var TagDetailBox = function(box_type){; this.box_type = box_type; this._is_blank = true; this._tags = new Array(); this.wildcard = undefined; }; inherits(TagDetailBox, WrappedElement); TagDetailBox.prototype.createDom = function(){ this._element = this.makeElement('div'); this._element.addClass('wildcard-tags'); this._headline = this.makeElement('p'); this._headline.html(gettext('Tag "" matches:')); this._element.append(this._headline); this._tag_list_element = this.makeElement('ul'); this._tag_list_element.addClass('tags'); this._element.append(this._tag_list_element); this._footer = this.makeElement('p'); this._footer.css('clear', 'left'); this._element.append(this._footer); this._element.hide(); }; TagDetailBox.prototype.belongsTo = function(wildcard){ return (this.wildcard === wildcard); }; TagDetailBox.prototype.isBlank = function(){ return this._is_blank; }; TagDetailBox.prototype.clear = function(){ if (this.isBlank()){ return; } this._is_blank = true; this.getElement().hide(); this.wildcard = null; $.each(this._tags, function(idx, item){ item.dispose(); }); this._tags = new Array(); }; TagDetailBox.prototype.loadTags = function(wildcard, callback){ var me = this; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', cache: false, url: askbot['urls']['get_tags_by_wildcard'], data: { wildcard: wildcard }, success: callback, failure: function(){ me._loading = false; } }); }; TagDetailBox.prototype.renderFor = function(wildcard){ var me = this; if (this._loading === true){ return; } this._loading = true; this.loadTags( wildcard, function(data, text_status, xhr){ me._tag_names = data['tag_names']; if (data['tag_count'] > 0){ var wildcard_display = wildcard.replace(/\*$/, '✽'); me._headline.find('span').html(wildcard_display); $.each(me._tag_names, function(idx, name){ var tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(name); tag.setUrlParams(name) //tag.setLinkable(false); me._tags.push(tag); me._tag_list_element.append(tag.getElement()); }); me._is_blank = false; me.wildcard = wildcard; var tag_count = data['tag_count']; if (tag_count > 20){ var fmts = gettext('and %s more, not shown...'); var footer_text = interpolate(fmts, [tag_count - 20]); me._footer.html(footer_text);; } else { me._footer.hide(); }; } else { me.clear(); } me._loading = false; } ); } function pickedTags(){ var interestingTags = {}; var ignoredTags = {}; var subscribedTags = {}; var interestingTagDetailBox = new TagDetailBox('interesting'); var ignoredTagDetailBox = new TagDetailBox('ignored'); var subscribedTagDetailBox = new TagDetailBox('subscribed'); var sendAjax = function(tagnames, reason, action, callback){ var url = ''; if (action == 'add') { if (reason == 'good') { url = askbot['urls']['mark_interesting_tag']; } else if (reason == 'bad') { url = askbot['urls']['mark_ignored_tag']; } else { url = askbot['urls']['mark_subscribed_tag']; } } else { url = askbot['urls']['unmark_tag']; } var data = JSON.stringify({ tagnames: tagnames, reason: reason, user: askbot['data']['viewUserId'] }); var call_settings = { type:'POST', url:url, data: data, dataType: 'json' }; if (callback !== false){ call_settings.success = callback; } $.ajax(call_settings); }; var unpickTag = function(from_target, tagname, reason, send_ajax){ //send ajax request to delete tag var deleteTagLocally = function(){ from_target[tagname].remove(); delete from_target[tagname]; }; if (send_ajax){ sendAjax( [tagname], reason, 'remove', function(){ deleteTagLocally(); if ($('body').hasClass('main-page')) { askbot['controllers']['fullTextSearch'].refresh(); } } ); } else { deleteTagLocally(); } }; var getTagList = function(reason){ var base_selector = '.marked-tags'; if (reason === 'good') { var extra_selector = '.interesting'; } else if (reason === 'bad') { var extra_selector = '.ignored'; } else if (reason === 'subscribed') { var extra_selector = '.subscribed'; } return $(base_selector + extra_selector); }; var getWildcardTagDetailBox = function(reason){ if (reason === 'good') { return interestingTagDetailBox; } else if (reason === 'bad') { return ignoredTagDetailBox; } else if (reason === 'subscribed') { return subscribedTagDetailBox; } }; var handleWildcardTagClick = function(tag_name, reason){ var detail_box = getWildcardTagDetailBox(reason); var tag_box = getTagList(reason); if (detail_box.isBlank()){ detail_box.renderFor(tag_name); } else if (detail_box.belongsTo(tag_name)){ detail_box.clear();//toggle off } else { detail_box.clear();//redraw with new data detail_box.renderFor(tag_name); } if (!detail_box.inDocument()){ tag_box.after(detail_box.getElement()); detail_box.enterDocument(); } }; var renderNewTags = function( clean_tag_names, reason, to_target, to_tag_container ){ $.each(clean_tag_names, function(idx, tag_name){ var tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(tag_name); tag.setDeletable(true); if (/\*$/.test(tag_name)){ tag.setLinkable(false); var detail_box = getWildcardTagDetailBox(reason); tag.setHandler(function(){ handleWildcardTagClick(tag_name, reason); if (detail_box.belongsTo(tag_name)){ detail_box.clear(); } }); var delete_handler = function(){ unpickTag(to_target, tag_name, reason, true); if (detail_box.belongsTo(tag_name)){ detail_box.clear(); } } } else { var delete_handler = function(){ unpickTag(to_target, tag_name, reason, true); } } tag.setDeleteHandler(delete_handler); var tag_element = tag.getElement(); to_tag_container.append(tag_element); to_target[tag_name] = tag_element; }); }; var handlePickedTag = function(reason){ var to_target = interestingTags; var from_target = ignoredTags; var to_tag_container; if (reason === 'bad') { var input_sel = '#ignoredTagInput'; to_target = ignoredTags; from_target = interestingTags; to_tag_container = $('div .tags.ignored'); } else if (reason === 'good') { var input_sel = '#interestingTagInput'; to_tag_container = $('div .tags.interesting'); } else if (reason === 'subscribed') { var input_sel = '#subscribedTagInput'; to_target = subscribedTags; to_tag_container = $('div .tags.subscribed'); } else { return; } var tags_input =$.trim($(input_sel).attr('value')); if (tags_input === '') { return; } var tagnames = getUniqueWords(tags_input); if (reason !== 'subscribed') {//for "subscribed" we do not remove $.each(tagnames, function(idx, tagname) { if (tagname in from_target) { unpickTag(from_target, tagname, reason, false); } }); } var clean_tagnames = []; $.each(tagnames, function(idx, tagname){ if (!(tagname in to_target)){ clean_tagnames.push(tagname); } }); if (clean_tagnames.length > 0){ //send ajax request to pick this tag sendAjax( clean_tagnames, reason, 'add', function(){ renderNewTags( clean_tagnames, reason, to_target, to_tag_container ); $(input_sel).val(''); askbot['controllers']['fullTextSearch'].refresh(); } ); } }; var collectPickedTags = function(section){ if (section === 'interesting') { var reason = 'good'; var tag_store = interestingTags; } else if (section === 'ignored') { var reason = 'bad'; var tag_store = ignoredTags; } else if (section === 'subscribed') { var reason = 'subscribed'; var tag_store = subscribedTags; } else { return; } $('.' + section + '.tags.marked-tags .tag-left').each( function(i,item){ var tag = new Tag(); tag.decorate($(item)); tag.setDeleteHandler(function(){ unpickTag( tag_store, tag.getName(), reason, true ) }); if (tag.isWildcard()){ tag.setHandler(function(){ handleWildcardTagClick(tag.getName(), reason) }); } tag_store[tag.getName()] = $(item); } ); }; var setupTagFilterControl = function(control_type){ $('#' + control_type + 'TagFilterControl input') .unbind('click') .click(function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', cache: false, url: askbot['urls']['set_tag_filter_strategy'], data: { filter_type: control_type, filter_value: $(this).val() }, success: function(){ askbot['controllers']['fullTextSearch'].refresh(); } }); }); }; var getResultCallback = function(reason){ return function(){ handlePickedTag(reason); }; }; return { init: function(){ collectPickedTags('interesting'); collectPickedTags('ignored'); collectPickedTags('subscribed'); setupTagFilterControl('display'); setupTagFilterControl('email'); var ac = new AutoCompleter({ url: askbot['urls']['get_tag_list'], minChars: 1, useCache: true, matchInside: true, maxCacheLength: 100, delay: 10 }); var interestingTagAc = $.extend(true, {}, ac); interestingTagAc.decorate($('#interestingTagInput')); interestingTagAc.setOption('onItemSelect', getResultCallback('good')); var ignoredTagAc = $.extend(true, {}, ac); ignoredTagAc.decorate($('#ignoredTagInput')); ignoredTagAc.setOption('onItemSelect', getResultCallback('bad')); var subscribedTagAc = $.extend(true, {}, ac); subscribedTagAc.decorate($('#subscribedTagInput')); subscribedTagAc.setOption('onItemSelect', getResultCallback('subscribed')); $("#interestingTagAdd").click(getResultCallback('good')); $("#ignoredTagAdd").click(getResultCallback('bad')); $("#subscribedTagAdd").click(getResultCallback('subscribed')); } }; } $(document).ready( function(){ pickedTags().init(); });