/** * attention - this function needs to be retired * as it cannot accurately give url to the media file */ var mediaUrl = function(resource){ return askbot['settings']['static_url'] + 'default' + '/' + resource; }; var cleanUrl = function(url){ var re = new RegExp('//', 'g'); return url.replace(re, '/'); }; var copyAltToTitle = function(sel){ sel.attr('title', sel.attr('alt')); }; var animateHashes = function(){ var id_value = window.location.hash; if (id_value != ""){ var previous_color = $(id_value).css('background-color'); $(id_value).css('backgroundColor', '#FFF8C6'); $(id_value) .animate({backgroundColor: '#ff7f2a'}, 500) .animate({backgroundColor: '#FFF8C6'}, 500, function(){ $(id_value).css('backgroundColor', previous_color); }); } }; /** * @param {string} id_token - any token * @param {string} unique_seed - the unique part * @returns {string} unique id that can be used in DOM */ var askbotMakeId = function(id_token, unique_seed) { return id_token + '-' + unique_seed; }; var getNewUniqueInt = function() { var num = askbot['data']['uniqueInt'] || 0; num = num + 1; askbot['data']['uniqueInt'] = num; return num; }; var getSingletonController = function(controllerClass, name) { askbot['controllers'] = askbot['controllers'] || {}; var controller = askbot['controllers'][name]; if (controller === undefined) { controller = new controllerClass(); askbot['controllers'][name] = controller; } return controller; }; var setController = function(controller, name) { askbot['controllers'] = askbot['controllers'] || {}; askbot['controllers'][name] = controller; }; var sortChildNodes = function(node, cmpFunc) { var items = node.children().sort(cmpFunc); node.append(items); }; var getUniqueValues = function(values) { var uniques = new Object(); var out = new Array(); $.each(values, function(idx, value){ if (!(value in uniques)){ uniques[value] = 1; out.push(value); }; }); return out; } var getUniqueWords = function(value){ var words = $.trim(value).split(/\s+/); return getUniqueValues(words); }; /** * comma-joins items and uses "and' * between the last and penultimate items * @param {Array} values * @return {string} */ var joinAsPhrase = function(values) { var count = values.length; if (count === 0) { return ''; } else if (count === 1) { return values[0]; } else { var last = values.pop(); var prev = values.pop(); return values.join(', ') + prev + gettext('and') + last; } }; /** * @return {boolean} */ var inArray = function(item, itemsList) { for (var i = 0; i < itemsList.length; i++) { if (item === itemsList[i]) { return true; } } return false; }; var showMessage = function(element, msg, where) { var div = $('

' + msg + '

(' + gettext('click to close') + ')
'); div.click(function(event) { $(".vote-notification").fadeOut("fast", function() { $(this).remove(); }); }); var where = where || 'parent'; if (where == 'parent'){ element.parent().append(div); } else { element.after(div); } div.fadeIn("fast"); }; //outer html hack - https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-outerhtml/ (function($){ var div; $.fn.outerHTML = function() { var elem = this[0], tmp; return !elem ? null : typeof ( tmp = elem.outerHTML ) === 'string' ? tmp : ( div = div || $('
') ).html( this.eq(0).clone() ).html(); }; })(jQuery); /** * @return {number} key code of the event or `undefined` */ var getKeyCode = function(e) { if (e.which) { return e.which; } else if (e.keyCode) { return e.keyCode; } return undefined; }; var makeKeyHandler = function(key, callback){ return function(e){ if ((e.which && e.which == key) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == key)){ if(!e.shiftKey){ callback(); return false; } } }; }; var setupButtonEventHandlers = function(button, callback){ button.keydown(makeKeyHandler(13, callback)); button.click(callback); }; var removeButtonEventHandlers = function(button) { button.unbind('click'); button.unbind('keydown'); }; var decodeHtml = function(encodedText) { return $('
').html(encodedText).text(); }; var putCursorAtEnd = function(element){ var el = $(element).get()[0]; var jEl = $(el); if (el.setSelectionRange){ var len = jEl.val().length * 2; el.setSelectionRange(len, len); } else{ jEl.val(jEl.val()); } jEl.scrollTop(999999); }; var setCheckBoxesIn = function(selector, value){ return $(selector + '> input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', value); }; /* * Old style notify handler */ var notify = function() { var visible = false; return { show: function(html, autohide) { if (html) { $("body").addClass('user-messages'); var par = $('

'); par.html(html); $(".notify").prepend(par); } $(".notify").fadeIn("slow"); visible = true; if (autohide) { setTimeout( function() { notify.close(false); notify.clear(); }, 3000 ); } }, clear: function() { $('.notify').empty(); }, close: function(doPostback) { if (doPostback) { $.post( askbot['urls']['mark_read_message'], { formdata: "required" } ); } $(".notify").fadeOut("fast"); $('body').removeClass('user-messages'); visible = false; }, isVisible: function() { return visible; } }; }(); /* **************************************************** */ // Search query-string manipulation utils /* **************************************************** */ var QSutils = QSutils || {}; // TODO: unit-test me QSutils.TAG_SEP = ','; // should match const.TAG_SEP; TODO: maybe prepopulate this in javascript.html ? QSutils.get_query_string_selector_value = function (query_string, selector) { var params = query_string.split('/'); for(var i=0; i -1) { tags.splice(pos, 1); /* array.splice() works in-place */ } if(tags.length === 0) { return this.patch_query_string(query_string, 'tags:', true); } else { return this.patch_query_string(query_string, 'tags:' + tags.join(this.TAG_SEP)); } }; QSutils.add_search_tag = function(query_string, tag){ var tag_string = this.get_query_string_selector_value(query_string, 'tags'); tag = encodeURIComponent(tag); if(!tag_string) { tag_string = tag; } else { tag_string = [tag_string, tag].join(this.TAG_SEP); } return this.patch_query_string(query_string, 'tags:' + tag_string); }; /* **************************************************** */ /* some google closure-like code for the ui elements */ var inherits = function(childCtor, parentCtor) { /** @constructor taken from google closure */ function tempCtor() {}; tempCtor.prototype = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.superClass_ = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.prototype = new tempCtor(); childCtor.prototype.constructor = childCtor; }; /** wrapper around jQuery object * @constructor * the top level "class" for other elements * I.e. all other things must inherit this class. * For an example of the inheritance pattern, * please see the "TippedInput" below. */ var WrappedElement = function(){ this._element = null; this._in_document = false; this._idSeed = null; }; /* note that we do not call inherits() here * See TippedInput as an example of a subclass */ /** * returns a unique integer for any instance of WrappedElement * which can be used to construct a unique id for use in the DOM * @return {string} */ WrappedElement.prototype.getIdSeed = function() { var seed = this._idSeed || parseInt(getNewUniqueInt()); this._idSeed = seed; return seed; }; /** * returns unique ide based on the prefix and the id seed * @param {string} prefix * @return {string} */ WrappedElement.prototype.makeId = function(prefix) { return askbotMakeId(prefix, this.getIdSeed()); }; /** * notice that we use ObjCls.prototype.someMethod = function() * notation - as we use Javascript's prototypal inheritance * explicitly. The point of this is to be able to eventually * use the Closure Compiler */ WrappedElement.prototype.setElement = function(element){ this._element = element; }; /** * this function must be overridden for any object * what will use "DOM generation" pattern * * Inside this function two things can happen: * 1) dom structure creation * 2) event handlers attached to the dom structure */ WrappedElement.prototype.createDom = function(){ /* inside at the very least you must assign * a jQuery object to a parameter called _element */ this._element = $('
'); }; /** * @param {object} element, a jQuery object wrapping a single * DOM element. * * This function must be overridden in the subclasses * that are used in the "decoration" pattern */ WrappedElement.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; }; /** * This method should not be overridden * Normally you call this method to generate the dom * structure, if applicable, or just obtain the * jQuery object encapsulating the dom. * * @return {object} jQuery */ WrappedElement.prototype.getElement = function(){ if (this._element === null){ this.createDom(); } return this._element; }; WrappedElement.prototype.hasElement = function() { return (this._element !== undefined); }; WrappedElement.prototype.inDocument = function(){ return (this._element && this._element.is(':hidden') === false); }; WrappedElement.prototype.enterDocument = function(){ return this._in_document = true; }; WrappedElement.prototype.hasElement = function(){ return (this._element !== null); }; /** * A utility method, returning a new jQuery object for * some HTML tag * * Example: * var ageInput = this.makeElement('input'); */ WrappedElement.prototype.makeElement = function(html_tag){ //makes jQuery element with tags return $('<' + html_tag + '>'); }; /** * Removes object's DOM element from the DOM tree * should be overridden to remove the event handlers * and properly destroy the dom structure * as well as any other included sub-elements */ WrappedElement.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._element.remove(); this._in_document = false; }; /** * @constructor * a loader */ var WaitIcon = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); this._isVisible = false; }; inherits(WaitIcon, WrappedElement); WaitIcon.prototype.setVisible = function(isVisible) { this._isVisible = isVisible; if (this._element) { if (this._isVisible === true) { this._element.show(); } else { this._element.hide(); } } }; WaitIcon.prototype.hide = function() { this.setVisible(false); }; WaitIcon.prototype.show = function() { this.setVisible(true); }; WaitIcon.prototype.createDom = function() { var box = this.makeElement('div'); box.addClass('wait-icon-box'); this._element = box; var img = this.makeElement('img'); img.attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/ajax-loader.gif')); box.append(img); this.setVisible(this._isVisible); }; /** * @contsructor * a form helper that disables submit button * after it is submitted the first time * to prevent double submits */ var OneShotForm = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); this._submitBtn = undefined; }; inherits(OneShotForm, WrappedElement); OneShotForm.prototype.setSubmitButton = function(button) { this._submitBtn = button; }; OneShotForm.prototype.enable = function() { this._element.data('submitted', false); this._submitBtn.removeClass('disabled'); }; OneShotForm.prototype.disable = function() { this._element.data('submitted', true); this._submitBtn.addClass('disabled'); }; OneShotForm.prototype.decorate = function(element) { this._element = element; var me = this; var button = this._submitBtn; var disabler = function(evt) { if (element.data('submitted') === true) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { me.disable(); return true; } }; element.submit(disabler); }; /** * @constructor * a simple link */ var Link = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); }; inherits(Link, WrappedElement); Link.prototype.setUrl = function(url) { this._url = url; }; Link.prototype.setText = function(text) { this._text = text; }; Link.prototype.createDom = function() { var link = this.makeElement('a'); this._element = link; link.attr('href', this._url); link.html(this._text); }; /** * @constructor * Widget is a Wrapped element with state */ var Widget = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); this._state = undefined; }; inherits(Widget, WrappedElement); Widget.prototype.setState = function(state) { this._state = state; }; Widget.prototype.getState = function() { return this._state; }; Widget.prototype.makeButton = function(label, handler) { var button = this.makeElement('button'); button.html(label); setupButtonEventHandlers(button, handler); return button; }; /** * Can be used for an input box or textarea. * The original value will be treated as an instruction. * When user focuses on the field, the tip will be gone, * when the user escapes without typing anything besides * perhaps empty text, the instruction is restored. * When instruction is shown, class "blank" is present * in the input/textare element. * * For the usage examples - search for "new TippedInput" * there is at least one example for both - decoration and * the "dom creation" patterns. * * Also - in the FileUploadDialog the TippedInput is used * as a sub-element - the widget composition use case. */ var TippedInput = function(){ /* the call below is part 1 of the inheritance pattern */ WrappedElement.call(this); this._instruction = null; this._attrs = {}; //this._is_one_shot = false;//if true on starting typing effect is gone }; inherits(TippedInput, WrappedElement); /* the line above is part 2 of the inheritance pattern see definition of the function "inherits" for more details */ /* Below are all the custom methods of the TippedInput class, as well as some required functions */ TippedInput.prototype.reset = function(){ $(this._element).val(this._instruction); $(this._element).addClass('blank'); }; /*TippedInput.prototype.setIsOneShot = function(boolValue) { this._is_one_shot = boolValue; };*/ TippedInput.prototype.setInstruction = function(text) { this._instruction = text; }; TippedInput.prototype.setAttr = function(key, value) { this._attrs[key] = value; }; TippedInput.prototype.isBlank = function(){ return this.getVal() === this._instruction; }; TippedInput.prototype.getVal = function(){ return this._element.val(); }; TippedInput.prototype.setVal = function(value){ if (value) { this._element.val(value); if (this.isBlank()){ this._element.addClass('blank'); } else { this._element.removeClass('blank'); } } }; /** * Creates the DOM of tipped input from scratch * Notice that there is also a "decorate" method. * At least one - createDom or decorate is required, * depending on the usage. */ TippedInput.prototype.createDom = function() { this._element = this.makeElement('input'); var element = this._element; element.val(this._instruction); //here we re-use the decorate call (next method) //to avoid copy-pasting code this.decorate(element); }; /** * Attaches the TippedInput behavior to * a pre-existing element * * decorate() method normally does not create * new dom elements, but it might add some missing elements, * if necessary. * * for example the decorate might be composing inside * a more complex widget, in which case other elements * can be added via a "composition" pattern, or * just "naked dom elements" added to the current widget's element * */ TippedInput.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element;//mandatory line //part 1 - initialize some values and create dom element.attr(this._attrs); var instruction_text = this.getVal(); this._instruction = instruction_text; this.reset(); var me = this; //part 2 - attach event handlers $(element).focus(function(){ if (me.isBlank()){ $(element) .val('') .removeClass('blank'); } }); $(element).blur(function(){ var val = $(element).val(); if ($.trim(val) === ''){ $(element) .val(instruction_text) .addClass('blank'); } }); $(element).keydown( makeKeyHandler(27, function(){ $(element).blur(); }) ); }; /** * will setup a bootstrap.js alert * programmatically */ var AlertBox = function(){ WrappedElement.call(this); this._text = null; }; inherits(AlertBox, WrappedElement); AlertBox.prototype.setClass = function(classes){ this._classes = classes; if (this._element){ this._element.addClass(classes); } }; AlertBox.prototype.setError = function(state){ this._is_error = state; if (this._element) { if (state === true) { this._element.addClass('alert-error'); } else { this._element.removeClass('alert-error'); } } }; AlertBox.prototype.setText = function(text){ this._text = text; if (this._content){ this._content.html(text); } }; AlertBox.prototype.getContent = function(){ if (this._content){ return this._content; } else { this._content = this.makeElement('div'); return this._content; } }; AlertBox.prototype.setContent = function(content){ var container = this.getContent(); container.empty() container.append(content); }; AlertBox.prototype.addContent = function(content){ var container = this.getContent(); container.append(content); }; AlertBox.prototype.createDom = function(){ this._element = this.makeElement('div'); this._element.addClass('alert fade in'); if (this._is_error) { this.setError(this._is_error); } if (this._classes){ this._element.addClass(this._classes); } this._cancel_button = this.makeElement('button'); this._cancel_button .addClass('close') .attr('data-dismiss', 'alert') .html('×'); this._element.append(this._cancel_button); this._element.append(this.getContent()); if (this._text){ this.setText(this._text); } this._element.alert();//bootstrap.js alert }; /** * @constructor * just a span with content * useful for subclassing */ var SimpleContent = function(){ WrappedElement.call(this); this._content = ''; }; inherits(SimpleContent, WrappedElement); SimpleContent.prototype.setContent = function(text) { this._content = text; if (this._element) { this._element.html(text); } }; SimpleContent.prototype.getContent = function() { return this._content; }; SimpleContent.prototype.createDom = function() { this._element = this.makeElement('span'); this._element.html(this._content); }; var SimpleControl = function(){ WrappedElement.call(this); this._handler = null; this._title = null; }; inherits(SimpleControl, WrappedElement); SimpleControl.prototype.setHandler = function(handler){ this._handler = handler; if (this.hasElement()){ this.setHandlerInternal(); } }; SimpleControl.prototype.getHandler = function(){ return this._handler; }; SimpleControl.prototype.setHandlerInternal = function(){ //default internal setHandler behavior setupButtonEventHandlers(this._element, this._handler); }; SimpleControl.prototype.setTitle = function(title){ this._title = title; }; var EditLink = function(){ SimpleControl.call(this) }; inherits(EditLink, SimpleControl); EditLink.prototype.createDom = function(){ var element = $(''); element.addClass('edit'); this.decorate(element); }; EditLink.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; this._element.attr('title', gettext('click to edit this comment')); this._element.html(gettext('edit')); this.setHandlerInternal(); }; var CommentConvertLink = function(comment_id){ WrappedElement.call(this) this._comment_id = comment_id; }; inherits(CommentConvertLink, WrappedElement); CommentConvertLink.prototype.createDom = function(){ var element = this.makeElement('form'); element.addClass('convert-comment'); element.attr('method', 'POST'); element.attr('action', askbot['urls']['convertComment']); var hidden_input = this.makeElement('input'); hidden_input.attr('type', 'hidden'); hidden_input.attr('value', this._comment_id); hidden_input.attr('name', 'comment_id'); hidden_input.attr('id', 'id_comment_id'); element.append(hidden_input); var submit = this.makeElement('input'); submit.attr('type', 'submit'); submit.attr('value', gettext('convert to answer')); element.append(submit); this.decorate(element); }; CommentConvertLink.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; }; var DeleteIcon = function(title){ SimpleControl.call(this); this._title = title; this._content = null; }; inherits(DeleteIcon, SimpleControl); DeleteIcon.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; this._element.attr('class', 'delete-icon'); this._element.attr('title', this._title); if (this._handler !== null){ this.setHandlerInternal(); } }; DeleteIcon.prototype.setHandlerInternal = function(){ setupButtonEventHandlers(this._element, this._handler); }; DeleteIcon.prototype.createDom = function(){ this._element = this.makeElement('span'); this.decorate(this._element); if (this._content !== null){ this.setContent(this._content); } }; DeleteIcon.prototype.setContent = function(content){ if (this._element === null){ this._content = content; } else { this._content = content; this._element.html(content); } } /** * @contstructor * Simple modal dialog with Ok/Cancel buttons by default */ var ModalDialog = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); this._accept_button_text = gettext('Ok'); this._reject_button_text = gettext('Cancel'); this._heading_text = 'Add heading by setHeadingText()'; this._initial_content = undefined; this._accept_handler = function(){}; var me = this; this._reject_handler = function() { me.hide(); }; this._content_element = undefined; this._headerEnabled = true; }; inherits(ModalDialog, WrappedElement); ModalDialog.prototype.show = function() { this._element.modal('show'); }; ModalDialog.prototype.hide = function() { this._element.modal('hide'); }; ModalDialog.prototype.setContent = function(content) { this._initial_content = content; if (this._content_element) { this._content_element.html(content); } }; ModalDialog.prototype.prependContent = function(content) { this._content_element.prepend(content); }; ModalDialog.prototype.setHeadingText = function(text) { this._heading_text = text; }; ModalDialog.prototype.setAcceptButtonText = function(text) { this._accept_button_text = text; }; ModalDialog.prototype.setRejectButtonText = function(text) { this._reject_button_text = text; }; ModalDialog.prototype.setAcceptHandler = function(handler) { this._accept_handler = handler; }; ModalDialog.prototype.setRejectHandler = function(handler) { this._reject_handler = handler; }; ModalDialog.prototype.clearMessages = function() { this._element.find('.alert').remove(); }; ModalDialog.prototype.setMessage = function(text, message_type) { var box = new AlertBox(); box.setText(text); if (message_type === 'error') { box.setError(true); } this.prependContent(box.getElement()); }; ModalDialog.prototype.createDom = function() { this._element = this.makeElement('div') var element = this._element; element.addClass('modal'); //1) create header if (this._headerEnabled) { var header = this.makeElement('div') header.addClass('modal-header'); element.append(header); var close_link = this.makeElement('div'); close_link.addClass('close'); close_link.attr('data-dismiss', 'modal'); close_link.html('x'); header.append(close_link); var title = this.makeElement('h3'); title.html(this._heading_text); header.append(title); } //2) create content var body = this.makeElement('div') body.addClass('modal-body'); element.append(body); this._content_element = body; if (this._initial_content) { this._content_element.append(this._initial_content); } //3) create footer with accept and reject buttons (ok/cancel). var footer = this.makeElement('div'); footer.addClass('modal-footer'); element.append(footer); var accept_btn = this.makeElement('button'); accept_btn.addClass('submit'); accept_btn.html(this._accept_button_text); footer.append(accept_btn); if (this._reject_button_text) { var reject_btn = this.makeElement('button'); reject_btn.addClass('submit cancel'); reject_btn.html(this._reject_button_text); footer.append(reject_btn); } //4) attach event handlers to the buttons setupButtonEventHandlers(accept_btn, this._accept_handler); if (this._reject_button_text) { setupButtonEventHandlers(reject_btn, this._reject_handler); } if (this._headerEnabled) { setupButtonEventHandlers(close_link, this._reject_handler); } this.hide(); }; /** * @constructor */ var FileUploadDialog = function() { ModalDialog.call(this); this._post_upload_handler = undefined; this._fileType = 'image'; this._headerEnabled = false; }; inherits(FileUploadDialog, ModalDialog); /** * allowed values: 'image', 'attachment' */ FileUploadDialog.prototype.setFileType = function(fileType) { this._fileType = fileType; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getFileType = function() { return this._fileType; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setButtonText = function(text) { this._fakeInput.val(text); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setPostUploadHandler = function(handler) { this._post_upload_handler = handler; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.runPostUploadHandler = function(url, descr) { this._post_upload_handler(url, descr); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setInputId = function(id) { this._input_id = id; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getInputId = function() { return this._input_id; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setErrorText = function(text) { this.setLabelText(text); this._label.addClass('error'); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setLabelText= function(text) { this._label.html(text); this._label.removeClass('error'); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.setUrlInputTooltip = function(text) { this._url_input_tooltip = text; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getUrl = function() { var url_input = this._url_input; if (url_input.isBlank() === false) { return url_input.getVal(); } return ''; }; //disable description for now //FileUploadDialog.prototype.getDescription = function() { // return this._description_input.getVal(); //}; FileUploadDialog.prototype.resetInputs = function() { this._url_input.reset(); //this._description_input.reset(); this._upload_input.val(''); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getInputElement = function() { return $('#' + this.getInputId()); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.installFileUploadHandler = function(handler) { var upload_input = this.getInputElement(); upload_input.unbind('change'); //todo: fix this - make event handler reinstall work upload_input.change(handler); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.show = function() { //hack around the ajaxFileUpload plugin FileUploadDialog.superClass_.show.call(this); var handler = this.getStartUploadHandler(); this.installFileUploadHandler(handler); }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getUrlInputElement = function() { return this._url_input.getElement(); }; /* * argument startUploadHandler is very special it must * be a function calling this one!!! Todo: see if there * is a more civilized way to do this. */ FileUploadDialog.prototype.startFileUpload = function(startUploadHandler) { var spinner = this._spinner; var label = this._label; spinner.ajaxStart(function(){ spinner.show(); label.hide(); }); spinner.ajaxComplete(function(){ spinner.hide(); label.show(); }); /* important!!! upload input must be loaded by id * because ajaxFileUpload monkey-patches the upload form */ var uploadInput = this.getInputElement(); uploadInput.ajaxStart(function(){ uploadInput.hide(); }); uploadInput.ajaxComplete(function(){ uploadInput.show(); }); //var localFilePath = upload_input.val(); var me = this; $.ajaxFileUpload({ url: askbot['urls']['upload'], secureuri: false,//todo: check on https fileElementId: this.getInputId(), dataType: 'xml', success: function (data, status) { var fileURL = $(data).find('file_url').text(); var origFileName = $(data).find('orig_file_name').text(); var newStatus = interpolate( gettext('Uploaded file: %s'), [origFileName] ); /* * hopefully a fix for the "fakepath" issue * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/83225 */ fileURL = fileURL.replace(/\w:.*\\(.*)$/,'$1'); var error = $(data).find('error').text(); if (error != ''){ me.setErrorText(error); } else { me.getUrlInputElement().attr('value', fileURL); me.setLabelText(newStatus); if (me.getFileType() === 'image') { var buttonText = gettext('Choose a different image'); } else { var buttonText = gettext('Choose a different file'); } me.setButtonText(buttonText); } /* re-install this as the upload extension * will remove the handler to prevent double uploading * this hack is a manipulation around the * ajaxFileUpload jQuery plugin. */ me.installFileUploadHandler(startUploadHandler); }, error: function (data, status, e) { /* re-install this as the upload extension * will remove the handler to prevent double uploading */ me.setErrorText(gettext('Oops, looks like we had an error. Sorry.')); me.installFileUploadHandler(startUploadHandler); } }); return false; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.getStartUploadHandler = function(){ var me = this; var handler = function() { /* the trick is that we need inside the function call * to have a reference to itself * in order to reinstall the handler later * because ajaxFileUpload jquery extension might be destroying it */ return me.startFileUpload(handler); }; return handler; }; FileUploadDialog.prototype.createDom = function() { var superClass = FileUploadDialog.superClass_; var me = this; superClass.setAcceptHandler.call(this, function(){ var url = $.trim(me.getUrl()); //var description = me.getDescription(); //@todo: have url cleaning code here if (url.length > 0) { me.runPostUploadHandler(url);//, description); me.resetInputs(); } me.hide(); }); superClass.setRejectHandler.call(this, function(){ me.resetInputs(); me.hide(); }); superClass.createDom.call(this); var form = this.makeElement('form'); form.addClass('ajax-file-upload'); form.css('margin-bottom', 0); this.prependContent(form); // Browser native file upload field var upload_input = this.makeElement('input'); upload_input.attr({ id: this._input_id, type: 'file', name: 'file-upload' //size: 26??? }); form.append(upload_input); this._upload_input = upload_input; var fakeInput = this.makeElement('input'); fakeInput.attr('type', 'button'); fakeInput.addClass('submit'); fakeInput.addClass('fake-file-input'); if (this._fileType === 'image') { var buttonText = gettext('Choose an image to insert'); } else { var buttonText = gettext('Choose a file to insert'); } fakeInput.val(buttonText); this._fakeInput = fakeInput; form.append(fakeInput); setupButtonEventHandlers(fakeInput, function() { upload_input.click() }); // Label which will also serve as status display var label = this.makeElement('label'); label.attr('for', this._input_id); var types = askbot['settings']['allowedUploadFileTypes']; types = types.join(', '); label.html(gettext('Allowed file types are:') + ' ' + types + '.'); form.append(label); this._label = label; // The url input text box, probably unused in fact var url_input = new TippedInput(); url_input.setInstruction(this._url_input_tooltip || gettext('Or paste file url here')); var url_input_element = url_input.getElement(); url_input_element.css({ 'width': '200px', 'display': 'none' }); form.append(url_input_element); //form.append($('
')); this._url_input = url_input; /* //Description input box var descr_input = new TippedInput(); descr_input.setInstruction(gettext('Describe the image here')); this.makeElement('input'); form.append(descr_input.getElement()); form.append($('
')); this._description_input = descr_input; */ var spinner = this.makeElement('img'); spinner.attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/ajax-loader.gif')); spinner.css('display', 'none'); spinner.addClass('spinner'); form.append(spinner); this._spinner = spinner; upload_input.change(this.getStartUploadHandler()); }; /** * attaches a modal menu with a text editor * to a link. The modal menu is from bootstrap.js * todo: this should probably be a subclass of ModalDialog, * triggered by a link click, then a whole bunch of methods * would be simply inherited from the modal dialog: * clearMessages, etc. */ var TextPropertyEditor = function(){ WrappedElement.call(this); this._editor = null; }; inherits(TextPropertyEditor, WrappedElement); TextPropertyEditor.prototype.getWidgetData = function(){ var data = this._element.data(); return { object_id: data['objectId'], model_name: data['modelName'], property_name: data['propertyName'], url: data['url'], help_text: data['helpText'], editor_heading: data['editorHeading'] }; }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.makeEditor = function(){ if (this._editor) { return this._editor; } var editor = new ModalDialog(); this._editor = editor; editor.setHeadingText(this.getWidgetData()['editor_heading']); //create main content for the editor var textarea = this.makeElement('textarea'); textarea.addClass('tipped-input blank'); textarea.val(this.getWidgetData()['help_text']); var tipped_input = new TippedInput(); tipped_input.decorate(textarea); this._text_input = tipped_input; editor.setContent(textarea); //body.append(textarea); editor.setAcceptButtonText(gettext('Save')); editor.setRejectButtonText(gettext('Cancel')); var me = this; editor.setAcceptHandler(function(){ me.saveData(); }); $(document).append(editor.getElement()); return editor; }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.openEditor = function(){ this._editor.show(); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.clearMessages = function(){ this._editor.clearMessages() }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.showAlert = function(text){ this._editor.setMessage(text, 'alert'); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.showError = function(text){ this._editor.setMessage(text, 'error'); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.setText = function(text){ this._text_input.setVal(text); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.getText = function(){ return this._text_input.getVal(); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.hideDialog = function(){ this._editor.hide(); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.startOpeningEditor = function(){ var me = this; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', cache: false, url: me.getWidgetData()['url'], data: me.getWidgetData(), success: function(data){ if (data['success']) { me.makeEditor(); me.setText($.trim(data['text'])); me.openEditor(); } else { showMessage(me.getElement(), data['message']); } } }); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.saveData = function(){ var data = this.getWidgetData(); data['text'] = this.getText(); var me = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', cache: false, url: me.getWidgetData()['url'], data: data, success: function(data) { if (data['success']) { me.showAlert(gettext('saved')); setTimeout(function(){ me.clearMessages(); me.hideDialog(); }, 1000); } else { me.showError(data['message']); } } }); }; TextPropertyEditor.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; var me = this; setupButtonEventHandlers(element, function(){ me.startOpeningEditor() }); }; /** * A button on which user can click * and become added to some group (followers, group members, etc.) * or toggle some state on/off * The button has four states on-prompt, off-prompt, on-state and off-state * on-prompt is activated on mouseover, when user is not part of group * off-prompt - on mouseover, when user is part of group * on-state - when user is part of group and mouse is not over the button * off-state - same as above, but when user is not part of the group */ var TwoStateToggle = function(){ SimpleControl.call(this); this._state = null; this._state_messages = {}; this._states = [ 'on-state', 'off-state', 'on-prompt', 'off-prompt' ]; this._handler = this.getDefaultHandler(); this._post_data = {}; this.toggleUrl = '';//public property }; inherits(TwoStateToggle, SimpleControl); TwoStateToggle.prototype.setPostData = function(data){ this._post_data = data; }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.getPostData = function(){ return this._post_data; }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.resetStyles = function(){ var element = this._element; var states = this._states; $.each(states, function(idx, state){ element.removeClass(state); }); this._element.html(''); }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.isOn = function(){ return this._element.hasClass('on'); }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.getDefaultHandler = function(){ var me = this; return function(){ var data = me.getPostData(); data['disable'] = me.isOn(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', cache: false, url: me.toggleUrl, data: data, success: function(data) { if (data['success']) { if ( data['is_enabled'] ) { me.setState('on-state'); } else { me.setState('off-state'); } } else { showMessage(me.getElement(), data['message']); } } }); }; }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.isCheckBox = function(){ var element = this._element; return element.attr('type') === 'checkbox'; }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.setState = function(state){ var element = this._element; this._state = state; if (element) { this.resetStyles(); element.addClass(state); if (state === 'on-state') { element.addClass('on'); } else if (state === 'off-state') { element.removeClass('on'); } if ( this.isCheckBox() ) { if (state === 'on-state') { element.attr('checked', true); } else if (state === 'off-state') { element.attr('checked', false); } } else { this._element.html(this._state_messages[state]); } } }; TwoStateToggle.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; //read messages for all states var messages = {}; messages['on-state'] = element.attr('data-on-state-text') || gettext('enabled'); messages['off-state'] = element.attr('data-off-state-text') || gettext('disabled'); messages['on-prompt'] = element.attr('data-on-prompt-text') || messages['on-state']; messages['off-prompt'] = element.attr('data-off-prompt-text') || messages['off-state']; this._state_messages = messages; this.toggleUrl = element.attr('data-toggle-url'); //detect state and save it if (this.isCheckBox()) { this._state = element.attr('checked') ? 'state-on' : 'state-off'; } else { var text = $.trim(element.html()); for (var i = 0; i < this._states.length; i++){ var state = this._states[i]; if (text === messages[state]){ this._state = state; break; } } } //set mouseover handler var me = this; element.mouseover(function(){ var is_on = me.isOn(); if (is_on){ me.setState('off-prompt'); } else { me.setState('on-prompt'); } //element.css('background-color', 'red'); return false; }); element.mouseout(function(){ var is_on = me.isOn(); if (is_on){ me.setState('on-state'); } else { me.setState('off-state'); } //element.css('background-color', 'white'); return false; }); setupButtonEventHandlers(element, this.getHandler()); }; /** * @contstructor * a simple dropdown select element * which saves data to the server on change */ var DropdownSelect = function() { WrappedElement.call(this); }; inherits(DropdownSelect, WrappedElement); DropdownSelect.prototype.setPostData = function(data) { this._postData = data; }; /** * posts value of selection to the url given * with data-url and parameter called "value" */ DropdownSelect.prototype.saveChoice = function() { var element = this._element; var url = this._url; var data = this._postData; data['value'] = element.val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: data, cache: false, url: url, success: function(data) { if (!data['success']) { showMessage(element, data['message']); } } }); }; DropdownSelect.prototype.decorate = function(element) { this._element = element; this._url = $(element).data('url'); var me = this; this._element.change(function() { me.saveChoice(); }); }; var BoxItemContent = function() { SimpleContent.call(this); }; inherits(BoxItemContent, SimpleContent); /** * @override to allow for more complex content */ BoxItemContent.prototype.setName = function(name) { BoxItemContent.superClass_.setContent.call(this, name); }; BoxItemContent.prototype.getName = function() { return BoxItemContent.superClass_.getContent.call(this); }; /** * @constructor * an item used for the select box described below */ var SelectBoxItem = function() { Widget.call(this); this._id = null; this._name = null; this._description = null; this._content_class = BoxItemContent;//default expects a single text node //content element - instance of this._content_class this._content = undefined; this._selector = undefined;//the selector object }; inherits(SelectBoxItem, Widget); SelectBoxItem.prototype.setId = function(id) { this._id = id; if (this._element) { this._element.data('itemId', id); } }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.getId = function() { return this._id; }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.setName = function(name) { this._name = name; if (this._content) { this._content.setName(name); } }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.setDescription = function(description) { this._description = description; if (this._element) { this._element.data('originalTitle'); } }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.getData = function () { //todo: stuck using old key names, change after merge //with the user-groups branch return { id: this._id, title: this._name, details: this._description }; }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.setSelector = function(sel) { this._selector = sel; }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.getSelector = function(sel) { return this._selector; }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.getContent = function() { return this._content; }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.isSelected = function() { return this._element.hasClass('selected'); }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.setSelected = function(is_selected) { if (is_selected) { this._element.addClass('selected'); } else { this._element.removeClass('selected'); } } SelectBoxItem.prototype.detach = function() { this._element.detach(); }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.createDom = function() { var elem = this.makeElement('li'); this._element = elem; elem.data('itemId', this._id); elem.data('itemOriginalTitle', this._description); var content = new this._content_class(); content.setName(this._name); elem.append(content.getElement()); this._content = content; } /** * this method sets css class to the item's DOM element */ SelectBoxItem.prototype.addCssClass = function(css_class) { this._element.addClass(css_class); }; SelectBoxItem.prototype.decorate = function(element) { this._element = element; //set id and description this._id = element.data('itemId'); this._description = element.data('originalTitle'); //work on setting name var content_source = element.contents().detach(); var content = new this._content_class(); //assume that we want first node only content.setContent(content_source[0]); this._content = content; this._name = content.getName();//allows to abstract from structure this._element.append(content.getElement()); }; /** * A list of items from where one can be selected */ var SelectBox = function(){ Widget.call(this); this._items = []; this._select_handler = function(){};//empty default this._is_editable = false; this._item_class = SelectBoxItem; }; inherits(SelectBox, Widget); SelectBox.prototype.setItemClass = function(itemClass) { this._item_class = itemClass; }; SelectBox.prototype.setEditable = function(is_editable) { this._is_editable = is_editable; }; SelectBox.prototype.isEditable = function() { return this._is_editable; }; SelectBox.prototype.detachAllItems = function() { var items = this._items; $.each(items, function(idx, item){ item.detach(); }); this._items = []; }; SelectBox.prototype.getItem = function(id){ var items = this._items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].getId() === id) { return items[i]; } } return undefined; }; SelectBox.prototype.getItemByIndex = function(idx) { return this._items[idx]; }; /** * removes all items */ SelectBox.prototype.empty = function() { var items = this._items; $.each(items, function(idx, item){ item.dispose(); }); this._items = []; }; /* * why do we have these two almost identical methods? * the difference seems to be remove/vs fade out */ SelectBox.prototype.removeItem = function(id){ var item = this.getItem(id); item.getElement().fadeOut(); item.dispose(); var idx = $.inArray(item, this._items); if (idx !== -1) { this._items.splice(idx, 1); } }; SelectBox.prototype.deleteItem = function(id) { var item = this.getItem(id); if (item === undefined) { return; } item.dispose(); var idx = $.inArray(item, this._items); if (idx !== -1) { this._items.splice(idx, 1); } }; SelectBox.prototype.createItem = function() { return new this._item_class(); }; SelectBox.prototype.getItemIndex = function(item) { var idx = $.inArray(item, this._items); if (idx === -1) { throw "index error"; } return idx; }; SelectBox.prototype.addItemObject = function(item) { this._items.push(item); this._element.append(item.getElement()); this.selectItem(item); item.setSelector(this); //set event handler var me = this; setupButtonEventHandlers( item.getElement(), me.getSelectHandler(item) ); }; /** @todo: rename to setItem?? have a problem when id's are all say 0 */ SelectBox.prototype.addItem = function(id, name, description){ if (this.hasElement() === false) { return; } //delete old item this.deleteItem(id); //create new item var item = this.createItem(); item.setId(id); item.setName(name); item.setDescription(description); //add item to the SelectBox this.addItemObject(item); return item; }; SelectBox.prototype.getSelectedItem = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { var item = this._items[i]; if (item.isSelected()) { return item; } } return undefined; }; SelectBox.prototype.getSelectedItemData = function() { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); if (item) { return item.getData() || undefined; } else { return undefined; } }; SelectBox.prototype.selectItem = function(item){ this.clearSelection(); item.setSelected(true); }; SelectBox.prototype.clearSelection = function(){ $.each(this._items, function(idx, item) { item.setSelected(false); }); }; SelectBox.prototype.setSelectHandler = function(handler) { this._select_handler = handler; }; SelectBox.prototype.getSelectHandler = function(item) { var me = this; var handler = this._select_handler; return function(){ me.selectItem(item); handler(item.getData()); }; }; SelectBox.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; var me = this; var box_items = this._items; var item_elements = this._element.find('.select-box-item'); item_elements.each(function(idx, item_element){ var item = me.createItem(); item.decorate($(item_element)); box_items.push(item); setupButtonEventHandlers( item.getElement(), me.getSelectHandler(item) ); }); }; SelectBox.prototype.createDom = function() { var element = this.makeElement('ul'); this._element = element; element.addClass('select-box'); }; /** * This is a dropdown list elment */ var GroupDropdown = function(groups){ WrappedElement.call(this); this._group_list = groups; }; inherits(GroupDropdown, WrappedElement); GroupDropdown.prototype.createDom = function(){ this._element = this.makeElement('ul'); this._element.attr('class', 'dropdown-menu'); this._element.attr('id', 'groups-dropdown'); this._element.attr('role', 'menu'); this._element.attr('aria-labelledby', 'navGroups'); this._input_box = new TippedInput(); this._input_box.setInstruction(gettext('group name')); this._input_box.createDom(); this._input_box_element = this._input_box.getElement(); this._input_box_element.attr('class', 'group-name'); this._input_box_element.hide(); this._add_link = this.makeElement('a'); this._add_link.attr('href', '#'); this._add_link.attr('class', 'group-name'); this._add_link.text(gettext('add new group')); for (var i=0; i valB) ? 1: 0; } ); //a dramatic effect li.fadeIn(); //4) reinsert the first and last elements of the list: this._element.prepend(everyoneGroup); this._element.append(divider); this._element.append(groupAdder); }; GroupDropdown.prototype.setState = function(state) { if (state === 'display') { this._input_box_element.hide(); this._add_link.show(); } }; GroupDropdown.prototype.hasGroup = function(groupName) { var items = this._element.find('li'); for (var i=1; i < items.length - 1; i++) { var cGroupName = $(items[i]).find('a').text(); if (cGroupName.toLowerCase() === groupName.toLowerCase()) { return true; } } return false; }; GroupDropdown.prototype._add_group_handler = function(group_name){ var group_name = this._input_box_element.val(); var me = this; if (!group_name){ return; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: askbot['urls']['add_group'], data: {group: group_name}, success: function(data){ if (data['success']){ var groupName = data['group_name']; if (me.hasGroup(groupName)) { var message = interpolate(gettext( 'Group %(name)s already exists. Group names are case-insensitive.' ), {'name': groupName}, true ); notify.show(message); return false; } else { me.insertGroup(data['group_name'], data['url']); me.setState('display'); return true; } } else{ notify.show(data['message']); return false; } }, error: function(){console.log('error');} }); }; GroupDropdown.prototype.enableAddGroups = function(){ var self = this; this._add_link.click(function(){ self._add_link.hide(); self._input_box_element.show(); self._input_box_element.focus(); }); this._input_box_element.keydown(function(event){ if (event.which == 13 || event.keyCode==13){ self._add_group_handler(); self._input_box_element.val(''); } }); var divider = this.makeElement('li'); divider.attr('class', 'divider'); this._element.append(divider); var container = this.makeElement('li'); container.append(this._add_link); container.append(this._input_box_element); this._element.append(container); }; var Tag = function(){ SimpleControl.call(this); this._deletable = false; this._delete_handler = null; this._delete_icon_title = null; this._tag_title = null; this._name = null; this._url_params = null; this._inner_html_tag = 'a'; this._html_tag = 'li'; } inherits(Tag, SimpleControl); Tag.prototype.setName = function(name){ this._name = name; }; Tag.prototype.getName = function(){ return this._name; }; Tag.prototype.setHtmlTag = function(html_tag){ this._html_tag = html_tag; }; Tag.prototype.setDeletable = function(is_deletable){ this._deletable = is_deletable; }; Tag.prototype.setLinkable = function(is_linkable){ if (is_linkable === true){ this._inner_html_tag = 'a'; } else { this._inner_html_tag = 'span'; } }; Tag.prototype.isLinkable = function(){ return (this._inner_html_tag === 'a'); }; Tag.prototype.isDeletable = function(){ return this._deletable; }; Tag.prototype.isWildcard = function(){ return (this.getName().substr(-1) === '*'); }; Tag.prototype.setUrlParams = function(url_params){ this._url_params = url_params; }; Tag.prototype.setHandlerInternal = function(){ setupButtonEventHandlers(this._element.find('.tag'), this._handler); }; /* delete handler will be specific to the task */ Tag.prototype.setDeleteHandler = function(delete_handler){ this._delete_handler = delete_handler; if (this.hasElement() && this.isDeletable()){ this._delete_icon.setHandler(delete_handler); } }; Tag.prototype.getDeleteHandler = function(){ return this._delete_handler; }; Tag.prototype.setDeleteIconTitle = function(title){ this._delete_icon_title = title; }; Tag.prototype.decorate = function(element){ this._element = element; var del = element.find('.delete-icon'); if (del.length === 1){ this.setDeletable(true); this._delete_icon = new DeleteIcon(); if (this._delete_icon_title != null){ this._delete_icon.setTitle(this._delete_icon_title); } //do not set the delete handler here this._delete_icon.decorate(del); } this._inner_element = this._element.find('.tag'); this._name = this.decodeTagName( $.trim(this._inner_element.attr('data-tag-name')) ); if (this._title !== null){ this._inner_element.attr('title', this._title); } if (this._handler !== null){ this.setHandlerInternal(); } }; Tag.prototype.getDisplayTagName = function(){ //replaces the trailing * symbol with the unicode asterisk return this._name.replace(/\*$/, '✽'); }; Tag.prototype.decodeTagName = function(encoded_name){ return encoded_name.replace('\u273d', '*'); }; Tag.prototype.createDom = function(){ this._element = this.makeElement(this._html_tag); //render the outer element if (this._deletable){ this._element.addClass('deletable-tag'); } this._element.addClass('tag-left'); //render the inner element this._inner_element = this.makeElement(this._inner_html_tag); if (this.isLinkable()){ var url = askbot['urls']['questions']; var flag = false var author = '' if (this._url_params){ url += QSutils.add_search_tag(this._url_params, this.getName()); } this._inner_element.attr('href', url); } this._inner_element.addClass('tag tag-right'); this._inner_element.attr('rel', 'tag'); if (this._title === null){ this.setTitle( interpolate(gettext("see questions tagged '%s'"), [this.getName()]) ); } this._inner_element.attr('title', this._title); this._inner_element.html(this.getDisplayTagName()); this._inner_element.data('tagName', this.getName()); this._element.append(this._inner_element); if (!this.isLinkable() && this._handler !== null){ this.setHandlerInternal(); } if (this._deletable){ this._delete_icon = new DeleteIcon(); this._delete_icon.setHandler(this.getDeleteHandler()); if (this._delete_icon_title !== null){ this._delete_icon.setTitle(this._delete_icon_title); } var del_icon_elem = this._delete_icon.getElement(); del_icon_elem.text('x'); // HACK by Tomasz this._element.append(del_icon_elem); } }; //Search Engine Keyword Highlight with Javascript //http://scott.yang.id.au/code/se-hilite/ Hilite={elementid:"content",exact:true,max_nodes:1000,onload:true,style_name:"hilite",style_name_suffix:true,debug_referrer:""};Hilite.search_engines=[["local","q"],["cnprog\\.","q"],["google\\.","q"],["search\\.yahoo\\.","p"],["search\\.msn\\.","q"],["search\\.live\\.","query"],["search\\.aol\\.","userQuery"],["ask\\.com","q"],["altavista\\.","q"],["feedster\\.","q"],["search\\.lycos\\.","q"],["alltheweb\\.","q"],["technorati\\.com/search/([^\\?/]+)",1],["dogpile\\.com/info\\.dogpl/search/web/([^\\?/]+)",1,true]];Hilite.decodeReferrer=function(d){var g=null;var e=new RegExp("");for(var c=0;c2&&f[2]){a=decodeURIComponent(a)}a=a.replace(/\'|"/g,"");a=a.split(/[\s,\+\.]+/);return a}break}}return null};Hilite.decodeReferrerQS=function(f,d){var b=f.indexOf("?");var c;if(b>=0){var a=new String(f.substring(b+1));b=0;c=0;while((b>=0)&&((c=a.indexOf("=",b))>=0)){var e,g;e=a.substring(b,c);b=a.indexOf("&",c)+1;if(e==d){if(b<=0){return a.substring(c+1)}else{return a.substring(c+1,b-1)}}else{if(b<=0){return null}}}}return null};Hilite.hiliteElement=function(f,e){if(!e||f.childNodes.length==0){return}var c=new Array();for(var b=0;b0){c++;if(c>=Hilite.max_nodes){var b=function(){Hilite.walkElements(d,f,e)};setTimeout(b,50);return}if(d.nodeType==1){if(!a.test(d.tagName)&&d.childNodes.length>0){d=d.childNodes[0];f++;continue}}else{if(d.nodeType==3){d=e(d)}}if(d.nextSibling){d=d.nextSibling}else{while(f>0){d=d.parentNode;f--;if(d.nextSibling){d=d.nextSibling;break}}}}};if(Hilite.onload){if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",Hilite.hilite)}else{if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",Hilite.hilite,false)}else{var __onload=window.onload;window.onload=function(){Hilite.hilite();__onload()}}}}; if(!this.JSON){this.JSON={}}(function(){function f(n){return n<10?"0"+n:n}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=="function"){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+f(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+f(this.getUTCHours())+":"+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+"Z":null};String.prototype.toJSON=Number.prototype.toJSON=Boolean.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return this.valueOf()}}var cx=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,escapable=/[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,gap,indent,meta={"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"},rep;function quote(string){escapable.lastIndex=0;return escapable.test(string)?'"'+string.replace(escapable,function(a){var c=meta[a];return typeof c==="string"?c:"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+string+'"'}function str(key,holder){var i,k,v,length,mind=gap,partial,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==="object"&&typeof value.toJSON==="function"){value=value.toJSON(key)}if(typeof rep==="function"){value=rep.call(holder,key,value)}switch(typeof value){case"string":return quote(value);case"number":return isFinite(value)?String(value):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(value);case"object":if(!value){return"null"}gap+=indent;partial=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)==="[object Array]"){length=value.length;for(i=0;i
').hide(); if (this.options.resultsClass) { this._results.addClass(this.options.resultsClass); } this._results.css({ position: 'absolute' }); $('body').append(this._results); this.setEventHandlers(); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setPrompt = function() { this._element.val(this.options['promptText']); this._element.addClass('prompt'); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.removePrompt = function() { if (this._element.hasClass('prompt')) { this._element.removeClass('prompt'); var val = this._element.val(); if (val === this.options['promptText']) { this._element.val(''); } } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setEventHandlers = function(){ /** * Shortcut to self */ var self = this; /** * Attach keyboard monitoring to $elem */ self._element.keydown(function(e) { self.removePrompt(); self.lastKeyPressed_ = e.keyCode; switch(self.lastKeyPressed_) { case 38: // up e.preventDefault(); if (self.active_) { self.focusPrev(); } else { self.activate(); } return false; break; case 40: // down e.preventDefault(); if (self.active_) { self.focusNext(); } else { self.activate(); } return false; break; case 9: // tab case 13: // return if (self.active_) { e.preventDefault(); self.selectCurrent(); return false; } break; case 27: // escape if ($.trim(self._element.val()) === '') { self._element.blur(); return false; } if (self.active_) { e.preventDefault(); self.finish(); return false; } break; default: self.activate(); } }); self._element.focus(function() { self.removePrompt(); }); self._element.blur(function() { if ($.trim(self._element.val()) === '') { self.setPrompt(); self._results.hide(); return true; } if (self.finishOnBlur_) { setTimeout(function() { self.finish(); }, 200); } }); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.position = function() { var offset = this._element.offset(); this._results.css({ top: offset.top + this._element.outerHeight(), left: offset.left }); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.cacheRead = function(filter) { var filterLength, searchLength, search, maxPos, pos; if (this.options.useCache) { filter = String(filter); filterLength = filter.length; if (this.options.matchSubset) { searchLength = 1; } else { searchLength = filterLength; } while (searchLength <= filterLength) { if (this.options.matchInside) { maxPos = filterLength - searchLength; } else { maxPos = 0; } pos = 0; while (pos <= maxPos) { search = filter.substr(0, searchLength); if (this.cacheData_[search] !== undefined) { return this.cacheData_[search]; } pos++; } searchLength++; } } return false; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.cacheWrite = function(filter, data) { if (this.options.useCache) { if (this.cacheLength_ >= this.options.maxCacheLength) { this.cacheFlush(); } filter = String(filter); if (this.cacheData_[filter] !== undefined) { this.cacheLength_++; } return this.cacheData_[filter] = data; } return false; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.cacheFlush = function() { this.cacheData_ = {}; this.cacheLength_ = 0; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.callHook = function(hook, data) { var f = this.options[hook]; if (f && $.isFunction(f)) { return f(data, this); } return false; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.activate = function() { var self = this; var activateNow = function() { self.activateNow(); }; var delay = parseInt(this.options.delay, 10); if (isNaN(delay) || delay <= 0) { delay = 250; } if (this.keyTimeout_) { clearTimeout(this.keyTimeout_); } this.keyTimeout_ = setTimeout(activateNow, delay); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.activateNow = function() { if (this._isRunning) { return; } var value = this.getValue(); if (value.length === 0) { this.finish(); } if (value !== this.lastProcessedValue_ && value !== this.lastSelectedValue_) { if (value.length >= this.options.minChars) { this.active_ = true; this.lastProcessedValue_ = value; this.fetchData(value); } } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setIsRunning = function(isRunning) { this._isRunning = isRunning; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.fetchData = function(value) { var self = this; this.fetchRemoteData(value, function(remoteData) { self.filterAndShowResults(remoteData, value); }); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.fetchRemoteData = function(filter, callback) { var data = this.cacheRead(filter); if (data) { callback(data); } else { var self = this; if (this._element){ this._element.addClass(this.options.loadingClass); } var ajaxCallback = function(data) { var parsed = false; if (data !== false) { parsed = self.parseRemoteData(data); self.options.data = parsed;//cache data forever - E.F. self.cacheWrite(filter, parsed); } if (self._element){ self._element.removeClass(self.options.loadingClass); } callback(parsed); }; $.ajax({ url: this.makeUrl(filter), success: function(data) { ajaxCallback(data); self.setIsRunning(false); //if query changed - rerun the search immediately var newQuery = self.getValue(); if (newQuery && newQuery !== filter) { self.activateNow(); } }, error: function() { ajaxCallback(false); self.setIsRunning(false); } }); self.setIsRunning(true); } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setOption = function(name, value){ this.options[name] = value; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setExtraParam = function(name, value) { var index = $.trim(String(name)); if (index) { if (!this.options.extraParams) { this.options.extraParams = {}; } if (this.options.extraParams[index] !== value) { this.options.extraParams[index] = value; this.cacheFlush(); } } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.makeUrl = function(param) { var self = this; var url = this.options.url; var params = $.extend({}, this.options.extraParams); // If options.queryParamName === false, append query to url // instead of using a GET parameter if (this.options.queryParamName === false) { url += encodeURIComponent(param); } else { params[this.options.queryParamName] = param; } if (this.options.limitParamName && this.options.maxItemsToShow) { params[this.options.limitParamName] = this.options.maxItemsToShow; } var urlAppend = []; $.each(params, function(index, value) { urlAppend.push(self.makeUrlParam(index, value)); }); if (urlAppend.length) { url += url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&'; url += urlAppend.join('&'); } return url; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.makeUrlParam = function(name, value) { return String(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); }; /** * Sanitize CR and LF, then split into lines */ AutoCompleter.prototype.splitText = function(text) { return String(text).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n').split(this.options.lineSeparator); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.parseRemoteData = function(remoteData) { var value, lines, i, j, data; var results = []; var lines = this.splitText(remoteData); for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i].split(this.options.cellSeparator); data = []; for (j = 0; j < line.length; j++) { data.push(unescape(line[j])); } value = data.shift(); results.push({ value: unescape(value), data: data }); } return results; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.filterAndShowResults = function(results, filter) { this.showResults(this.filterResults(results, filter), filter); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.filterResults = function(results, filter) { var filtered = []; var value, data, i, result, type, include; var regex, pattern, testValue; for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { result = results[i]; type = typeof result; if (type === 'string') { value = result; data = {}; } else if ($.isArray(result)) { value = result[0]; data = result.slice(1); } else if (type === 'object') { value = result.value; data = result.data; } value = String(value); if (value > '') { if (typeof data !== 'object') { data = {}; } if (this.options.filterResults) { pattern = String(filter); testValue = String(value); if (!this.options.matchCase) { pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); testValue = testValue.toLowerCase(); } include = testValue.indexOf(pattern); if (this.options.matchInside) { include = include > -1; } else { include = include === 0; } } else { include = true; } if (include) { filtered.push({ value: value, data: data }); } } } if (this.options.sortResults) { filtered = this.sortResults(filtered, filter); } if (this.options.maxItemsToShow > 0 && this.options.maxItemsToShow < filtered.length) { filtered.length = this.options.maxItemsToShow; } return filtered; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.sortResults = function(results, filter) { var self = this; var sortFunction = this.options.sortFunction; if (!$.isFunction(sortFunction)) { sortFunction = function(a, b, f) { return self.sortValueAlpha(a, b, f); }; } results.sort(function(a, b) { return sortFunction(a, b, filter); }); return results; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.sortValueAlpha = function(a, b, filter) { a = String(a.value); b = String(b.value); if (!this.options.matchCase) { a = a.toLowerCase(); b = b.toLowerCase(); } if (a > b) { return 1; } if (a < b) { return -1; } return 0; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.showResults = function(results, filter) { var self = this; var $ul = $(''); var i, result, $li, extraWidth, first = false, $first = false; var numResults = results.length; for (i = 0; i < numResults; i++) { result = results[i]; $li = $('
  • ' + this.showResult(result.value, result.data) + '
  • '); $li.data('value', result.value); $li.data('data', result.data); $li.click(function() { var $this = $(this); self.selectItem($this); }).mousedown(function() { self.finishOnBlur_ = false; }).mouseup(function() { self.finishOnBlur_ = true; }); $ul.append($li); if (first === false) { first = String(result.value); $first = $li; $li.addClass(this.options.firstItemClass); } if (i == numResults - 1) { $li.addClass(this.options.lastItemClass); } } // Alway recalculate position before showing since window size or // input element location may have changed. This fixes #14 this.position(); this._results.html($ul).show(); extraWidth = this._results.outerWidth() - this._results.width(); this._results.width(this._element.outerWidth() - extraWidth); $('li', this._results).hover( function() { self.focusItem(this); }, function() { /* void */ } ); if (this.autoFill(first, filter)) { this.focusItem($first); } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.showResult = function(value, data) { if ($.isFunction(this.options.showResult)) { return this.options.showResult(value, data); } else { return value; } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.autoFill = function(value, filter) { var lcValue, lcFilter, valueLength, filterLength; if (this.options.autoFill && this.lastKeyPressed_ != 8) { lcValue = String(value).toLowerCase(); lcFilter = String(filter).toLowerCase(); valueLength = value.length; filterLength = filter.length; if (lcValue.substr(0, filterLength) === lcFilter) { this._element.val(value); this.selectRange(filterLength, valueLength); return true; } } return false; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.focusNext = function() { this.focusMove(+1); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.focusPrev = function() { this.focusMove(-1); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.focusMove = function(modifier) { var i, $items = $('li', this._results); modifier = parseInt(modifier, 10); for (var i = 0; i < $items.length; i++) { if ($($items[i]).hasClass(this.selectClass_)) { this.focusItem(i + modifier); return; } } this.focusItem(0); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.focusItem = function(item) { var $item, $items = $('li', this._results); if ($items.length) { $items.removeClass(this.selectClass_).removeClass(this.options.selectClass); if (typeof item === 'number') { item = parseInt(item, 10); if (item < 0) { item = 0; } else if (item >= $items.length) { item = $items.length - 1; } $item = $($items[item]); } else { $item = $(item); } if ($item) { $item.addClass(this.selectClass_).addClass(this.options.selectClass); } } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.selectCurrent = function() { var $item = $('li.' + this.selectClass_, this._results); if ($item.length == 1) { this.selectItem($item); } else { this.finish(); } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.selectItem = function($li) { var value = $li.data('value'); var data = $li.data('data'); var displayValue = this.displayValue(value, data); this.lastProcessedValue_ = displayValue; this.lastSelectedValue_ = displayValue; this.setValue(displayValue); this.setCaret(displayValue.length); this.callHook('onItemSelect', { value: value, data: data }); this.finish(); }; /** * @return {boolean} true if the symbol matches something that is * considered content and false otherwise * @param {string} symbol - a single char string */ AutoCompleter.prototype.isContentChar = function(symbol){ if (this.options['stopCharRegex'] && symbol.match(this.options['stopCharRegex'])){ return false; } else if (symbol === this.options['multipleSeparator']){ return false; } else { return true; } }; /** * takes value from the input box * and saves _selection_start and _selection_end coordinates * respects settings autocompleteMultiple and * multipleSeparator * @return {string} the current word in the * autocompletable word */ AutoCompleter.prototype.getValue = function(){ if (this._element === undefined) { return ''; } var sel = this._element.getSelection(); var text = this._element.val(); var pos = sel.start;//estimated start //find real start var start = pos; for (cpos = pos; cpos >= 0; cpos = cpos - 1){ if (cpos === text.length){ continue; } var symbol = text.charAt(cpos); if (!this.isContentChar(symbol)){ break; } start = cpos; } //find real end var end = pos; for (cpos = pos; cpos < text.length; cpos = cpos + 1){ if (cpos === 0){ continue; } var symbol = text.charAt(cpos); if (!this.isContentChar(symbol)){ break; } end = cpos; } this._selection_start = start; this._selection_end = end; return text.substring(start, end); } /** * sets value of the input box * by replacing the previous selection * with the value from the autocompleter */ AutoCompleter.prototype.setValue = function(val){ var prefix = this._element.val().substring(0, this._selection_start); var postfix = this._element.val().substring(this._selection_end + 1); this._element.val(prefix + val + postfix); }; AutoCompleter.prototype.displayValue = function(value, data) { if ($.isFunction(this.options.displayValue)) { return this.options.displayValue(value, data); } else { return value; } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.finish = function() { if (this.keyTimeout_) { clearTimeout(this.keyTimeout_); } if (this._element.val() !== this.lastSelectedValue_) { if (this.options.mustMatch) { this._element.val(''); } this.callHook('onNoMatch'); } this._results.hide(); this.lastKeyPressed_ = null; this.lastProcessedValue_ = null; if (this.active_) { this.callHook('onFinish'); } this.active_ = false; }; AutoCompleter.prototype.selectRange = function(start, end) { var input = this._element.get(0); if (input.setSelectionRange) { input.focus(); input.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (this.createTextRange) { var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', end); range.moveStart('character', start); range.select(); } }; AutoCompleter.prototype.setCaret = function(pos) { this.selectRange(pos, pos); }; (function($){function isRGBACapable(){var $script=$("script:first"),color=$script.css("color"),result=false;if(/^rgba/.test(color)){result=true}else{try{result=(color!=$script.css("color","rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)").css("color"));$script.css("color",color)}catch(e){}}return result}$.extend(true,$,{support:{rgba:isRGBACapable()}});var properties=["color","backgroundColor","borderBottomColor","borderLeftColor","borderRightColor","borderTopColor","outlineColor"];$.each(properties,function(i,property){$.fx.step[property]=function(fx){if(!fx.init){fx.begin=parseColor($(fx.elem).css(property));fx.end=parseColor(fx.end);fx.init=true}fx.elem.style[property]=calculateColor(fx.begin,fx.end,fx.pos)}});$.fx.step.borderColor=function(fx){if(!fx.init){fx.end=parseColor(fx.end)}var borders=properties.slice(2,6);$.each(borders,function(i,property){if(!fx.init){fx[property]={begin:parseColor($(fx.elem).css(property))}}fx.elem.style[property]=calculateColor(fx[property].begin,fx.end,fx.pos)});fx.init=true};function calculateColor(begin,end,pos){var color="rgb"+($.support.rgba?"a":"")+"("+parseInt((begin[0]+pos*(end[0]-begin[0])),10)+","+parseInt((begin[1]+pos*(end[1]-begin[1])),10)+","+parseInt((begin[2]+pos*(end[2]-begin[2])),10);if($.support.rgba){color+=","+(begin&&end?parseFloat(begin[3]+pos*(end[3]-begin[3])):1)}color+=")";return color}function parseColor(color){var match,triplet;if(match=/#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/.exec(color)){triplet=[parseInt(match[1],16),parseInt(match[2],16),parseInt(match[3],16),1]}else{if(match=/#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/.exec(color)){triplet=[parseInt(match[1],16)*17,parseInt(match[2],16)*17,parseInt(match[3],16)*17,1]}else{if(match=/rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)){triplet=[parseInt(match[1]),parseInt(match[2]),parseInt(match[3]),1]}else{if(match=/rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9\.]*)\s*\)/.exec(color)){triplet=[parseInt(match[1],10),parseInt(match[2],10),parseInt(match[3],10),parseFloat(match[4])]}else{if(color=="transparent"){triplet=[0,0,0,0]}}}}}return triplet}})(jQuery); /** * Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically * updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago"). * * @name timeago * @version 0.11.1 * @requires jQuery v1.2.3+ * @author Ryan McGeary * @license MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * For usage and examples, visit: * http://timeago.yarp.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Ryan McGeary (ryanonjavascript -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org) */ (function($) { $.timeago = function(timestamp) { if (timestamp instanceof Date) { return inWords(timestamp); } else if (typeof timestamp === "string") { return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp)); } else { return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp)); } }; var $t = $.timeago; $.extend($.timeago, { settings: { refreshMillis: 60000, allowFuture: false, strings: { prefixAgo: null, prefixFromNow: null, suffixAgo: gettext("ago"), suffixFromNow: gettext("from now"), seconds: gettext("just now"), minute: gettext("about a minute"), minutes: gettext("%d minutes"), hour: gettext("about an hour"), hours: gettext("%d hours"), day: gettext("yesterday"), days: gettext("%d days"), month: gettext("about a month"), months: gettext("%d months"), year: gettext("about a year"), years: gettext("%d years"), wordSeparator: " ", numbers: [] } }, inWords: function(distanceMillis) { var $l = this.settings.strings; var prefix = $l.prefixAgo; var suffix = $l.suffixAgo; if (this.settings.allowFuture) { if (distanceMillis < 0) { prefix = $l.prefixFromNow; suffix = $l.suffixFromNow; } } var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000; var minutes = seconds / 60; var hours = minutes / 60; var days = hours / 24; var years = days / 365; function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) { var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction; var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number; return string.replace(/%d/i, value); } var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) || seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) || minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) || minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) || hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) || hours < 42 && substitute($l.day, 1) || days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.round(days)) || days < 45 && substitute($l.month, 1) || days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.round(days / 30)) || years < 1.5 && substitute($l.year, 1) || substitute($l.years, Math.round(years)); var separator = $l.wordSeparator === undefined ? " " : $l.wordSeparator; return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(separator)); }, parse: function(iso8601) { var s = $.trim(iso8601); s = s.replace(/\.\d\d\d+/,""); // remove milliseconds s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/"); s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC"); s = s.replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400 return new Date(s); }, datetime: function(elem) { // jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IE var isTime = $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time"); var iso8601 = isTime ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title"); return $t.parse(iso8601); } }); $.fn.timeago = function() { var self = this; self.each(refresh); var $s = $t.settings; if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) { setInterval(function() { self.each(refresh); }, $s.refreshMillis); } return self; }; function refresh() { var data = prepareData(this); if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) { $(this).text(inWords(data.datetime)); } return this; } function prepareData(element) { element = $(element); if (!element.data("timeago")) { element.data("timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) }); var text = $.trim(element.text()); if (text.length > 0) { element.attr("title", text); } } return element.data("timeago"); } function inWords(date) { var distanceMillis = distance(date); var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000; var minutes = seconds / 60; var hours = minutes / 60; var days = hours / 24; var years = days / 365; var months = [ gettext('Jan'), gettext('Feb'), gettext('Mar'), gettext('Apr'), gettext('May'), gettext('Jun'), gettext('Jul'), gettext('Aug'), gettext('Sep'), gettext('Oct'), gettext('Nov'), gettext('Dec') ]; //todo: rewrite this in javascript if (days > 2){ var month_date = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() if (years == 0){ //how to do this in js??? return month_date; } else { return month_date + ' ' + "'" + date.getYear() % 20; } } else if (days == 2) { return gettext('2 days ago') } else if (days == 1) { return gettext('yesterday') } else if (minutes >= 60) { var wholeHours = Math.floor(hours); return interpolate( ngettext( '%s hour ago', '%s hours ago', wholeHours ), [wholeHours,] ) } else if (seconds > 90){ var wholeMinutes = Math.floor(minutes); return interpolate( ngettext( '%s min ago', '%s mins ago', wholeMinutes ), [wholeMinutes,] ) } else { return gettext('just now') } } function distance(date) { return (new Date() - date); } // fix for IE6 suckage document.createElement("abbr"); document.createElement("time"); }(jQuery));