from collections import defaultdict import datetime import operator import logging from django.contrib.sitemaps import ping_google from django.utils import html from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import urlresolvers from django.db import models from django.utils import html as html_utils from django.utils.translation import activate as activate_language from django.utils.translation import get_language from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.http import urlquote as django_urlquote from django.core import exceptions as django_exceptions from django.core import cache from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType import askbot from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from askbot import const from askbot.models.user import Activity from askbot.models.user import EmailFeedSetting from askbot.models.user import Group from askbot.models.user import GroupMembership from askbot.models.tag import Tag, MarkedTag from askbot.models.tag import tags_match_some_wildcard from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot import exceptions from askbot.utils import markup from askbot.utils.html import sanitize_html, strip_tags from askbot.utils.html import site_url from askbot.models.base import BaseQuerySetManager, DraftContent #todo: maybe merge askbot.utils.markup and forum.utils.html from askbot.utils.diff import textDiff as htmldiff from import mysql class PostToGroup(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey('Post') group = models.ForeignKey(Group) class Meta: unique_together = ('post', 'group') app_label = 'askbot' db_table = 'askbot_post_groups' class PostQuerySet(models.query.QuerySet): """ Custom query set subclass for :class:`~askbot.models.Post` """ #todo: we may not need this query set class, #as all methods on this class seem to want to #belong to Thread manager or Query set. def get_for_user(self, user): if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: if user is None or user.is_anonymous(): groups = [Group.objects.get_global_group()] else: groups = user.get_groups() return self.filter(groups__in = groups).distinct() else: return self def get_by_text_query(self, search_query): """returns a query set of questions, matching the full text query """ return self.filter( models.Q(thread__title__icontains = search_query)\ | models.Q(text__icontains = search_query)\ | models.Q(thread__tagnames = search_query)\ | models.Q(thread__posts__text__icontains = search_query, thread__posts__post_type='answer') ) # #todo - goes to thread - we search whole threads # if getattr(django_settings, 'USE_SPHINX_SEARCH', False): # matching_questions = Question.sphinx_search.query(search_query) # question_ids = [ for q in matching_questions] # return Question.objects.filter(deleted = False, id__in = question_ids) # if django_settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'mysql' and mysql.supports_full_text_search(): # return self.filter( # models.Q(thread__title__search = search_query)\ # | models.Q(text__search = search_query)\ # | models.Q(thread__tagnames__search = search_query)\ # | models.Q(answers__text__search = search_query) # ) # elif 'postgresql_psycopg2' in askbot.get_database_engine_name(): # rank_clause = "ts_rank(question.text_search_vector, plainto_tsquery(%s))"; # search_query = '&'.join(search_query.split()) # extra_params = (search_query,) # extra_kwargs = { # 'select': {'relevance': rank_clause}, # 'where': ['text_search_vector @@ plainto_tsquery(%s)'], # 'params': extra_params, # 'select_params': extra_params, # } # return self.extra(**extra_kwargs) # else: # #fallback to dumb title match search # return self.filter(thread__title__icontains=search_query) def added_between(self, start, end): """questions added between ``start`` and ``end`` timestamps""" #todo: goes to thread return self.filter( added_at__gt = start ).exclude( added_at__gt = end ) def get_questions_needing_reminder(self, user = None, activity_type = None, recurrence_delay = None): """returns list of questions that need a reminder, corresponding the given ``activity_type`` ``user`` - is the user receiving the reminder ``recurrence_delay`` - interval between sending the reminders about the same question """ #todo: goes to thread from askbot.models import Activity#avoid circular import question_list = list() for question in self: try: activity = Activity.objects.get( user = user, question = question, activity_type = activity_type ) now = if now < activity.active_at + recurrence_delay: continue except Activity.DoesNotExist: activity = Activity( user = user, question = question, activity_type = activity_type, content_object = question, ) activity.active_at = question_list.append(question) return question_list def get_author_list(self, **kwargs): #todo: - this is duplication - answer manager also has this method #will be gone when models are consolidated #note that method get_question_and_answer_contributors is similar in function #todo: goes to thread authors = set() for question in self: authors.update(question.get_author_list(**kwargs)) return list(authors) class PostManager(BaseQuerySetManager): def get_query_set(self): return PostQuerySet(self.model) def get_questions(self, user=None): questions = self.filter(post_type='question') return questions.get_for_user(user) def get_answers(self, user=None): """returns query set of answer posts, optionally filtered to exclude posts of groups to which user does not belong""" answers = self.filter(post_type='answer') return answers.get_for_user(user) def get_comments(self): return self.filter(post_type='comment') def create_new_tag_wiki(self, text = None, author = None): return self.create_new( None,#this post type is threadless author,, text, wiki = True, post_type = 'tag_wiki' ) def create_new( self, thread, author, added_at, text, parent = None, wiki = False, is_private = False, email_notify = False, post_type = None, by_email = False ): # TODO: Some of this code will go to Post.objects.create_new assert(post_type in const.POST_TYPES) if thread: language_code = thread.language_code else: language_code = get_language() post = Post( post_type=post_type, thread=thread, parent=parent, author=author, added_at=added_at, wiki=wiki, text=text, language_code=language_code #.html field is denormalized by the save() call ) if post.last_edited_by = post.last_edited_at = added_at post.wikified_at = added_at #possibly modify the is_private, if one of the groups #mandates explicit publishing of the posts is_private = is_private or \ (thread and thread.requires_response_moderation(author)) parse_results = post.parse_and_save(author=author, is_private=is_private) from askbot.models import signals signals.post_updated.send( post=post, updated_by=author, newly_mentioned_users=parse_results['newly_mentioned_users'], timestamp=added_at, created=True, diff=parse_results['diff'], sender=post.__class__ ) post.add_revision( author = author, revised_at = added_at, text = text, comment = unicode(const.POST_STATUS['default_version']), by_email = by_email ) return post #todo: instead of this, have Thread.add_answer() def create_new_answer( self, thread, author, added_at, text, wiki = False, is_private = False, email_notify = False, by_email = False ): answer = self.create_new( thread, author, added_at, text, wiki = wiki, is_private = is_private, post_type = 'answer', by_email = by_email ) #set notification/delete if email_notify: thread.followed_by.add(author) else: thread.followed_by.remove(author) #update thread data #todo: this totally belongs to some `Thread` class method thread.answer_count += 1 thread.set_last_activity(last_activity_at=added_at, last_activity_by=author) # this should be here because it regenerates cached thread summary html return answer def precache_comments(self, for_posts, visitor): """ Fetches comments for given posts, and stores them in post._cached_comments Additionally, annotates posts with ``upvoted_by_user`` parameter, if visitor is logged in """ qs = Post.objects.get_comments().filter(parent__in=for_posts).select_related('author') if visitor.is_anonymous(): comments = list(qs.order_by('added_at')) else: upvoted_by_user = list(qs.filter(votes__user=visitor).distinct()) not_upvoted_by_user = list(qs.exclude(votes__user=visitor).distinct()) for c in upvoted_by_user: c.upvoted_by_user = 1 # numeric value to maintain compatibility with previous version of this code comments = upvoted_by_user + not_upvoted_by_user comments.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('added_at')) post_map = defaultdict(list) for cm in comments: post_map[cm.parent_id].append(cm) for post in for_posts: post.set_cached_comments(post_map[]) # Old Post.get_comment(self, visitor=None) method: # if visitor.is_anonymous(): # return self.comments.order_by('added_at') # else: # upvoted_by_user = list(self.comments.filter(votes__user=visitor).distinct()) # not_upvoted_by_user = list(self.comments.exclude(votes__user=visitor).distinct()) # # for c in upvoted_by_user: # c.upvoted_by_user = 1 # numeric value to maintain compatibility with previous version of this code # # comments = upvoted_by_user + not_upvoted_by_user # comments.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('added_at')) # # return comments class Post(models.Model): post_type = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) old_question_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=None, unique=True) old_answer_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=None, unique=True) old_comment_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=None, unique=True) parent = models.ForeignKey('Post', blank=True, null=True, related_name='comments') # Answer or Question for Comment thread = models.ForeignKey('Thread', blank=True, null=True, default = None, related_name='posts') groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, through='PostToGroup', related_name = 'group_posts')#used for group-private posts author = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='posts') added_at = models.DateTimeField( #denormalized data: the core approval of the posts is made #in the revisions. In the revisions there is more data about #approvals - by whom and when approved = models.BooleanField(default=True, db_index=True) deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True) deleted_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) deleted_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, related_name='deleted_posts') wiki = models.BooleanField(default=False) wikified_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) locked = models.BooleanField(default=False) locked_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, related_name='locked_posts') locked_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) points = models.IntegerField(default=0, db_column='score') vote_up_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) vote_down_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) comment_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) offensive_flag_count = models.SmallIntegerField(default=0) last_edited_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) last_edited_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, related_name='last_edited_posts') html = models.TextField(null=True)#html rendition of the latest revision text = models.TextField(null=True)#denormalized copy of latest revision language_code = models.CharField(max_length=16, default=django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) # Denormalised data summary = models.TextField(null=True) #note: anonymity here applies to question only, but #the field will still go to thread #maybe we should rename it to is_question_anonymous #we might have to duplicate the is_anonymous on the Post, #if we are to allow anonymous answers #the reason is that the title and tags belong to thread, #but the question body to Post is_anonymous = models.BooleanField(default=False) objects = PostManager() class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' db_table = 'askbot_post' #property to support legacy themes in case there are. @property def score(self): return int(self.points) @score.setter def score(self, number): if number: self.points = int(number) def as_tweet(self): """a naive tweet representation of post todo: add mentions to relevant people """ url = site_url(self.get_absolute_url(no_slug=True)) if self.post_type == 'question': tweet = _('Question: ') elif self.post_type == 'answer': tweet = _('Answer: ') chars_left = 140 - (len(url) + len(tweet) + 1) title_str = self.thread.title[:chars_left] return tweet + title_str + ' ' + url def parse_post_text(self): """typically post has a field to store raw source text in comment it is called .comment, in Question and Answer it is called .text also there is another field called .html (consistent across models) so the goal of this function is to render raw text into .html and extract any metadata given stored in source (currently this metadata is limited by twitter style @mentions but there may be more in the future function returns a dictionary with the following keys html newly_mentioned_users - list of objects removed_mentions - list of mention objects - for removed ones """ text_converter = self.get_text_converter() text = text_converter(self.text) #todo, add markdown parser call conditional on #self.use_markdown flag post_html = text mentioned_authors = list() removed_mentions = list() if '@' in text: op = self.get_origin_post() anticipated_authors = op.get_author_list( include_comments = True, recursive = True ) extra_name_seeds = markup.extract_mentioned_name_seeds(text) extra_authors = set() for name_seed in extra_name_seeds: extra_authors.update( User.objects.filter(username__istartswith = name_seed) ) #it is important to preserve order here so that authors of post #get mentioned first anticipated_authors += list(extra_authors) mentioned_authors, post_html = markup.mentionize_text( text, anticipated_authors ) #find mentions that were removed and identify any previously #entered mentions so that we can send alerts on only new ones from askbot.models.user import Activity if is not None: #only look for previous mentions if post was already saved before prev_mention_qs = Activity.objects.get_mentions( mentioned_in = self ) new_set = set(mentioned_authors) for prev_mention in prev_mention_qs: user = prev_mention.get_mentioned_user() if user is None: continue if user in new_set: #don't report mention twice new_set.remove(user) else: removed_mentions.append(prev_mention) mentioned_authors = list(new_set) data = { 'html': post_html, 'newly_mentioned_users': mentioned_authors, 'removed_mentions': removed_mentions, } return data #todo: when models are merged, it would be great to remove author parameter def parse_and_save(self, author=None, **kwargs): """generic method to use with posts to be used prior to saving post edit or addition """ assert(author is not None) last_revision = self.html data = self.parse_post_text() self.html = author.fix_html_links(data['html']) newly_mentioned_users = set(data['newly_mentioned_users']) - set([author]) removed_mentions = data['removed_mentions'] #a hack allowing to save denormalized .summary field for questions if hasattr(self, 'summary'): self.summary = self.get_snippet() #delete removed mentions for rm in removed_mentions: rm.delete() created = is None is_private = kwargs.pop('is_private', False) group_id = kwargs.pop('group_id', None) #this save must precede saving the mention activity #as well as assigning groups to the post #because generic relation needs primary key of the related object super(self.__class__, self).save(**kwargs) if self.is_comment(): #copy groups from the parent post into the comment groups = self.parent.groups.all() self.add_to_groups(groups) elif is_private or group_id: self.make_private(author, group_id = group_id) elif self.thread_id:#is connected to thread #inherit privacy scope from thread thread_groups = self.thread.groups.all() self.add_to_groups(thread_groups) else: self.make_public() if last_revision: diff = htmldiff( sanitize_html(last_revision), sanitize_html(self.html) ) else: diff = sanitize_html(self.get_snippet()) timestamp = self.get_time_of_last_edit() try: from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings if askbot_settings.GOOGLE_SITEMAP_CODE != '': ping_google() except Exception: logging.debug('cannot ping google - did you register with them?') return {'diff': diff, 'newly_mentioned_users': newly_mentioned_users} def is_question(self): return self.post_type == 'question' def is_answer(self): return self.post_type == 'answer' def is_comment(self): return self.post_type == 'comment' def is_tag_wiki(self): return self.post_type == 'tag_wiki' def is_reject_reason(self): return self.post_type == 'reject_reason' def get_last_edited_date(self): """returns date of last edit or date of creation if there were no edits""" return self.last_edited_at or self.added_at def get_moderators(self): """returns query set of users who are site administrators and moderators""" user_filter = models.Q(is_superuser=True) | models.Q(status='m') if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: user_filter = user_filter & models.Q(groups__in=self.groups.all()) return User.objects.filter(user_filter) def get_previous_answer(self, user=None): """returns a previous answer to a given answer; only works on the "answer" post types""" assert(self.post_type == 'answer') all_answers = self.thread.get_answers(user=user) matching_answers = all_answers.filter( added_at__lt=self.added_at, ).order_by('-added_at') if len(matching_answers) == 0: return None answer = matching_answers[0] if == return None if answer.added_at > self.added_at: return None return answer def get_text_converter(self): have_simple_comment = ( self.is_comment() and askbot_settings.COMMENTS_EDITOR_TYPE == 'plain-text' ) if have_simple_comment: parser_type = 'plain-text' else: parser_type = askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE if parser_type == 'plain-text': return markup.plain_text_input_converter elif parser_type == 'markdown': return markup.markdown_input_converter elif parser_type == 'tinymce': return markup.tinymce_input_converter else: raise NotImplementedError def has_group(self, group): """true if post belongs to the group""" return self.groups.filter( def add_to_groups(self, groups): """associates post with groups""" #this is likely to be temporary - we add #vip groups to the list behind the scenes. groups = list(groups) vips = Group.objects.filter(is_vip=True) groups.extend(vips) #todo: use bulk-creation for group in groups: PostToGroup.objects.get_or_create(post=self, group=group) if self.is_answer() or self.is_question(): comments = self.comments.all() for group in groups: for comment in comments: PostToGroup.objects.get_or_create(post=comment, group=group) def remove_from_groups(self, groups): PostToGroup.objects.filter(post=self, group__in=groups).delete() if self.is_answer() or self.is_question(): comment_ids = self.comments.all().values_list('id', flat=True) PostToGroup.objects.filter( post__id__in=comment_ids, group__in=groups ).delete() def issue_update_notifications( self, updated_by=None, notify_sets=None, activity_type=None, suppress_email=False, timestamp=None, diff=None ): """Called when a post is updated. Arguments: * ``notify_sets`` - result of ``Post.get_notify_sets()`` method The method does two things: * records "red envelope" recipients of the post * sends email alerts to all subscribers to the post """ assert(activity_type is not None) if diff: summary = diff else: summary = self.get_snippet() update_activity = Activity( user = updated_by, active_at = timestamp, content_object = self, activity_type = activity_type, question = self.get_origin_post(), summary = summary ) update_activity.add_recipients(notify_sets['for_inbox']) #create new mentions (barring the double-adds) for u in notify_sets['for_mentions'] - notify_sets['for_inbox']: Activity.objects.create_new_mention( mentioned_whom = u, mentioned_in = self, mentioned_by = updated_by, mentioned_at = timestamp ) for user in (notify_sets['for_inbox'] | notify_sets['for_mentions']): user.update_response_counts() #shortcircuit if the email alerts are disabled if suppress_email == True or askbot_settings.ENABLE_EMAIL_ALERTS == False: return #todo: fix this temporary spam protection plug if askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_TRIGGER_EMAIL: if not (updated_by.is_administrator() or updated_by.is_moderator()): if updated_by.reputation < askbot_settings.MIN_REP_TO_TRIGGER_EMAIL: notify_sets['for_email'] = \ [u for u in notify_sets['for_email'] if u.is_administrator()] if not django_settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER: cache_key = 'instant-notification-%d-%d' % (, if cache.cache.get(cache_key): return cache.cache.set(cache_key, True, django_settings.NOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME) from askbot.tasks import send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post.apply_async(( update_activity, self, notify_sets['for_email']), countdown = django_settings.NOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME ) def make_private(self, user, group_id=None): """makes post private within user's groups todo: this is a copy-paste in thread and post """ if group_id: group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id) groups = [group] self.add_to_groups(groups) global_group = Group.objects.get_global_group() if group != global_group: self.remove_from_groups((global_group,)) else: if self.thread_id and self.is_question() is False: #for thread-related responses we base #privacy scope on thread + add a personal group personal_group = user.get_personal_group() thread_groups = self.thread.get_groups_shared_with() groups = set([personal_group]) | set(thread_groups) else: groups = user.get_groups(private=True) self.add_to_groups(groups) self.remove_from_groups((Group.objects.get_global_group(),)) if len(groups) == 0: message = 'Sharing did not work, because group is unknown' user.message_set.create(message=message) def make_public(self): """removes the privacy mark from users groups""" groups = (Group.objects.get_global_group(),) self.add_to_groups(groups) def is_private(self): """true, if post belongs to the global group""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: group = Group.objects.get_global_group() return not self.groups.filter( return False def is_approved(self): """``False`` only when moderation is ``True`` and post ``self.approved is False`` """ if askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION: if self.approved == False: return False return True def needs_moderation(self): #todo: do we need this, can't we just use is_approved()? return self.approved is False def get_absolute_url(self, no_slug = False, question_post=None, thread=None): from askbot.utils.slug import slugify #todo: the url generation function is pretty bad - #the trailing slash is entered in three places here + in if not hasattr(self, '_thread_cache') and thread: self._thread_cache = thread is_multilingual = getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False) if is_multilingual: request_language = get_language() activate_language(self.thread.language_code) if self.is_answer(): if not question_post: question_post = self.thread._question_post() if no_slug: url = u'%(base)s?answer=%(id)d#post-id-%(id)d' % { 'base': urlresolvers.reverse('question', args=[]), 'id': } else: url = u'%(base)s%(slug)s/?answer=%(id)d#post-id-%(id)d' % { 'base': urlresolvers.reverse('question', args=[]), 'slug': django_urlquote(slugify(self.thread.title)), 'id': } elif self.is_question(): url = urlresolvers.reverse('question', args=[]) if thread: url += django_urlquote(slugify(thread.title)) + '/' elif no_slug is False: url += django_urlquote(self.slug) + '/' elif self.is_comment(): origin_post = self.get_origin_post() url = '%(url)s?comment=%(id)d#comment-%(id)d' % \ {'url': origin_post.get_absolute_url(thread=thread), 'id'} else: raise NotImplementedError if is_multilingual: activate_language(request_language) return url def delete(self, **kwargs): """deletes comment and concomitant response activity records, as well as mention records, while preserving integrity or response counts for the users """ if self.is_comment(): #todo: implement a custom delete method on these #all this should pack into Activity.responses.filter( somehow ).delete() #activity_types = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_DISPLAY #activity_types += (const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION,) #todo: not very good import in models of other models #todo: potentially a circular import from askbot.models.user import Activity comment_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) activities = Activity.objects.filter( content_type = comment_content_type, object_id =, #activity_type__in = activity_types ) recipients = set() for activity in activities: for user in activity.recipients.all(): recipients.add(user) #activities need to be deleted before the response #counts are updated activities.delete() for user in recipients: user.update_response_counts() super(Post, self).delete(**kwargs) def __unicode__(self): if self.is_question(): return self.thread.title else: return self.html def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_answer() and self.is_anonymous: raise ValueError('Answer cannot be anonymous!') super(Post, self).save(*args, **kwargs) if self.is_answer() and 'postgres' in askbot.get_database_engine_name(): #hit the database to trigger update of full text search vector self.thread._question_post().save() def _get_slug(self): if not self.is_question(): raise NotImplementedError return slugify(self.thread.title) slug = property(_get_slug) def get_snippet(self, max_length = 120): """returns an abbreviated snippet of the content """ return html_utils.strip_tags(self.html)[:max_length] + ' ...' def filter_authorized_users(self, candidates): """returns list of users who are allowed to see this post""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED == False: return candidates else: if len(candidates) == 0: return candidates #get post groups groups = list(self.groups.all()) if len(groups) == 0: logging.critical('post %d is groupless' % return list() #load group memberships for the candidates memberships = GroupMembership.objects.filter( user__in=candidates, group__in=groups ) user_ids = set(memberships.values_list('user__id', flat=True)) #scan through the user ids and see which are group members filtered_candidates = set() for candidate in candidates: if in user_ids: filtered_candidates.add(candidate) return filtered_candidates def format_for_email( self, quote_level=0, is_leaf_post=False, format=None ): """format post for the output in email, if quote_level > 0, the post will be indented that number of times todo: move to views? """ from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template template = get_template('email/quoted_post.html') data = { 'post': self, 'quote_level': quote_level, 'is_leaf_post': is_leaf_post, 'format': format } return template.render(Context(data))#todo: set lang def format_for_email_as_parent_thread_summary(self): """format for email as summary of parent posts all the way to the original question""" quote_level = 0 current_post = self output = '' while True: parent_post = current_post.get_parent_post() if parent_post is None: break quote_level += 1 output += parent_post.format_for_email( quote_level = quote_level, format = 'parent_subthread' ) current_post = parent_post return output def format_for_email_as_subthread(self): """outputs question or answer and all it's comments returns empty string for all other post types """ from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template template = get_template('email/post_as_subthread.html') return template.render(Context({'post': self}))#todo: set lang def set_cached_comments(self, comments): """caches comments in the lifetime of the object does not talk to the actual cache system """ self._cached_comments = comments def get_cached_comments(self): try: return self._cached_comments except AttributeError: self._cached_comments = list() return self._cached_comments def add_comment( self, comment=None, user=None, added_at=None, by_email = False): if added_at is None: added_at = if None in (comment, user): raise Exception('arguments comment and user are required') comment_post = self.__class__.objects.create_new( self.thread, user, added_at, comment, parent = self, post_type = 'comment', by_email = by_email ) self.comment_count = self.comment_count + 1 #tried to add this to bump updated question #in most active list, but it did not work #becase delayed email updates would be triggered #for cases where user did not subscribe for them # #need to redo the delayed alert sender # #origin_post = self.get_origin_post() #if origin_post == self: # self.last_activity_at = added_at # WARNING: last_activity_* are now in Thread # self.last_activity_by = user #else: # origin_post.last_activity_at = added_at # origin_post.last_activity_by = user # return comment_post def get_global_tag_based_subscribers( self, tag_mark_reason = None, subscription_records = None ): """returns a list of users who either follow or "do not ignore" the given set of tags, depending on the tag_mark_reason ``subscription_records`` - query set of ``~askbot.models.EmailFeedSetting`` this argument is used to reduce number of database queries """ if tag_mark_reason == 'good': email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING user_set_getter = User.objects.filter elif tag_mark_reason == 'bad': email_tag_filter_strategy = const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED user_set_getter = User.objects.exclude elif tag_mark_reason == 'subscribed': email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_SUBSCRIBED user_set_getter = User.objects.filter else: raise ValueError('Uknown value of tag mark reason %s' % tag_mark_reason) #part 1 - find users who follow or not ignore the set of tags tag_names = self.get_tag_names() tag_selections = MarkedTag.objects.filter( tag__name__in = tag_names, reason = tag_mark_reason ) subscribers = set( user_set_getter( tag_selections__in = tag_selections ).filter( email_tag_filter_strategy = email_tag_filter_strategy, notification_subscriptions__in = subscription_records ) ) #part 2 - find users who follow or not ignore tags via wildcard selections #inside there is a potentially time consuming loop if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS: #todo: fix this #this branch will not scale well #because we have to loop through the list of users #in python if tag_mark_reason == 'good': empty_wildcard_filter = {'interesting_tags__exact': ''} wildcard_tags_attribute = 'interesting_tags' update_subscribers = lambda the_set, item: the_set.add(item) elif tag_mark_reason == 'bad': empty_wildcard_filter = {'ignored_tags__exact': ''} wildcard_tags_attribute = 'ignored_tags' update_subscribers = lambda the_set, item: the_set.discard(item) elif tag_mark_reason == 'subscribed': empty_wildcard_filter = {'subscribed_tags__exact': ''} wildcard_tags_attribute = 'subscribed_tags' update_subscribers = lambda the_set, item: the_set.add(item) potential_wildcard_subscribers = User.objects.filter( notification_subscriptions__in = subscription_records ).filter( email_tag_filter_strategy = email_tag_filter_strategy ).exclude( **empty_wildcard_filter #need this to limit size of the loop ) for potential_subscriber in potential_wildcard_subscribers: wildcard_tags = getattr( potential_subscriber, wildcard_tags_attribute ).split(' ') if tags_match_some_wildcard(tag_names, wildcard_tags): update_subscribers(subscribers, potential_subscriber) return subscribers def get_global_instant_notification_subscribers(self): """returns a set of subscribers to post according to tag filters both - subscribers who ignore tags or who follow only specific tags this method in turn calls several more specialized subscriber retrieval functions todo: retrieval of wildcard tag followers ignorers won't scale at all """ subscriber_set = set() global_subscriptions = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter( feed_type = 'q_all', frequency = 'i' ) #segment of users who have tag filter turned off global_subscribers = User.objects.filter( models.Q(email_tag_filter_strategy=const.INCLUDE_ALL) & models.Q( notification_subscriptions__feed_type='q_all', notification_subscriptions__frequency='i' ) ) subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers) #segment of users who want emails on selected questions only if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: good_mark_reason = 'subscribed' else: good_mark_reason = 'good' subscriber_set.update( self.get_global_tag_based_subscribers( subscription_records = global_subscriptions, tag_mark_reason = good_mark_reason ) ) #segment of users who want to exclude ignored tags subscriber_set.update( self.get_global_tag_based_subscribers( subscription_records = global_subscriptions, tag_mark_reason = 'bad' ) ) return subscriber_set def _qa__get_instant_notification_subscribers( self, potential_subscribers = None, mentioned_users = None, exclude_list = None, ): """get list of users who have subscribed to receive instant notifications for a given post this method works for questions and answers Arguments: * ``potential_subscribers`` is not used here! todo: why? - clean this out parameter is left for the uniformity of the interface (Comment method does use it) normally these methods would determine the list :meth:`~askbot.models.question.Question.get_response_recipients` :meth:`~askbot.models.question.Answer.get_response_recipients` - depending on the type of the post * ``mentioned_users`` - users, mentioned in the post for the first time * ``exclude_list`` - users who must be excluded from the subscription Users who receive notifications are: * of ``mentioned_users`` - those who subscribe for the instant updates on the @name mentions * those who follow the parent question * global subscribers (any personalized tag filters are applied) * author of the question who subscribe to instant updates on questions that they asked * authors or any answers who subsribe to instant updates on the questions which they answered """ #print '------------------' #print 'in content function' subscriber_set = set() #print 'potential subscribers: ', potential_subscribers #1) mention subscribers - common to questions and answers if mentioned_users: mention_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = mentioned_users, feed_type = 'm_and_c', frequency = 'i' ) subscriber_set.update(mention_subscribers) origin_post = self.get_origin_post() #print origin_post #2) individually selected - make sure that users #are individual subscribers to this question # TODO: The line below works only if origin_post is Question ! selective_subscribers = origin_post.thread.followed_by.all() #print 'question followers are ', [s for s in selective_subscribers] if selective_subscribers: selective_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = selective_subscribers, feed_type = 'q_sel', frequency = 'i' ) subscriber_set.update(selective_subscribers) #print 'selective subscribers: ', selective_subscribers #3) whole forum subscribers global_subscribers = origin_post.get_global_instant_notification_subscribers() subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers) #4) question asked by me (todo: not "edited_by_me" ???) question_author = if EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter( subscriber = question_author, frequency = 'i', feed_type = 'q_ask' ).exists(): subscriber_set.add(question_author) #4) questions answered by me -make sure is that people #are authors of the answers to this question #todo: replace this with a query set method answer_authors = set() for answer in origin_post.thread.posts.get_answers().all(): authors = answer.get_author_list() answer_authors.update(authors) if answer_authors: answer_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = answer_authors, frequency = 'i', feed_type = 'q_ans', ) subscriber_set.update(answer_subscribers) #print 'answer subscribers: ', answer_subscribers #print 'exclude_list is ', exclude_list return subscriber_set - set(exclude_list) def _comment__get_instant_notification_subscribers( self, potential_subscribers = None, mentioned_users = None, exclude_list = None ): """get list of users who want instant notifications about comments argument potential_subscribers is required as it saves on db hits Here is the list of people who will receive the notifications: * mentioned users * of response receivers (see :meth:`~askbot.models.meta.Comment.get_response_receivers`) - those who subscribe for the instant updates on comments and @mentions * all who follow the question explicitly * all global subscribers (tag filtered, and subject to personalized settings) """ #print 'in meta function' #print 'potential subscribers: ', potential_subscribers subscriber_set = set() if potential_subscribers: potential_subscribers = set(potential_subscribers) else: potential_subscribers = set() if mentioned_users: potential_subscribers.update(mentioned_users) if potential_subscribers: comment_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = potential_subscribers, feed_type = 'm_and_c', frequency = 'i' ) subscriber_set.update(comment_subscribers) #print 'comment subscribers: ', comment_subscribers origin_post = self.get_origin_post() # TODO: The line below works only if origin_post is Question ! selective_subscribers = origin_post.thread.followed_by.all() if selective_subscribers: selective_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers( potential_subscribers = selective_subscribers, feed_type = 'q_sel', frequency = 'i' ) for subscriber in selective_subscribers: if origin_post.passes_tag_filter_for_user(subscriber): subscriber_set.add(subscriber) subscriber_set.update(selective_subscribers) #print 'selective subscribers: ', selective_subscribers global_subscribers = origin_post.get_global_instant_notification_subscribers() #print 'global subscribers: ', global_subscribers subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers) return subscriber_set - set(exclude_list) def get_instant_notification_subscribers( self, potential_subscribers = None, mentioned_users = None, exclude_list = None ): if self.is_question() or self.is_answer(): subscribers = self._qa__get_instant_notification_subscribers( potential_subscribers=potential_subscribers, mentioned_users=mentioned_users, exclude_list=exclude_list ) elif self.is_comment(): subscribers = self._comment__get_instant_notification_subscribers( potential_subscribers=potential_subscribers, mentioned_users=mentioned_users, exclude_list=exclude_list ) elif self.is_tag_wiki() or self.is_reject_reason(): return set() else: raise NotImplementedError #if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED and self.is_effectively_private(): # for subscriber in subscribers: subscribers = self.filter_authorized_users(subscribers) #filter subscribers by language if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): language = self.thread.language_code filtered_subscribers = list() for subscriber in subscribers: subscriber_languages = subscriber.languages.split() if language in subscriber_languages: filtered_subscribers.append(subscriber) return filtered_subscribers else: return subscribers def get_notify_sets(self, mentioned_users=None, exclude_list=None): """returns three lists of users in a dictionary with keys: * 'for_inbox' - users for which to add inbox items * 'for_mentions' - for whom mentions are added * 'for_email' - to whom email notifications should be sent """ result = dict() result['for_mentions'] = set(mentioned_users) - set(exclude_list) #what users are included depends on the post type #for example for question - all Q&A contributors #are included, for comments only authors of comments and parent #post are included result['for_inbox'] = self.get_response_receivers(exclude_list=exclude_list) if askbot_settings.ENABLE_EMAIL_ALERTS == False: result['for_email'] = set() else: #todo: weird thing is that only comments need the recipients #todo: debug these calls and then uncomment in the repo #argument to this call result['for_email'] = self.get_instant_notification_subscribers( potential_subscribers=result['for_inbox'], mentioned_users=result['for_mentions'], exclude_list=exclude_list ) return result def get_latest_revision(self): return self.revisions.order_by('-revised_at')[0] def get_latest_revision_number(self): return self.get_latest_revision().revision def get_time_of_last_edit(self): if self.is_comment(): return self.added_at if self.last_edited_at: return self.last_edited_at else: return self.added_at def get_owner(self): # TODO: remove me return def get_author_list( self, include_comments = False, recursive = False, exclude_list = None): #todo: there may be a better way to do these queries authors = set() authors.update([ for r in self.revisions.all()]) if include_comments: authors.update([ for c in self.comments.all()]) if recursive: if self.is_question(): #hasattr(self, 'answers'): #for a in self.answers.exclude(deleted = True): for a in self.thread.posts.get_answers().exclude(deleted = True): authors.update(a.get_author_list( include_comments = include_comments ) ) if exclude_list: authors -= set(exclude_list) return list(authors) def passes_tag_filter_for_user(self, user): question = self.get_origin_post() if user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING: #at least some of the tags must be marked interesting return user.has_affinity_to_question( question, affinity_type = 'like' ) elif user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED: return not user.has_affinity_to_question( question, affinity_type = 'dislike' ) elif user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_ALL: return True else: raise ValueError( 'unexpected User.email_tag_filter_strategy %s'\ % user.email_tag_filter_strategy ) def post_get_last_update_info(self):#todo: rename this subroutine when = self.added_at who = if self.last_edited_at and self.last_edited_at > when: when = self.last_edited_at who = self.last_edited_by comments = self.comments.all() if len(comments) > 0: for c in comments: if c.added_at > when: when = c.added_at who = c.user return when, who def tagname_meta_generator(self): return u','.join([unicode(tag) for tag in self.get_tag_names()]) def get_parent_post(self): """returns parent post or None if there is no parent, as it is in the case of question post""" if self.post_type == 'comment': return self.parent elif self.post_type == 'answer': return self.get_origin_post() else: return None def get_origin_post(self): if self.is_question(): return self if self.is_tag_wiki() or self.is_reject_reason(): return None else: return self.thread._question_post() def _repost_as_question(self, new_title = None): """posts answer as question, together with all the comments while preserving time stamps and authors does not delete the answer itself though """ if not self.is_answer(): raise NotImplementedError revisions = self.revisions.all().order_by('revised_at') rev0 = revisions[0] new_question = title = new_title, body_text = rev0.text, tags = self.question.thread.tagnames, wiki =, is_anonymous = self.question.is_anonymous, timestamp = rev0.revised_at ) if len(revisions) > 1: for rev in revisions[1:]: question = new_question, body_text = rev.text, revision_comment = rev.summary, timestamp = rev.revised_at ) for comment in self.comments.all(): comment.content_object = new_question return new_question def _repost_as_answer(self, question = None): """posts question as answer to another question, but does not delete the question, but moves all the comments to the new answer""" if not self.is_question(): raise NotImplementedError revisions = self.revisions.all().order_by('revised_at') rev0 = revisions[0] new_answer = question = question, body_text = rev0.text, wiki =, timestamp = rev0.revised_at ) if len(revisions) > 1: for rev in revisions: answer = new_answer, body_text = rev.text, revision_comment = rev.summary, timestamp = rev.revised_at ) for comment in self.comments.all(): comment.content_object = new_answer return new_answer def swap_with_question(self, new_title = None): """swaps answer with the question it belongs to and sets the title of question to ``new_title`` """ if not self.is_answer(): raise NotImplementedError #1) make new question by using new title, tags of old question # and the answer body, as well as the authors of all revisions # and repost all the comments new_question = self._repost_as_question(new_title = new_title) #2) post question (all revisions and comments) as answer new_answer = self.question._repost_as_answer(question = new_question) #3) assign all remaining answers to the new question self.question.answers.update(question = new_question) self.question.delete() self.delete() return new_question def get_user_vote(self, user): if not self.is_answer(): raise NotImplementedError if user.is_anonymous(): return None votes = self.votes.filter(user=user) if votes and votes.count() > 0: return votes[0] else: return None def _question__assert_is_visible_to(self, user): """raises QuestionHidden""" if self.is_approved() is False: raise exceptions.QuestionHidden() if self.deleted: message = _( 'Sorry, this question has been ' 'deleted and is no longer accessible' ) if user.is_anonymous(): raise exceptions.QuestionHidden(message) try: user.assert_can_see_deleted_post(self) except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied: raise exceptions.QuestionHidden(message) def _answer__assert_is_visible_to(self, user): """raises QuestionHidden or AnswerHidden""" try: self.thread._question_post().assert_is_visible_to(user) except exceptions.QuestionHidden: message = _( 'Sorry, the answer you are looking for is ' 'no longer available, because the parent ' 'question has been removed' ) raise exceptions.QuestionHidden(message) if self.deleted: message = _( 'Sorry, this answer has been ' 'removed and is no longer accessible' ) if user.is_anonymous(): raise exceptions.AnswerHidden(message) try: user.assert_can_see_deleted_post(self) except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied: raise exceptions.AnswerHidden(message) def _comment__assert_is_visible_to(self, user): """raises QuestionHidden or AnswerHidden""" try: self.parent.assert_is_visible_to(user) except exceptions.QuestionHidden: message = _( 'Sorry, the comment you are looking for is no ' 'longer accessible, because the parent question ' 'has been removed' ) raise exceptions.QuestionHidden(message) except exceptions.AnswerHidden: message = _( 'Sorry, the comment you are looking for is no ' 'longer accessible, because the parent answer ' 'has been removed' ) raise exceptions.AnswerHidden(message) def assert_is_visible_to_user_groups(self, user): """raises permission denied of the post is hidden due to group memberships""" assert(self.is_comment() == False) post_groups = self.groups.all() global_group_name = askbot_settings.GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME if post_groups.filter(name=global_group_name).count() == 1: return if self.is_question():#todo maybe merge the "hidden" exceptions exception = exceptions.QuestionHidden elif self.is_answer(): exception = exceptions.AnswerHidden else: raise NotImplementedError message = _('This post is temporarily not available') if user.is_anonymous(): raise exception(message) else: user_groups_ids = user.get_groups().values_list('id', flat = True) if post_groups.filter(id__in = user_groups_ids).count() == 0: raise exception(message) def assert_is_visible_to(self, user): if self.is_comment() == False and askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: self.assert_is_visible_to_user_groups(user) if self.is_question(): return self._question__assert_is_visible_to(user) elif self.is_answer(): return self._answer__assert_is_visible_to(user) elif self.is_comment(): return self._comment__assert_is_visible_to(user) raise NotImplementedError def get_updated_activity_data(self, created = False): if self.is_answer(): #todo: simplify this to always return latest revision for the second #part if created: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ANSWER, self else: latest_revision = self.get_latest_revision() return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_ANSWER, latest_revision elif self.is_question(): if created: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ASK_QUESTION, self else: latest_revision = self.get_latest_revision() return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_QUESTION, latest_revision elif self.is_comment(): if self.parent.post_type == 'question': return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_QUESTION, self elif self.parent.post_type == 'answer': return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ANSWER, self elif self.is_tag_wiki(): if created: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_CREATE_TAG_WIKI, self else: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_TAG_WIKI, self elif self.is_reject_reason(): if created: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_CREATE_REJECT_REASON, self else: return const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_REJECT_REASON, self raise NotImplementedError def get_tag_names(self): return self.thread.get_tag_names() def __apply_edit( self, edited_at=None, edited_by=None, text=None, comment=None, wiki=False, edit_anonymously=False, is_private=False, by_email=False, suppress_email=False ): if text is None: text = self.get_latest_revision().text if edited_at is None: edited_at = if edited_by is None: raise Exception('edited_by is required') self.last_edited_at = edited_at self.last_edited_by = edited_by #self.html is denormalized in save() self.text = text self.is_anonymous = edit_anonymously #wiki is an eternal trap whence there is no exit if == False and wiki == True: = True #must add revision before saving the answer self.add_revision( author = edited_by, revised_at = edited_at, text = text, comment = comment, by_email = by_email ) parse_results = self.parse_and_save(author=edited_by, is_private=is_private) from askbot.models import signals signals.post_updated.send( post=self, updated_by=edited_by, newly_mentioned_users=parse_results['newly_mentioned_users'], suppress_email=suppress_email, timestamp=edited_at, created=False, diff=parse_results['diff'], sender=self.__class__ ) def _answer__apply_edit( self, edited_at=None, edited_by=None, text=None, comment=None, wiki=False, is_private=False, by_email=False, suppress_email=False, ): ##it is important to do this before __apply_edit b/c of signals!!! if self.is_private() != is_private: if is_private: self.make_private( else: self.make_public() self.__apply_edit( edited_at=edited_at, edited_by=edited_by, text=text, comment=comment, wiki=wiki, by_email=by_email, is_private=is_private, suppress_email=suppress_email ) if edited_at is None: edited_at = self.thread.set_last_activity(last_activity_at=edited_at, last_activity_by=edited_by) def _question__apply_edit(self, edited_at=None, edited_by=None, title=None,\ text=None, comment=None, tags=None, wiki=False,\ edit_anonymously=False, is_private=False,\ by_email=False, suppress_email=False ): #todo: the thread editing should happen outside of this #method, then we'll be able to unify all the *__apply_edit #methods latest_revision = self.get_latest_revision() #a hack to allow partial edits - important for SE loader if title is None: title = self.thread.title if tags is None: tags = latest_revision.tagnames if edited_at is None: edited_at = # Update the Question tag associations if latest_revision.tagnames != tags: self.thread.update_tags( tagnames = tags, user = edited_by, timestamp = edited_at ) self.thread.title = title self.thread.tagnames = tags ##it is important to do this before __apply_edit b/c of signals!!! if self.is_private() != is_private: if is_private: #todo: make private for author or for the editor? self.thread.make_private( else: self.thread.make_public(recursive=False) self.__apply_edit( edited_at=edited_at, edited_by=edited_by, text=text, comment=comment, wiki=wiki, edit_anonymously=edit_anonymously, is_private=is_private, by_email=by_email, suppress_email=suppress_email ) self.thread.set_last_activity(last_activity_at=edited_at, last_activity_by=edited_by) def apply_edit(self, *args, **kwargs): #todo: unify this, here we have unnecessary indirection #the question__apply_edit function is backwards: #the title edit and tag edit should apply to thread #not the question post if self.is_answer(): return self._answer__apply_edit(*args, **kwargs) elif self.is_question(): return self._question__apply_edit(*args, **kwargs) elif self.is_tag_wiki() or self.is_comment() or self.is_reject_reason(): return self.__apply_edit(*args, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError def __add_revision( self, author = None, revised_at = None, text = None, comment = None, by_email = False ): #todo: this may be identical to Question.add_revision if None in (author, revised_at, text): raise Exception('arguments author, revised_at and text are required') rev_no = self.revisions.all().count() + 1 if comment in (None, ''): if rev_no == 1: comment = unicode(const.POST_STATUS['default_version']) else: comment = 'No.%s Revision' % rev_no return PostRevision.objects.create( post = self, author = author, revised_at = revised_at, text = text, summary = comment, revision = rev_no, by_email = by_email ) def _question__add_revision( self, author = None, is_anonymous = False, text = None, comment = None, revised_at = None, by_email = False, email_address = None ): if None in (author, text): raise Exception('author, text and comment are required arguments') rev_no = self.revisions.all().count() + 1 if comment in (None, ''): if rev_no == 1: comment = unicode(const.POST_STATUS['default_version']) else: comment = 'No.%s Revision' % rev_no return PostRevision.objects.create( post=self, revision=rev_no, title=self.thread.title, author=author, is_anonymous=is_anonymous, revised_at=revised_at, tagnames=self.thread.tagnames, summary=unicode(comment), text=text, by_email=by_email, email_address=email_address ) def add_revision(self, *kargs, **kwargs): #todo: unify these if self.post_type in ('answer', 'comment', 'tag_wiki', 'reject_reason'): return self.__add_revision(*kargs, **kwargs) elif self.is_question(): return self._question__add_revision(*kargs, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError def _answer__get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """get list of users interested in this response update based on their participation in the question activity exclude_list is required and normally should contain author of the updated so that he/she is not notified of the response """ assert(exclude_list is not None) recipients = set() recipients.update( self.get_author_list( include_comments = True ) ) question = self.thread._question_post() recipients.update( question.get_author_list( include_comments = True ) ) for answer in question.thread.posts.get_answers().all(): recipients.update(answer.get_author_list()) return recipients - set(exclude_list) def _question__get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """returns list of users who might be interested in the question update based on their participation in the question activity exclude_list is mandatory - it normally should have the author of the update so the he/she is not notified about the update """ assert(exclude_list != None) recipients = set() recipients.update( self.get_author_list( include_comments = True ) ) #do not include answer commenters here for a in self.thread.posts.get_answers().all(): recipients.update(a.get_author_list()) return recipients - set(exclude_list) def _comment__get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """Response receivers are commenters of the same post and the authors of the post itself. """ assert(exclude_list is not None) users = set() #get authors of parent object and all associated comments users.update( self.parent.get_author_list( include_comments = True, ) ) return users - set(exclude_list) def get_response_receivers(self, exclude_list = None): """returns a list of response receiving users who see the on-screen notifications """ if self.is_answer(): receivers = self._answer__get_response_receivers(exclude_list) elif self.is_question(): receivers = self._question__get_response_receivers(exclude_list) elif self.is_comment(): receivers = self._comment__get_response_receivers(exclude_list) elif self.is_tag_wiki() or self.is_reject_reason(): return set()#todo: who should get these? else: raise NotImplementedError return self.filter_authorized_users(receivers) def get_question_title(self): if self.is_question(): if self.thread.closed: attr = const.POST_STATUS['closed'] elif self.deleted: attr = const.POST_STATUS['deleted'] else: attr = None if attr is not None: return u'%s %s' % (self.thread.title, unicode(attr)) else: return self.thread.title raise NotImplementedError def accepted(self): if self.is_answer(): return self.thread.accepted_answer_id == raise NotImplementedError def get_page_number(self, answer_posts): """When question has many answers, answers are paginated. This function returns number of the page on which the answer will be shown, using the default sort order. The result may depend on the visitor.""" if not self.is_answer() and not self.is_comment(): raise NotImplementedError if self.is_comment(): post = self.parent else: post = self order_number = 0 for answer_post in answer_posts: if post == answer_post: break order_number += 1 return int(order_number/const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE) + 1 def get_order_number(self): if not self.is_comment(): raise NotImplementedError return self.parent.comments.filter(added_at__lt = self.added_at).count() + 1 def is_upvoted_by(self, user): from askbot.models.repute import Vote return Vote.objects.filter(user=user, voted_post=self, vote=Vote.VOTE_UP).exists() def is_last(self): """True if there are no newer comments on the related parent object """ if not self.is_comment(): raise NotImplementedError return Post.objects.get_comments().filter( added_at__gt=self.added_at, parent=self.parent ).exists() is False def hack_template_marker(self, name): list(Post.objects.filter(text=name)) class PostRevisionManager(models.Manager): def create(self, *kargs, **kwargs): revision = super(PostRevisionManager, self).create(*kargs, **kwargs) revision.moderate_or_publish() return revision class PostRevision(models.Model): QUESTION_REVISION_TEMPLATE_NO_TAGS = ( '


\n' '
\n' ) post = models.ForeignKey('askbot.Post', related_name='revisions', null=True, blank=True) revision = models.PositiveIntegerField() author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User', related_name='%(class)ss') revised_at = models.DateTimeField() summary = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True) text = models.TextField() approved = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True) approved_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null = True, blank = True) approved_at = models.DateTimeField(null = True, blank = True) by_email = models.BooleanField(default = False)#true, if edited by email email_address = models.EmailField(null = True, blank = True) # Question-specific fields title = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, default='') tagnames = models.CharField(max_length=125, blank=True, default='') is_anonymous = models.BooleanField(default=False) objects = PostRevisionManager() class Meta: # INFO: This `unique_together` constraint might be problematic for databases in which # 2+ NULLs cannot be stored in an UNIQUE column. # As far as I know MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite allow that so we're on the safe side. unique_together = ('post', 'revision') ordering = ('-revision',) app_label = 'askbot' def needs_moderation(self): """``True`` if post needs moderation""" if askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION: #todo: needs a lot of details if return False if self.approved: return False #if sent by email to group and group does not want moderation if self.by_email and self.email_address: group_name = self.email_address.split('@')[0] try: group = Group.objects.get(name = group_name, deleted = False) return except Group.DoesNotExist: pass return True return False def place_on_moderation_queue(self): """If revision is the first one, keeps the post invisible until the revision is aprroved. If the revision is an edit, will autoapprove but will still add it to the moderation queue. Eventually we might find a way to moderate every edit as well.""" #this is run on "post-save" so for a new post #we'll have just one revision if == 1: activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MODERATED_NEW_POST self.approved = False self.approved_by = None self.approved_at = None = False if = False #above changes will hide post from the public display if self.by_email: #todo: move this to the askbot.mail module from askbot.mail import send_mail email_context = { 'site': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME } body_text = _( 'Thank you for your post to %(site)s. ' 'It will be published after the moderators review.' ) % email_context send_mail( subject_line = _('your post to %(site)s') % email_context, body_text = body_text, recipient_list = [,], ) else: message = _( 'Your post was placed on the moderation queue ' 'and will be published after the moderator approval.' ) = message) else: #In this case, for now we just flag the edit #for the moderators. #Ideally we'd need to hide the edit itself, #but the complication is that when we have more #than one edit in a row and then we'll need to deal with #merging multiple edits. We don't have a solution for this yet. activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MODERATED_POST_EDIT from askbot.models import Activity activity = Activity( user =, content_object = self, activity_type = activity_type, question = self.get_origin_post() ) #todo: make this group-sensitive activity.add_recipients( def moderate_or_publish(self): """either place on moderation queue or announce that this revision is published""" if self.needs_moderation():#moderate self.place_on_moderation_queue() else:#auto-approve from askbot.models import signals signals.post_revision_published.send(None, revision = self) def should_notify_author_about_publishing(self, was_approved = False): """True if author should get email about making own post""" if self.by_email: schedule = askbot_settings.SELF_NOTIFY_EMAILED_POST_AUTHOR_WHEN if schedule == const.NEVER: return False elif schedule == const.FOR_FIRST_REVISION: return self.revision == 1 elif schedule == const.FOR_ANY_REVISION: return True else: raise ValueError() else: #logic not implemented yet #the ``was_approved`` argument will be used here #schedule = askbot_settings.SELF_NOTIFY_WEB_POST_AUTHOR_WHEN return False def __unicode__(self): return u'%s - revision %s of %s' % (, self.revision, self.title) def parent(self): return def clean(self): "Internal cleaning method, called from by self.full_clean()" if not raise ValidationError('Post field has to be set.') def save(self, **kwargs): # Determine the revision number, if not set if not self.revision: # TODO: Maybe use Max() aggregation? Or `revisions.count() + 1` self.revision = self.parent().revisions.values_list( 'revision', flat=True )[0] + 1 self.full_clean() super(PostRevision, self).save(**kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): is_multilingual = getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False) if is_multilingual: request_language = get_language() activate_language( if url = reverse('question_revisions', args = (,)) elif url = reverse('answer_revisions', kwargs = {'id'}) else: url = if is_multilingual: activate_language(request_language) return url def get_question_title(self): #INFO: ack-grepping shows that it's only used for Questions, so there's no code for Answers return self.question.thread.title def get_origin_post(self): """same as Post.get_origin_post()""" return @property def html(self, **kwargs): markdowner = markup.get_parser() sanitized_html = sanitize_html(markdowner.convert(self.text)) if return self.QUESTION_REVISION_TEMPLATE_NO_TAGS % { 'title': self.title, 'html': sanitized_html } elif return sanitized_html def get_snippet(self, max_length = 120): """same as Post.get_snippet""" return html_utils.strip_tags(self.html)[:max_length] + '...' class PostFlagReason(models.Model): added_at = models.DateTimeField() author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User') title = models.CharField(max_length=128) details = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name = 'post_reject_reasons') class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' class DraftAnswer(models.Model): """Provides space for draft answers, note that unlike ``AnonymousAnswer`` the foreign key is going to ``Thread`` as it should. """ thread = models.ForeignKey('Thread', related_name='draft_answers') author = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='draft_answers') text = models.TextField(null=True) class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' class AnonymousAnswer(DraftContent): """Todo: re-route the foreign key to ``Thread``""" question = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='anonymous_answers') def publish(self, user): added_at = Post.objects.create_new_answer( thread=self.question.thread, author=user, added_at=added_at,, text=self.text ) self.question.thread.invalidate_cached_data() self.delete()