from askbot import startup_procedures from django.contrib.auth.models import User #set up a possibility for the users to follow others try: import followit followit.register(User) except ImportError: pass import collections import datetime import hashlib import logging import re import urllib import uuid from celery import states from celery.task import task from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch from django.db.models import signals as django_signals from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.html import escape from django.db import models from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core import cache from django.core import exceptions as django_exceptions from django_countries.fields import CountryField from askbot import exceptions as askbot_exceptions from askbot import const from askbot.const.message_keys import get_i18n_message from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.models.question import Thread from askbot.skins import utils as skin_utils from askbot.mail import messages from askbot.models.question import QuestionView, AnonymousQuestion from askbot.models.question import DraftQuestion from askbot.models.question import FavoriteQuestion from askbot.models.tag import Tag, MarkedTag from askbot.models.tag import format_personal_group_name from askbot.models.user import EmailFeedSetting, ActivityAuditStatus, Activity from askbot.models.user import GroupMembership from askbot.models.user import Group from askbot.models.user import BulkTagSubscription from import Post, PostRevision from import PostFlagReason, AnonymousAnswer from import PostToGroup from import DraftAnswer from askbot.models.reply_by_email import ReplyAddress from askbot.models import signals from askbot.models.badges import award_badges_signal, get_badge, BadgeData from askbot.models.repute import Award, Repute, Vote from askbot.models.widgets import AskWidget, QuestionWidget from askbot import auth from askbot.utils.decorators import auto_now_timestamp from askbot.utils.markup import URL_RE from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from askbot.utils.html import replace_links_with_text from askbot.utils.html import sanitize_html from askbot.utils.html import site_url from askbot.utils.diff import textDiff as htmldiff from askbot.utils.url_utils import strip_path from askbot import mail from django import VERSION #stores the 1.X version not the security release numbers DJANGO_VERSION = VERSION[:2] if DJANGO_VERSION > (1, 3): from askbot.models.message import Message def get_model(model_name): """a shortcut for getting model for an askbot app""" return models.get_model('askbot', model_name) def get_admin(): """returns admin with the lowest user ID if there are no users at all - creates one with name "admin" and unusable password otherwise raises User.DoesNotExist """ try: return User.objects.filter( is_superuser=True ).order_by('id')[0] except IndexError: if User.objects.filter(username='_admin_').count() == 0: admin = User.objects.create_user('_admin_', '') admin.set_unusable_password() admin.set_admin_status() return admin else: raise User.DoesNotExist def get_users_by_text_query(search_query, users_query_set = None): """Runs text search in user names and profile. For postgres, search also runs against user group names. """ if getattr(django_settings, 'ENABLE_HAYSTACK_SEARCH', False): from import AskbotSearchQuerySet qs = AskbotSearchQuerySet().filter(content=search_query).models(User).get_django_queryset(User) return qs else: import askbot if users_query_set is None: users_query_set = User.objects.all() if 'postgresql_psycopg2' in askbot.get_database_engine_name(): from import postgresql return postgresql.run_user_search(users_query_set, search_query) else: return users_query_set.filter( models.Q(username__icontains=search_query) | models.Q(about__icontains=search_query) ) #if askbot.get_database_engine_name().endswith('mysql') \ # and mysql.supports_full_text_search(): # return User.objects.filter( # models.Q(username__search = search_query) | # models.Q(about__search = search_query) # ) class RelatedObjectSimulator(object): '''Objects that simulates the "messages_set" related field somehow django does not creates it automatically in django1.4.1''' def __init__(self, user, model_class): self.user = user self.model_class = model_class def all(self): return self.model_class.objects.all() def count(self, **kwargs): kwargs['user'] = self.user return self.model_class.objects.filter(**kwargs).count() def create(self, **kwargs): return self.model_class.objects.create(user=self.user, **kwargs) def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model_class.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs) #django 1.4.1 and above @property def user_message_set(self): return RelatedObjectSimulator(self, Message) #django 1.4.1 and above def user_get_and_delete_messages(self): messages = [] for message in Message.objects.filter(user=self): messages.append(message.message) message.delete() return messages if DJANGO_VERSION > (1, 3): User.add_to_class('message_set', user_message_set) User.add_to_class('get_and_delete_messages', user_get_and_delete_messages) User.add_to_class( 'status', models.CharField( max_length = 2, default = const.DEFAULT_USER_STATUS, choices = const.USER_STATUS_CHOICES ) ) User.add_to_class('is_fake', models.BooleanField(default=False)) User.add_to_class('email_isvalid', models.BooleanField(default=False)) #@UndefinedVariable User.add_to_class('email_key', models.CharField(max_length=32, null=True)) #hardcoded initial reputaion of 1, no setting for this one User.add_to_class('reputation', models.PositiveIntegerField(default=const.MIN_REPUTATION) ) User.add_to_class('gravatar', models.CharField(max_length=32)) #User.add_to_class('has_custom_avatar', models.BooleanField(default=False)) User.add_to_class( 'avatar_type', models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=const.AVATAR_STATUS_CHOICE, default='n') ) User.add_to_class('gold', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0)) User.add_to_class('silver', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0)) User.add_to_class('bronze', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0)) User.add_to_class( 'questions_per_page', # TODO: remove me and const.QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE_USER_CHOICES, we're no longer used! models.SmallIntegerField( choices=const.QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE_USER_CHOICES, default=10 ) ) User.add_to_class('last_seen', models.DateTimeField( User.add_to_class('real_name', models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)) User.add_to_class('website', models.URLField(max_length=200, blank=True)) #location field is actually city User.add_to_class('location', models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)) User.add_to_class('country', CountryField(blank = True)) User.add_to_class('show_country', models.BooleanField(default = False)) User.add_to_class('date_of_birth', models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)) User.add_to_class('about', models.TextField(blank=True)) #interesting tags and ignored tags are to store wildcard tag selections only User.add_to_class('interesting_tags', models.TextField(blank = True)) User.add_to_class('ignored_tags', models.TextField(blank = True)) User.add_to_class('subscribed_tags', models.TextField(blank = True)) User.add_to_class('email_signature', models.TextField(blank = True)) User.add_to_class('show_marked_tags', models.BooleanField(default = True)) User.add_to_class( 'email_tag_filter_strategy', models.SmallIntegerField( choices=const.TAG_EMAIL_FILTER_FULL_STRATEGY_CHOICES, default=const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED ) ) User.add_to_class( 'display_tag_filter_strategy', models.SmallIntegerField( choices=const.TAG_DISPLAY_FILTER_STRATEGY_CHOICES, default=const.INCLUDE_ALL ) ) User.add_to_class('new_response_count', models.IntegerField(default=0)) User.add_to_class('seen_response_count', models.IntegerField(default=0)) User.add_to_class('consecutive_days_visit_count', models.IntegerField(default = 0)) #list of languages for which user should receive email alerts User.add_to_class( 'languages', models.CharField(max_length=128, default=django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) ) User.add_to_class( 'twitter_access_token', models.CharField(max_length=256, default='') ) User.add_to_class( 'twitter_handle', models.CharField(max_length=32, default='') ) User.add_to_class( 'social_sharing_mode', models.IntegerField( default=const.SHARE_NOTHING, choices = const.SOCIAL_SHARING_MODE_CHOICES ) ) GRAVATAR_TEMPLATE = "//" + \ "s=%(size)d&d=%(type)s&r=PG" def user_get_gravatar_url(self, size): """returns gravatar url """ return GRAVATAR_TEMPLATE % { 'gravatar': self.gravatar, 'type': askbot_settings.GRAVATAR_TYPE, 'size': size, } def user_get_default_avatar_url(self, size): """returns default avatar url """ return skin_utils.get_media_url(askbot_settings.DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL) def user_get_avatar_url(self, size): """returns avatar url - by default - gravatar, but if application django-avatar is installed it will use avatar provided through that app """ if 'avatar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: if self.avatar_type == 'n': import avatar if askbot_settings.ENABLE_GRAVATAR: #avatar.settings.AVATAR_GRAVATAR_BACKUP: return self.get_gravatar_url(size) else: return self.get_default_avatar_url(size) elif self.avatar_type == 'a': kwargs = {'user_id':, 'size': size} try: return reverse('avatar_render_primary', kwargs = kwargs) except NoReverseMatch: message = 'Please, make sure that avatar urls are in the '\ 'or update your django-avatar app, '\ 'currently it is impossible to serve avatars.' logging.critical(message) raise django_exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(message) else: return self.get_gravatar_url(size) else: if askbot_settings.ENABLE_GRAVATAR: return self.get_gravatar_url(size) else: return self.get_default_avatar_url(size) def user_update_avatar_type(self): """counts number of custom avatars and if zero, sets avatar_type to False, True otherwise. The method is called only if avatar application is installed. Saves the object. """ if 'avatar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: if self.avatar_set.count() > 0: self.avatar_type = 'a' else: self.avatar_type = _check_gravatar(self.gravatar) else: self.avatar_type = _check_gravatar(self.gravatar) def user_strip_email_signature(self, text): """strips email signature from the end of the text""" if self.email_signature.strip() == '': return text text = '\n'.join(text.splitlines())#normalize the line endings while text.endswith(self.email_signature): text = text[0:-len(self.email_signature)] return text def _check_gravatar(gravatar): gravatar_url = "" % gravatar code = urllib.urlopen(gravatar_url).getcode() if urllib.urlopen(gravatar_url).getcode() != 404: return 'g' #gravatar else: return 'n' #none def user_get_old_vote_for_post(self, post): """returns previous vote for this post by the user or None, if does not exist raises assertion_error is number of old votes is > 1 which is illegal """ try: return Vote.objects.get(user=self, voted_post=post) except Vote.DoesNotExist: return None except Vote.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise AssertionError def user_get_marked_tags(self, reason): """reason is a type of mark: good, bad or subscribed""" assert(reason in ('good', 'bad', 'subscribed')) if reason == 'subscribed': if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED == False: return Tag.objects.none() return Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__user = self, user_selections__reason = reason ) MARKED_TAG_PROPERTY_MAP = { 'good': 'interesting_tags', 'bad': 'ignored_tags', 'subscribed': 'subscribed_tags' } def user_get_marked_tag_names(self, reason): """returns list of marked tag names for a give reason: good, bad, or subscribed will add wildcard tags as well, if used """ if reason == 'subscribed': if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED == False: return list() tags = self.get_marked_tags(reason) tag_names = list(tags.values_list('name', flat = True)) if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS: attr_name = MARKED_TAG_PROPERTY_MAP[reason] wildcard_tags = getattr(self, attr_name).split() tag_names.extend(wildcard_tags) return tag_names def user_has_affinity_to_question(self, question = None, affinity_type = None): """returns True if number of tag overlap of the user tag selection with the question is 0 and False otherwise affinity_type can be either "like" or "dislike" """ if affinity_type == 'like': if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: tag_selection_type = 'subscribed' wildcards = self.subscribed_tags.split() else: tag_selection_type = 'good' wildcards = self.interesting_tags.split() elif affinity_type == 'dislike': tag_selection_type = 'bad' wildcards = self.ignored_tags.split() else: raise ValueError('unexpected affinity type %s' % str(affinity_type)) question_tags = question.thread.tags.all() intersecting_tag_selections = self.tag_selections.filter( tag__in = question_tags, reason = tag_selection_type ) #count number of overlapping tags if intersecting_tag_selections.count() > 0: return True elif askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS == False: return False #match question tags against wildcards for tag in question_tags: for wildcard in wildcards: if[:-1]): return True return False def user_has_ignored_wildcard_tags(self): """True if wildcard tags are on and user has some""" return ( askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS \ and self.ignored_tags != '' ) def user_has_interesting_wildcard_tags(self): """True in wildcard tags aro on and user has nome interesting wildcard tags selected """ return ( askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS \ and self.interesting_tags != '' ) def user_can_create_tags(self): """true if user can create tags""" if askbot_settings.ENABLE_TAG_MODERATION: return self.is_administrator_or_moderator() else: return True def user_can_have_strong_url(self): """True if user's homepage url can be followed by the search engine crawlers""" return (self.reputation >= askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_HAVE_STRONG_URL) def user_can_post_by_email(self): """True, if reply by email is enabled and user has sufficient reputatiton""" if self.is_administrator_or_moderator(): return True return askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL and \ self.reputation > askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_POST_BY_EMAIL def user_get_social_sharing_mode(self): """returns what user wants to share on his/her channels""" mode = self.social_sharing_mode if mode == const.SHARE_NOTHING: return 'share-nothing' elif mode == const.SHARE_MY_POSTS: return 'share-my-posts' else: assert(mode == const.SHARE_EVERYTHING) return 'share-everything' def user_get_social_sharing_status(self, channel): """channel is only 'twitter' for now""" assert(channel == 'twitter') if self.twitter_handle: if self.get_social_sharing_mode() == 'share-nothing': return 'inactive' else: return 'enabled' else: return 'disabled' def user_get_or_create_fake_user(self, username, email): """ Get's or creates a user, most likely with the purpose of posting under that account. """ assert(self.is_administrator()) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: user = User() user.username = username = email user.is_fake = True user.set_unusable_password() return user def user_notify_users( self, notification_type=None, recipients=None, content_object=None ): """A utility function that creates instance of :class:`Activity` and adds recipients * `notification_type` - value should be one of TYPE_ACTIVITY_... * `recipients` - an iterable of user objects * `content_object` - any object related to the notification todo: possibly add checks on the content_object, depending on the notification_type """ activity = Activity( user=self, activity_type=notification_type, content_object=content_object ) activity.add_recipients(recipients) def user_get_notifications(self, notification_types=None, **kwargs): """returns query set of activity audit status objects""" return ActivityAuditStatus.objects.filter( user=self, activity__activity_type__in=notification_types, **kwargs ) def _assert_user_can( user = None, post = None, #related post (may be parent) admin_or_moderator_required = False, owner_can = False, suspended_owner_cannot = False, owner_min_rep_setting = None, blocked_error_message = None, suspended_error_message = None, min_rep_setting = None, low_rep_error_message = None, owner_low_rep_error_message = None, general_error_message = None ): """generic helper assert for use in several User.assert_can_XYZ() calls regarding changing content user is required and at least one error message if assertion fails, method raises exception.PermissionDenied with appropriate text as a payload """ if general_error_message is None: general_error_message = _('Sorry, this operation is not allowed') if blocked_error_message and user.is_blocked(): error_message = blocked_error_message elif post and owner_can and user == post.get_owner(): if owner_min_rep_setting: if post.get_owner().reputation < owner_min_rep_setting: if user.is_moderator() or user.is_administrator(): return else: assert(owner_low_rep_error_message is not None) raise askbot_exceptions.InsufficientReputation( owner_low_rep_error_message ) if suspended_owner_cannot and user.is_suspended(): if suspended_error_message: error_message = suspended_error_message else: error_message = general_error_message assert(error_message is not None) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) else: return return elif suspended_error_message and user.is_suspended(): error_message = suspended_error_message elif user.is_administrator() or user.is_moderator(): return elif user.is_post_moderator(post): return elif low_rep_error_message and user.reputation < min_rep_setting: raise askbot_exceptions.InsufficientReputation(low_rep_error_message) else: if admin_or_moderator_required == False: return #if admin or moderator is required, then substitute the message if admin_or_moderator_required: error_message = general_error_message assert(error_message is not None) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) def user_assert_can_approve_post_revision(self, post_revision = None): _assert_user_can( user = self, admin_or_moderator_required = True ) def user_assert_can_unaccept_best_answer(self, answer = None): assert getattr(answer, 'post_type', '') == 'answer' blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, you cannot accept or unaccept best answers ' 'because your account is blocked' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, you cannot accept or unaccept best answers ' 'because your account is suspended' ) if self.is_blocked(): error_message = blocked_error_message elif self.is_suspended(): error_message = suspended_error_message elif self == answer.thread._question_post().get_owner(): if self == answer.get_owner(): if not self.is_administrator(): #check rep min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_ACCEPT_OWN_ANSWER low_rep_error_message = _( ">%(points)s points required to accept or unaccept " " your own answer to your own question" ) % {'points': min_rep_setting} _assert_user_can( user = self, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message ) return # success elif self.reputation >= askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_ACCEPT_ANY_ANSWER or \ self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator() or self.is_post_moderator(answer): will_be_able_at = ( answer.added_at + datetime.timedelta( days=askbot_settings.MIN_DAYS_FOR_STAFF_TO_ACCEPT_ANSWER) ) if < will_be_able_at: error_message = _( 'Sorry, you will be able to accept this answer ' 'only after %(will_be_able_at)s' ) % {'will_be_able_at': will_be_able_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} else: return else: question_owner = answer.thread._question_post().get_owner() error_message = _( 'Sorry, only moderators or original author of the question ' ' - %(username)s - can accept or unaccept the best answer' ) % {'username': question_owner.username} raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) def user_assert_can_accept_best_answer(self, answer = None): assert getattr(answer, 'post_type', '') == 'answer' self.assert_can_unaccept_best_answer(answer) def user_assert_can_vote_for_post( self, post = None, direction = None, ): """raises exceptions.PermissionDenied exception if user can't in fact upvote :param:direction can be 'up' or 'down' :param:post can be instance of question or answer """ if self == raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied( _('Sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts') ) blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry your account appears to be blocked ' + 'and you cannot vote - please contact the ' + 'site administrator to resolve the issue' ), suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry your account appears to be suspended ' + 'and you cannot vote - please contact the ' + 'site administrator to resolve the issue' ) assert(direction in ('up', 'down')) if direction == 'up': min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_VOTE_UP low_rep_error_message = _( ">%(points)s points required to upvote" ) % \ {'points': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_VOTE_UP} else: min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_VOTE_DOWN low_rep_error_message = _( ">%(points)s points required to downvote" ) % \ {'points': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_VOTE_DOWN} _assert_user_can( user = self, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message ) def user_assert_can_upload_file(request_user): blocked_error_message = _('Sorry, blocked users cannot upload files') suspended_error_message = _('Sorry, suspended users cannot upload files') low_rep_error_message = _( 'sorry, file uploading requires karma >%(min_rep)s', ) % {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_UPLOAD_FILES } _assert_user_can( user = request_user, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_UPLOAD_FILES, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message ) def user_assert_can_post_text(self, text): """Raises exceptions.PermissionDenied, if user does not have privilege to post given text, depending on the contents """ if, text): min_rep = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_SUGGEST_LINK if self.is_authenticated() and self.reputation < min_rep: message = _( 'Could not post, because your karma is insufficient to publish links' ) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(message) def user_assert_can_post_question(self): """raises exceptions.PermissionDenied with text that has the reason for the denial """ blocked_message = get_i18n_message('BLOCKED_USERS_CANNOT_POST') suspended_message = get_i18n_message('SUSPENDED_USERS_CANNOT_POST') _assert_user_can( user = self, blocked_error_message = blocked_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_message ) def user_assert_can_post_answer(self, thread = None): """same as user_can_post_question """ limit_answers = askbot_settings.LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER if limit_answers and thread.has_answer_by_user(self): message = _( 'Sorry, you already gave an answer, please edit it instead.' ) raise askbot_exceptions.AnswerAlreadyGiven(message) self.assert_can_post_question() def user_assert_can_edit_comment(self, comment = None): """raises exceptions.PermissionDenied if user cannot edit comment with the reason given as message only owners, moderators or admins can edit comments """ if self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator(): return else: if == self: if askbot_settings.USE_TIME_LIMIT_TO_EDIT_COMMENT: now = delta_seconds = 60 * askbot_settings.MINUTES_TO_EDIT_COMMENT if now - comment.added_at > datetime.timedelta(0, delta_seconds): if comment.is_last(): return error_message = ungettext( 'Sorry, comments (except the last one) are editable only ' 'within %(minutes)s minute from posting', 'Sorry, comments (except the last one) are editable only ' 'within %(minutes)s minutes from posting', askbot_settings.MINUTES_TO_EDIT_COMMENT ) % {'minutes': askbot_settings.MINUTES_TO_EDIT_COMMENT} raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) return else: return error_message = _( 'Sorry, but only post owners or moderators can edit comments' ) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) def user_can_post_comment(self, parent_post = None): """a simplified method to test ability to comment """ return True """ #commented out to disable the min rep if self.reputation >= askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_LEAVE_COMMENTS: return True if parent_post and self == return True if self.is_administrator_or_moderator(): return True return False """ def user_assert_can_post_comment(self, parent_post = None): """raises exceptions.PermissionDenied if user cannot post comment the reason will be in text of exception """ suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you can comment only your own posts' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to comment any post a minimum reputation of ' '%(min_rep)s points is required. You can still comment ' 'your own posts and answers to your questions' ) % {'min_rep': 0}#askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_LEAVE_COMMENTS} blocked_message = get_i18n_message('BLOCKED_USERS_CANNOT_POST') try: _assert_user_can( user = self, post = parent_post, owner_can = True, blocked_error_message = blocked_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, min_rep_setting = 0,#askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_LEAVE_COMMENTS, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, ) except askbot_exceptions.InsufficientReputation, e: if parent_post.post_type == 'answer': if self == parent_post.thread._question_post().author: return raise e def user_assert_can_see_deleted_post(self, post = None): """attn: this assertion is independently coded in Question.get_answers call """ error_message = _( 'This post has been deleted and can be seen only ' 'by post owners, site administrators and moderators' ) _assert_user_can( user = self, post = post, admin_or_moderator_required = True, owner_can = True, general_error_message = error_message ) def user_assert_can_edit_deleted_post(self, post = None): assert(post.deleted == True) try: self.assert_can_see_deleted_post(post) except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied, e: error_message = _( 'Sorry, only moderators, site administrators ' 'and post owners can edit deleted posts' ) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) def user_assert_can_edit_post(self, post = None): """assertion that raises exceptions.PermissionDenied when user is not authorised to edit this post """ if post.deleted == True: self.assert_can_edit_deleted_post(post) return blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot edit posts' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you can edit only your own posts' ) if == True: low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to edit wiki posts, a minimum ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_EDIT_WIKI} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_EDIT_WIKI else: low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to edit other people\'s posts, a minimum ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_EDIT_OTHERS_POSTS} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_EDIT_OTHERS_POSTS _assert_user_can( user = self, post = post, owner_can = True, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) def user_assert_can_edit_question(self, question = None): assert getattr(question, 'post_type', '') == 'question' self.assert_can_edit_post(question) def user_assert_can_edit_answer(self, answer = None): assert getattr(answer, 'post_type', '') == 'answer' self.assert_can_edit_post(answer) def user_assert_can_delete_post(self, post = None): post_type = getattr(post, 'post_type', '') if post_type == 'question': self.assert_can_delete_question(question = post) elif post_type == 'answer': self.assert_can_delete_answer(answer = post) elif post_type == 'comment': self.assert_can_delete_comment(comment = post) else: raise ValueError('Invalid post_type!') def user_assert_can_restore_post(self, post = None): """can_restore_rule is the same as can_delete """ self.assert_can_delete_post(post = post) def user_assert_can_delete_question(self, question = None): """rules are the same as to delete answer, except if question has answers already, when owner cannot delete unless s/he is and adinistrator or moderator """ #cheating here. can_delete_answer wants argument named #"question", so the argument name is skipped self.assert_can_delete_answer(question) if self == question.get_owner(): #if there are answers by other people, #then deny, unless user in admin or moderator answer_count = question.thread.all_answers()\ .exclude(author=self).exclude(points__lte=0).count() if answer_count > 0: if self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator(): return else: msg = ungettext( 'Sorry, cannot delete your question since it ' 'has an upvoted answer posted by someone else', 'Sorry, cannot delete your question since it ' 'has some upvoted answers posted by other users', answer_count ) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(msg) def user_assert_can_delete_answer(self, answer = None): """intentionally use "post" word in the messages instead of "answer", because this logic also applies to assert on deleting question (in addition to some special rules) """ blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot delete posts' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you can delete only your own posts' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to delete other people\'s posts, a minimum ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_DELETE_OTHERS_POSTS} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_DELETE_OTHERS_POSTS _assert_user_can( user = self, post = answer, owner_can = True, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) def user_assert_can_close_question(self, question = None): assert(getattr(question, 'post_type', '') == 'question') blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot close questions' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you cannot close questions' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to close other people\' posts, a minimum ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_CLOSE_OTHERS_QUESTIONS} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_CLOSE_OTHERS_QUESTIONS owner_min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_CLOSE_OWN_QUESTIONS owner_low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to close own question ' 'a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % {'min_rep': owner_min_rep_setting} _assert_user_can( user = self, post = question, owner_can = True, suspended_owner_cannot = True, owner_min_rep_setting = owner_min_rep_setting, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, owner_low_rep_error_message = owner_low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) def user_assert_can_reopen_question(self, question = None): assert(question.post_type == 'question') #for some reason rep to reopen own questions != rep to close own q's owner_min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_REOPEN_OWN_QUESTIONS min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_CLOSE_OTHERS_QUESTIONS general_error_message = _( 'Sorry, only administrators, moderators ' 'or post owners with reputation > %(min_rep)s ' 'can reopen questions.' ) % {'min_rep': owner_min_rep_setting } owner_low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to reopen own question ' 'a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % {'min_rep': owner_min_rep_setting} blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, you cannot reopen questions ' 'because your account is blocked' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, you cannot reopen questions ' 'because your account is suspended' ) _assert_user_can( user = self, post = question, owner_can = True, suspended_owner_cannot = True, owner_min_rep_setting = owner_min_rep_setting, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting, owner_low_rep_error_message = owner_low_rep_error_message, general_error_message = general_error_message, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message ) def user_assert_can_flag_offensive(self, post = None): assert(post is not None) double_flagging_error_message = _( 'You have flagged this question before and ' 'cannot do it more than once' ) if self.get_flags_for_post(post).count() > 0: raise askbot_exceptions.DuplicateCommand(double_flagging_error_message) blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot flag posts as offensive' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, your account appears to be suspended and you cannot make new posts ' 'until this issue is resolved. You can, however edit your existing posts. ' 'Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution.' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to flag posts as offensive a minimum reputation ' 'of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_FLAG_OFFENSIVE} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_FLAG_OFFENSIVE _assert_user_can( user = self, post = post, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) #one extra assertion if self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator(): return else: flag_count_today = self.get_flag_count_posted_today() if flag_count_today >= askbot_settings.MAX_FLAGS_PER_USER_PER_DAY: flags_exceeded_error_message = _( 'Sorry, you have exhausted the maximum number of ' '%(max_flags_per_day)s offensive flags per day.' ) % { 'max_flags_per_day': \ askbot_settings.MAX_FLAGS_PER_USER_PER_DAY } raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(flags_exceeded_error_message) def user_assert_can_remove_flag_offensive(self, post = None): assert(post is not None) non_existing_flagging_error_message = _('cannot remove non-existing flag') if self.get_flags_for_post(post).count() < 1: raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(non_existing_flagging_error_message) blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot remove flags' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, your account appears to be suspended and you cannot remove flags. ' 'Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution.' ) min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_FLAG_OFFENSIVE low_rep_error_message = ungettext( 'Sorry, to flag posts a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)d is required', 'Sorry, to flag posts a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)d is required', min_rep_setting ) % {'min_rep': min_rep_setting} _assert_user_can( user = self, post = post, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) #one extra assertion if self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator(): return def user_assert_can_remove_all_flags_offensive(self, post = None): assert(post is not None) permission_denied_message = _("you don't have the permission to remove all flags") non_existing_flagging_error_message = _('no flags for this entry') # Check if the post is flagged by anyone post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(post) all_flags = Activity.objects.filter( activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE, content_type = post_content_type, ) if all_flags.count() < 1: raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(non_existing_flagging_error_message) #one extra assertion if self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator(): return else: raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(permission_denied_message) def user_assert_can_retag_question(self, question = None): if question.deleted == True: try: self.assert_can_edit_deleted_post(question) except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied: error_message = _( 'Sorry, only question owners, ' 'site administrators and moderators ' 'can retag deleted questions' ) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot retag questions' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you can retag only your own questions' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to retag questions a minimum ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_RETAG_OTHERS_QUESTIONS} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_RETAG_OTHERS_QUESTIONS _assert_user_can( user = self, post = question, owner_can = True, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) def user_assert_can_delete_comment(self, comment = None): blocked_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is blocked ' 'you cannot delete comment' ) suspended_error_message = _( 'Sorry, since your account is suspended ' 'you can delete only your own comments' ) low_rep_error_message = _( 'Sorry, to delete comments ' 'reputation of %(min_rep)s is required' ) % \ {'min_rep': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_DELETE_OTHERS_COMMENTS} min_rep_setting = askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_DELETE_OTHERS_COMMENTS _assert_user_can( user = self, post = comment, owner_can = True, blocked_error_message = blocked_error_message, suspended_error_message = suspended_error_message, low_rep_error_message = low_rep_error_message, min_rep_setting = min_rep_setting ) def user_assert_can_revoke_old_vote(self, vote): """raises exceptions.PermissionDenied if old vote cannot be revoked due to age of the vote """ if ( - \ >= askbot_settings.MAX_DAYS_TO_CANCEL_VOTE: raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied( _('sorry, but older votes cannot be revoked') ) def user_get_unused_votes_today(self): """returns number of votes that are still available to the user today """ today = one_day_interval = (today, today + datetime.timedelta(1)) used_votes = Vote.objects.filter( user = self, voted_at__range = one_day_interval ).count() available_votes = askbot_settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_USER_PER_DAY - used_votes return max(0, available_votes) def user_post_comment( self, parent_post = None, body_text = None, timestamp = None, by_email = False ): """post a comment on behalf of the user to parent_post """ if body_text is None: raise ValueError('body_text is required to post comment') if parent_post is None: raise ValueError('parent_post is required to post comment') if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.assert_can_post_comment(parent_post = parent_post) comment = parent_post.add_comment( user = self, comment = body_text, added_at = timestamp, by_email = by_email ) comment.add_to_groups([self.get_personal_group()]) parent_post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() award_badges_signal.send( None, event = 'post_comment', actor = self, context_object = comment, timestamp = timestamp ) return comment def user_post_object_description( self, obj=None, body_text=None, timestamp=None ): """Creates an object description post and assigns it to the given object. Returns the newly created post""" description_post = Post.objects.create_new_tag_wiki( author=self, text=body_text ) obj.description = description_post return description_post def user_post_anonymous_askbot_content(user, session_key): """posts any posts added just before logging in the posts are identified by the session key, thus the second argument this function is used by the signal handler with a similar name """ aq_list = AnonymousQuestion.objects.filter(session_key = session_key) aa_list = AnonymousAnswer.objects.filter(session_key = session_key) #from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings if askbot_settings.EMAIL_VALIDATION == True:#add user to the record for aq in aq_list: = user for aa in aa_list: = user #maybe add pending posts message? else: if user.is_blocked(): msg = get_i18n_message('BLOCKED_USERS_CANNOT_POST') user.message_set.create(message = msg) elif user.is_suspended(): msg = get_i18n_message('SUSPENDED_USERS_CANNOT_POST') user.message_set.create(message = msg) else: for aq in aq_list: aq.publish(user) for aa in aa_list: aa.publish(user) def user_mark_tags( self, tagnames = None, wildcards = None, reason = None, action = None ): """subscribe for or ignore a list of tags * ``tagnames`` and ``wildcards`` are lists of pure tags and wildcard tags, respectively * ``reason`` - either "good" or "bad" * ``action`` - eitrer "add" or "remove" """ cleaned_wildcards = list() assert(action in ('add', 'remove')) if action == 'add': if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: assert(reason in ('good', 'bad', 'subscribed')) else: assert(reason in ('good', 'bad')) if wildcards: cleaned_wildcards = self.update_wildcard_tag_selections( action = action, reason = reason, wildcards = wildcards ) if tagnames is None: tagnames = list() #figure out which tags don't yet exist existing_tagnames = Tag.objects.filter( name__in=tagnames ).values_list( 'name', flat=True ) non_existing_tagnames = set(tagnames) - set(existing_tagnames) #create those tags, and if tags are moderated make them suggested if (len(non_existing_tagnames) > 0): Tag.objects.create_in_bulk(tag_names=tagnames, user=self) #below we update normal tag selections marked_ts = MarkedTag.objects.filter( user = self, tag__name__in = tagnames ) #Marks for "good" and "bad" reasons are exclusive, #to make it impossible to "like" and "dislike" something at the same time #but the subscribed set is independent - e.g. you can dislike a topic #and still subscribe for it. if reason == 'subscribed': #don't touch good/bad marks marked_ts = marked_ts.filter(reason = 'subscribed') else: #and in this case don't touch subscribed tags marked_ts = marked_ts.exclude(reason = 'subscribed') #todo: use the user api methods here instead of the straight ORM cleaned_tagnames = list() #those that were actually updated if action == 'remove': logging.debug('deleting tag marks: %s' % ','.join(tagnames)) marked_ts.delete() else: marked_names = marked_ts.values_list('tag__name', flat = True) if len(marked_names) < len(tagnames): unmarked_names = set(tagnames).difference(set(marked_names)) ts = Tag.objects.filter(name__in = unmarked_names) new_marks = list() for tag in ts: MarkedTag( user = self, reason = reason, tag = tag ).save() new_marks.append( cleaned_tagnames.extend(marked_names) cleaned_tagnames.extend(new_marks) else: if reason in ('good', 'bad'):#to maintain exclusivity of 'good' and 'bad' marked_ts.update(reason=reason) cleaned_tagnames = tagnames return cleaned_tagnames, cleaned_wildcards @auto_now_timestamp def user_retag_question( self, question = None, tags = None, timestamp = None, silent = False ): self.assert_can_retag_question(question) question.thread.retag( retagged_by = self, retagged_at = timestamp, tagnames = tags, silent = silent ) question.thread.invalidate_cached_data() award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'retag_question', actor = self, context_object = question, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_accept_best_answer( self, answer = None, timestamp = None, cancel = False, force = False ): if cancel: return self.unaccept_best_answer( answer = answer, timestamp = timestamp, force = force ) if force == False: self.assert_can_accept_best_answer(answer) if answer.accepted() == True: return prev_accepted_answer = answer.thread.accepted_answer if prev_accepted_answer: auth.onAnswerAcceptCanceled(prev_accepted_answer, self) auth.onAnswerAccept(answer, self, timestamp = timestamp) award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'accept_best_answer', actor = self, context_object = answer, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_unaccept_best_answer( self, answer = None, timestamp = None, force = False ): if force == False: self.assert_can_unaccept_best_answer(answer) if not answer.accepted(): return auth.onAnswerAcceptCanceled(answer, self) @auto_now_timestamp def user_delete_comment( self, comment = None, timestamp = None ): self.assert_can_delete_comment(comment = comment) #todo: we want to do this #comment.deleted = True #comment.deleted_by = self #comment.deleted_at = timestamp comment.delete() comment.thread.invalidate_cached_data() @auto_now_timestamp def user_delete_answer( self, answer = None, timestamp = None ): self.assert_can_delete_answer(answer = answer) answer.deleted = True answer.deleted_by = self answer.deleted_at = timestamp answer.thread.update_answer_count() answer.thread.invalidate_cached_data() logging.debug('updated answer count to %d' % answer.thread.answer_count) signals.delete_question_or_answer.send( sender = answer.__class__, instance = answer, delete_by = self ) award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'delete_post', actor = self, context_object = answer, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_delete_question( self, question = None, timestamp = None ): self.assert_can_delete_question(question = question) question.deleted = True question.deleted_by = self question.deleted_at = timestamp question.thread.deleted = True for tag in list(question.thread.tags.all()): if tag.used_count == 1: tag.deleted = True tag.deleted_by = self tag.deleted_at = timestamp else: tag.used_count = tag.used_count - 1 signals.delete_question_or_answer.send( sender = question.__class__, instance = question, delete_by = self ) award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'delete_post', actor = self, context_object = question, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_close_question( self, question = None, reason = None, timestamp = None ): self.assert_can_close_question(question) question.thread.set_closed_status(closed=True, closed_by=self, closed_at=timestamp, close_reason=reason) @auto_now_timestamp def user_reopen_question( self, question = None, timestamp = None ): self.assert_can_reopen_question(question) question.thread.set_closed_status(closed=False, closed_by=self, closed_at=timestamp, close_reason=None) @auto_now_timestamp def user_delete_post( self, post = None, timestamp = None ): """generic delete method for all kinds of posts if there is no use cases for it, the method will be removed """ if post.post_type == 'comment': self.delete_comment(comment = post, timestamp = timestamp) elif post.post_type == 'answer': self.delete_answer(answer = post, timestamp = timestamp) elif post.post_type == 'question': self.delete_question(question = post, timestamp = timestamp) else: raise TypeError('either Comment, Question or Answer expected') post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() def user_restore_post( self, post = None, timestamp = None ): #here timestamp is not used, I guess added for consistency self.assert_can_restore_post(post) if post.post_type in ('question', 'answer'): post.deleted = False post.deleted_by = None post.deleted_at = None post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() if post.post_type == 'answer': post.thread.update_answer_count() else: #todo: make sure that these tags actually exist #some may have since been deleted for good #or merged into others for tag in list(post.thread.tags.all()): if tag.used_count == 1 and tag.deleted: tag.deleted = False tag.deleted_by = None tag.deleted_at = None else: raise NotImplementedError() def user_post_question( self, title = None, body_text = '', tags = None, wiki = False, is_anonymous = False, is_private = False, group_id = None, timestamp = None, by_email = False, email_address = None, language = None ): """makes an assertion whether user can post the question then posts it and returns the question object""" self.assert_can_post_question() if body_text == '':#a hack to allow bodyless question body_text = ' ' if title is None: raise ValueError('Title is required to post question') if tags is None: raise ValueError('Tags are required to post question') if timestamp is None: timestamp = #todo: split this into "create thread" + "add question", if text exists #or maybe just add a blank question post anyway thread = Thread.objects.create_new( author=self, title=title, text=body_text, tagnames=tags, added_at=timestamp, wiki=wiki, is_anonymous=is_anonymous, is_private=is_private, group_id=group_id, by_email=by_email, email_address=email_address, language=language ) question = thread._question_post() if != self: raise ValueError(' != self') = self # HACK: Some tests require that IS exactly the same object as self-user (kind of identity map which Django doesn't provide), # because they set some attributes for that instance and expect them to be changed also for if askbot_settings.AUTO_FOLLOW_QUESTION_BY_OP: self.toggle_favorite_question(question) return question @auto_now_timestamp def user_edit_comment( self, comment_post=None, body_text=None, timestamp=None, by_email=False, suppress_email=False ): """apply edit to a comment, the method does not change the comments timestamp and no signals are sent todo: see how this can be merged with edit_post todo: add timestamp """ self.assert_can_edit_comment(comment_post) comment_post.apply_edit( text=body_text, edited_at=timestamp, edited_by=self, by_email=by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) comment_post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() def user_edit_post(self, post=None, body_text=None, revision_comment=None, timestamp=None, by_email=False, is_private=False, suppress_email=False, ): """a simple method that edits post body todo: unify it in the style of just a generic post this requires refactoring of underlying functions because we cannot bypass the permissions checks set within """ if post.post_type == 'comment': self.edit_comment( comment_post=post, body_text=body_text, by_email=by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) elif post.post_type == 'answer': self.edit_answer( answer=post, body_text=body_text, timestamp=timestamp, revision_comment=revision_comment, by_email=by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) elif post.post_type == 'question': self.edit_question( question=post, body_text=body_text, timestamp=timestamp, revision_comment=revision_comment, by_email=by_email, is_private=is_private, suppress_email=suppress_email, ) elif post.post_type == 'tag_wiki': post.apply_edit( edited_at=timestamp, edited_by=self, text=body_text, #todo: summary name clash in question and question revision comment=revision_comment, wiki=True, by_email=False ) else: raise NotImplementedError() @auto_now_timestamp def user_edit_question( self, question=None, title=None, body_text=None, revision_comment=None, tags=None, wiki=False, edit_anonymously=False, is_private=False, timestamp=None, force=False,#if True - bypass the assert by_email=False, suppress_email=False ): if force == False: self.assert_can_edit_question(question) question.apply_edit( edited_at = timestamp, edited_by = self, title = title, text = body_text, #todo: summary name clash in question and question revision comment = revision_comment, tags = tags, wiki = wiki, edit_anonymously = edit_anonymously, is_private = is_private, by_email = by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) question.thread.invalidate_cached_data() award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'edit_question', actor = self, context_object = question, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_edit_answer( self, answer=None, body_text=None, revision_comment=None, wiki=False, is_private=False, timestamp=None, force=False,#if True - bypass the assert by_email=False, suppress_email=False, ): if force == False: self.assert_can_edit_answer(answer) answer.apply_edit( edited_at=timestamp, edited_by=self, text=body_text, comment=revision_comment, wiki=wiki, is_private=is_private, by_email=by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) answer.thread.invalidate_cached_data() award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'edit_answer', actor = self, context_object = answer, timestamp = timestamp ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_create_post_reject_reason( self, title = None, details = None, timestamp = None ): """creates and returs the post reject reason""" reason = PostFlagReason( title = title, added_at = timestamp, author = self ) #todo - need post_object.create_new() method details = Post( post_type = 'reject_reason', author = self, added_at = timestamp, text = details ) details.parse_and_save(author=self) details.add_revision( author = self, revised_at = timestamp, text = details, comment = unicode(const.POST_STATUS['default_version']) ) reason.details = details return reason @auto_now_timestamp def user_edit_post_reject_reason( self, reason, title = None, details = None, timestamp = None ): reason.title = title reason.details.apply_edit( edited_by = self, edited_at = timestamp, text = details ) def user_post_answer( self, question = None, body_text = None, follow = False, wiki = False, is_private = False, timestamp = None, by_email = False ): #todo: move this to assertion - user_assert_can_post_answer if self == and not self.is_administrator(): # check date and rep required to post answer to own question delta = datetime.timedelta(askbot_settings.MIN_DAYS_TO_ANSWER_OWN_QUESTION) now = asked = question.added_at #todo: this is an assertion, must be moved out if (now - asked < delta and self.reputation < askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_ANSWER_OWN_QUESTION): diff = asked + delta - now days = diff.days hours = int(diff.seconds/3600) minutes = int(diff.seconds/60) if days > 2: if asked.year == now.year: date_token = asked.strftime("%b %d") else: date_token = asked.strftime("%b %d '%y") left = _('on %(date)s') % { 'date': date_token } elif days == 2: left = _('in two days') elif days == 1: left = _('tomorrow') elif minutes >= 60: left = ungettext('in %(hr)d hour','in %(hr)d hours',hours) % {'hr':hours} else: left = ungettext('in %(min)d min','in %(min)d mins',minutes) % {'min':minutes} day = ungettext('%(days)d day','%(days)d days',askbot_settings.MIN_DAYS_TO_ANSWER_OWN_QUESTION) % {'days':askbot_settings.MIN_DAYS_TO_ANSWER_OWN_QUESTION} error_message = _( 'New users must wait %(days)s before answering their own question. ' ' You can post an answer %(left)s' ) % {'days': day,'left': left} assert(error_message is not None) raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied(error_message) self.assert_can_post_answer(thread = question.thread) if getattr(question, 'post_type', '') != 'question': raise TypeError('question argument must be provided') if body_text is None: raise ValueError('Body text is required to post answer') if timestamp is None: timestamp = # answer = Answer.objects.create_new( # thread = question.thread, # author = self, # text = body_text, # added_at = timestamp, # email_notify = follow, # wiki = wiki # ) answer_post = Post.objects.create_new_answer( thread = question.thread, author = self, text = body_text, added_at = timestamp, email_notify = follow, wiki = wiki, is_private = is_private, by_email = by_email ) #add to the answerer's group answer_post.add_to_groups([self.get_personal_group()]) answer_post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'post_answer', actor = self, context_object = answer_post ) return answer_post def user_visit_question(self, question = None, timestamp = None): """create a QuestionView record on behalf of the user represented by the self object and mark it as taking place at timestamp time and remove pending on-screen notifications about anything in the post - question, answer or comments """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = try: QuestionView.objects.filter( who=self, question=question ).update( when = timestamp ) except QuestionView.DoesNotExist: QuestionView( who=self, question=question, when = timestamp ).save() #filter memo objects on response activities directed to the qurrent user #that refer to the children of the currently #viewed question and clear them for the current user ACTIVITY_TYPES = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_DISPLAY ACTIVITY_TYPES += (const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION,) audit_records = ActivityAuditStatus.objects.filter( user = self, status = ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_NEW, activity__question = question ) cleared_record_count = audit_records.filter( activity__activity_type__in = ACTIVITY_TYPES ).update( status=ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_SEEN ) if cleared_record_count > 0: self.update_response_counts() #finally, mark admin memo objects if applicable #the admin response counts are not denormalized b/c they are easy to obtain if self.is_moderator() or self.is_administrator(): audit_records.filter( activity__activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE ).update( status=ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_SEEN ) def user_is_username_taken(cls,username): try: cls.objects.get(username=username) return True except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: return True except cls.DoesNotExist: return False def user_is_administrator(self): """checks whether user in the forum site administrator the admin must be both superuser and staff member the latter is because staff membership is required to access the live settings""" return (self.is_superuser and self.is_staff) def user_remove_admin_status(self): self.is_staff = False self.is_superuser = False def user_set_admin_status(self): self.is_staff = True self.is_superuser = True def user_add_missing_askbot_subscriptions(self): from askbot import forms#need to avoid circular dependency form = forms.EditUserEmailFeedsForm() need_feed_types = form.get_db_model_subscription_type_names() have_feed_types = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter( subscriber = self ).values_list( 'feed_type', flat = True ) missing_feed_types = set(need_feed_types) - set(have_feed_types) for missing_feed_type in missing_feed_types: attr_key = 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_%s' % missing_feed_type.upper() freq = getattr(askbot_settings, attr_key) feed_setting = EmailFeedSetting( subscriber = self, feed_type = missing_feed_type, frequency = freq ) def user_is_moderator(self): return (self.status == 'm' and self.is_administrator() == False) def user_is_post_moderator(self, post): """True, if user and post have common groups with moderation privilege""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: group_ids = self.get_groups().values_list('id', flat=True) post_groups = PostToGroup.objects.filter(post=post, group__id__in=group_ids) return post_groups.filter(group__is_vip=True).count() > 0 else: return False def user_is_administrator_or_moderator(self): return (self.is_administrator() or self.is_moderator()) def user_is_suspended(self): return (self.status == 's') def user_is_blocked(self): return (self.status == 'b') def user_is_watched(self): return (self.status == 'w') def user_is_approved(self): return (self.status == 'a') def user_is_owner_of(self, obj): """True if user owns object False otherwise """ if isinstance(obj, Post) and obj.post_type == 'question': return self == else: raise NotImplementedError() def get_name_of_anonymous_user(): """Returns name of the anonymous user either comes from the live settyngs or the language translation very possible that this function does not belong here """ if askbot_settings.NAME_OF_ANONYMOUS_USER: return askbot_settings.NAME_OF_ANONYMOUS_USER else: return _('Anonymous') def user_get_anonymous_name(self): """Returns name of anonymous user - convinience method for use in the template macros that accept user as parameter """ return get_name_of_anonymous_user() def user_set_status(self, new_status): """sets new status to user this method understands that administrator status is stored in the User.is_superuser field, but everything else in User.status field there is a slight aberration - administrator status can be removed, but not added yet if new status is applied to user, then the record is committed to the database """ #d - administrator #m - moderator #s - suspended #b - blocked #w - watched #a - approved (regular user) assert(new_status in ('d', 'm', 's', 'b', 'w', 'a')) if new_status == self.status: return #clear admin status if user was an administrator #because this function is not dealing with the site admins if new_status == 'd': #create a new admin self.set_admin_status() else: #This was the old method, kept in the else clause when changing #to admin, so if you change the status to another thing that #is not Administrator it will simply remove admin if the user have #that permission, it will mostly be false. if self.is_administrator(): self.remove_admin_status() #when toggling between blocked and non-blocked status #we need to invalidate question page caches, b/c they contain #user's url, which must be hidden in the blocked state if 'b' in (new_status, self.status) and new_status != self.status: threads = Thread.objects.get_for_user(self) for thread in threads: thread.invalidate_cached_post_data() self.status = new_status @auto_now_timestamp def user_moderate_user_reputation( self, user = None, reputation_change = 0, comment = None, timestamp = None ): """add or subtract reputation of other user """ if reputation_change == 0: return if comment == None: raise ValueError('comment is required to moderate user reputation') new_rep = user.reputation + reputation_change if new_rep < 1: new_rep = 1 #todo: magic number reputation_change = 1 - user.reputation user.reputation = new_rep #any question. This is necessary because reputes are read in the #user_reputation view with select_related('question__title') and it fails if #ForeignKey is nullable even though it should work (according to the manual) #probably a bug in the Django ORM #fake_question = Question.objects.all()[:1][0] #so in cases where reputation_type == 10 #question record is fake and is ignored #this bug is hidden in call Repute.get_explanation_snippet() repute = Repute( user = user, comment = comment, #question = fake_question, reputed_at = timestamp, reputation_type = 10, #todo: fix magic number reputation = user.reputation ) if reputation_change < 0: repute.negative = -1 * reputation_change else: repute.positive = reputation_change def user_get_status_display(self, soft = False): if self.is_administrator(): return _('Site Adminstrator') elif self.is_moderator(): return _('Forum Moderator') elif self.is_suspended(): return _('Suspended User') elif self.is_blocked(): return _('Blocked User') elif soft == True: return _('Registered User') elif self.is_watched(): return _('Watched User') elif self.is_approved(): return _('Approved User') else: raise ValueError('Unknown user status') def user_can_moderate_user(self, other): if self.is_administrator(): return True elif self.is_moderator(): if other.is_moderator() or other.is_administrator(): return False else: return True else: return False def user_get_followed_question_alert_frequency(self): feed_setting, created = EmailFeedSetting.objects.get_or_create( subscriber=self, feed_type='q_sel' ) return feed_setting.frequency def user_subscribe_for_followed_question_alerts(self): """turns on daily subscription for selected questions otherwise does nothing Returns ``True`` if the subscription was turned on and ``False`` otherwise """ feed_setting, created = EmailFeedSetting.objects.get_or_create( subscriber = self, feed_type = 'q_sel' ) if feed_setting.frequency == 'n': feed_setting.frequency = 'd' return True return False def user_get_tag_filtered_questions(self, questions = None): """Returns a query set of questions, tag filtered according to the user choices. Parameter ``questions`` can be either ``None`` or a starting query set. """ if questions is None: questions = Post.objects.get_questions() if self.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED: ignored_tags = Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__reason = 'bad', user_selections__user = self ) wk = self.ignored_tags.strip().split() ignored_by_wildcards = Tag.objects.get_by_wildcards(wk) return questions.exclude( thread__tags__in = ignored_tags ).exclude( thread__tags__in = ignored_by_wildcards ).distinct() elif self.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING: if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: reason = 'subscribed' wk = self.subscribed_tags.strip().split() else: reason = 'good' wk = self.interesting_tags.strip().split() selected_tags = Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__reason = reason, user_selections__user = self ) selected_by_wildcards = Tag.objects.get_by_wildcards(wk) tag_filter = models.Q(thread__tags__in = list(selected_tags)) \ | models.Q(thread__tags__in = list(selected_by_wildcards)) return questions.filter( tag_filter ).distinct() else: return questions def get_messages(self): messages = [] for m in self.message_set.all(): messages.append(m.message) return messages def delete_messages(self): self.message_set.all().delete() #todo: find where this is used and replace with get_absolute_url def user_get_profile_url(self, profile_section=None): """Returns the URL for this User's profile.""" url = reverse( 'user_profile', kwargs={'id', 'slug':slugify(self.username)} ) if profile_section: url += "?sort=" + profile_section return url def user_get_absolute_url(self): return self.get_profile_url() def get_profile_link(self): profile_link = u'%s' \ % (self.get_profile_url(), escape(self.username)) return mark_safe(profile_link) def user_get_groups(self, private=False): """returns a query set of groups to which user belongs""" #todo: maybe cache this query return Group.objects.get_for_user(self, private=private) def user_get_personal_group(self): group_name = format_personal_group_name(self) return Group.objects.get(name=group_name) def user_get_foreign_groups(self): """returns a query set of groups to which user does not belong""" #todo: maybe cache this query user_group_ids = self.get_groups().values_list('id', flat = True) return Group.objects.exclude(id__in = user_group_ids) def user_get_primary_group(self): """a temporary function - returns ether None or first non-personal non-everyone group works only for one real private group per-person """ groups = self.get_groups(private=True) for group in groups: if group.is_personal(): continue return group return None def user_can_make_group_private_posts(self): """simplest implementation: user belongs to at least one group""" return (self.get_primary_group() != None) def user_get_group_membership(self, group): """returns a group membership object or None if it is not there """ try: return GroupMembership.objects.get(user=self, group=group) except GroupMembership.DoesNotExist: return None def user_get_groups_membership_info(self, groups): """returns a defaultdict with values that are dictionaries with the following keys and values: * key: acceptance_level, value: 'closed', 'moderated', 'open' * key: membership_level, value: 'none', 'pending', 'full' ``groups`` is a group tag query set """ group_ids = groups.values_list('id', flat = True) memberships = GroupMembership.objects.filter( user__id =, group__id__in = group_ids ) info = collections.defaultdict( lambda: {'acceptance_level': 'closed', 'membership_level': 'none'} ) for membership in memberships: membership_level = membership.get_level_display() info[membership.group_id]['membership_level'] = membership_level for group in groups: info[]['acceptance_level'] = group.get_openness_level_for_user(self) return info def user_get_karma_summary(self): """returns human readable sentence about status of user's karma""" return _("%(username)s karma is %(reputation)s") % \ {'username': self.username, 'reputation': self.reputation} def user_get_badge_summary(self): """returns human readable sentence about number of badges of different levels earned by the user. It is assumed that user has some badges""" if + self.silver + self.bronze == 0: return '' badge_bits = list() if bit = ungettext( 'one gold badge', '%(count)d gold badges', ) % {'count':} badge_bits.append(bit) if self.silver: bit = ungettext( 'one silver badge', '%(count)d silver badges', self.silver ) % {'count': self.silver} badge_bits.append(bit) if self.bronze: bit = ungettext( 'one bronze badge', '%(count)d bronze badges', self.bronze ) % {'count': self.bronze} badge_bits.append(bit) if len(badge_bits) == 1: badge_str = badge_bits[0] elif len(badge_bits) > 1: last_bit = badge_bits.pop() badge_str = ', '.join(badge_bits) badge_str = _('%(item1)s and %(item2)s') % \ {'item1': badge_str, 'item2': last_bit} return _("%(user)s has %(badges)s") % {'user': self.username, 'badges':badge_str} #series of methods for user vote-type commands #same call signature func(self, post, timestamp=None, cancel=None) #note that none of these have business logic checks internally #these functions are used by the askbot app and #by the data importer jobs from say stackexchange, where internal rules #may be different #maybe if we do use business rule checks here - we should add #some flag allowing to bypass them for things like the data importers def toggle_favorite_question( self, question, timestamp = None, cancel = False, force = False#this parameter is not used yet ): """cancel has no effect here, but is important for the SE loader it is hoped that toggle will work and data will be consistent but there is no guarantee, maybe it's better to be more strict about processing the "cancel" option another strange thing is that this function unlike others below returns a value """ try: fave = FavoriteQuestion.objects.get(thread=question.thread, user=self) fave.delete() result = False question.thread.update_favorite_count() except FavoriteQuestion.DoesNotExist: if timestamp is None: timestamp = fave = FavoriteQuestion( thread = question.thread, user = self, added_at = timestamp, ) result = True question.thread.update_favorite_count() award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'select_favorite_question', actor = self, context_object = question, timestamp = timestamp ) return result VOTES_TO_EVENTS = { (Vote.VOTE_UP, 'answer'): 'upvote_answer', (Vote.VOTE_UP, 'question'): 'upvote_question', (Vote.VOTE_DOWN, 'question'): 'downvote', (Vote.VOTE_DOWN, 'answer'): 'downvote', (Vote.VOTE_UP, 'comment'): 'upvote_comment', } @auto_now_timestamp def _process_vote(user, post, timestamp=None, cancel=False, vote_type=None): """"private" wrapper function that applies post upvotes/downvotes and cancelations """ #get or create the vote object #return with noop in some situations try: vote = Vote.objects.get(user = user, voted_post=post) except Vote.DoesNotExist: vote = None if cancel: if vote == None: return elif vote.is_opposite(vote_type): return else: #we would call vote.delete() here #but for now all that is handled by the #legacy askbot.auth functions #vote.delete() pass else: if vote == None: vote = Vote( user = user, voted_post=post, vote = vote_type, voted_at = timestamp, ) elif vote.is_opposite(vote_type): = vote_type else: return #do the actual work if vote_type == Vote.VOTE_UP: if cancel: auth.onUpVotedCanceled(vote, post, user, timestamp) else: auth.onUpVoted(vote, post, user, timestamp) elif vote_type == Vote.VOTE_DOWN: if cancel: auth.onDownVotedCanceled(vote, post, user, timestamp) else: auth.onDownVoted(vote, post, user, timestamp) post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() if post.post_type == 'question': #denormalize the question post score on the thread post.thread.points = post.points post.thread.update_summary_html() if cancel: return None event = VOTES_TO_EVENTS.get((vote_type, post.post_type), None) if event: award_badges_signal.send(None, event = event, actor = user, context_object = post, timestamp = timestamp ) return vote def user_fix_html_links(self, text): """depending on the user's privilege, allow links and hotlinked images or replace them with plain text url """ is_simple_user = not self.is_administrator_or_moderator() has_low_rep = self.reputation < askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_INSERT_LINK if is_simple_user and has_low_rep: result = replace_links_with_text(text) if result != text: message = ungettext( 'At least %d karma point is required to post links', 'At least %d karma points is required to post links', askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_INSERT_LINK ) % askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_INSERT_LINK self.message_set.create(message=message) return result return text def user_unfollow_question(self, question = None): self.followed_threads.remove(question.thread) def user_follow_question(self, question = None): self.followed_threads.add(question.thread) def user_is_following_question(user, question): """True if user is following a question""" return question.thread.followed_by.filter( def upvote(self, post, timestamp=None, cancel=False, force = False): #force parameter not used yet return _process_vote( self, post, timestamp=timestamp, cancel=cancel, vote_type=Vote.VOTE_UP ) def downvote(self, post, timestamp=None, cancel=False, force = False): #force not used yet return _process_vote( self, post, timestamp=timestamp, cancel=cancel, vote_type=Vote.VOTE_DOWN ) @auto_now_timestamp def user_approve_post_revision(user, post_revision, timestamp = None): """approves the post revision and, if necessary, the parent post and threads""" user.assert_can_approve_post_revision() post_revision.approved = True post_revision.approved_by = user post_revision.approved_at = timestamp post = post.approved = True if == 'question': thread = post.thread thread.approved = True post.thread.invalidate_cached_data() #send the signal of published revision signals.post_revision_published.send( None, revision = post_revision, was_approved = True ) @auto_now_timestamp def flag_post( user, post, timestamp=None, cancel=False, cancel_all=False, force=False ): if cancel_all: # remove all flags if force == False: user.assert_can_remove_all_flags_offensive(post=post) post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(post) all_flags = Activity.objects.filter( activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE, content_type=post_content_type, ) for flag in all_flags: auth.onUnFlaggedItem(post, flag.user, timestamp=timestamp) elif cancel:#todo: can't unflag? if force == False: user.assert_can_remove_flag_offensive(post = post) auth.onUnFlaggedItem(post, user, timestamp=timestamp) else: if force == False: user.assert_can_flag_offensive(post=post) auth.onFlaggedItem(post, user, timestamp=timestamp) award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'flag_post', actor = user, context_object = post, timestamp = timestamp ) def user_get_flags(self): """return flag Activity query set for all flags set by te user""" return Activity.objects.filter( user = self, activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE ) def user_get_flag_count_posted_today(self): """return number of flags the user has posted within last 24 hours""" today = time_frame = (today, today + datetime.timedelta(1)) flags = self.get_flags() return flags.filter(active_at__range = time_frame).count() def user_get_flags_for_post(self, post): """return query set for flag Activity items posted by users for a given post obeject """ post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(post) flags = self.get_flags() return flags.filter(content_type = post_content_type, def user_update_response_counts(user): """Recount number of responses to the user. """ ACTIVITY_TYPES = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_DISPLAY ACTIVITY_TYPES += (const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION,) user.new_response_count = ActivityAuditStatus.objects.filter( user = user, status = ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_NEW, activity__activity_type__in = ACTIVITY_TYPES ).count() user.seen_response_count = ActivityAuditStatus.objects.filter( user = user, status = ActivityAuditStatus.STATUS_SEEN, activity__activity_type__in = ACTIVITY_TYPES ).count() def user_receive_reputation(self, num_points): new_points = self.reputation + num_points if new_points > 0: self.reputation = new_points else: self.reputation = const.MIN_REPUTATION def user_update_wildcard_tag_selections( self, action = None, reason = None, wildcards = None, ): """updates the user selection of wildcard tags and saves the user object to the database """ if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: assert reason in ('good', 'bad', 'subscribed') else: assert reason in ('good', 'bad') new_tags = set(wildcards) interesting = set(self.interesting_tags.split()) ignored = set(self.ignored_tags.split()) subscribed = set(self.subscribed_tags.split()) if reason == 'good': target_set = interesting other_set = ignored elif reason == 'bad': target_set = ignored other_set = interesting elif reason == 'subscribed': target_set = subscribed other_set = None else: assert(action == 'remove') if action == 'add': target_set.update(new_tags) if reason in ('good', 'bad'): other_set.difference_update(new_tags) else: target_set.difference_update(new_tags) if reason in ('good', 'bad'): other_set.difference_update(new_tags) self.interesting_tags = ' '.join(interesting) self.ignored_tags = ' '.join(ignored) self.subscribed_tags = ' '.join(subscribed) return new_tags def user_edit_group_membership(self, user=None, group=None, action=None): """allows one user to add another to a group or remove user from group. If when adding, the group does not exist, it will be created the delete function is not symmetric, the group will remain even if it becomes empty returns instance of GroupMembership (if action is "add") or None """ if action == 'add': #calculate new level openness = group.get_openness_level_for_user(user) #let people join these special groups, but not leave if == askbot_settings.GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME: openness = 'open' elif == format_personal_group_name(user): openness = 'open' if openness == 'open': level = GroupMembership.FULL elif openness == 'moderated': level = GroupMembership.PENDING elif openness == 'closed': raise django_exceptions.PermissionDenied() membership, created = GroupMembership.objects.get_or_create( user=user, group=group, level=level ) return membership elif action == 'remove': GroupMembership.objects.get(user = user, group = group).delete() return None else: raise ValueError('invalid action') def user_join_group(self, group): return self.edit_group_membership(group=group, user=self, action='add') def user_leave_group(self, group): self.edit_group_membership(group=group, user=self, action='remove') def user_is_group_member(self, group=None): """True if user is member of group, where group can be instance of Group or name of group as string """ if isinstance(group, str): return GroupMembership.objects.filter( user=self, group__name=group ).count() == 1 else: return GroupMembership.objects.filter( user=self, group=group ).count() == 1 User.add_to_class( 'add_missing_askbot_subscriptions', user_add_missing_askbot_subscriptions ) User.add_to_class( 'is_username_taken', classmethod(user_is_username_taken) ) User.add_to_class( 'get_followed_question_alert_frequency', user_get_followed_question_alert_frequency ) User.add_to_class( 'subscribe_for_followed_question_alerts', user_subscribe_for_followed_question_alerts ) User.add_to_class('get_absolute_url', user_get_absolute_url) User.add_to_class('get_avatar_url', user_get_avatar_url) User.add_to_class('get_default_avatar_url', user_get_default_avatar_url) User.add_to_class('get_gravatar_url', user_get_gravatar_url) User.add_to_class('get_or_create_fake_user', user_get_or_create_fake_user) User.add_to_class('get_marked_tags', user_get_marked_tags) User.add_to_class('get_marked_tag_names', user_get_marked_tag_names) User.add_to_class('get_groups', user_get_groups) User.add_to_class('get_foreign_groups', user_get_foreign_groups) User.add_to_class('get_group_membership', user_get_group_membership) User.add_to_class('get_personal_group', user_get_personal_group) User.add_to_class('get_primary_group', user_get_primary_group) User.add_to_class('get_notifications', user_get_notifications) User.add_to_class('strip_email_signature', user_strip_email_signature) User.add_to_class('get_groups_membership_info', user_get_groups_membership_info) User.add_to_class('get_anonymous_name', user_get_anonymous_name) User.add_to_class('get_social_sharing_mode', user_get_social_sharing_mode) User.add_to_class('get_social_sharing_status', user_get_social_sharing_status) User.add_to_class('update_avatar_type', user_update_avatar_type) User.add_to_class('post_question', user_post_question) User.add_to_class('edit_question', user_edit_question) User.add_to_class('retag_question', user_retag_question) User.add_to_class('post_answer', user_post_answer) User.add_to_class('edit_answer', user_edit_answer) User.add_to_class('edit_post', user_edit_post) User.add_to_class( 'post_anonymous_askbot_content', user_post_anonymous_askbot_content ) User.add_to_class('post_comment', user_post_comment) User.add_to_class('edit_comment', user_edit_comment) User.add_to_class('create_post_reject_reason', user_create_post_reject_reason) User.add_to_class('edit_post_reject_reason', user_edit_post_reject_reason) User.add_to_class('delete_post', user_delete_post) User.add_to_class('post_object_description', user_post_object_description) User.add_to_class('visit_question', user_visit_question) User.add_to_class('upvote', upvote) User.add_to_class('downvote', downvote) User.add_to_class('flag_post', flag_post) User.add_to_class('receive_reputation', user_receive_reputation) User.add_to_class('get_flags', user_get_flags) User.add_to_class( 'get_flag_count_posted_today', user_get_flag_count_posted_today ) User.add_to_class('get_flags_for_post', user_get_flags_for_post) User.add_to_class('get_profile_url', user_get_profile_url) User.add_to_class('get_profile_link', get_profile_link) User.add_to_class('get_tag_filtered_questions', user_get_tag_filtered_questions) User.add_to_class('get_messages', get_messages) User.add_to_class('delete_messages', delete_messages) User.add_to_class('toggle_favorite_question', toggle_favorite_question) User.add_to_class('fix_html_links', user_fix_html_links) User.add_to_class('follow_question', user_follow_question) User.add_to_class('unfollow_question', user_unfollow_question) User.add_to_class('is_following_question', user_is_following_question) User.add_to_class('mark_tags', user_mark_tags) User.add_to_class('update_response_counts', user_update_response_counts) User.add_to_class('can_create_tags', user_can_create_tags) User.add_to_class('can_have_strong_url', user_can_have_strong_url) User.add_to_class('can_post_by_email', user_can_post_by_email) User.add_to_class('can_post_comment', user_can_post_comment) User.add_to_class('can_make_group_private_posts', user_can_make_group_private_posts) User.add_to_class('is_administrator', user_is_administrator) User.add_to_class('is_administrator_or_moderator', user_is_administrator_or_moderator) User.add_to_class('set_admin_status', user_set_admin_status) User.add_to_class('edit_group_membership', user_edit_group_membership) User.add_to_class('join_group', user_join_group) User.add_to_class('leave_group', user_leave_group) User.add_to_class('is_group_member', user_is_group_member) User.add_to_class('remove_admin_status', user_remove_admin_status) User.add_to_class('is_moderator', user_is_moderator) User.add_to_class('is_post_moderator', user_is_post_moderator) User.add_to_class('is_approved', user_is_approved) User.add_to_class('is_watched', user_is_watched) User.add_to_class('is_suspended', user_is_suspended) User.add_to_class('is_blocked', user_is_blocked) User.add_to_class('is_owner_of', user_is_owner_of) User.add_to_class('has_interesting_wildcard_tags', user_has_interesting_wildcard_tags) User.add_to_class('has_ignored_wildcard_tags', user_has_ignored_wildcard_tags) User.add_to_class('can_moderate_user', user_can_moderate_user) User.add_to_class('has_affinity_to_question', user_has_affinity_to_question) User.add_to_class('moderate_user_reputation', user_moderate_user_reputation) User.add_to_class('set_status', user_set_status) User.add_to_class('get_badge_summary', user_get_badge_summary) User.add_to_class('get_status_display', user_get_status_display) User.add_to_class('get_old_vote_for_post', user_get_old_vote_for_post) User.add_to_class('get_unused_votes_today', user_get_unused_votes_today) User.add_to_class('delete_comment', user_delete_comment) User.add_to_class('delete_question', user_delete_question) User.add_to_class('delete_answer', user_delete_answer) User.add_to_class('restore_post', user_restore_post) User.add_to_class('close_question', user_close_question) User.add_to_class('reopen_question', user_reopen_question) User.add_to_class('accept_best_answer', user_accept_best_answer) User.add_to_class('unaccept_best_answer', user_unaccept_best_answer) User.add_to_class( 'update_wildcard_tag_selections', user_update_wildcard_tag_selections ) User.add_to_class('approve_post_revision', user_approve_post_revision) User.add_to_class('notify_users', user_notify_users) #assertions User.add_to_class('assert_can_vote_for_post', user_assert_can_vote_for_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_revoke_old_vote', user_assert_can_revoke_old_vote) User.add_to_class('assert_can_upload_file', user_assert_can_upload_file) User.add_to_class('assert_can_post_question', user_assert_can_post_question) User.add_to_class('assert_can_post_answer', user_assert_can_post_answer) User.add_to_class('assert_can_post_comment', user_assert_can_post_comment) User.add_to_class('assert_can_post_text', user_assert_can_post_text) User.add_to_class('assert_can_edit_post', user_assert_can_edit_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_edit_deleted_post', user_assert_can_edit_deleted_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_see_deleted_post', user_assert_can_see_deleted_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_edit_question', user_assert_can_edit_question) User.add_to_class('assert_can_edit_answer', user_assert_can_edit_answer) User.add_to_class('assert_can_close_question', user_assert_can_close_question) User.add_to_class('assert_can_reopen_question', user_assert_can_reopen_question) User.add_to_class('assert_can_flag_offensive', user_assert_can_flag_offensive) User.add_to_class('assert_can_remove_flag_offensive', user_assert_can_remove_flag_offensive) User.add_to_class('assert_can_remove_all_flags_offensive', user_assert_can_remove_all_flags_offensive) User.add_to_class('assert_can_retag_question', user_assert_can_retag_question) #todo: do we need assert_can_delete_post User.add_to_class('assert_can_delete_post', user_assert_can_delete_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_restore_post', user_assert_can_restore_post) User.add_to_class('assert_can_delete_comment', user_assert_can_delete_comment) User.add_to_class('assert_can_edit_comment', user_assert_can_edit_comment) User.add_to_class('assert_can_delete_answer', user_assert_can_delete_answer) User.add_to_class('assert_can_delete_question', user_assert_can_delete_question) User.add_to_class('assert_can_accept_best_answer', user_assert_can_accept_best_answer) User.add_to_class( 'assert_can_unaccept_best_answer', user_assert_can_unaccept_best_answer ) User.add_to_class( 'assert_can_approve_post_revision', user_assert_can_approve_post_revision ) #todo: move this to askbot/mail ? def format_instant_notification_email( to_user = None, from_user = None, post = None, reply_address = None, alt_reply_address = None, update_type = None, template = None, ): """ returns text of the instant notification body and subject line that is built when post is updated only update_types in const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPE_MAP_FOR_TEMPLATES are supported """ origin_post = post.get_origin_post() if update_type == 'question_comment': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_comment()) assert(post.parent and post.parent.is_question()) elif update_type == 'answer_comment': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_comment()) assert(post.parent and post.parent.is_answer()) elif update_type == 'answer_update': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_answer()) elif update_type == 'new_answer': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_answer()) elif update_type == 'question_update': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_question()) elif update_type == 'new_question': assert(isinstance(post, Post) and post.is_question()) elif update_type == 'post_shared': pass else: raise ValueError('unexpected update_type %s' % update_type) if update_type.endswith('update'): assert('comment' not in update_type) revisions = post.revisions.all()[:2] assert(len(revisions) == 2) content_preview = htmldiff( sanitize_html(revisions[1].html), sanitize_html(revisions[0].html), ins_start = '', ins_end = '', del_start = '', del_end = '' ) #todo: remove hardcoded style else: content_preview = post.format_for_email(is_leaf_post = True) #add indented summaries for the parent posts content_preview += post.format_for_email_as_parent_thread_summary() content_preview += '

======= Full thread summary =======

' content_preview += post.thread.format_for_email(user=to_user) if update_type == 'post_shared': user_action = _('%(user)s shared a %(post_link)s.') elif post.is_comment(): if update_type.endswith('update'): user_action = _('%(user)s edited a %(post_link)s.') else: user_action = _('%(user)s posted a %(post_link)s') elif post.is_answer(): if update_type.endswith('update'): user_action = _('%(user)s edited an %(post_link)s.') else: user_action = _('%(user)s posted an %(post_link)s.') elif post.is_question(): if update_type.endswith('update'): user_action = _('%(user)s edited a %(post_link)s.') else: user_action = _('%(user)s posted a %(post_link)s.') else: raise ValueError('unrecognized post type') post_url = site_url(post.get_absolute_url()) user_url = site_url(from_user.get_absolute_url()) user_action = user_action % { 'user': '%s' % (user_url, from_user.username), 'post_link': '%s' % (post_url, _(post.post_type)) #'post_link': '%s >>>' % (_(post.post_type), post_url) } can_reply = to_user.can_post_by_email() if can_reply: reply_separator = const.SIMPLE_REPLY_SEPARATOR_TEMPLATE % \ _('To reply, PLEASE WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE.') if post.post_type == 'question' and alt_reply_address: data = { 'addr': alt_reply_address, 'subject': urllib.quote( ('Re: ' + post.thread.title).encode('utf-8') ) } reply_separator += '

' + \ const.REPLY_WITH_COMMENT_TEMPLATE % data reply_separator += '

' else: reply_separator = '


' % reply_separator reply_separator += user_action else: reply_separator = user_action user_subscriptions_url = reverse( 'user_subscriptions', kwargs = { 'id':, 'slug': slugify(to_user.username) } ) update_data = { 'update_author_name': from_user.username, 'receiving_user_name': to_user.username, 'receiving_user_karma': to_user.reputation, 'reply_by_email_karma_threshold': askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_POST_BY_EMAIL, 'can_reply': can_reply, 'content_preview': content_preview,#post.get_snippet() 'update_type': update_type, 'post_url': post_url, 'origin_post_title': origin_post.thread.title, 'user_subscriptions_url': site_url(user_subscriptions_url), 'reply_separator': reply_separator, 'reply_address': reply_address } subject_line = _('"%(title)s"') % {'title': origin_post.thread.title} content = template.render(Context(update_data)) return subject_line, content def get_reply_to_addresses(user, post): """Returns one or two email addresses that can be used by a given `user` to reply to the `post` the first address - always a real email address, the second address is not ``None`` only for "question" posts. When the user is notified of a new question - i.e. `post` is a "quesiton", he/she will need to choose - whether to give a question or a comment, thus we return the second address - for the comment reply. When the post is a "question", the first email address is for posting an "answer", and when post is either "comment" or "answer", the address will be for posting a "comment". """ #these variables will contain return values primary_addr = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL secondary_addr = None if user.can_post_by_email(): if user.reputation >= askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_POST_BY_EMAIL: reply_args = { 'post': post, 'user': user, 'reply_action': 'post_comment' } if post.post_type in ('answer', 'comment'): reply_args['reply_action'] = 'post_comment' elif post.post_type == 'question': reply_args['reply_action'] = 'post_answer' primary_addr = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new( **reply_args ).as_email_address() if post.post_type == 'question': reply_args['reply_action'] = 'post_comment' secondary_addr = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new( **reply_args ).as_email_address() return primary_addr, secondary_addr def notify_author_of_published_revision( revision = None, was_approved = None, **kwargs ): """notifies author about approved post revision, assumes that we have the very first revision """ #only email about first revision if revision.should_notify_author_about_publishing(was_approved): from askbot.tasks import notify_author_of_published_revision_celery_task notify_author_of_published_revision_celery_task.delay(revision) #todo: move to utils def calculate_gravatar_hash(instance, **kwargs): """Calculates a User's gravatar hash from their email address.""" if kwargs.get('raw', False): return clean_email = instance.gravatar = hashlib.md5(clean_email).hexdigest() def record_post_update_activity( post, newly_mentioned_users=None, updated_by=None, suppress_email=False, timestamp=None, created=False, diff=None, **kwargs ): """called upon signal askbot.models.signals.post_updated which is sent at the end of save() method in posts this handler will set notifications about the post """ if post.needs_moderation(): #do not give notifications yet #todo: it is possible here to trigger #moderation email alerts return assert(timestamp != None) assert(updated_by != None) if newly_mentioned_users is None: newly_mentioned_users = list() from askbot import tasks tasks.record_post_update_celery_task.delay(, post_content_type_id=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(post).id, newly_mentioned_user_id_list=[ for u in newly_mentioned_users],, suppress_email=suppress_email, timestamp=timestamp, created=created, diff=diff, ) def record_award_event(instance, created, **kwargs): """ After we awarded a badge to user, we need to record this activity and notify user. We also recaculate awarded_count of this badge and user information. """ if created: #todo: change this to community user who gives the award activity = Activity( user=instance.user, active_at=instance.awarded_at, content_object=instance, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_PRIZE ) activity.add_recipients([instance.user]) instance.badge.awarded_count += 1 badge = get_badge(instance.badge.slug) if badge.level == const.GOLD_BADGE: += 1 if badge.level == const.SILVER_BADGE: instance.user.silver += 1 if badge.level == const.BRONZE_BADGE: instance.user.bronze += 1 def notify_award_message(instance, created, **kwargs): """ Notify users when they have been awarded badges by using Django message. """ if askbot_settings.BADGES_MODE != 'public': return if created: user = instance.user badge = get_badge(instance.badge.slug) msg = _(u"Congratulations, you have received a badge '%(badge_name)s'. " u"Check out your profile.") \ % { 'badge_name', 'user_profile':user.get_profile_url() } user.message_set.create(message=msg) def record_answer_accepted(instance, created, **kwargs): """ when answer is accepted, we record this for question author - who accepted it. """ if instance.post_type != 'answer': return question = instance.thread._question_post() if not created and instance.accepted(): activity = Activity(,, content_object=question, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_ANSWER, question=question ) recipients = instance.get_author_list( exclude_list = [] ) activity.add_recipients(recipients) def record_user_visit(user, timestamp, **kwargs): """ when user visits any pages, we update the last_seen and consecutive_days_visit_count """ prev_last_seen = user.last_seen or user.last_seen = timestamp if (user.last_seen - prev_last_seen).days == 1: user.consecutive_days_visit_count += 1 award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'site_visit', actor = user, context_object = user, timestamp = timestamp ) #somehow it saves on the query as compared to User.objects.filter(id = = timestamp) def record_vote(instance, created, **kwargs): """ when user have voted """ if created: if == 1: vote_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_VOTE_UP else: vote_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_VOTE_DOWN activity = Activity( user=instance.user, active_at=instance.voted_at, content_object=instance, activity_type=vote_type ) #todo: problem cannot access receiving user here def record_cancel_vote(instance, **kwargs): """ when user canceled vote, the vote will be deleted. """ activity = Activity( user=instance.user,, content_object=instance, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_CANCEL_VOTE ) #todo: same problem - cannot access receiving user here #todo: weird that there is no record delete answer or comment #is this even necessary to keep track of? def record_delete_question(instance, delete_by, **kwargs): """ when user deleted the question """ if instance.post_type == 'question': activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_DELETE_QUESTION elif instance.post_type == 'answer': activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_DELETE_ANSWER else: return activity = Activity( user=delete_by,, content_object=instance, activity_type=activity_type, question = instance.get_origin_post() ) #no need to set receiving user here def record_flag_offensive(instance, mark_by, **kwargs): activity = Activity( user=mark_by,, content_object=instance, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE, question=instance.get_origin_post() ) # todo: report authors that their post is flagged offensive # recipients = instance.get_author_list( # exclude_list = [mark_by] # ) activity.add_recipients(instance.get_moderators()) def remove_flag_offensive(instance, mark_by, **kwargs): "Remove flagging activity" content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) activity = Activity.objects.filter( user=mark_by, content_type = content_type, object_id =, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MARK_OFFENSIVE, question=instance.get_origin_post() ) activity.delete() def record_update_tags(thread, tags, user, timestamp, **kwargs): """ This function sends award badges signal on each updated tag the badges that respond to the 'ta """ for tag in tags: award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'update_tag', actor = user, context_object = tag, timestamp = timestamp ) question = thread._question_post() activity = Activity( user=user,, content_object=question, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_TAGS, question = question ) def record_favorite_question(instance, created, **kwargs): """ when user add the question in him favorite questions list. """ if created: activity = Activity( user=instance.user,, content_object=instance, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_FAVORITE, question=instance.thread._question_post() ) recipients = instance.thread._question_post().get_author_list( exclude_list = [instance.user] ) activity.add_recipients(recipients) def record_user_full_updated(instance, **kwargs): activity = Activity( user=instance,, content_object=instance, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_USER_FULL_UPDATED ) def send_respondable_email_validation_message( user = None, subject_line = None, data = None, template_name = None ): """sends email validation message to the user We validate email by getting user's reply to the validation message by email, which also gives an opportunity to extract user's email signature. """ reply_address = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new( user = user, reply_action = 'validate_email' ) data['email_code'] = reply_address.address template = get_template(template_name) body_text = template.render(Context(data))#todo: set lang reply_to_address = 'welcome-%s@%s' % ( reply_address.address, askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HOSTNAME ) mail.send_mail( subject_line = subject_line, body_text = body_text, recipient_list = [, ], activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_VALIDATION_EMAIL_SENT, headers = {'Reply-To': reply_to_address} ) def add_user_to_global_group(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): """auto-joins user to the global group ``instance`` is an instance of ``User`` class """ if created: instance.edit_group_membership( group=Group.objects.get_global_group(), user=instance, action='add' ) def add_user_to_personal_group(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): """auto-joins user to his/her personal group ``instance`` is an instance of ``User`` class """ if created: #todo: groups will indeed need to be separated from tags #so that we can use less complicated naming scheme #in theore here we may have two users that will have #identical group names!!! group_name = format_personal_group_name(instance) group = Group.objects.get_or_create( name=group_name, user=instance ) instance.edit_group_membership( group=group, user=instance, action='add' ) def greet_new_user(user, **kwargs): """sends welcome email to the newly created user todo: second branch should send email with a simple clickable link. """ if askbot_settings.NEW_USER_GREETING: user.message_set.create(message = askbot_settings.NEW_USER_GREETING) if askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL:#with this on we also collect signature template_name = 'email/welcome_lamson_on.html' else: template_name = 'email/welcome_lamson_off.html' data = { 'site_name': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME, 'site_url': site_url(reverse('questions')), 'ask_address': 'ask@' + askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HOSTNAME, 'can_post_by_email': user.can_post_by_email() } send_respondable_email_validation_message( user=user, subject_line=_('Welcome to %(site_name)s') % data, data=data, template_name=template_name ) def complete_pending_tag_subscriptions(sender, request, *args, **kwargs): """save pending tag subscriptions saved in the session""" if 'subscribe_for_tags' in request.session: (pure_tag_names, wildcards) = request.session.pop('subscribe_for_tags') if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: reason = 'subscribed' else: reason = 'good' request.user.mark_tags( pure_tag_names, wildcards, reason = reason, action = 'add' ) request.user.message_set.create( message = _('Your tag subscription was saved, thanks!') ) def add_missing_subscriptions(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): """``sender`` is instance of ``User``. When the ``User`` is created, any required email subscription settings will be added by this handler""" if created: instance.add_missing_askbot_subscriptions() def add_missing_tag_subscriptions(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): '''``sender` is instance of `User``. When the user is created it add the tag subscriptions to the user via BulkTagSubscription and MarkedTags. ''' if created: if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED and \ askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: user_groups = instance.get_groups() for subscription in BulkTagSubscription.objects.filter(groups__in = user_groups): tag_list = subscription.tag_list() instance.mark_tags(tagnames = tag_list, reason='subscribed', action='add') def post_anonymous_askbot_content( sender, request, user, session_key, signal, *args, **kwargs): """signal handler, unfortunately extra parameters are necessary for the signal machinery, even though they are not used in this function""" user.post_anonymous_askbot_content(session_key) def set_user_avatar_type_flag(instance, created, **kwargs): instance.user.update_avatar_type() def update_user_avatar_type_flag(instance, **kwargs): instance.user.update_avatar_type() def make_admin_if_first_user(instance, **kwargs): """first user automatically becomes an administrator the function is run only once in the interpreter session """ import sys #have to check sys.argv to satisfy the test runner #which fails with the cache-based skipping #for real the setUp() code in the base test case must #clear the cache!!! if 'test' not in sys.argv and cache.cache.get('admin-created'): #no need to hit the database every time! return user_count = User.objects.all().count() if user_count == 0: instance.set_admin_status() cache.cache.set('admin-created', True) def moderate_group_joining(sender, instance=None, created=False, **kwargs): if created and instance.level == GroupMembership.PENDING: user = instance.user group = user.notify_users( notification_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ASK_TO_JOIN_GROUP, recipients = group.get_moderators(), content_object = group ) def tweet_new_post(sender, user=None, question=None, answer=None, form_data=None, **kwargs): """seends out tweets about the new post""" from askbot.tasks import tweet_new_post_task post = question or answer tweet_new_post_task.delay( #signal for User model save changes django_signals.pre_save.connect(make_admin_if_first_user, sender=User) django_signals.pre_save.connect(calculate_gravatar_hash, sender=User) django_signals.post_save.connect(add_missing_subscriptions, sender=User) django_signals.post_save.connect(add_user_to_global_group, sender=User) django_signals.post_save.connect(add_user_to_personal_group, sender=User) django_signals.post_save.connect(add_missing_tag_subscriptions, sender=User) django_signals.post_save.connect(record_award_event, sender=Award) django_signals.post_save.connect(notify_award_message, sender=Award) django_signals.post_save.connect(record_answer_accepted, sender=Post) django_signals.post_save.connect(record_vote, sender=Vote) django_signals.post_save.connect(record_favorite_question, sender=FavoriteQuestion) django_signals.post_save.connect(moderate_group_joining, sender=GroupMembership) if 'avatar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from avatar.models import Avatar django_signals.post_save.connect(set_user_avatar_type_flag,sender=Avatar) django_signals.post_delete.connect(update_user_avatar_type_flag, sender=Avatar) django_signals.post_delete.connect(record_cancel_vote, sender=Vote) #change this to real m2m_changed with Django1.2 signals.delete_question_or_answer.connect(record_delete_question, sender=Post) signals.flag_offensive.connect(record_flag_offensive, sender=Post) signals.remove_flag_offensive.connect(remove_flag_offensive, sender=Post) signals.tags_updated.connect(record_update_tags) signals.user_registered.connect(greet_new_user) signals.user_updated.connect(record_user_full_updated, sender=User) signals.user_logged_in.connect(complete_pending_tag_subscriptions)#todo: add this to fake onlogin middleware signals.user_logged_in.connect(post_anonymous_askbot_content) signals.post_updated.connect(record_post_update_activity) signals.new_answer_posted.connect(tweet_new_post) signals.new_question_posted.connect(tweet_new_post) #probably we cannot use post-save here the point of this is #to tell when the revision becomes publicly visible, not when it is saved signals.post_revision_published.connect(notify_author_of_published_revision) signals.site_visited.connect(record_user_visit) __all__ = [ 'signals', 'Thread', 'QuestionView', 'FavoriteQuestion', 'AnonymousQuestion', 'DraftQuestion', 'AnonymousAnswer', 'DraftAnswer', 'Post', 'PostRevision', 'PostToGroup', 'Tag', 'Vote', 'PostFlagReason', 'MarkedTag', 'BadgeData', 'Award', 'Repute', 'Activity', 'ActivityAuditStatus', 'EmailFeedSetting', 'GroupMembership', 'Group', 'User', 'ReplyAddress', 'get_model', ]