.7.38 (Jan 11, 2012) --------------------- * xss vulnerability fix, issue found by Radim Řehůřek (Evgeny) 0.7.37 (Jan 8, 2012) -------------------- * added basic slugification treatment to question titles with ``ALLOW_UNICODE_SLUGS = True`` (Evgeny) * added verification of the project directory name to make sure it does not contain a `.` (dot) symbol (Evgeny) * made askbot compatible with django's `CSRFViewMiddleware` that may be used for other projects (Evgeny) * added more rigorous test for the user name to make it slug safe (Evgeny) * made setting `ASKBOT_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR` work (Radim Řehůřek) * added minimal length of question title ond body text to live settings and allowed body-less questions (Radim Řehůřek, Evgeny) * allowed disabling use of gravatar site-wide (Rosandra Cuello Suñol) * when internal login app is disabled - links to login/logout/add-remove-login-methods are gone (Evgeny) * replaced setting `ASKBOT_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR` with django's `MEDIA_ROOT` (Evgeny) * replaced setting `ASKBOT_UPLOADED_FILES_URL` with django's `MEDIA_URL` (Evgeny) * allowed changing file storage backend for file uploads by configuration (Evgeny) * file uploads to amazon S3 now work with proper configuration (Evgeny) 0.7.36 (Dec 20, 2011) --------------------- * bugfix and made the logo not used by default 0.7.35 (Dec 15, 2011) --------------------- * Removal of offensive flags (`Dejan Noveski `_) * Fixes in CSS (`Byron Corrales `_) * Update of Catalan locale (Jordi Bofill) 0.7.34 (Dec 10, 2011) --------------------- * Returned support of Django 1.2 0.7.33 (Dec 6, 2011) -------------------- * Made on log in redirect to the forum index page by default and to the question page, if user was reading the question it is still possible to override the ``next`` url parameter or just rely on django's ``LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` (Evgeny) * Implemented retraction of offensive flags (Dejan Noveski) * Made automatic dependency checking more complete (Evgeny) 0.7.32 (Nov 30, 2011) --------------------- * Bugfixes in English locale (Evgeny) 0.7.31 (Nov 29, 2011) --------------------- * Added ``askbot_create_test_fixture`` management command (Dejan Noveski) * Integrated new test fixture into the page load test cases (Dejan Noveski) * Added an embeddable widget for the questions list matching tags (Daniel Mican, Evgeny Fadeev, Dejan Noveski) 0.7.30 (Nov 28, 2011) --------------------- Note: some of these features were added in one of the three previous versions. * Context-sensitive RSS url (`Dejan Noveski `_) * Implemented new version of skin (Byron Corrales) * Show unused vote count (Tomasz Zielinski) * Categorized live settings (Evgeny) * Merge users management command (Daniel Mican) * Added management command ``send_accept_answer_reminders`` (Evgeny) * Improved the ``askbot-setup`` script (Adolfo, Evgeny) * Merge users management command (Daniel Mican) * Anonymous caching of the question page (Vlad Bokov) * Fixed sharing button bug, css fixes for new template (Alexander Werner) * Added ASKBOT_TRANSLATE_URL setting for url localization(Alexander Werner) * Changed javascript translation model, moved from jqueryi18n to django (Rosandra Cuello Suñol) * Private forum mode (Vlad Bokov) * Improved text search query in Postgresql (Alexander Werner) * Take LANGUAGE_CODE from request (Alexander Werner) * Added support for LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL to the login app (hjwp, Evgeny) * Updated Italian localization (Luca Ferroni) * Added Catalan localization (Jordi Bofill) * Added management command ``askbot_add_test_content`` (Dejan Noveski) * Continued work on refactoring the database schema (Tomasz Zielinski) 0.7.27 - 0.7.29 (Nov 8-28, 2011) -------------------------------- For these versions we did not keep consistent record of features. 0.7.26 (Oct 12, 2011) --------------------- * Added settings for email subscription defaults (Adolfo) * Resolved `bug #102`_ - duplicate notifications on posts with mentions (Evegeny) * Added color-animated transitions when urls with hash tags are visited (Adolfo) * Repository tags will be `automatically added `_ to new releases (Evgeny, suggsted by ajmirsky) 0.7.25 (Oct 5 2011) ------------------- * RSS feed for individual question (Sayan Chowdhury) * Allow pre-population of tags via ask a questions link (Adolfo) * Make answering own question one click harder (Adolfo) * Bootstrap mode (Adolfo, Evgeny) * Color-animated urls with the hash fragments (Adolfo) 0.7.24 ------ * Made it possible to disable the anonymous user greeting alltogether (Raghu Udiyar) * Added annotations for the meanings of user levels on the "moderation" page. (Jishnu) * Auto-link patterns - e.g. to bug databases - are configurable from settings. (Arun SAG) 0.7.23 ------ * Greeting for anonymuos users can be changed from live settings (Hrishi) * Greeting for anonymous users is shown only once (Rag Sagar) * Added support for Akismet spam detection service (Adolfo Fitoria) * Added noscript message (Arun SAG) * Support for url shortening with TinyUrl on link sharing (Rtnpro) * Allowed logging in with password and email in the place of login name (Evgeny) * Added config settings allowing adjust license information (Evgeny) 0.7.22 ------ * Media resource revision is now incremented automatically any time when media is updated (Adolfo Fitoria, Evgeny Fadeev) * First user automatically becomes site administrator (Adolfo Fitoria) * Avatar displayed on the sidebar can be controlled with livesettings.(Adolfo Fitoria, Evgeny Fadeev) * Avatar box in the sidebar is ordered with priority for real faces.(Adolfo Fitoria) * Django's createsuperuser now works with askbot (Adolfo Fitoria) 0.7.21 ------ This version was skipped 0.7.20 ------ * Added support for login via self-hosted Wordpress site (Adolfo Fitoria) * Allowed basic markdown in the comments (Adolfo Fitoria) * Added this changelog (Adolfo Fitoria) * Added support for threaded emails (Benoit Lavigne) * A few more Spanish translation strings (Byron Corrales) * Social sharing support on (Rantadeep Debnath) 0.7.19 ------ * Changed the Favorite question function for Follow question. * Fixed issues with page load time. * Added notify me checkbox to the sidebar. * Removed MySql dependency from * Fixed Facebook login. * `Fixed "Moderation tab is misaligned" issue reported by methner. `_ * Fixed bug in follow users and changed the follow button design. 0.7.18 ------ * `Added multiple capitalization to username mentions(reported by niles) `_ 0.7.17 ------ * Adding test for UserNameField. * Adding test for markup functions. 0.7.16 ------ * Admins can add aministrators too. * Added a postgres driver version check in the start procedures due to a bug in psycopg2 2.4.2. * New inbox system style (`bug reported by Tomasz P. Szynalski `_). 0.7.15 ------ * Fixed integration with Django 1.1. * Fixed bugs in setup script. * Fixed pypi bugs.