""" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Syndication feed class for subscription # Purpose: # # Author: Mike # # Created: 29/01/2009 # Copyright: (c) CNPROG.COM 2009 # Licence: GPL V2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ #!/usr/bin/env python #encoding:utf-8 from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed import itertools from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.http import Http404 from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.models import Post from askbot.utils.html import site_url class RssIndividualQuestionFeed(Feed): """rss feed class for particular questions """ def title(self): return askbot_settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ') + \ _('Individual %(question)s feed') % {'question': askbot_settings.WORDS_QUESTION_SINGULAR} def feed_copyright(self): return askbot_settings.APP_COPYRIGHT def description(self): return askbot_settings.APP_DESCRIPTION def get_object(self, request, pk): if askbot_settings.RSS_ENABLED is False: raise Http404 #hack to get the request object into the Feed class self.request = request return Post.objects.get_questions().get(id__exact = pk) def item_link(self, item): """get full url to the item """ return site_url(item.get_absolute_url()) def link(self): return site_url(reverse('questions')) def item_pubdate(self, item): """get date of creation for the item """ return item.added_at def items(self, item): """get content items for the feed ordered as: question, question comments, then for each answer - the answer itself, then answer comments """ chain_elements = list() chain_elements.append([item,]) chain_elements.append( Post.objects.get_comments().filter(parent=item) ) answers = Post.objects.get_answers().filter(thread = item.thread) for answer in answers: chain_elements.append([answer,]) chain_elements.append( Post.objects.get_comments().filter(parent=answer) ) return itertools.chain(*chain_elements) def item_title(self, item): """returns the title for the item """ if item.post_type == "question": title = item.thread.title elif item.post_type == "answer": title = u'Answer by %s for %s ' % (item.author, item.thread._question_post().summary) elif item.post_type == "comment": title = u'Comment by %s for %s' % (item.author, item.parent.summary) return title def item_description(self, item): """returns the description for the item """ return item.text class RssLastestQuestionsFeed(Feed): """rss feed class for the latest questions """ def title(self): return askbot_settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ') + \ _('Latest %(question)s feed') % {'question': askbot_settings.WORDS_QUESTION_SINGULAR} def feed_copyright(self): return askbot_settings.APP_COPYRIGHT def description(self): return askbot_settings.APP_DESCRIPTION def item_link(self, item): """get full url to the item """ return site_url(item.get_absolute_url()) def link(self): return site_url(reverse('questions')) def item_author_name(self, item): """get name of author """ return item.author.username def item_author_link(self, item): """get url of the author's profile """ return site_url(item.author.get_profile_url()) def item_pubdate(self, item): """get date of creation for the item """ return item.added_at def item_guid(self, item): """returns url without the slug because the slug can change """ return site_url(item.get_absolute_url(no_slug = True)) def item_title(self, item): return item.thread.title def item_description(self, item): """returns the description for the item """ return item.text def items(self, item): """get questions for the feed """ if askbot_settings.RSS_ENABLED is False: raise Http404 #initial filtering qs = Post.objects.get_questions().filter(deleted=False) #get search string and tags from GET query = self.request.GET.get("q", None) tags = self.request.GET.getlist("tags") if query: #if there's a search string, use the #question search method qs = qs.get_by_text_query(query) if tags: #if there are tags in GET, filter the #questions additionally for tag in tags: qs = qs.filter(thread__tags__name = tag) return qs.order_by('-thread__last_activity_at')[:30] #hack to get the request object into the Feed class def get_feed(self, obj, request): self.request = request return super(RssLastestQuestionsFeed, self).get_feed(obj, request)