.. _customizing-style-css-file-in-askbot: ==================================== Customizing style.css file in Askbot ==================================== File `style.css` is produced by the `lesscss compiler `_ - ``lessc``. Secondly, `style.css` is used in production mode - with an entry `ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = True` in the `settings.py` file. When `ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL` setting is absent or set to ``False``, the source `style.less` will be loaded and compiled by the browser. A side-effect of that is a possible momentary flash of unstyled content and some delay in the page load. `ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = True` is a convenient setting for the designer. Please find documentation about the lesscss format elsewhere. .. note:: Besides the "official" lesscss compiler, there are other tools that convert .less files into .css: for example a `less compiler from codekit (mac) `_ and a `portable SimpLESS compiler `_. Compiling lesscss files ======================= The following command will compile the lesscss source file, an option -x will produce compressed css file: lessc file.lesscss -x > file.css Installing lesscss ================== Make sure you have recent version of `node.js `_ - latest version preferred. More recent versions of node come with the tool called `npm `_, for earlier versions ``npm`` will need to be installed manually. To install lesscss, type: sudo npm install less