================ Optional modules ================ Askbot supports a number of optional modules, enabling certain features, not available in askbot by default. .. _sphinx-search: Sphinx search ============= Askbot supports Sphinx search - and at this point only for MySQL. Tested with sphinx 0.9.8. May be a little outdated, please give your feedback if that is the case. To enable: * install `sphinx search package `_ * if necessary to support Chinese language, instead take `sphinx for Chinese `_ * prepare configuration file by running command ``python manage.py get_askbot_sphinx_config > sphinx.conf`` * if necessary, modify the ``.conf`` file (may be needed for language other than English * place the ``sphinx.conf`` file to an appropriate location, like /etc/sphinx/ Install django-sphinx python module (and follow all instructions) pip install django-sphinx In ``settings.py`` add:: SPHINX_API_VERSION = 0x113 #according to django sphinx doc USE_SPHINX_SEARCH = True ASKBOT_SPHINX_SEARCH_INDEX = 'askbot' .. note:: Value of SPHINX_API_VERSION may depend on the version of python sphinx api installed with the django-sphinx application, please refer to the django-sphinx documentation. Initialize the sphinx index (may need to log in as root):: indexer askbot --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf Start the sphinx search daemon:: /usr/local/bin/searchd --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf & Also, add the line above to the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local or equivalent to start the daemon when the server reboots. Set up a periodic re-indexing job (using cron):: indexer askbot --rotate --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf Finally, add lin .. _embedding-video: Haystack search ============= Askbot supports `Haystack `_, a modular search framework that supports popular search engine backends as Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh and Xapian. .. note:: Haystack support in Askbot is a new feature, please give us your feedback at ``support@askbot.com`` regarding the possible improvements. To enable: * add 'haystack' to INSTALLED_APPS * add ENABLE_HAYSTACK_SEARCH = True in settings.py * Configure your search backend according to your setup following `this guide `_ Embedding video =============== Want to share videos in askbot posts? It is possible, but you will have to install a forked version of ``markdown2`` module, here is how:: pip uninstall markdown2 pip install -e git+git://github.com/andryuha/python-markdown2.git#egg=markdown2 Also, for this to work you'll need to have :ref:`pip` and :ref:`git` installed on your system. Finally, please go to your forum :ref:`live settings ` --> "Settings for askbot data entry and display" and check "Enable embedding video". Limitation: at the moment only YouTube and Veoh are supported. .. _ldap: LDAP authentication =================== To enable authentication via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, see more info elsewhere) , first :ref:`install ` ``python-ldap`` package: pip install python-ldap After that, add configuration parameters in :ref:`live settings `, section "LDAP settings" (url ``/settings/LDAP_SETTINGS``, relative to the forum base url) .. note:: While it is possible to configure LDAP via web interface, it is actually more safe to add them in your ``settings.py`` file in the :ref:`LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS ` dictionary. Consider that a breach in security of your forum might open malicious access into your LDAP directory. The parameters are (note that some have pre-set defaults that might work for you):: * in Login Provider Settings select "enable local login" - this makes login/password form available * enable/disable LDAP for password login - must check that, to connect the login/password form to LDAP flow * create accounts automatically or not (``LDAP_AUTOCREATE_USERS``) * protocol version (``LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION``) (version 2 is insecure and deprecated) * ldap url (``LDAP_URL``) * base distinguished name, 'dn' in LDAP parlance (``LDAP_BASEDN``) * user id field name (``LDAP_USERID_FIELD``) * email field name (``LDAP_EMAIL_FIELD``) * user name filter template (``LDAP_USERNAME_FILTER_TEMPLATE``) must have two string placeholders. * given (first) name field (``LDAP_GIVEN_NAME_FIELD``) * surname (last name) field (``LDAP_SURNAME_FIELD``) * common name field (``LDAP_COMMON_NAME_FIELD``) either given and surname should be used or common name. All three are not necessary - either first two or common. These fields are used to extract users first and last names. * Format of common name (``LDAP_COMMON_NAME_FIELD_FORMAT``) values can be only 'first,last' or 'last,first' - used to extract last and first names from common name There are three more optional parameters that must go to the ``settings.py`` file:: * ``LDAP_LOGIN_DN`` * ``LDAP_PASSWORD`` * ``LDAP_EXTRA_OPTIONS``, a list of two-item tuples - of names and values of the options. Option names must be upper case strings all starting with ``OPT_`` as described in the `python ldap library documentation `_. An often used option is (`OPT_REFERRALS`, 0). * ``LDAP_AUTHENTICATE_FUNCTION`` - dotted python path to optional function that can override the default `ldap_authenticate` function. This function allows to completely customize the LDAP login procedure. To see what is expected of this function (input parameters and the return value) - look at the end of the doc string at `askbot.deps.django_authopenid.ldap_auth.ldap_authenticate_default`. One use case for the custom function is determining to which group a user might belong or check any additional access rules that might be stored in your LDAP directory. Another use case - is the case when the default procedure just does not work for you. * ``LDAP_AUTHENICATE_FAILURE_FUNCTION`` - python dotted path to an additional function that may be called after a unsuccessful authentication. This function can be used to set custom error messages to the login form. The function should take two parameters (in the following order): user_info, login_form. user_info - is the same dictionary that is returned by the `ldap_authenticate` function. * ``LDAP_CREATE_USER_FUNCTION`` - python dotted path to function that will create the ldap user, should actually return a user association object, like ``askbot.deps.django_authopenid.ldap_auth.ldap_create_user_default``. Function takes return value of the ldap authenticate function as a sole parameter. Use these when you have the "directory master passsword" - for a specific user who can access the rest of the directory, these were not added to the live settings due to security concerns. ``LDAP_USER`` and ``LDAP_PASSWORD`` will be used only if both are provided! Since LDAP authentication requires so many parameters, you might need to :ref:`debug ` the settings. The function to look at is `askbot.deps.django_authopenid.backends.ldap_authenticate`. If you have problems with LDAP please contact us at support@askbot.com. The easiest way to debug - insert ``import pdb; pdb.set_trace()`` line into function `askbot.deps.django_authopenid.backends.ldap_authenticate`, start the ``runserver`` and step through. Uploaded avatars ================ To enable uploadable avatars (in addition to :ref:`gravatars `), please install development version of application ``django-avatar``, with the following command:: pip install -e git+git://github.com/ericflo/django-avatar.git#egg=django-avatar Then add ``avatar`` to the list of ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your ``settings.py`` file and run (to install database table used by the avatar app): python manage.py syncdb Also, settings ``MEDIA_ROOT`` and ``MEDIA_URL`` will need to be added to your ``settings.py`` file. .. note:: Version of the ``avatar`` application available at pypi may not be up to date, so please take the development version from the github repository Custom section in the user profile ================================== Sometimes you might want to add a completely custom section to the user profile, available via an additional tab. This is possible by editing the ``settings.py`` file, which means that to use this feature you must have sufficient access to the webserver file system. Add a following setting to your ``settings.py``:: ASKBOT_CUSTOM_USER_PROFILE_TAB = { 'NAME': 'some name', 'SLUG': 'some-name', 'CONTENT_GENERATOR': 'myapp.views.somefunc' } The value of ``ASKBOT_CUSTOM_USER_PROFILE_TAB['CONTENT_GENERATOR']`` should be a path to the function that returns the widget content as string. Here is a simple example of the content generator implemented as part of the fictional application called ``myapp``:: from myapp.models import Thing#definition not shown here from django.template.loader import get_template from django.template import Context def somefunc(request, profile_owner): """loads things for the ``profile_owner`` and returns output rendered as html string """ template = get_template('mytemplate.html') things = Thing.objects.filter(user = profile_owner) return template.render(Context({'things': things})) The function is very similar to the regular Django view, but returns a string instead of the ``HttpResponse`` instance. Also, the method must accept one additional argument - an instance of the ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` object. Wordpress Integration ===================== To enable authentication for self hosted wordpress sites(wordpress.com blogs will work with openid login). To enable it follow the following steps: * Check if you have the package `"python_wordpress_xmlrpc `_ from pypi. * Go to your wordpress blog admin panel and serch for: Settings->Writing->Remote Publishing then check the box for XML-RPC. * Go back to your askbot site settings and click on *Login Provider Settings* and then activate the option *Activate to allow login with self-hosted wordpress site*, * Input your blog url to the xmlrpc.php file it will look something like this http://yoursite.com/xmlrpc.php * Upload an icon for display in the login area. After doing this steps you should be able to login with your self hosted wordpress site user/password combination. Celery for background jobs ========================== Askbot supports `celery `_ distributed task queue for some task, to enable it follow the following steps: * Install the following packages: `celery `_, `django-celery `_, `django-kombu `_ * Set **CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER** setting value to **False** * Run the celery daemon: for this you can use generic init scripts or supervisor, `celery documentation have more information `_ For `supervisor `_: add this sample config file named askbot.conf into /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ directory:: [program:askbot_celery] command=celeryd --loglevel=INFO environment=PYTHONPATH=/path/to/project directory=/path/to/project user=nobody numprocs=1 stdout_logfile=/var/log/askbot_celery.log stderr_logfile=/var/log/askbot_celery.err autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=10 Then run **supervisorctl update** and it will be started. For more information about job handling with supervisor please visit `this link `_. Receiving replies for email notifications =========================================== Askbot supports posting replies by email. For this feature to work ``Lamson`` and ``django-lamson`` need to be installed on the system. To install all the necessery dependencies execute the following command: pip install django-lamson .. note:: On Windows installation of the Lamson module may require additional work. Askbot does not support this feature on Windows automatically. The lamson daemon needs a folder to store it's mail queue files and a folder to store log files, create the folders folder named ``run`` and ``logs`` within your project folder by executing the following commands: mkdir run mkdir logs The minimum settings required to enable this feature are defining the port and binding address for the lamson SMTP daemon and the email handlers within askbot. Edit your settings.py file to include the following:: LAMSON_RECEIVER_CONFIG = {'host': 'your.ip.address', 'port': 25} LAMSON_HANDLERS = ['askbot.mail.lamson_handlers'] LAMSON_ROUTER_DEFAULTS = {'host': '.+'} In the list of ``installed_apps`` add the app ``django_lamson``. The ``LAMSON_RECEIVER_CONFIG`` parameter defines the binding address/port for the SMTP daemon. To recieve internet email you will need to bind to your external ip address and port 25. If you just want to test the feature by sending eamil from the same system you could bind to and any higher port. To run the lamson SMTP daemon you will need to execute the following management command:: python manage.py lamson_start To stop the daemon issue the following command:: python manage.py lamson_stop Note that in order to be able to bind the daemon to port 25 you will need to execute the command as a superuser. Within the askbot admin interface there are 4 significant configuration points for this feature. * In the email section, the "Enable posting answers and comments by email" controls whether the feature is enabled or disabled. * The "reply by email hostname" needs to be set to the email hostname where you want to receive the email replies. If for example this is set to "example.com" the users will post replies to addresses such as "4wffsw345wsf@example.com", you need to point the MX DNS record for that domain to the address where you will run the lamson SMTP daemon. * The last setting in this section controls the threshold for minimum length of the reply that is posted as an answer to a question. If the user is replying to a notification for a question and the reply body is shorter than this threshold the reply will be posted as a comment to the question. * In the karma thresholds section the "Post answers and comments by email" defines the minimum karma for users to be able to post replies by email. If the system where lamson is hosted also acts as an email server or you simply want some of the emails to be ignored and sent to another server you can define forward rules. Any emails matching these rules will be sent to another smtp server, bypassing the reply by email function. As an example by adding the following in your settings.py file:: LAMSON_FORWARD = ( { 'pattern': '(.*?)@(.subdomain1|subdomain2)\.example.com', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8825 }, { 'pattern': '(info|support)@example.com', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8825 }, ) any email that was sent to anyaddress@sobdomain1.example.com or anyaddress@sobdomain2.example.com or info@example.com will be forwarded to the smtp server listening on port 8825. The pattern parameter is treated as a regular expression that is matched against the ``To`` header of the email message and the ``host`` and ``port`` are the host and port of the smtp server that the message should be forwarded to. If you want to run the lamson daemon on a port other than 25 you can use a mail proxy server such as ``nginx`` that will listen on port 25 and forward any SMTP requests to lamson. Using nginx you can also setup more complex email handling rules, such as for example if the same server where askbot is installed acts as an email server for other domains you can configure nginx to forward any emails directed to your askbot installation to lamson and any other emails to the mail server you're using, such as ``postfix``. For more information on how to use nginx for this please consult the nginx mail module documentation `nginx mail module documentation `_ .