import datetime from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import models from django.utils import html as html_utils from askbot import const from askbot.models import base from askbot.models.user import EmailFeedSetting class VoteManager(models.Manager): def get_up_vote_count_from_user(self, user): if user is not None: return self.filter(user=user, vote=1).count() else: return 0 def get_down_vote_count_from_user(self, user): if user is not None: return self.filter(user=user, vote=-1).count() else: return 0 def get_votes_count_today_from_user(self, user): if user is not None: today = return self.filter(user=user, voted_at__range=(today, today + datetime.timedelta(1))).count() else: return 0 class Vote(base.MetaContent, base.UserContent): VOTE_UP = +1 VOTE_DOWN = -1 VOTE_CHOICES = ( (VOTE_UP, u'Up'), (VOTE_DOWN, u'Down'), ) vote = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=VOTE_CHOICES) voted_at = models.DateTimeField( objects = VoteManager() class Meta(base.MetaContent.Meta): unique_together = ('content_type', 'object_id', 'user') db_table = u'vote' def __unicode__(self): return '[%s] voted at %s: %s' %(self.user, self.voted_at, def is_upvote(self): return == self.VOTE_UP def is_downvote(self): return == self.VOTE_DOWN def is_opposite(self, vote_type): assert(vote_type in (self.VOTE_UP, self.VOTE_DOWN)) return != vote_type def cancel(self): """cancel the vote while taking into account whether vote was up or down return change in score on the post """ #importing locally because of circular dependency from askbot import auth score_before = self.content_object.score if > 0: # cancel upvote auth.onUpVotedCanceled(self, self.content_object, self.user) else: # cancel downvote auth.onDownVotedCanceled(self, self.content_object, self.user) score_after = self.content_object.score return score_after - score_before class FlaggedItemManager(models.Manager): def get_flagged_items_count_today(self, user): if user is not None: today = return self.filter(user=user, flagged_at__range=(today, today + datetime.timedelta(1))).count() else: return 0 class FlaggedItem(base.MetaContent, base.UserContent): """A flag on a Question or Answer indicating offensive content.""" flagged_at = models.DateTimeField( objects = FlaggedItemManager() class Meta(base.MetaContent.Meta): unique_together = ('content_type', 'object_id', 'user') db_table = u'flagged_item' def __unicode__(self): return '[%s] flagged at %s' %(self.user, self.flagged_at) #todo: move this class to content class Comment(base.MetaContent, base.UserContent): comment = models.CharField(max_length = const.COMMENT_HARD_MAX_LENGTH) added_at = models.DateTimeField(default = html = models.CharField(max_length = const.COMMENT_HARD_MAX_LENGTH, default='') _urlize = True _use_markdown = False _escape_html = True class Meta(base.MetaContent.Meta): ordering = ('-added_at',) db_table = u'comment' #these two are methods parse = base.parse_post_text parse_and_save = base.parse_and_save_post def get_origin_post(self): return self.content_object.get_origin_post() #todo: maybe remove this wnen post models are unified def get_text(self): return self.comment def set_text(self, text): self.comment = text def get_snippet(self): """returns an abbreviated snippet of the content todo: remove this if comment model unites with Q&A """ return html_utils.strip_tags(self.html)[:120] + ' ...' def get_owner(self): return self.user def get_updated_activity_data(self, created = False): if self.content_object.__class__.__name__ == 'Question': return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_QUESTION, self elif self.content_object.__class__.__name__ == 'Answer': return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ANSWER, self def get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """get list of users who authored comments on a post and the post itself """ assert(exclude_list is not None) users = set() users.update( #get authors of parent object and all associated comments self.content_object.get_author_list( include_comments = True, ) ) users -= set(exclude_list) return list(users) def get_instant_notification_subscribers( self, potential_subscribers = None, mentioned_users = None, exclude_list = None ): """get list of users who want instant notifications about this comment argument potential_subscribers is required as it saves on db hits """ #print 'in meta function' #print 'potential subscribers: ', potential_subscribers subscriber_set = set() if potential_subscribers: potential_subscribers = set(potential_subscribers) else: potential_subscribers = set() if mentioned_users: potential_subscribers.update(mentioned_users) if potential_subscribers: comment_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = potential_subscribers, feed_type = 'm_and_c', frequency = 'i' ) subscriber_set.update(comment_subscribers) #print 'comment subscribers: ', comment_subscribers origin_post = self.get_origin_post() selective_subscribers = origin_post.followed_by.all() if selective_subscribers: selective_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = selective_subscribers, feed_type = 'q_sel', frequency = 'i' ) for subscriber in selective_subscribers: if origin_post.passes_tag_filter_for_user(subscriber): subscriber_set.add(subscriber) subscriber_set.update(selective_subscribers) #print 'selective subscribers: ', selective_subscribers global_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.filter_subscribers( feed_type = 'q_all', frequency = 'i' ) #print 'global subscribers: ', global_subscribers subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers) #print 'exclude list is: ', exclude_list if exclude_list: subscriber_set -= set(exclude_list) #print 'final list of subscribers:', subscriber_set return list(subscriber_set) def get_time_of_last_edit(self): return self.added_at def delete(self, **kwargs): """deletes comment and concomitant response activity records, as well as mention records, while preserving integrity or response counts for the users """ #todo: not very good import in models of other models #todo: potentially a circular import from askbot.models.user import Activity comment_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) comment_id = #on these activities decrement response counter #todo: implement a custom delete method on these #all this should pack into Activity.responses.filter( somehow ).delete() response_activity_types = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_DISPLAY activities = Activity.objects.filter( content_type = comment_content_type, object_id = comment_id, activity_type__in = response_activity_types ) for activity in activities: for user in activity.receiving_users.all(): user.decrement_response_count() activities.delete() #mentions - simply delete mentions = Activity.objects.get_mentions(mentioned_in = self) mentions.delete() super(Comment,self).delete(**kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): origin_post = self.get_origin_post() return '%s#comment-%d' % (origin_post.get_absolute_url(), def get_latest_revision_number(self): return 1 def __unicode__(self): return self.comment