"""This file contains data on badges that is not stored in the database. there are no django models in this file. This data is static, so there is no point storing it in the db. However, the database does have model BadgeData, that contains additional mutable data pertaining to the badges - denormalized award counts and lists of recipients. BadgeData django model is located in askbot/models/repute.py Badges in this file are connected with the contents of BadgeData via key, determined as a slugified version of badge name. To implement a new badge, one must create a subclass of Badge, adde it to BADGES dictionary, register with event in EVENTS_TO_BADGES and make sure that a signal `award_badges_signal` is sent with the corresponding event name, actor (user object), context_object and optionally - timestamp """ import datetime from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.dispatch import Signal from askbot.models.repute import BadgeData, Award from askbot.models.user import Activity from askbot.models.meta import Comment from askbot.models.question import FavoriteQuestion as Fave#name collision from askbot import const from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.utils.decorators import auto_now_timestamp class Badge(object): """base class for the badges badges must implement method consider_award which returns a boolean True if award succeds and False otherwise consider_award assumes that the function is called upon correct event, i.e. it is the responsibility of the caller to try awarding badges at appropriate times """ def __init__(self, key = '', name = '', level = None, description = None, multiple = False): #key - must be an ASCII only word self.key = key self.name = name self.level = level self.description = description self.multiple = multiple self.css_class = const.BADGE_CSS_CLASSES[self.level] def get_stored_data(self): data, created = BadgeData.objects.get_or_create(slug = self.key) return data @property def awarded_count(self): return self.get_stored_data().awarded_count @property def awarded_to(self): return self.get_stored_data().awarded_to @property def award_badge(self): """related name from `askbot.models.Award` the name of this property is confusing, but for now left in sync with the name on the `Award` model the goal is that any badge recalled from this module would behave just like the instance of BadgeData and vice versa """ return self.get_stored_data().award_badge def get_level_display(self): """display name for the level of the badge""" return dict(const.BADGE_TYPE_CHOICES).get(self.level) def award(self, recipient = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): """do award, the recipient was proven to deserve""" if self.multiple == False: if recipient.badges.filter(slug = self.key).count() != 0: return False else: content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(context_object) filters = { 'user': recipient, 'object_id': context_object.id, 'content_type': content_type, 'badge__slug': self.key, } #multiple badge is not re-awarded for the same post if Award.objects.filter(**filters).count() != 0: return False badge = self.get_stored_data() award = Award( user = recipient, badge = badge, awarded_at = timestamp, content_object = context_object ) award.save()#note: there are signals that listen to saving the Award return True def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): """Normally this method should be reimplemented in subclass, but some badges are awarded without checks. Those do no need to override this method actor - user who committed some action, context_object - the object related to the award situation, e.g. answer """ return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class Disciplined(Badge): def __init__(self): description = _( 'Deleted own post with %(votes)s or more upvotes' ) % {'votes': askbot_settings.DISCIPLINED_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES} super(Disciplined, self).__init__( key = 'disciplined', name = _('Disciplined'), description = description, level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = True ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.author != actor: return False if context_object.score >= \ askbot_settings.DISCIPLINED_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class PeerPressure(Badge): def __init__(self): description = _( u'Deleted own post with %(votes)s or more downvotes' ) % {'votes': askbot_settings.PEER_PRESSURE_BADGE_MIN_DOWNVOTES} super(PeerPressure, self).__init__( key = 'peer-pressure', name = _('Peer Pressure'), description = description, level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = True ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.author != actor: return False if context_object.score <= \ -1 * askbot_settings.PEER_PRESSURE_BADGE_MIN_DOWNVOTES: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) return False class Teacher(Badge): def __init__(self): description = _( 'Received at least %(votes)s upvote for an answer for the first time' ) % {'votes': askbot_settings.TEACHER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES} super(Teacher, self).__init__( key = 'teacher', name = _('Teacher'), description = description, level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'answer': return False if context_object.score >= askbot_settings.TEACHER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES: return self.award(context_object.author, context_object, timestamp) return False class FirstVote(Badge): """this badge is not awarded directly, but through Supporter and Critic, which must provide * key, name and description properties through __new__ call """ def __init__(self): super(FirstVote, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, description = self.description, level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type not in ('question', 'answer'): return False return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class Supporter(FirstVote): """first upvote""" def __new__(cls): self = super(Supporter, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'supporter' self.name = _('Supporter') self.description = _('First upvote') return self class Critic(FirstVote): """like supporter, but for downvote""" def __new__(cls): self = super(Critic, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'critic' self.name = _('Critic') self.description = _('First downvote') return self class CivicDuty(Badge): """awarded once after a certain number of votes""" def __init__(self): min_votes = askbot_settings.CIVIC_DUTY_BADGE_MIN_VOTES super(CivicDuty, self).__init__( key = 'civic-duty', name = _('Civic Duty'), description = _('Voted %(num)s times') % {'num': min_votes}, level = const.SILVER_BADGE, multiple = False ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type not in ('question', 'answer'): return False if actor.votes.count() == askbot_settings.CIVIC_DUTY_BADGE_MIN_VOTES: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class SelfLearner(Badge): def __init__(self): description = _('Answered own question with at least %(num)s up votes') min_votes = askbot_settings.SELF_LEARNER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES super(SelfLearner, self).__init__( key = 'self-learner', name = _('Self-Learner'), description = description % {'num': min_votes}, level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = True ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'answer': return False min_upvotes = askbot_settings.SELF_LEARNER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES question = context_object.question answer = context_object if question.author == answer.author and answer.score >= min_upvotes: self.award(context_object.author, context_object, timestamp) class QualityPost(Badge): """Generic Badge for Nice/Good/Great Question or Answer this badge is not used directly but is instantiated via subclasses created via __new__() method definitions The subclass has a responsibility to specify properties: * min_votes - a value from live settings * post_type - string 'question' or 'answer' * key, name, description, level and multiple - as intended in the Badge """ def __init__(self): super(QualityPost, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, description = self.description, level = self.level, multiple = self.multiple ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type not in ('answer', 'question'): return False if context_object.score >= self.min_votes: return self.award(context_object.author, context_object, timestamp) return False class NiceAnswer(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(NiceAnswer, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Nice Answer') self.key = 'nice-answer' self.level = const.BRONZE_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.NICE_ANSWER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Answer voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'answer' return self class GoodAnswer(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(GoodAnswer, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Good Answer') self.key = 'good-answer' self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.GOOD_ANSWER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Answer voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'answer' return self class GreatAnswer(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(GreatAnswer, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Great Answer') self.key = 'great-answer' self.level = const.GOLD_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.GREAT_ANSWER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Answer voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'answer' return self class NiceQuestion(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(NiceQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Nice Question') self.key = 'nice-question' self.level = const.BRONZE_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.NICE_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Question voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'question' return self class GoodQuestion(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(GoodQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Good Question') self.key = 'good-question' self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.GOOD_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Question voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'question' return self class GreatQuestion(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(GreatQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Great Question') self.key = 'great-question' self.level = const.GOLD_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_votes = askbot_settings.GREAT_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = _('Question voted up %(num)s times') % {'num': self.min_votes} self.post_type = 'question' return self class Student(QualityPost): def __new__(cls): self = super(Student , cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Student') self.key = 'student' self.level = const.BRONZE_BADGE self.multiple = False self.min_votes = 1 self.description = _('Asked first question with at least one up vote') self.post_type = 'question' return self class FrequentedQuestion(Badge): """this badge is not awarded directly but must be subclassed by Popular, Notable and Famous Question badges via __new__() method definitions The subclass has a responsibility to specify properties: * min_views - a value from live settings * key, name, description and level and multiple - as intended in the Badge """ def __init__(self): super(FrequentedQuestion, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, description = self.description, level = self.level, multiple = True ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'question': return False if context_object.view_count >= self.min_views: return self.award(context_object.author, context_object, timestamp) return False class PopularQuestion(FrequentedQuestion): def __new__(cls): self = super(PopularQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Popular Question') self.key = 'popular-question' self.level = const.BRONZE_BADGE self.min_views = askbot_settings.POPULAR_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_VIEWS self.description = _('Asked a question with %(views)s views') \ % {'views' : self.min_views} return self class NotableQuestion(FrequentedQuestion): def __new__(cls): self = super(NotableQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Notable Question') self.key = 'notable-question' self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.min_views = askbot_settings.NOTABLE_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_VIEWS self.description = _('Asked a question with %(views)s views') \ % {'views' : self.min_views} return self class FamousQuestion(FrequentedQuestion): def __new__(cls): self = super(FamousQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.name = _('Famous Question') self.key = 'famous-question' self.level = const.GOLD_BADGE self.multiple = True self.min_views = askbot_settings.FAMOUS_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_VIEWS self.description = _('Asked a question with %(views)s views') \ % {'views' : self.min_views} return self class Scholar(Badge): """scholar badge is awarded to the asker when he/she accepts an answer for the first time """ def __init__(self): description = _('Asked a question and accepted an answer') super(Scholar, self).__init__( key = 'scholar', name = _('Scholar'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = description ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'answer': return False answer = context_object if answer.question.author != actor: return False return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class VotedAcceptedAnswer(Badge): """superclass for Enlightened and Guru badges not awarded directly Subclasses must define __new__ function """ def __init__(self): super(VotedAcceptedAnswer, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, level = self.level, multiple = self.multiple, description = self.description ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'answer': return None answer = context_object if answer.score >= self.min_votes and answer.accepted: return self.award(answer.author, answer, timestamp) class Enlightened(VotedAcceptedAnswer): def __new__(cls): self = super(Enlightened, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'enlightened' self.name = _('Enlightened') self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.multiple = False self.min_votes = askbot_settings.ENLIGHTENED_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES descr = _('First answer was accepted with %(num)s or more votes') self.description = descr % {'num': self.min_votes} return self class Guru(VotedAcceptedAnswer): def __new__(cls): self = super(Guru, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'guru' self.name = _('Guru') self.level = const.GOLD_BADGE self.multiple = True descr = _('Answer accepted with %(num)s or more votes') self.min_votes = askbot_settings.GURU_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES self.description = descr % {'num': self.min_votes} return self class Necromancer(Badge): def __init__(self): description = _( 'Answered a question more than %(days)s days ' 'later with at least %(votes)s votes' ) days = askbot_settings.NECROMANCER_BADGE_MIN_DELAY votes = askbot_settings.NECROMANCER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES super(Necromancer, self).__init__( key = 'necromancer', name = _('Necromancer'), level = const.SILVER_BADGE, description = description % {'days':days, 'votes':votes}, multiple = True ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): if context_object.post_type != 'answer': return False answer = context_object question = answer.question delta = datetime.timedelta(askbot_settings.NECROMANCER_BADGE_MIN_DELAY) min_score = askbot_settings.NECROMANCER_BADGE_MIN_UPVOTES if answer.added_at - question.added_at >= delta \ and answer.score >= min_score: return self.award(answer.author, answer, timestamp) return False class CitizenPatrol(Badge): def __init__(self): super(CitizenPatrol, self).__init__( key = 'citizen-patrol', name = _('Citizen Patrol'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('First flagged post') ) class Cleanup(Badge): """This badge is inactive right now. to make it live we need to be able to either detect "undo" actions or rewrite the view correspondingly """ def __init__(self): super(Cleanup, self).__init__( key = 'cleanup', name = _('Cleanup'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('First rollback') ) class Pundit(Badge): """Inactive until it is possible to vote for comments. Pundit is someone who makes good comments. """ def __init__(self): super(Pundit, self).__init__( key = 'pundit', name = _('Pundit'), level = const.SILVER_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('Left 10 comments with score of 10 or more') ) class EditorTypeBadge(Badge): """subclassing badges are types of editors must provide usual parameters + min_edits via __new__ function """ def __init__(self): super(EditorTypeBadge, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, level = self.level, multiple = False, description = self.description ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): atypes = ( const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_QUESTION, const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_ANSWER ) filters = {'user': actor, 'activity_type__in': atypes} if Activity.objects.filter(**filters).count() == self.min_edits: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) class Editor(EditorTypeBadge): def __new__(cls): self = super(Editor, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'editor' self.name = _('Editor') self.level = const.BRONZE_BADGE self.multiple = False self.description = _('First edit') self.min_edits = 1 return self class AssociateEditor(EditorTypeBadge): def __new__(cls): self = super(AssociateEditor, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'strunk-and-white'#legacy copycat name from stackoverflow self.name = _('Associate Editor') self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.multiple = False self.min_edits = askbot_settings.ASSOCIATE_EDITOR_BADGE_MIN_EDITS self.description = _('Edited %(num)s entries') % {'num': self.min_edits} return self class Organizer(Badge): def __init__(self): super(Organizer, self).__init__( key = 'organizer', name = _('Organizer'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('First retag') ) class Autobiographer(Badge): def __init__(self): super(Autobiographer, self).__init__( key = 'autobiographer', name = _('Autobiographer'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('Completed all user profile fields') ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): user = context_object if user.email and user.real_name and user.website \ and user.location and user.about: return self.award(user, user, timestamp) return False class FavoriteTypeBadge(Badge): """subclass must use __new__ and in addition must provide min_stars property for the badge """ def __init__(self): descr = _('Question favorited by %(num)s users') super(FavoriteTypeBadge, self).__init__( key = self.key, name = self.name, level = self.level, multiple = True, description = descr % {'num': self.min_stars} ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): question = context_object #model FavoriteQuestion imported under alias of Fave count = Fave.objects.filter( question = question ).exclude( user = question.author ).count() if count == self.min_stars: return self.award(question.author, question, timestamp) return False class StellarQuestion(FavoriteTypeBadge): def __new__(cls): self = super(StellarQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'stellar-question' self.name = _('Stellar Question') self.level = const.GOLD_BADGE self.min_stars = askbot_settings.STELLAR_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_STARS return self class FavoriteQuestion(FavoriteTypeBadge): def __new__(cls): self = super(FavoriteQuestion, cls).__new__(cls) self.key = 'favorite-question' self.name = _('Favorite Question') self.level = const.SILVER_BADGE self.min_stars = askbot_settings.FAVORITE_QUESTION_BADGE_MIN_STARS return self class Enthusiast(Badge): """Awarded to a user who visits the site for a certain number of days in a row """ def __init__(self): super(Enthusiast, self).__init__( key = 'enthusiast', name = _('Enthusiast'), level = const.SILVER_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _( 'Visited site every day for %(num)s days in a row' ) % {'num': askbot_settings.ENTHUSIAST_BADGE_MIN_DAYS} ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): min_days = askbot_settings.ENTHUSIAST_BADGE_MIN_DAYS if actor.consecutive_days_visit_count == min_days: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) return False class Commentator(Badge): """Commentator is a bronze badge that is awarded once when user posts a certain number of comments""" def __init__(self): super(Commentator, self).__init__( key = 'commentator', name = _('Commentator'), level = const.BRONZE_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _( 'Posted %(num_comments)s comments' ) % {'num_comments': askbot_settings.COMMENTATOR_BADGE_MIN_COMMENTS} ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): num_comments = Comment.objects.filter(user = actor).count() if num_comments >= askbot_settings.COMMENTATOR_BADGE_MIN_COMMENTS: return self.award(actor, context_object, timestamp) return False class Taxonomist(Badge): """Stub badge""" def __init__(self): super(Taxonomist, self).__init__( key = 'taxonomist', name = _('Taxonomist'), level = const.SILVER_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _( 'Created a tag used by %(num)s questions' ) % {'num': askbot_settings.TAXONOMIST_BADGE_MIN_USE_COUNT} ) def consider_award(self, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None): tag = context_object taxonomist_threshold = askbot_settings.TAXONOMIST_BADGE_MIN_USE_COUNT #the "-1" is used because tag counts are updated in a bulk query #that does not update the value in the python object if tag.used_count == taxonomist_threshold - 1: return self.award(tag.created_by, tag, timestamp) return False class Expert(Badge): """Stub badge""" def __init__(self): super(Expert, self).__init__( key = 'expert', name = _('Expert'), level = const.SILVER_BADGE, multiple = False, description = _('Very active in one tag') ) ORIGINAL_DATA = """ extra badges from stackexchange * commentator - left n comments (single) * enthusiast, fanatic - visited site n days in a row (s) * epic, legendary - hit daily reputation cap on n days (s) * mortarboard - hit the daily reputation cap for the first time (s) * populist - provided an answer that outscored an accepted answer two-fold or by n points, whichever is higher (m) * reversal - provided an answer with +n points to a question of -m points (_('Yearling'), 2, _('yearling'), _('Active member for a year'), False, 0), (_('Generalist'), 2, _('generalist'), _('Active in many different tags'), False, 0), (_('Beta'), 2, _('beta'), _('Actively participated in the private beta'), False, 0), (_('Alpha'), 2, _('alpha'), _('Actively participated in the private alpha'), False, 0), """ BADGES = { 'strunk-and-white': AssociateEditor,#legacy slug name 'autobiographer': Autobiographer, 'cleanup': Cleanup, 'citizen-patrol': CitizenPatrol, 'civic-duty': CivicDuty, 'commentator': Commentator, 'critic': Critic, 'disciplined': Disciplined, 'editor': Editor, 'enlightened': Enlightened, 'enthusiast': Enthusiast, 'expert': Expert, 'famous-question': FamousQuestion, 'favorite-question': FavoriteQuestion, 'good-answer': GoodAnswer, 'good-question': GoodQuestion, 'great-answer': GreatAnswer, 'great-question': GreatQuestion, 'guru': Guru, 'necromancer': Necromancer, 'nice-answer': NiceAnswer, 'nice-question': NiceQuestion, 'notable-question': NotableQuestion, 'organizer': Organizer, 'peer-pressure': PeerPressure, 'popular-question': PopularQuestion, 'pundit': Pundit, 'scholar': Scholar, 'self-learner': SelfLearner, 'stellar-question': StellarQuestion, 'student': Student, 'supporter': Supporter, 'teacher': Teacher, 'taxonomist': Taxonomist, } #events are sent as a parameter via signal award_badges_signal #from appropriate locations in the code of askbot application #most likely - from manipulator functions that are added to the User objects EVENTS_TO_BADGES = { 'accept_best_answer': (Scholar, Guru, Enlightened), 'delete_post': (Disciplined, PeerPressure,), 'downvote': (Critic, CivicDuty),#no regard for question or answer for now 'edit_answer': (Editor, AssociateEditor), 'edit_question': (Editor, AssociateEditor), 'flag_post': (CitizenPatrol,), 'post_answer': (Necromancer,), 'post_comment': (Commentator,), 'retag_question': (Organizer,), 'select_favorite_question': (FavoriteQuestion, StellarQuestion,), 'site_visit': (Enthusiast,), 'update_tag': (Taxonomist,), 'update_user_profile': (Autobiographer,), 'upvote_answer': ( Teacher, NiceAnswer, GoodAnswer, GreatAnswer, Supporter, SelfLearner, CivicDuty, Guru, Enlightened, Necromancer ), 'upvote_question': ( NiceQuestion, GoodQuestion, GreatQuestion, Student, Supporter, CivicDuty ), 'upvote_comment':(),#todo - add some badges here 'view_question': (PopularQuestion, NotableQuestion, FamousQuestion,), } def get_badge(name = None): """Get badge object by name, if none matches the name raise KeyError """ key = slugify(name) return BADGES[key]() def init_badges(): """Calling this function will set up badge record int the database for each badge enumerated in the `BADGES` dictionary """ #todo: maybe better to redo individual badges #so that get_stored_data() is called implicitly #from the __init__ function? for key in BADGES.keys(): get_badge(key).get_stored_data() award_badges_signal = Signal( providing_args=[ 'actor', 'event', 'context_object', 'timestamp' ] ) #actor - user who triggers the event #event - string name of the event, e.g 'downvote' #context_object - database object related to the event, e.g. question @auto_now_timestamp def award_badges(event = None, actor = None, context_object = None, timestamp = None, **kwargs): """function that is called when signal `award_badges_signal` is sent """ try: consider_badges = EVENTS_TO_BADGES[event] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('event "%s" is not implemented' % event) for badge in consider_badges: badge_instance = badge() badge_instance.consider_award(actor, context_object, timestamp) award_badges_signal.connect(award_badges)