import re import functools from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from lamson.routing import route, stateless from lamson.server import Relay from askbot.models import ReplyAddress, Group, Tag from askbot import mail from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.utils.html import site_url #we might end up needing to use something like this #to distinguish the reply text from the quoted original message """ def _strip_message_qoute(message_text): import re result = message_text pattern = "(?P" + \ "On ([a-zA-Z0-9, :/<>@\.\"\[\]]* wrote:.*)|" + \ "From: [\w@ \.]* \[mailto:[\w\.]*@[\w\.]*\].*|" + \ "From: [\w@ \.]*(\n|\r\n)+Sent: [\*\w@ \.,:/]*(\n|\r\n)+To:.*(\n|\r\n)+.*|" + \ "[- ]*Forwarded by [\w@ \.,:/]*.*|" + \ "From: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)To: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)Date: [\w@ \.<>\-:,]*\n.*|" + \ "From: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)To: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)Sent: [\*\w@ \.,:/]*(\n|\r\n).*|" + \ "From: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)To: [\w@ \.<>\-]*(\n|\r\n)Subject:.*|" + \ "(-| )*Original Message(-| )*.*)" groups =, email_text, re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL) qoute = None if not groups is None: if groups.groupdict().has_key("qoute"): qoute = groups.groupdict()["qoute"] if qoute: result = reslut.split(qoute)[0] #if the last line contains an email message remove that one too lines = result.splitlines(True) if'[\w\.]*@[\w\.]*\].*', lines[-1]): result = '\n'.join(lines[:-1]) return result """ def get_disposition(part): """return list of part's content dispositions or an empty list """ dispositions = part.content_encoding.get('Content-Disposition', None) if dispositions: return dispositions[0] else: return list() def get_attachment_info(part): return part.content_encoding['Content-Disposition'][1] def is_attachment(part): """True if part content disposition is attachment""" return get_disposition(part) == 'attachment' def is_inline_attachment(part): """True if part content disposition is inline""" return get_disposition(part) == 'inline' def format_attachment(part): """takes message part and turns it into SimpleUploadedFile object""" att_info = get_attachment_info(part) name = att_info.get('filename', None) content_type = get_content_type(part) return SimpleUploadedFile(name, part.body, content_type) def get_content_type(part): """return content type of the message part""" return part.content_encoding.get('Content-Type', (None,))[0] def is_body(part): """True, if part is plain text and is not attachment""" if get_content_type(part) == 'text/plain': if not is_attachment(part): return True return False def get_part_type(part): if is_body(part): return 'body' elif is_attachment(part): return 'attachment' elif is_inline_attachment(part): return 'inline' def get_parts(message): """returns list of tuples (, ), where is one of 'body', 'attachment', 'inline' and - will be in the directly usable form: * if it is 'body' - then it will be unicode text * for attachment - it will be django's SimpleUploadedFile instance There may be multiple 'body' parts as well as others usually the body is split when there are inline attachments present. """ parts = list() simple_body = '' if message.body(): simple_body = message.body() parts.append(('body', simple_body)) for part in message.walk(): part_type = get_part_type(part) if part_type == 'body': part_content = part.body if part_content == simple_body: continue#avoid duplication elif part_type in ('attachment', 'inline'): part_content = format_attachment(part) else: continue parts.append((part_type, part_content)) return parts def process_reply(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(message, host = None, address = None): """processes forwarding rules, and run the handler in the case of error, send a bounce email """ try: for rule in django_settings.LAMSON_FORWARD: if re.match(rule['pattern'], message.base['to']): relay = Relay(host=rule['host'], port=rule['port'], debug=1) relay.deliver(message) return except AttributeError: pass error = None try: reply_address = ReplyAddress.objects.get( address = address, allowed_from_email = message.From ) #here is the business part of this function parts = get_parts(message) func( from_address = message.From, subject_line = message['Subject'], parts = parts, reply_address_object = reply_address ) except ReplyAddress.DoesNotExist: error = _("You were replying to an email address\ unknown to the system or you were replying from a different address from the one where you\ received the notification.") except Exception, e: import sys sys.stderr.write(unicode(e).encode('utf-8')) import traceback sys.stderr.write(unicode(traceback.format_exc()).encode('utf-8')) if error is not None: template = get_template('email/reply_by_email_error.html') body_text = template.render(Context({'error':error}))#todo: set lang mail.send_mail( subject_line = "Error posting your reply", body_text = body_text, recipient_list = [message.From], ) return wrapped @route('(addr)@(host)', addr = '.+') @stateless def ASK(message, host = None, addr = None): """lamson handler for asking by email, to the forum in general and to a specific group""" #we need to exclude some other emails by prefix if addr.startswith('reply-'): return if addr.startswith('welcome-'): return parts = get_parts(message) from_address = message.From #why lamson does not give it normally? subject = message['Subject'].strip('\n\t ') body_text, stored_files, unused = mail.process_parts(parts) if addr == 'ask': mail.process_emailed_question( from_address, subject, body_text, stored_files ) else: #this is the Ask the group branch if askbot_settings.GROUP_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_ENABLED == False: return try: group = Group.objects.get(name__iexact=addr) mail.process_emailed_question( from_address, subject, body_text, stored_files, group_id = ) except Group.DoesNotExist: #do nothing because this handler will match all emails return except Tag.MultipleObjectsReturned: return @route('welcome-(address)@(host)', address='.+') @stateless @process_reply def VALIDATE_EMAIL( parts = None, reply_address_object = None, from_address = None, **kwargs ): """process the validation email and save the email signature todo: go a step further and """ reply_code = reply_address_object.address try: content, stored_files, signature = mail.process_parts(parts, reply_code) user = reply_address_object.user if signature != user.email_signature: user.email_signature = signature user.email_isvalid = True data = { 'site_name': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME, 'site_url': site_url(reverse('questions')), 'ask_address': 'ask@' + askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HOSTNAME, 'can_post_by_email': user.can_post_by_email() } template = get_template('email/re_welcome_lamson_on.html') mail.send_mail( subject_line = _('Re: Welcome to %(site_name)s') % data, body_text = template.render(Context(data)),#todo: set lang recipient_list = [from_address,] ) except ValueError: raise ValueError( _( 'Please reply to the welcome email ' 'without editing it' ) ) @route('reply-(address)@(host)', address='.+') @stateless @process_reply def PROCESS( parts = None, reply_address_object = None, subject_line = None, from_address = None, **kwargs ): """handler to process the emailed message and make a post to askbot based on the contents of the email, including the text body and the file attachments""" #1) get actual email content # todo: factor this out into the process_reply decorator reply_code = reply_address_object.address body_text, stored_files, signature = mail.process_parts(parts, reply_code) #2) process body text and email signature user = reply_address_object.user if signature != user.email_signature: user.email_signature = signature #3) validate email address and save user along with maybe new signature user.email_isvalid = True actually, saving is not necessary, if nothing changed #here we might be in danger of chomping off some of the #message is body text ends with a legitimate text coinciding with #the user's email signature body_text = user.strip_email_signature(body_text) #4) actually make an edit in the forum robj = reply_address_object add_post_actions = ('post_comment', 'post_answer', 'auto_answer_or_comment') if robj.reply_action == 'replace_content': robj.edit_post(body_text, title = subject_line) elif robj.reply_action == 'append_content': robj.edit_post(body_text)#in this case we don't touch the title elif robj.reply_action in add_post_actions: if robj.was_used: robj.edit_post(body_text, edit_response = True) else: robj.create_reply(body_text) elif robj.reply_action == 'validate_email': #todo: this is copy-paste - factor it out to askbot.mail.messages data = { 'site_name': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME, 'site_url': site_url(reverse('questions')), 'ask_address': 'ask@' + askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HOSTNAME } template = get_template('email/re_welcome_lamson_on.html') mail.send_mail( subject_line = _('Re: %s') % subject_line, body_text = template.render(Context(data)),#todo: set lang recipient_list = [from_address,] )