import datetime from import BaseCommand from import CommandError from optparse import make_option from askbot.utils.console import ProgressBar from askbot.models import Thread from askbot.models import User class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Adds tags to questions. Tags should be given via a file with one tag per line. The tags will be matched with the words found in the question title. Then, most frequently used matching tags will be applied. This command respects the maximum number of tags allowed per question. """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--tags-file', '-t', action = 'store', type = 'str', dest = 'tags_file', default = None, help = 'file containing tag names, one per line' ), ) def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): """reads the tags file, parses it, then applies tags to questions by matching them with the question titles and content """ if kwargs['tags_file'] is None: raise CommandError('parameter --tags-file is required') try: tags_input = open(kwargs['tags_file']).read() except IOError: raise CommandError('file "%s" not found' % kwargs['tags_file']) tags_list = map(lambda v: v.strip(), tags_input.split('\n')) multiword_tags = list() for tag in tags_list: if ' ' in tag: multiword_tags.append(tag) if len(multiword_tags): message = 'multiword tags tags not allowed, have: %s' % ', '.join(multiword_tags) raise CommandError(message) threads = Thread.objects.all() count = threads.count() message = 'Applying tags to questions' user = User.objects.all().order_by('-id')[0] now = for thread in ProgressBar(threads.iterator(), count, message): thread.apply_hinted_tags( tags_list, user=user, timestamp=now, silent=True )