import datetime from django.db import models from django.utils.http import urlquote as django_urlquote from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core import exceptions as django_exceptions from django.conf import settings from askbot import exceptions from askbot.models.base import AnonymousContent, DeletableContent from import PostRevision from askbot.models.base import parse_post_text, parse_and_save_post from askbot.models import content from askbot import const from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from askbot.utils import markup from askbot.utils.html import sanitize_html class AnswerManager(models.Manager): def create_new( self, question=None, author=None, added_at=None, wiki=False, text='', email_notify=False ): answer = Answer( question = question, author = author, added_at = added_at, wiki = wiki, text = text, #.html field is denormalized by the save() call ) if answer.last_edited_by = answer.last_edited_at = added_at answer.wikified_at = added_at answer.parse_and_save(author = author) answer.add_revision( author = author, revised_at = added_at, text = text, comment = const.POST_STATUS['default_version'], ) #update question data question.last_activity_at = added_at question.last_activity_by = author question.answer_count +=1 #set notification/delete if email_notify: if author not in question.followed_by.all(): question.followed_by.add(author) else: #not sure if this is necessary. ajax should take care of this... try: question.followed_by.remove(author) except: pass return answer def get_author_list(self, **kwargs): authors = set() for answer in self: authors.update(answer.get_author_list(**kwargs)) return list(authors) #todo: I think this method is not being used anymore, I'll just comment it for now #def get_answers_from_questions(self, user_id): # """ # Retrieves visibile answers for the given question. Which are not included own answers # """ # cursor = connection.cursor() # cursor.execute(self.GET_ANSWERS_FROM_USER_QUESTIONS, [user_id, user_id]) # return cursor.fetchall() class Answer(content.Content, DeletableContent): post_type = 'answer' question = models.ForeignKey('Question', related_name='answers') accepted = models.BooleanField(default=False) accepted_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) objects = AnswerManager() class Meta(content.Content.Meta): db_table = u'answer' parse = parse_post_text parse_and_save = parse_and_save_post is_anonymous = False #answers are never anonymous - may change def assert_is_visible_to(self, user): """raises QuestionHidden or AnswerHidden""" try: self.question.assert_is_visible_to(user) except exceptions.QuestionHidden: message = _( 'Sorry, the answer you are looking for is ' 'no longer available, because the parent ' 'question has been removed' ) raise exceptions.QuestionHidden(message) if self.deleted: message = _( 'Sorry, this answer has been ' 'removed and is no longer accessible' ) if user.is_anonymous(): raise exceptions.AnswerHidden(message) try: user.assert_can_see_deleted_post(self) except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied: raise exceptions.AnswerHidden(message) def get_updated_activity_data(self, created = False): #todo: simplify this to always return latest revision for the second #part if created: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ANSWER, self else: latest_revision = self.get_latest_revision() return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_ANSWER, latest_revision def get_tag_names(self): """return tag names on the question""" return self.question.get_tag_names() def apply_edit(self, edited_at=None, edited_by=None, text=None, comment=None, wiki=False): if text is None: text = self.get_latest_revision().text if edited_at is None: edited_at = if edited_by is None: raise Exception('edited_by is required') self.last_edited_at = edited_at self.last_edited_by = edited_by #self.html is denormalized in save() self.text = text #todo: bug wiki has no effect here #must add revision before saving the answer self.add_revision( author = edited_by, revised_at = edited_at, text = text, comment = comment ) self.parse_and_save(author = edited_by) self.question.last_activity_at = edited_at self.question.last_activity_by = edited_by def repost_as_question(self, new_title = None): """posts answer as question, together with all the comments while preserving time stamps and authors does not delete the answer itself though """ revisions = self.revisions.all().order_by('revised_at') rev0 = revisions[0] new_question = title = new_title, body_text = rev0.text, tags = self.question.tagnames, wiki =, is_anonymous = self.question.is_anonymous, timestamp = rev0.revised_at ) if len(revisions) > 1: for rev in revisions[1:]: question = new_question, body_text = rev.text, revision_comment = rev.summary, timestamp = rev.revised_at ) for comment in self.comments.all(): comment.content_object = new_question return new_question def swap_with_question(self, new_title = None): """swaps answer with the question it belongs to and sets the title of question to ``new_title`` """ #1) make new question by using new title, tags of old question # and the answer body, as well as the authors of all revisions # and repost all the comments new_question = self.repost_as_question(new_title = new_title) #2) post question (all revisions and comments) as answer new_answer = self.question.repost_as_answer(question = new_question) #3) assign all remaining answers to the new question self.question.answers.update(question = new_question) self.question.delete() self.delete() return new_question def add_revision(self, author=None, revised_at=None, text=None, comment=None): #todo: this may be identical to Question.add_revision if None in (author, revised_at, text): raise Exception('arguments author, revised_at and text are required') rev_no = self.revisions.all().count() + 1 if comment in (None, ''): if rev_no == 1: comment = const.POST_STATUS['default_version'] else: comment = 'No.%s Revision' % rev_no return PostRevision.objects.create_answer_revision( answer=self, author=author, revised_at=revised_at, text=text, summary=comment, revision=rev_no ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Answer, self).save(*args, **kwargs); if 'postgres' in settings.DATABASE_ENGINE: #hit the database to trigger update of full text search vector def get_origin_post(self): return self.question def get_page_number(self, answers = None): """When question has many answers, answers are paginated. This function returns number of the page on which the answer will be shown, using the default sort order. The result may depend on the visitor.""" order_number = 0 for answer in answers: if self == answer: break order_number += 1 return int(order_number/const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE) + 1 def get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """get list of users interested in this response update based on their participation in the question activity exclude_list is required and normally should contain author of the updated so that he/she is not notified of the response """ assert(exclude_list is not None) recipients = set() recipients.update( self.get_author_list( include_comments = True ) ) recipients.update( self.question.get_author_list( include_comments = True ) ) for answer in self.question.answers.all(): recipients.update(answer.get_author_list()) recipients -= set(exclude_list) return list(recipients) def get_user_vote(self, user): if user.is_anonymous(): return None votes = self.votes.filter(user=user) if votes and votes.count() > 0: return votes[0] else: return None def get_question_title(self): return self.question.title def get_absolute_url(self): return u'%(base)s%(slug)s?answer=%(id)d#answer-container-%(id)d' % \ { 'base': reverse('question', args=[]), 'slug': django_urlquote(slugify(self.question.title)), 'id': } def __unicode__(self): return self.html class AnonymousAnswer(AnonymousContent): question = models.ForeignKey('Question', related_name='anonymous_answers') def publish(self,user): added_at = Answer.objects.create_new(question=self.question,, added_at=added_at,text=self.text, author=user) self.delete()