import datetime from import NoArgsCommand from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import connection from django.db.models import Q, F from askbot.models import User, Post, PostRevision, Thread from askbot.models import Activity, EmailFeedSetting from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext from django.conf import settings as django_settings from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from askbot import const from askbot import mail from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from askbot.utils.html import site_url DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND = False def get_all_origin_posts(mentions): origin_posts = set() for mention in mentions: post = mention.content_object origin_posts.add(post.get_origin_post()) return list(origin_posts) #todo: refactor this as class def extend_question_list( src, dst, cutoff_time = None, limit=False, add_mention=False, add_comment = False ): """src is a query set with questions or None dst - is an ordered dictionary update reporting cutoff time for each question to the latest value to be more permissive about updates """ if src is None:#is not QuerySet return #will not do anything if subscription of this type is not used if limit and len(dst.keys()) >= askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL: return if cutoff_time is None: if hasattr(src, 'cutoff_time'): cutoff_time = src.cutoff_time else: raise ValueError('cutoff_time is a mandatory parameter') for q in src: if q in dst: meta_data = dst[q] else: meta_data = {'cutoff_time': cutoff_time} dst[q] = meta_data if cutoff_time > meta_data['cutoff_time']: #the latest cutoff time wins for a given question #if the question falls into several subscription groups #this makes mailer more eager in sending email meta_data['cutoff_time'] = cutoff_time if add_mention: if 'mentions' in meta_data: meta_data['mentions'] += 1 else: meta_data['mentions'] = 1 if add_comment: if 'comments' in meta_data: meta_data['comments'] += 1 else: meta_data['comments'] = 1 def format_action_count(string, number, output): if number > 0: output.append(_(string) % {'num':number}) class Command(NoArgsCommand): def handle_noargs(self, **options): if askbot_settings.ENABLE_EMAIL_ALERTS: try: try: self.send_email_alerts() except Exception, e: print e finally: connection.close() def get_updated_questions_for_user(self, user): """ retreive relevant question updates for the user according to their subscriptions and recorded question views """ user_feeds = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter( subscriber=user ).exclude( frequency__in=('n', 'i') ) should_proceed = False for feed in user_feeds: if feed.should_send_now() == True: should_proceed = True break #shortcircuit - if there is no ripe feed to work on for this user if should_proceed == False: return {} #these are placeholders for separate query sets per question group #there are four groups - one for each EmailFeedSetting.feed_type #and each group has subtypes A and B #that's because of the strange thing commented below #see note on Q and F objects marked with todo tag q_sel_A = None q_sel_B = None q_ask_A = None q_ask_B = None q_ans_A = None q_ans_B = None q_all_A = None q_all_B = None #base question query set for this user #basic things - not deleted, not closed, not too old #not last edited by the same user base_qs = Post.objects.get_questions().exclude( thread__last_activity_by=user ).exclude( thread__last_activity_at__lt=user.date_joined#exclude old stuff ).exclude( deleted=True ).exclude( thread__closed=True ).order_by('-thread__last_activity_at') if askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION: base_qs = base_qs.filter(approved = True) #todo: for some reason filter on did not work as expected ~Q(viewed__who=user) | # Q(viewed__who=user,viewed__when__lt=F('thread__last_activity_at')) #returns way more questions than you might think it should #so because of that I've created separate query sets Q_set2 and Q_set3 #plus two separate queries run faster! #build two two queries based #questions that are not seen by the user at all not_seen_qs = base_qs.filter(~Q(viewed__who=user)) #questions that were seen, but before last modification seen_before_last_mod_qs = base_qs.filter( Q( viewed__who=user, viewed__when__lt=F('thread__last_activity_at') ) ) #shorten variables for convenience Q_set_A = not_seen_qs Q_set_B = seen_before_last_mod_qs for feed in user_feeds: if feed.feed_type == 'm_and_c': #alerts on mentions and comments are processed separately #because comments to questions do not trigger change of last_updated #this may be changed in the future though, see # continue #each group of updates represented by the corresponding #query set has it's own cutoff time #that cutoff time is computed for each user individually #and stored as a parameter "cutoff_time" #we won't send email for a given question if an email has been #sent after that cutoff_time if feed.should_send_now(): if DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND == False: feed.mark_reported_now() cutoff_time = feed.get_previous_report_cutoff_time() if feed.feed_type == 'q_sel': q_sel_A = Q_set_A.filter(thread__followed_by=user) q_sel_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time #store cutoff time per query set q_sel_B = Q_set_B.filter(thread__followed_by=user) q_sel_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time #store cutoff time per query set elif feed.feed_type == 'q_ask': q_ask_A = Q_set_A.filter(author=user) q_ask_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time q_ask_B = Q_set_B.filter(author=user) q_ask_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time elif feed.feed_type == 'q_ans': q_ans_A = Q_set_A.filter(thread__posts__author=user, thread__posts__post_type='answer') q_ans_A = q_ans_A[:askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL] q_ans_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time q_ans_B = Q_set_B.filter(thread__posts__author=user, thread__posts__post_type='answer') q_ans_B = q_ans_B[:askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL] q_ans_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time elif feed.feed_type == 'q_all': q_all_A = user.get_tag_filtered_questions(Q_set_A) q_all_B = user.get_tag_filtered_questions(Q_set_B) q_all_A = q_all_A[:askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL] q_all_B = q_all_B[:askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL] q_all_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time q_all_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time #build ordered list questions for the email report q_list = SortedDict() #todo: refactor q_list into a separate class? extend_question_list(q_sel_A, q_list) extend_question_list(q_sel_B, q_list) #build list of comment and mention responses here #it is separate because posts are not marked as changed #when people add comments #mention responses could be collected in the loop above, but #it is inconvenient, because feed_type m_and_c bundles the two #also we collect metadata for these here try: feed = user_feeds.get(feed_type='m_and_c') if feed.should_send_now(): cutoff_time = feed.get_previous_report_cutoff_time() comments = Post.objects.get_comments().filter( added_at__lt = cutoff_time, ).exclude( author = user ) q_commented = list() for c in comments: post = c.parent if != user: continue #skip is post was seen by the user after #the comment posting time q_commented.append(post.get_origin_post()) extend_question_list( q_commented, q_list, cutoff_time = cutoff_time, add_comment = True ) mentions = Activity.objects.get_mentions( mentioned_at__lt = cutoff_time, mentioned_whom = user ) #print 'have %d mentions' % len(mentions) #MM = Activity.objects.filter(activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION) #print 'have %d total mentions' % len(MM) #for m in MM: # print m mention_posts = get_all_origin_posts(mentions) q_mentions_id = [ for q in mention_posts] q_mentions_A = Q_set_A.filter(id__in = q_mentions_id) q_mentions_A.cutoff_time = cutoff_time extend_question_list(q_mentions_A, q_list, add_mention=True) q_mentions_B = Q_set_B.filter(id__in = q_mentions_id) q_mentions_B.cutoff_time = cutoff_time extend_question_list(q_mentions_B, q_list, add_mention=True) except EmailFeedSetting.DoesNotExist: pass if user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING: extend_question_list(q_all_A, q_list) extend_question_list(q_all_B, q_list) extend_question_list(q_ask_A, q_list, limit=True) extend_question_list(q_ask_B, q_list, limit=True) extend_question_list(q_ans_A, q_list, limit=True) extend_question_list(q_ans_B, q_list, limit=True) if user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED: extend_question_list(q_all_A, q_list, limit=True) extend_question_list(q_all_B, q_list, limit=True) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Post) EMAIL_UPDATE_ACTIVITY = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_UPDATE_SENT #up to this point we still don't know if emails about #collected questions were sent recently #the next loop examines activity record and decides #for each question, whether it needs to be included or not #into the report for q, meta_data in q_list.items(): #this loop edits meta_data for each question #so that user will receive counts on new edits new answers, etc #and marks questions that need to be skipped #because an email about them was sent recently enough #also it keeps a record of latest email activity per question per user try: #todo: is it possible to use content_object here, instead of #content type and object_id pair? update_info = Activity.objects.get( user=user, content_type=ctype,, activity_type=EMAIL_UPDATE_ACTIVITY ) emailed_at = update_info.active_at except Activity.DoesNotExist: update_info = Activity( user=user, content_object=q, activity_type=EMAIL_UPDATE_ACTIVITY ) emailed_at = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)#long time ago except Activity.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise Exception( 'server error - multiple question email activities ' 'found per user-question pair' ) cutoff_time = meta_data['cutoff_time']#cutoff time for the question #skip question if we need to wait longer because #the delay before the next email has not yet elapsed #or if last email was sent after the most recent modification if emailed_at > cutoff_time or emailed_at > q.thread.last_activity_at: meta_data['skip'] = True continue #collect info on all sorts of news that happened after #the most recent emailing to the user about this question q_rev = q.revisions.filter(revised_at__gt=emailed_at) q_rev = q_rev.exclude(author=user) #now update all sorts of metadata per question meta_data['q_rev'] = len(q_rev) if len(q_rev) > 0 and q.added_at == q_rev[0].revised_at: meta_data['q_rev'] = 0 meta_data['new_q'] = True else: meta_data['new_q'] = False new_ans = Post.objects.get_answers(user).filter( thread=q.thread, added_at__gt=emailed_at, deleted=False, ) new_ans = new_ans.exclude(author=user) meta_data['new_ans'] = len(new_ans) ans_ids = Post.objects.get_answers(user).filter( thread=q.thread, added_at__gt=emailed_at, deleted=False, ).values_list( 'id', flat = True ) ans_rev = PostRevision.objects.filter(post__id__in = ans_ids) ans_rev = ans_rev.exclude(author=user).distinct() meta_data['ans_rev'] = len(ans_rev) comments = meta_data.get('comments', 0) mentions = meta_data.get('mentions', 0) #print meta_data #finally skip question if there are no news indeed if len(q_rev) + len(new_ans) + len(ans_rev) + comments + mentions == 0: meta_data['skip'] = True #print 'skipping' else: meta_data['skip'] = False #print 'not skipping' update_info.active_at = if DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND == False: #save question email update activity #q_list is actually an ordered dictionary #print 'user %s gets %d' % (user.username, len(q_list.keys())) #todo: sort question list by update time return q_list def send_email_alerts(self): #does not change the database, only sends the email #todo: move this to template for user in User.objects.all(): user.add_missing_askbot_subscriptions() #todo: q_list is a dictionary, not a list q_list = self.get_updated_questions_for_user(user) if len(q_list.keys()) == 0: continue num_q = 0 for question, meta_data in q_list.items(): if meta_data['skip']: del q_list[question] else: num_q += 1 if num_q > 0: threads = Thread.objects.filter(id__in=[qq.thread_id for qq in q_list.keys()]) tag_summary = Thread.objects.get_tag_summary_from_threads(threads) question_count = len(q_list.keys()) subject_line = ungettext( '%(question_count)d updated question about %(topics)s', '%(question_count)d updated questions about %(topics)s', question_count ) % { 'question_count': question_count, 'topics': tag_summary } #todo: send this to special log #print 'have %d updated questions for %s' % (num_q, user.username) text = ungettext( '

Dear %(name)s,

The following question has been updated ' '%(sitename)s

', '

Dear %(name)s,

The following %(num)d questions have been ' 'updated on %(sitename)s:

', num_q ) % { 'num':num_q, 'name':user.username, 'sitename': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME } text += '' text += '

' #if len(q_list.keys()) >= askbot_settings.MAX_ALERTS_PER_EMAIL: # text += _('There may be more questions updated since ' # 'you have logged in last time as this list is ' # 'abridged for your convinience. Please visit ' # 'the askbot and see what\'s new!
' # ) link = reverse( 'user_subscriptions', kwargs = { 'id':, 'slug': slugify(user.username) } ) text += _( '

Please remember that you can always adjust frequency of the email updates or ' 'turn them off entirely.
If you believe that this message was sent in an ' 'error, please email about it the forum administrator at %(admin_email)s.


Your friendly %(sitename)s server.

' ) % { 'email_settings_link': site_url(link), 'admin_email': django_settings.ADMINS[0][1], 'sitename': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME } if DEBUG_THIS_COMMAND == True: recipient_email = django_settings.ADMINS[0][1] else: recipient_email = mail.send_mail( subject_line = subject_line, body_text = text, recipient_list = [recipient_email] )