import sys from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.models import User from askbot.utils.console import choice_dialog from import NoArgsCommand from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.utils import translation from optparse import make_option NUM_USERS = 40 # KEEP NEXT 3 SETTINGS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO NUM_USERS! NUM_QUESTIONS = 40 NUM_ANSWERS = 20 NUM_COMMENTS = 20 # To ensure that all the actions can be made, repute each user high positive # karma. This can be calculated dynamically - max of MIN_REP_TO_... settings INITIAL_REPUTATION = 500 if '--nospam' in sys.argv: BAD_STUFF = '' else: BAD_STUFF = "" # Defining template inputs. USERNAME_TEMPLATE = BAD_STUFF + "test_user_%s" PASSWORD_TEMPLATE = "test_password_%s" EMAIL_TEMPLATE = "" TITLE_TEMPLATE = "Question No.%s" + BAD_STUFF LONG_TITLE_TEMPLATE = TITLE_TEMPLATE + 'a lot more text a lot more text a lot more text '*5 TAGS_TEMPLATE = [BAD_STUFF + "tag-%s-0", BAD_STUFF + "tag-%s-1"] # len(TAGS_TEMPLATE) tags per question CONTENT_TEMPLATE = BAD_STUFF + """Lorem lean startup ipsum product market fit customer development acquihire technical cofounder. User engagement **A/B** testing *shrink* a market venture capital pitch.""" ANSWER_TEMPLATE = BAD_STUFF + """Accelerator photo sharing business school drop out ramen hustle crush it revenue traction platforms.""" COMMENT_TEMPLATE = BAD_STUFF + """Main differentiators business model micro economics marketplace equity augmented reality human computer""" ALERT_SETTINGS_KEYS = ( 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_Q_ASK', 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_Q_ANS', 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_Q_ALL', 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_Q_SEL', 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_M_AND_C', ) class Command(NoArgsCommand): option_list = NoArgsCommand.option_list + ( make_option( '--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True, help='Do not prompt the user for input of any kind.' ), make_option( '--nospam', action='store_true', dest='nospam', default=False, help='Do not add XSS snippets' ) ) def save_alert_settings(self): settings = {} for key in ALERT_SETTINGS_KEYS: settings[key] = getattr(askbot_settings, key) self.alert_settings = settings def stop_alerts(self): for key in ALERT_SETTINGS_KEYS: askbot_settings.update(key, 'n') def restore_saved_alert_settings(self): for key in ALERT_SETTINGS_KEYS: askbot_settings.update(key, self.alert_settings[key]) def print_if_verbose(self, text): "Only print if user chooses verbose output" if self.verbosity > 0: print text def create_users(self): "Create the users and return an array of created users" users = [] #add admin with the same password - this user will be admin automatically admin = User.objects.create_user('admin', '') admin.set_password('admin') self.print_if_verbose("Created User 'admin'") users.append(admin) #this user will have regular privileges, because it's second joe = User.objects.create_user('joe', '') joe.set_password('joe') self.print_if_verbose("Created User 'joe'") # Keeping the created users in array - we will iterate over them # several times, we don't want querying the model each and every time. for i in range(NUM_USERS): s_idx = str(i) user = User.objects.create_user(USERNAME_TEMPLATE % s_idx, EMAIL_TEMPLATE % s_idx) user.set_password(PASSWORD_TEMPLATE % s_idx) user.reputation = INITIAL_REPUTATION self.print_if_verbose("Created User '%s'" % user.username) users.append(user) return users def create_questions(self, users): "Create the questions and return the last one as active question" # Keeping the last active question entry for later use. Questions API # might change, so we rely solely on User data entry API. active_question = None last_vote = False # Each user posts a question for i in range(NUM_QUESTIONS): user = users[i] # Downvote/upvote the questions - It's reproducible, yet # gives good randomized data if not active_question is None: if last_vote: user.downvote(active_question) self.print_if_verbose("%s downvoted a question"%( user.username )) else: user.upvote(active_question) self.print_if_verbose("%s upvoted a question"%( user.username )) last_vote = ~last_vote # len(TAGS_TEMPLATE) tags per question - each tag is different tags = " ".join([ for t in TAGS_TEMPLATE]) if i < NUM_QUESTIONS/2: tags += ' one-tag' if i % 2 == 0: question_template = TITLE_TEMPLATE else: question_template = LONG_TITLE_TEMPLATE active_question = user.post_question( title = question_template %, body_text = CONTENT_TEMPLATE, tags = tags, ) self.print_if_verbose("Created Question '%s' with tags: '%s'" % ( active_question.thread.title, tags,) ) return active_question def create_answers(self, users, active_question): "Create the answers for the active question, return the active answer" active_answer = None last_vote = False # Now, fill the last added question with answers for user in users[:NUM_ANSWERS]: # We don't need to test for data validation, so ONLY users # that aren't authors can post answer to the question if not is user: # Downvote/upvote the answers - It's reproducible, yet # gives good randomized data if not active_answer is None: if last_vote: user.downvote(active_answer) self.print_if_verbose("%s downvoted an answer"%( user.username )) else: user.upvote(active_answer) self.print_if_verbose("%s upvoted an answer"%( user.username )) last_vote = ~last_vote active_answer = user.post_answer( question = active_question, body_text = ANSWER_TEMPLATE, follow = True ) self.print_if_verbose("%s posted an answer to the active question"%( user.username )) # Upvote the active question user.upvote(active_question) # Follow the active question user.follow_question(active_question) self.print_if_verbose("%s followed the active question"%( user.username) ) # Subscribe to the active question user.subscribe_for_followed_question_alerts() self.print_if_verbose("%s subscribed to followed questions"%( user.username) ) return active_answer def create_comments(self, users, active_question, active_answer): """Create the comments for the active question and the active answer, return 2 active comments - 1 question comment and 1 answer comment""" active_question_comment = None active_answer_comment = None for user in users[:NUM_COMMENTS]: active_question_comment = user.post_comment( parent_post = active_question, body_text = COMMENT_TEMPLATE ) self.print_if_verbose("%s posted a question comment"%user.username) active_answer_comment = user.post_comment( parent_post = active_answer, body_text = COMMENT_TEMPLATE ) self.print_if_verbose("%s posted an answer comment"%user.username) # Upvote the active answer user.upvote(active_answer) # Upvote active comments if active_question_comment and active_answer_comment: num_upvotees = NUM_COMMENTS - 1 for user in users[:num_upvotees]: user.upvote(active_question_comment) user.upvote(active_answer_comment) return active_question_comment, active_answer_comment def handle_noargs(self, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 1)) self.interactive = options.get("interactive") if self.interactive: answer = choice_dialog("This command will DELETE ALL DATA in the current database, and will fill the database with test data. Are you absolutely sure you want to proceed?", choices = ("yes", "no", )) if answer != "yes": return translation.activate(django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) self.save_alert_settings() self.stop_alerts()# saves time on running the command # Create Users users = self.create_users() # Create Questions, vote for questions active_question = self.create_questions(users) # Create Answers, vote for the answers, vote for the active question # vote for the active answer active_answer = self.create_answers(users, active_question) # Create Comments, vote for the active answer active_question_comment, active_answer_comment = self.create_comments( users, active_question, active_answer) # Edit the active question, answer and comments question = active_question, title = TITLE_TEMPLATE % "EDITED", body_text = CONTENT_TEMPLATE, revision_comment = "EDITED", force = True ) self.print_if_verbose("User has edited the active question") answer = active_answer, body_text = COMMENT_TEMPLATE, force = True ) self.print_if_verbose("User has edited the active answer") comment_post = active_answer_comment, body_text = ANSWER_TEMPLATE ) self.print_if_verbose("User has edited the active answer comment") comment_post = active_question_comment, body_text = ANSWER_TEMPLATE ) self.print_if_verbose("User has edited the active question comment") # Accept best answer answer = active_answer, force = True, ) self.print_if_verbose("User has accepted a best answer") self.restore_saved_alert_settings() self.print_if_verbose("DONE")