import datetime from import NoArgsCommand from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.template.loader import get_template from askbot import models from askbot import const from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext from askbot import mail from askbot.utils.classes import ReminderSchedule from askbot.utils.html import site_url from django.template import Context DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND = False class Command(NoArgsCommand): def handle_noargs(self, **options): if askbot_settings.ENABLE_EMAIL_ALERTS == False: return if askbot_settings.ENABLE_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDERS == False: return #get questions without answers, excluding closed and deleted #order it by descending added_at date schedule = ReminderSchedule( askbot_settings.DAYS_BEFORE_SENDING_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDER, askbot_settings.ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDER_FREQUENCY, askbot_settings.MAX_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDERS ) questions = models.Post.objects.get_questions().exclude( deleted = True ).added_between( start = schedule.start_cutoff_date, end = schedule.end_cutoff_date ).filter( thread__answer_count__gt = 0 ).filter( thread__accepted_answer__isnull=True #answer_accepted = False ).order_by('-added_at') #for all users, excluding blocked #for each user, select a tag filtered subset #format the email reminder and send it for user in models.User.objects.exclude(status = 'b'): user_questions = questions.filter(author = user) final_question_list = user_questions.get_questions_needing_reminder( activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDER_SENT, user = user, recurrence_delay = schedule.recurrence_delay ) #todo: rewrite using query set filter #may be a lot more efficient question_count = len(final_question_list) if question_count == 0: continue subject_line = _( 'Accept the best answer for %(question_count)d of your questions' ) % {'question_count': question_count} #todo - make a template for these if question_count == 1: reminder_phrase = _('Please accept the best answer for this question:') else: reminder_phrase = _('Please accept the best answer for these questions:') data = { 'site_url': site_url(''),#here we need only the domain name 'questions': final_question_list, 'reminder_phrase': reminder_phrase } template = get_template('email/accept_answer_reminder.html') body_text = template.render(Context(data))#todo: set lang if DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND: print "User: %s
\nText: %s
\n" % \ (, subject_line, body_text) else: mail.send_mail( subject_line = subject_line, body_text = body_text, recipient_list = (,) )