"""Forms, custom form fields and related utility functions used in AskBot""" import re from django import forms from askbot import const from askbot.const import message_keys from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.forms.util import ErrorList from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy, string_concat from django.utils.text import get_text_list from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django_countries import countries from askbot.utils.forms import NextUrlField, UserNameField from askbot.mail import extract_first_email_address from recaptcha_works.fields import RecaptchaField from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.conf import get_tag_display_filter_strategy_choices from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE import logging def cleanup_dict(dictionary, key, empty_value): """deletes key from dictionary if it exists and the corresponding value equals the empty_value """ if key in dictionary and dictionary[key] == empty_value: del dictionary[key] def format_form_errors(form): """Formats form errors in HTML if there is only one error - returns a plain string if more than one, returns an unordered list of errors in HTML format. If there are no errors, returns empty string """ if form.errors: errors = form.errors.values() if len(errors) == 1: return errors[0] else: result = '' return result else: return '' def clean_marked_tagnames(tagnames): """return two strings - one containing tagnames that are straight names of tags, and the second one containing names of wildcard tags, wildcard tags are those that have an asterisk at the end the function does not verify that the tag names are valid """ if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS is False: return tagnames, list() pure_tags = list() wildcards = list() for tagname in tagnames: if tagname == '': continue if tagname.endswith('*'): if tagname.count('*') > 1: continue else: wildcards.append(tagname) else: pure_tags.append(tagname) return pure_tags, wildcards def filter_choices(remove_choices=None, from_choices=None): """a utility function that will remove choice tuples usable for the forms.ChoicesField from ``from_choices``, the removed ones will be those given by the ``remove_choice`` list there is no error checking, ``from_choices`` tuple must be as expected to work with the forms.ChoicesField """ if not isinstance(remove_choices, list): raise TypeError('remove_choices must be a list') filtered_choices = tuple() for choice_to_test in from_choices: remove = False for choice in remove_choices: if choice == choice_to_test[0]: remove = True break if remove is False: filtered_choices += (choice_to_test, ) return filtered_choices def need_mandatory_tags(): """true, if list of mandatory tags is not empty""" from askbot import models return ( askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED and len(models.tag.get_mandatory_tags()) > 0 ) def mandatory_tag_missing_in_list(tag_strings): """true, if mandatory tag is not present in the list of ``tag_strings``""" from askbot import models mandatory_tags = models.tag.get_mandatory_tags() for mandatory_tag in mandatory_tags: for tag_string in tag_strings: if tag_strings_match(tag_string, mandatory_tag): return False return True def tag_strings_match(tag_string, mandatory_tag): """true if tag string matches the mandatory tag, the comparison is not symmetric if tag_string ends with a wildcard (asterisk) """ if mandatory_tag.endswith('*'): return tag_string.startswith(mandatory_tag[:-1]) else: return tag_string == mandatory_tag COUNTRY_CHOICES = (('unknown', _('select country')),) + countries.COUNTRIES class CountryField(forms.ChoiceField): """this is better placed into the django_coutries app""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """sets label and the country choices """ kwargs['choices'] = kwargs.pop('choices', COUNTRY_CHOICES) kwargs['label'] = kwargs.pop('label', _('Country')) super(CountryField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, value): """Handles case of 'unknown' country selection """ if self.required: if value == 'unknown': raise forms.ValidationError(_('Country field is required')) if value == 'unknown': return None return value class CountedWordsField(forms.CharField): """a field where a number of words is expected to be in a certain range""" def __init__( self, min_words=0, max_words=9999, field_name=None, *args, **kwargs ): self.min_words = min_words self.max_words = max_words self.field_name = field_name super(CountedWordsField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, value): #todo: this field must be adapted to work with Chinese, etc. #for that we'll have to count characters instead of words if value is None: value = '' value = value.strip() word_count = len(value.split()) if word_count < self.min_words: msg = ungettext_lazy( 'must be > %d word', 'must be > %d words', self.min_words - 1 ) % (self.min_words - 1) #todo - space is not used in Chinese raise forms.ValidationError( string_concat(self.field_name, ' ', msg) ) if word_count > self.max_words: msg = ungettext_lazy( 'must be < %d word', 'must be < %d words', self.max_words + 1 ) % (self.max_words + 1) raise forms.ValidationError( string_concat(self.field_name, ' ', msg) ) return value class LanguageField(forms.ChoiceField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['choices'] = django_settings.LANGUAGES super(LanguageField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class SuppressEmailField(forms.BooleanField): def __init__(self): super(SuppressEmailField, self).__init__() self.required = False self.label = _("minor edit (don't send alerts)") class DomainNameField(forms.CharField): """Field for Internet Domain Names todo: maybe there is a standard field for this? """ def clean(self, value): #find a better regex, taking into account tlds domain_re = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z\d]+(\.[a-zA-Z\d]+)+') if domain_re.match(value): return value else: raise forms.ValidationError( '%s is not a valid domain name' % value ) class TitleField(forms.CharField): """Field receiving question title""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TitleField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = kwargs.get('required', True) self.widget = forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 70, 'autocomplete': 'off'} ) self.max_length = 255 self.label = _('title') self.help_text = _( 'please enter a descriptive title for your question' ) self.initial = '' def clean(self, value): """cleans the field for minimum and maximum length also is supposed to work for unicode non-ascii characters""" if value is None: value = '' if len(value) < askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH: msg = ungettext_lazy( 'title must be > %d character', 'title must be > %d characters', askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH ) % askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH raise forms.ValidationError(msg) encoded_value = value.encode('utf-8') if len(value) == len(encoded_value): if len(value) > self.max_length: raise forms.ValidationError( _( 'The title is too long, maximum allowed size is ' '%d characters' ) % self.max_length ) elif len(encoded_value) > self.max_length: raise forms.ValidationError( _( 'The title is too long, maximum allowed size is ' '%d bytes' ) % self.max_length ) return value.strip() # TODO: test me class EditorField(forms.CharField): """EditorField is subclassed by the :class:`QuestionEditorField` and :class:`AnswerEditorField` """ length_error_template_singular = 'post content must be > %d character', length_error_template_plural = 'post content must be > %d characters', min_length = 10 # sentinel default value def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) if user is None: raise ValueError('user parameter is required') self.user = user editor_attrs = kwargs.pop('editor_attrs', {}) super(EditorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = True widget_attrs = {'id': 'editor'} if askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'markdown': self.widget = forms.Textarea(attrs=widget_attrs) elif askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'tinymce': self.widget = TinyMCE(attrs=widget_attrs, mce_attrs=editor_attrs) self.label = _('content') self.help_text = u'' self.initial = '' def clean(self, value): if value is None: value = '' if len(value) < self.min_length: msg = ungettext_lazy( self.length_error_template_singular, self.length_error_template_plural, self.min_length ) % self.min_length raise forms.ValidationError(msg) if self.user.is_anonymous(): #we postpone this validation if user is posting #before logging in, up until publishing the post return value try: self.user.assert_can_post_text(value) except PermissionDenied, e: raise forms.ValidationError(unicode(e)) return value class QuestionEditorField(EditorField): """Editor field for the questions""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super(QuestionEditorField, self).__init__( user=user, *args, **kwargs ) self.length_error_template_singular = \ 'question body must be > %d character' self.length_error_template_plural = \ 'question body must be > %d characters' self.min_length = askbot_settings.MIN_QUESTION_BODY_LENGTH class AnswerEditorField(EditorField): """Editor field for answers""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AnswerEditorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.length_error_template_singular = 'answer must be > %d character' self.length_error_template_plural = 'answer must be > %d characters' self.min_length = askbot_settings.MIN_ANSWER_BODY_LENGTH def clean_tag(tag_name): """a function that cleans a single tag name""" tag_length = len(tag_name) if tag_length > askbot_settings.MAX_TAG_LENGTH: #singular form is odd in english, but required for pluralization #in other languages msg = ungettext_lazy( #odd but added for completeness 'each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d character', 'each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d characters', tag_length ) % {'max_chars': tag_length} raise forms.ValidationError(msg) #todo - this needs to come from settings tagname_re = re.compile(const.TAG_REGEX, re.UNICODE) if not tagname_re.search(tag_name): raise forms.ValidationError( _(message_keys.TAG_WRONG_CHARS_MESSAGE) ) if askbot_settings.FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS: #a simpler way to handle tags - just lowercase thew all return tag_name.lower() else: try: from askbot import models stored_tag = models.Tag.objects.get(name__iexact=tag_name) return stored_tag.name except models.Tag.DoesNotExist: return tag_name class TagNamesField(forms.CharField): """field that receives AskBot tag names""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TagNamesField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = kwargs.get('required', askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED) self.widget = forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 50, 'autocomplete': 'off'} ) self.max_length = 255 self.error_messages['max_length'] = _( 'We ran out of space for recording the tags. ' 'Please shorten or delete some of them.' ) self.label = kwargs.get('label') or _('tags') self.help_text = kwargs.get('help_text') or ungettext_lazy( 'Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. ' 'Up to %(max_tags)d tag can be used.', 'Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. ' 'Up to %(max_tags)d tags can be used.', askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST ) % {'max_tags': askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST} self.initial = '' def clean(self, value): from askbot import models value = super(TagNamesField, self).clean(value) data = value.strip() if len(data) < 1: if askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED: raise forms.ValidationError( _(message_keys.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED_MESSAGE) ) else: #don't test for required characters when tags is '' return '' split_re = re.compile(const.TAG_SPLIT_REGEX) tag_strings = split_re.split(data) entered_tags = [] tag_count = len(tag_strings) if tag_count > askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST: max_tags = askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST msg = ungettext_lazy( 'please use %(tag_count)d tag or less', 'please use %(tag_count)d tags or less', tag_count) % {'tag_count': max_tags} raise forms.ValidationError(msg) if need_mandatory_tags(): if mandatory_tag_missing_in_list(tag_strings): msg = _( 'At least one of the following tags is required : %(tags)s' ) % {'tags': get_text_list(models.tag.get_mandatory_tags())} raise forms.ValidationError(msg) cleaned_entered_tags = list() for tag in tag_strings: cleaned_tag = clean_tag(tag) if cleaned_tag not in cleaned_entered_tags: cleaned_entered_tags.append(clean_tag(tag)) result = u' '.join(cleaned_entered_tags) if len(result) > 125:#magic number!, the same as max_length in db raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['max_length']) return u' '.join(cleaned_entered_tags) class WikiField(forms.BooleanField): """Rendered as checkbox turning post into "community wiki" """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WikiField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = False self.initial = False self.label = _( 'community wiki (karma is not awarded & ' 'many others can edit wiki post)' ) self.help_text = _( 'if you choose community wiki option, the question ' 'and answer do not generate points and name of ' 'author will not be shown' ) def clean(self, value): return value and askbot_settings.WIKI_ON class EmailNotifyField(forms.BooleanField): """Rendered as checkbox which turns on email notifications on the post""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EmailNotifyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = False self.widget.attrs['class'] = 'nomargin' class SummaryField(forms.CharField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SummaryField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.required = False self.widget = forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 50, 'autocomplete': 'off'} ) self.max_length = 300 self.label = _('update summary:') self.help_text = _( 'enter a brief summary of your revision (e.g. ' 'fixed spelling, grammar, improved style, this ' 'field is optional)' ) class EditorForm(forms.Form): """form with one field - `editor` the field must be created dynamically, so it's added in the __init__() function""" def __init__(self, user=None, editor_attrs=None): super(EditorForm, self).__init__() editor_attrs = editor_attrs or {} self.fields['editor'] = EditorField( user=user, editor_attrs=editor_attrs ) class DumpUploadForm(forms.Form): """This form handles importing data into the forum. At the moment it only supports stackexchange import. """ dump_file = forms.FileField() class ShowQuestionForm(forms.Form): """Cleans data necessary to access answers and comments by the respective comment or answer id - necessary when comments would be normally wrapped and/or displayed on the page other than the first page of answers to a question. Same for the answers that are shown on the later pages. """ answer = forms.IntegerField(required=False) comment = forms.IntegerField(required=False) page = forms.IntegerField(required=False) sort = forms.CharField(required=False) def get_pruned_data(self): nones = ('answer', 'comment', 'page') for key in nones: if key in self.cleaned_data: if self.cleaned_data[key] is None: del self.cleaned_data[key] if 'sort' in self.cleaned_data: if self.cleaned_data['sort'] == '': del self.cleaned_data['sort'] return self.cleaned_data def clean(self): """this form must always be valid should use defaults if the data is incomplete or invalid""" if self._errors: #since the form is always valid, clear the errors logging.error(unicode(self._errors)) self._errors = {} in_data = self.get_pruned_data() out_data = dict() if ('answer' in in_data) ^ ('comment' in in_data): out_data['show_page'] = None out_data['answer_sort_method'] = 'votes' out_data['show_comment'] = in_data.get('comment', None) out_data['show_answer'] = in_data.get('answer', None) else: out_data['show_page'] = in_data.get('page', 1) out_data['answer_sort_method'] = in_data.get('sort', 'votes') out_data['show_comment'] = None out_data['show_answer'] = None self.cleaned_data = out_data return out_data class ChangeUserReputationForm(forms.Form): """Form that allows moderators and site administrators to adjust reputation of users. this form internally verifies that user who claims to be a moderator acually is """ user_reputation_delta = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, label=_( 'Enter number of points to add or subtract' ) ) comment = forms.CharField(max_length=128) def clean_comment(self): if 'comment' in self.cleaned_data: comment = self.cleaned_data['comment'].strip() if comment == '': del self.cleaned_data['comment'] raise forms.ValidationError('Please enter non-empty comment') self.cleaned_data['comment'] = comment return comment MODERATOR_STATUS_CHOICES = ( ('a', _('approved')), ('w', _('watched')), ('s', _('suspended')), ('b', _('blocked')), ) ADMINISTRATOR_STATUS_CHOICES = (('d', _('administrator')), ('m', _('moderator')), ) \ + MODERATOR_STATUS_CHOICES class ChangeUserStatusForm(forms.Form): """form that allows moderators to change user's status the type of options displayed depend on whether user is a moderator or a site administrator as well as what is the current status of the moderated user for example moderators cannot moderate other moderators and admins. Admins can take away admin status, but cannot add it (that can be done through the Django Admin interface this form is to be displayed in the user profile under "moderation" tab """ user_status = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Change status to')) def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): moderator = kwarg.pop('moderator') subject = kwarg.pop('subject') super(ChangeUserStatusForm, self).__init__(*arg, **kwarg) #select user_status_choices depending on status of the moderator if moderator.is_authenticated(): if moderator.is_administrator(): user_status_choices = ADMINISTRATOR_STATUS_CHOICES elif moderator.is_moderator(): user_status_choices = MODERATOR_STATUS_CHOICES if subject.is_moderator() and subject != moderator: raise ValueError('moderator cannot moderate another moderator') else: raise ValueError('moderator or admin expected from "moderator"') #remove current status of the "subject" user from choices user_status_choices = filter_choices( remove_choices=[subject.status, ], from_choices=user_status_choices ) #add prompt option user_status_choices = (('select', _('which one?')), ) \ + user_status_choices self.fields['user_status'].choices = user_status_choices #set prompt option as default self.fields['user_status'].default = 'select' self.moderator = moderator self.subject = subject def clean(self): #if moderator is looking at own profile - do not #let change status if 'user_status' in self.cleaned_data: user_status = self.cleaned_data['user_status'] #does not make sense to change own user status #if necessary, this can be done from the Django admin interface if self.moderator == self.subject: del self.cleaned_data['user_status'] raise forms.ValidationError(_('Cannot change own status')) #do not let moderators turn other users into moderators if self.moderator.is_moderator() and user_status == 'moderator': del self.cleanded_data['user_status'] raise forms.ValidationError( _('Cannot turn other user to moderator') ) #do not allow moderator to change status of other moderators if self.moderator.is_moderator() and self.subject.is_moderator(): del self.cleaned_data['user_status'] raise forms.ValidationError( _('Cannot change status of another moderator') ) #do not allow moderator to change to admin if self.moderator.is_moderator() and user_status == 'd': raise forms.ValidationError( _("Cannot change status to admin") ) if user_status == 'select': del self.cleaned_data['user_status'] msg = _( 'If you wish to change %(username)s\'s status, ' 'please make a meaningful selection.' ) % {'username': self.subject.username} raise forms.ValidationError(msg) return self.cleaned_data class SendMessageForm(forms.Form): subject_line = forms.CharField( label=_('Subject line'), max_length=64, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 64}, ) ) body_text = forms.CharField( label=_('Message text'), max_length=1600, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 64}) ) class NotARobotForm(forms.Form): recaptcha = RecaptchaField( private_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET, public_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_KEY ) class FeedbackForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(label=_('Your name (optional):'), required=False) email = forms.EmailField(label=_('Email:'), required=False) message = forms.CharField( label=_('Your message:'), max_length=800, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}) ) no_email = forms.BooleanField( label=_("I don't want to give my email or receive a response:"), required=False ) next = NextUrlField() def __init__(self, is_auth=False, *args, **kwargs): super(FeedbackForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_auth = is_auth if not is_auth: if askbot_settings.USE_RECAPTCHA: self._add_recaptcha_field() def _add_recaptcha_field(self): self.fields['recaptcha'] = RecaptchaField( private_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET, public_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_KEY ) def clean(self): super(FeedbackForm, self).clean() if not self.is_auth: if not self.cleaned_data['no_email'] \ and not self.cleaned_data['email']: msg = _('Please mark "I dont want to give my mail" field.') self._errors['email'] = self.error_class([msg]) return self.cleaned_data class FormWithHideableFields(object): """allows to swap a field widget to HiddenInput() and back""" def hide_field(self, name): """replace widget with HiddenInput() and save the original in the __hidden_fields dictionary """ if not hasattr(self, '__hidden_fields'): self.__hidden_fields = dict() if name in self.__hidden_fields: return self.__hidden_fields[name] = self.fields[name].widget self.fields[name].widget = forms.HiddenInput() def show_field(self, name): """restore the original widget on the field if it was previously hidden """ if name in self.__hidden_fields: self.fields[name] = self.__hidden_fields.pop(name) class PostPrivatelyForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields): """has a single field `post_privately` with two related methods""" post_privately = forms.BooleanField( label = _('keep private within your groups'), required = False ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) self._user = user super(PostPrivatelyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.allows_post_privately() == False: self.hide_field('post_privately') def allows_post_privately(self): user = self._user return ( askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED and \ user and user.is_authenticated() and \ user.can_make_group_private_posts() ) def clean_post_privately(self): if self.allows_post_privately() == False: self.cleaned_data['post_privately'] = False return self.cleaned_data['post_privately'] class DraftQuestionForm(forms.Form): """No real validation required for this form""" title = forms.CharField(required=False) text = forms.CharField(required=False) tagnames = forms.CharField(required=False) class DraftAnswerForm(forms.Form): """Only thread_id is required""" thread_id = forms.IntegerField() text = forms.CharField(required=False) class PostAsSomeoneForm(forms.Form): post_author_username = forms.CharField( initial=_('User name:'), help_text=_( 'Enter name to post on behalf of someone else. ' 'Can create new accounts.' ), required=False, widget=forms.TextInput() ) post_author_email = forms.CharField( initial=_('Email address:'), required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'tipped-input'}) ) def get_post_user(self, user): """returns user on whose behalf the post or a revision is being made """ username = self.cleaned_data['post_author_username'] email= self.cleaned_data['post_author_email'] if user.is_administrator() and username and email: post_user = user.get_or_create_fake_user(username, email) else: post_user = user return post_user def clean_post_author_username(self): """if value is the same as initial, it is reset to empty string todo: maybe better to have field where initial value is invalid, then we would not have to have two almost identical clean functions? """ username = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_username', '') initial_username = unicode(self.fields['post_author_username'].initial) if username == initial_username: self.cleaned_data['post_author_username'] = '' return self.cleaned_data['post_author_username'] def clean_post_author_email(self): """if value is the same as initial, it is reset to empty string""" email = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_email', '') initial_email = unicode(self.fields['post_author_email'].initial) if email == initial_email: email = '' if email != '': email = forms.EmailField().clean(email) self.cleaned_data['post_author_email'] = email return email def clean(self): """requires email address if user name is given""" username = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_username', '') email = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_email', '') if username == '' and email: username_errors = self._errors.get( 'post_author_username', ErrorList() ) username_errors.append(_('User name is required with the email')) self._errors['post_author_username'] = username_errors raise forms.ValidationError('missing user name') elif email == '' and username: email_errors = self._errors.get('post_author_email', ErrorList()) email_errors.append(_('Email is required if user name is added')) self._errors['post_author_email'] = email_errors raise forms.ValidationError('missing email') return self.cleaned_data class AskForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm): """the form used to askbot questions field ask_anonymously is shown to the user if the if ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY live setting is True however, for simplicity, the value will always be present in the cleaned data, and will evaluate to False if the settings forbids anonymous asking """ title = TitleField() tags = TagNamesField() wiki = WikiField() group_id = forms.IntegerField(required = False, widget = forms.HiddenInput) ask_anonymously = forms.BooleanField( label=_('ask anonymously'), help_text=_( 'Check if you do not want to reveal your name ' 'when asking this question' ), required=False, ) openid = forms.CharField( required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 40, 'class': 'openid-input'}) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super(AskForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #it's important that this field is set up dynamically self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField(user=user) #hide ask_anonymously field if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): self.fields['language'] = LanguageField() if askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY is False: self.hide_field('ask_anonymously') def clean_ask_anonymously(self): """returns false if anonymous asking is not allowed """ if askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY is False: self.cleaned_data['ask_anonymously'] = False return self.cleaned_data['ask_anonymously'] ASK_BY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_HELP = _( 'Subject line is expected in the format: ' '[tag1, tag2, tag3,...] question title' ) #widgetforms class AskWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields): '''Simple form with just the title to ask a question''' title = TitleField() ask_anonymously = forms.BooleanField( label=_('ask anonymously'), help_text=_( 'Check if you do not want to reveal your name ' 'when asking this question' ), required=False, ) def __init__(self, include_text=True, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super(AskWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #hide ask_anonymously field if not askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY: self.hide_field('ask_anonymously') self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField(user=user) if not include_text: self.hide_field('text') #hack to make it validate self.fields['text'].required = False self.fields['text'].min_length = 0 class CreateAskWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields): title = forms.CharField(max_length=100) include_text_field = forms.BooleanField(required=False) inner_style = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea, required=False ) outer_style = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea, required=False ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from askbot.models import Group, Tag super(CreateAskWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['group'] = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Group.objects.exclude_personal(), required=False ) self.fields['tag'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Tag.objects.get_content_tags(), required=False) if not askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: self.hide_field('group') class CreateQuestionWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields): title = forms.CharField(max_length=100) question_number = forms.CharField(initial='7') tagnames = forms.CharField(label=_('tags'), max_length=50) search_query = forms.CharField(max_length=50, required=False) order_by = forms.ChoiceField( choices=const.SEARCH_ORDER_BY, initial='-added_at' ) style = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea, initial=const.DEFAULT_QUESTION_WIDGET_STYLE, required=False ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from askbot.models import Group super(CreateQuestionWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['tagnames'] = TagNamesField() self.fields['group'] = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Group.objects.exclude(name__startswith='_internal'), required=False ) class AskByEmailForm(forms.Form): """:class:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm` validates question data, where question was posted by email. It is ivoked by the management command :mod:`~askbot.management.commands.post_emailed_questions` Input is text data with attributes: * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.sender` - unparsed "from" data * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.subject` - subject line * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.body_text` - body text of the email Cleaned values are: * ``email`` - email address * ``title`` - question title * ``tagnames`` - tag names all in one string * ``body_text`` - body of question text - a pass-through, no extra validation """ sender = forms.CharField(max_length=255) subject = forms.CharField( max_length=255, error_messages={ 'required': ASK_BY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_HELP } ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super(AskByEmailForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['body_text'] = QuestionEditorField(user=user) def clean_sender(self): """Cleans the :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmail.sender` attribute If the field is valid, cleaned data will receive value ``email`` """ raw_email = self.cleaned_data['sender'] email = extract_first_email_address(raw_email) if email is None: raise forms.ValidationError('Could not extract email address') self.cleaned_data['email'] = email return self.cleaned_data['sender'] def clean_subject(self): """Cleans the :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmail.subject` attribute If the field is valid, cleaned data will receive values ``tagnames`` and ``title`` """ raw_subject = self.cleaned_data['subject'].strip() if askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED: subject_re = re.compile(r'^\[([^]]+)\](.*)$') else: subject_re = re.compile(r'^(?:\[([^]]+)\])?(.*)$') match = subject_re.match(raw_subject) if match: #make raw tags comma-separated if match.group(1) is None: # no tags self.cleaned_data['tagnames'] = '' else: tagnames = match.group(1).replace(';', ',') #pre-process tags tag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in tagnames.split(',')] tag_list = [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', tag) for tag in tag_list] if askbot_settings.REPLACE_SPACE_WITH_DASH_IN_EMAILED_TAGS: tag_list = [tag.replace(' ', '-') for tag in tag_list] #todo: use tag separator char here tagnames = ' '.join(tag_list) #clean tags - may raise ValidationError self.cleaned_data['tagnames'] = TagNamesField().clean(tagnames) #clean title - may raise ValidationError title = match.group(2).strip() self.cleaned_data['title'] = TitleField().clean(title) else: raise forms.ValidationError(ASK_BY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_HELP) return self.cleaned_data['subject'] class AnswerForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm): wiki = WikiField() openid = forms.CharField( required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 40, 'class': 'openid-input'}) ) email_notify = EmailNotifyField(initial=False) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['text'] = AnswerEditorField(user=kwargs['user']) self.fields['email_notify'].widget.attrs['id'] = \ 'question-subscribe-updates' class VoteForm(forms.Form): """form used in ajax vote view (only comment_upvote so far) """ post_id = forms.IntegerField() # char because it is 'true' or 'false' as string cancel_vote = forms.CharField() def clean_cancel_vote(self): val = self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote'] if val == 'true': result = True elif val == 'false': result = False else: del self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote'] raise forms.ValidationError( 'either "true" or "false" strings expected' ) self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote'] = result return self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote'] class CloseForm(forms.Form): reason = forms.ChoiceField(choices=const.CLOSE_REASONS) class RetagQuestionForm(forms.Form): tags = TagNamesField() def __init__(self, question, *args, **kwargs): """initialize the default values""" super(RetagQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['tags'].initial = question.thread.tagnames class RevisionForm(forms.Form): """ Lists revisions of a Question or Answer """ revision = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select()) def __init__(self, post, latest_revision, *args, **kwargs): super(RevisionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) revisions = post.revisions.values_list( 'revision', 'author__username', 'revised_at', 'summary' ) date_format = '%c' rev_choices = list() for r in revisions: rev_details = u'%s - %s (%s) %s' % ( r[0], r[1], r[2].strftime(date_format), r[3] ) rev_choices.append((r[0], rev_details)) self.fields['revision'].choices = rev_choices self.fields['revision'].initial = latest_revision.revision class EditQuestionForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm): title = TitleField() tags = TagNamesField() summary = SummaryField() wiki = WikiField() reveal_identity = forms.BooleanField( help_text=_( 'You have asked this question anonymously, ' 'if you decide to reveal your identity, please check ' 'this box.' ), label=_('reveal identity'), required=False, ) suppress_email = SuppressEmailField() #todo: this is odd that this form takes question as an argument def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """populate EditQuestionForm with initial data""" self.question = kwargs.pop('question') self.user = kwargs.pop('user')#preserve for superclass revision = kwargs.pop('revision') super(EditQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #it is important to add this field dynamically self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField(user=self.user) self.fields['title'].initial = revision.title self.fields['text'].initial = revision.text self.fields['tags'].initial = revision.tagnames self.fields['wiki'].initial = self.question.wiki #hide the reveal identity field if not self.can_stay_anonymous(): self.hide_field('reveal_identity') if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): self.fields['language'] = LanguageField() def has_changed(self): if super(EditQuestionForm, self).has_changed(): return True if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: was_private = self.question.is_private() if was_private != self.cleaned_data['post_privately']: return True if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): old_language = self.question.thread.language_code if old_language != self.cleaned_data['language']: return True else: return False def can_stay_anonymous(self): """determines if the user cat keep editing the question anonymously""" return (askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY and self.question.is_anonymous and self.user.is_owner_of(self.question) ) def clean_reveal_identity(self): """cleans the reveal_identity field which determines whether previous anonymous edits must be rewritten as not anonymous this does not necessarily mean that the edit will be anonymous only does real work when question is anonymous based on the following truth table: is_anon can owner checked cleaned data - * * * False (ignore choice in checkbox) + + + + True + + + - False + + - + Raise(Not owner) + + - - False + - + + True (setting "can" changed, say yes) + - + - False, warn (but prev edits stay anon) + - - + Raise(Not owner) + - - - False """ value = self.cleaned_data['reveal_identity'] if self.question.is_anonymous: if value is True: if self.user.is_owner_of(self.question): #regardless of the ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY return True else: self.show_field('reveal_identity') del self.cleaned_data['reveal_identity'] raise forms.ValidationError( _( 'Sorry, only owner of the anonymous ' 'question can reveal his or her ' 'identity, please uncheck the ' 'box' ) ) else: can_ask_anon = askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY is_owner = self.user.is_owner_of(self.question) if can_ask_anon is False and is_owner: self.show_field('reveal_identity') raise forms.ValidationError( _( 'Sorry, apparently rules have just changed - ' 'it is no longer possible to ask anonymously. ' 'Please either check the "reveal identity" box ' 'or reload this page and try editing the question ' 'again.' ) ) return False else: #takes care of 8 possibilities - first row of the table return False def clean(self): """Purpose of this function is to determine whether it is ok to apply edit anonymously in the synthetic field edit_anonymously. It relies on correct cleaning if the "reveal_identity" field """ super(EditQuestionForm, self).clean() reveal_identity = self.cleaned_data.get('reveal_identity', False) stay_anonymous = False if reveal_identity is False and self.can_stay_anonymous(): stay_anonymous = True self.cleaned_data['stay_anonymous'] = stay_anonymous return self.cleaned_data class EditAnswerForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm): summary = SummaryField() wiki = WikiField() suppress_email = SuppressEmailField() def __init__(self, answer, revision, *args, **kwargs): self.answer = answer user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super(EditAnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #it is important to add this field dynamically self.fields['text'] = AnswerEditorField(user=user) self.fields['text'].initial = revision.text self.fields['wiki'].initial = answer.wiki def has_changed(self): #todo: this function is almost copy/paste of EditQuestionForm.has_changed() if super(EditAnswerForm, self).has_changed(): return True if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: return self.answer.is_private() \ != self.cleaned_data['post_privately'] else: return False class EditCommentForm(forms.Form): comment_id = forms.IntegerField() suppress_email = SuppressEmailField() class EditTagWikiForm(forms.Form): text = forms.CharField(required=False) tag_id = forms.IntegerField() class EditUserForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( label=u'Email', required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35}) ) realname = forms.CharField( label=_('Real name'), required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35}) ) website = forms.URLField( label=_('Website'), required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35}) ) city = forms.CharField( label=_('City'), required=False, max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35}) ) country = CountryField(required=False) show_country = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Show country'), required=False ) show_marked_tags = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Show tag choices'), required=False ) birthday = forms.DateField( label=_('Date of birth'), help_text=_( 'will not be shown, used to calculate ' 'age, format: YYYY-MM-DD' ), required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35}) ) about = forms.CharField( label=_('Profile'), required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}) ) def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super(EditUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) logging.debug('initializing the form') if askbot_settings.EDITABLE_SCREEN_NAME: self.fields['username'] = UserNameField(label=_('Screen name')) self.fields['username'].initial = user.username self.fields['username'].user_instance = user self.fields['email'].initial = user.email self.fields['realname'].initial = user.real_name self.fields['website'].initial = user.website self.fields['city'].initial = user.location if user.country is None: country = 'unknown' else: country = user.country self.fields['country'].initial = country self.fields['show_country'].initial = user.show_country self.fields['show_marked_tags'].initial = user.show_marked_tags if user.date_of_birth is not None: self.fields['birthday'].initial = user.date_of_birth self.fields['about'].initial = user.about self.user = user def clean_email(self): """For security reason one unique email in database""" if self.user.email != self.cleaned_data['email']: #todo dry it, there is a similar thing in openidauth if askbot_settings.EMAIL_UNIQUE is True: if 'email' in self.cleaned_data: try: User.objects.get(email=self.cleaned_data['email']) except User.DoesNotExist: return self.cleaned_data['email'] except User.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'this email has already been registered, ' 'please use another one') ) raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'this email has already been registered, ' 'please use another one') ) return self.cleaned_data['email'] class TagFilterSelectionForm(forms.ModelForm): email_tag_filter_strategy = forms.ChoiceField( initial = const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED, label = _('Choose email tag filter'), widget = forms.RadioSelect ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TagFilterSelectionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) choices = get_tag_display_filter_strategy_choices() self.fields['email_tag_filter_strategy'].choices = choices class Meta: model = User fields = ('email_tag_filter_strategy',) def save(self): before = self.instance.email_tag_filter_strategy super(TagFilterSelectionForm, self).save() after = self.instance.email_tag_filter_strategy if before != after: return True return False class EmailFeedSettingField(forms.ChoiceField): def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg): kwarg['choices'] = const.NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_CHOICES kwarg['widget'] = forms.RadioSelect super(EmailFeedSettingField, self).__init__(*arg, **kwarg) class EditUserEmailFeedsForm(forms.Form): FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP = { 'all_questions': 'q_all', 'asked_by_me': 'q_ask', 'answered_by_me': 'q_ans', 'individually_selected': 'q_sel', 'mentions_and_comments': 'm_and_c', } NO_EMAIL_INITIAL = { 'all_questions': 'n', 'asked_by_me': 'n', 'answered_by_me': 'n', 'individually_selected': 'n', 'mentions_and_comments': 'n', } INSTANT_EMAIL_INITIAL = { 'all_questions': 'i', 'asked_by_me': 'i', 'answered_by_me': 'i', 'individually_selected': 'i', 'mentions_and_comments': 'i', } asked_by_me = EmailFeedSettingField( label=_('Asked by me') ) answered_by_me = EmailFeedSettingField( label=_('Answered by me') ) individually_selected = EmailFeedSettingField( label=_('Individually selected') ) all_questions = EmailFeedSettingField( label=_('Entire forum (tag filtered)'), ) mentions_and_comments = EmailFeedSettingField( label=_('Comments and posts mentioning me'), ) def set_initial_values(self, user=None): from askbot import models KEY_MAP = dict([(v, k) for k, v in self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.iteritems()]) if user is not None: settings = models.EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(subscriber=user) initial_values = {} for setting in settings: feed_type = setting.feed_type form_field = KEY_MAP[feed_type] frequency = setting.frequency initial_values[form_field] = frequency self.initial = initial_values return self def reset(self): """equivalent to set_frequency('n') but also returns self due to some legacy requirement todo: clean up use of this function """ if self.is_bound: self.cleaned_data = self.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL self.initial = self.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL return self def get_db_model_subscription_type_names(self): """todo: refactor this - too hacky should probably use model form instead returns list of values acceptable in ``attr::models.user.EmailFeedSetting.feed_type`` """ return self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.values() def set_frequency(self, frequency='n'): data = { 'all_questions': frequency, 'asked_by_me': frequency, 'answered_by_me': frequency, 'individually_selected': frequency, 'mentions_and_comments': frequency } if self.is_bound: self.cleaned_data = data self.initial = data def save(self, user, save_unbound=False): """with save_unbound==True will bypass form validation and save initial values """ from askbot import models changed = False for form_field, feed_type in self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.items(): s, created = models.EmailFeedSetting.objects.get_or_create( subscriber=user, feed_type=feed_type ) if save_unbound: #just save initial values instead if form_field in self.initial: new_value = self.initial[form_field] else: new_value = self.fields[form_field].initial else: new_value = self.cleaned_data[form_field] if s.frequency != new_value: s.frequency = new_value s.save() changed = True else: if created: s.save() if form_field == 'individually_selected': user.followed_threads.clear() return changed class SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField(forms.ChoiceField): """a simple yes or no field to subscribe for email or not""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['widget'] = forms.widgets.RadioSelect kwargs['error_messages'] = { 'required': _('please choose one of the options above') } kwargs['choices'] = ( ('y', _('okay, let\'s try!')), ( 'n', _('no %(sitename)s email please, thanks') % {'sitename': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME} ) ) super(SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField, self).__init__(**kwargs) class SimpleEmailSubscribeForm(forms.Form): subscribe = SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField() def save(self, user=None): EFF = EditUserEmailFeedsForm #here we have kind of an anomaly - the value 'y' is redundant #with the frequency variable - needs to be fixed if self.is_bound and self.cleaned_data['subscribe'] == 'y': email_settings_form = EFF() email_settings_form.set_initial_values(user) logging.debug('%s wants to subscribe' % user.username) else: email_settings_form = EFF(initial=EFF.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL) email_settings_form.save(user, save_unbound=True) class GroupLogoURLForm(forms.Form): """form for saving group logo url""" group_id = forms.IntegerField() image_url = forms.CharField() class EditGroupMembershipForm(forms.Form): """a form for adding or removing users to and from user groups""" user_id = forms.IntegerField() group_name = forms.CharField() action = forms.CharField() def clean_action(self): """allowed actions are 'add' and 'remove'""" action = self.cleaned_data['action'] if action not in ('add', 'remove'): del self.cleaned_data['action'] raise forms.ValidationError('invalid action') return action class EditRejectReasonForm(forms.Form): reason_id = forms.IntegerField(required=False) title = CountedWordsField( min_words=1, max_words=4, field_name=_('Title') ) details = CountedWordsField( min_words=6, field_name=_('Description') ) class ModerateTagForm(forms.Form): tag_id = forms.IntegerField() thread_id = forms.IntegerField(required = False) action = forms.CharField() def clean_action(self): action = self.cleaned_data['action'] assert(action in ('accept', 'reject')) return action class ShareQuestionForm(forms.Form): thread_id = forms.IntegerField() recipient_name = forms.CharField() class BulkTagSubscriptionForm(forms.Form): date_added = forms.DateField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput()) tags = TagNamesField(label=_("Tags"), help_text=' ') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from askbot.models import BulkTagSubscription, Tag, Group super(BulkTagSubscriptionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['users'] = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=User.objects.all()) if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: self.fields['groups'] = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Group.objects.exclude_personal()) class DeleteCommentForm(forms.Form): comment_id = forms.IntegerField()