import datetime import operator import re from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import cache # import cache, not from cache import cache, to be able to monkey-patch cache.cache in test cases from django.core import exceptions as django_exceptions from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext from django.utils.translation import string_concat from django.utils.translation import get_language import askbot from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot import mail from askbot.mail import messages from askbot.models.tag import Tag from askbot.models.tag import get_tags_by_names from askbot.models.tag import filter_accepted_tags, filter_suggested_tags from askbot.models.tag import separate_unused_tags from askbot.models.base import DraftContent, BaseQuerySetManager from import Post, PostRevision from import PostToGroup from askbot.models.user import Group, PERSONAL_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX from askbot.models import signals from askbot import const from askbot.utils.lists import LazyList from import mysql from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from import DummySearchState class ThreadQuerySet(models.query.QuerySet): def get_visible(self, user): """filters out threads not belonging to the user groups""" if user.is_authenticated(): groups = user.get_groups() else: groups = [Group.objects.get_global_group()] return self.filter(groups__in=groups).distinct() def get_for_title_query(self, search_query): """returns threads matching title query todo: possibly add tags todo: implement full text search on relevant fields """ db_engine_name = askbot.get_database_engine_name() filter_parameters = {'deleted': False} if 'postgresql_psycopg2' in db_engine_name: from import postgresql return postgresql.run_title_search( self, search_query ).filter( **filter_parameters ).order_by('-relevance') elif 'mysql' in db_engine_name and mysql.supports_full_text_search(): filter_parameters['title__search'] = search_query else: filter_parameters['title__icontains'] = search_query if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): filter_parameters['language_code'] = get_language() return self.filter(**filter_parameters) class ThreadManager(BaseQuerySetManager): def get_query_set(self): return ThreadQuerySet(self.model) def get_tag_summary_from_threads(self, threads): """returns a humanized string containing up to five most frequently used unique tags coming from the ``threads``. Variable ``threads`` is an iterable of :class:`~askbot.models.Thread` model objects. This is not implemented yet as a query set method, because it is used on a list. """ # TODO: In Python 2.6 there is collections.Counter() thing which would be very useful here # TODO: In Python 2.5 there is `defaultdict` which already would be an improvement tag_counts = dict() for thread in threads: for tag_name in thread.get_tag_names(): if tag_name in tag_counts: tag_counts[tag_name] += 1 else: tag_counts[tag_name] = 1 tag_list = tag_counts.keys() tag_list.sort(key=lambda t: tag_counts[t], reverse=True) #note that double quote placement is important here if len(tag_list) == 1: last_topic = '"' elif len(tag_list) <= 5: last_topic = _('" and "%s"') % tag_list.pop() else: tag_list = tag_list[:5] last_topic = _('" and more') return '"' + '", "'.join(tag_list) + unicode(last_topic) def create(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def create_new( self, title, author, added_at, wiki, text, tagnames=None, is_anonymous=False, is_private=False, group_id=None, by_email=False, email_address=None, language=None, ): """creates new thread""" # TODO: Some of this code will go to Post.objects.create_new language = language or get_language() thread = super( ThreadManager, self ).create( title=title, tagnames=tagnames, last_activity_at=added_at, last_activity_by=author, language_code=language ) #todo: code below looks like ``Post.objects.create_new()`` question = Post( post_type='question', thread=thread, author = author, added_at = added_at, wiki = wiki, is_anonymous = is_anonymous, #html field is denormalized in .save() call text = text, #summary field is denormalized in .save() call ) if #DATED COMMENT #todo: this is confusing - last_edited_at field #is used as an indicator whether question has been edited #but in principle, post creation should count as edit as well question.last_edited_by = question.last_edited_at = added_at question.wikified_at = added_at #this is kind of bad, but we save assign privacy groups to posts and thread #this call is rather heavy, we should split into several functions parse_results = question.parse_and_save(author=author, is_private=is_private) revision = question.add_revision( author=author, is_anonymous=is_anonymous, text=text, comment=unicode(const.POST_STATUS['default_version']), revised_at=added_at, by_email=by_email, email_address=email_address ) author_group = author.get_personal_group() thread.add_to_groups([author_group], visibility=ThreadToGroup.SHOW_PUBLISHED_RESPONSES) question.add_to_groups([author_group]) if is_private or group_id:#add groups to thread and question thread.make_private(author, group_id=group_id) else: thread.make_public() # INFO: Question has to be saved before update_tags() is called thread.update_tags(tagnames=tagnames, user=author, timestamp=added_at) #todo: this is handled in signal because models for posts #are too spread out signals.post_updated.send( post=question, updated_by=author, newly_mentioned_users=parse_results['newly_mentioned_users'], timestamp=added_at, created=True, diff=parse_results['diff'], sender=question.__class__ ) return thread def get_for_query(self, search_query, qs=None): """returns a query set of questions, matching the full text query todo: move to query set """ if getattr(django_settings, 'ENABLE_HAYSTACK_SEARCH', False): from import AskbotSearchQuerySet hs_qs = AskbotSearchQuerySet().filter(content=search_query) return hs_qs.get_django_queryset() else: if not qs: qs = self.all() # if getattr(settings, 'USE_SPHINX_SEARCH', False): # matching_questions = Question.sphinx_search.query(search_query) # question_ids = [ for q in matching_questions] # return qs.filter(posts__post_type='question', posts__deleted=False, posts__self_question_id__in=question_ids) if askbot.get_database_engine_name().endswith('mysql') \ and mysql.supports_full_text_search(): return qs.filter( models.Q(title__search = search_query) | models.Q(tagnames__search = search_query) | models.Q(posts__deleted=False, posts__text__search = search_query) ) elif 'postgresql_psycopg2' in askbot.get_database_engine_name(): from import postgresql return postgresql.run_thread_search(qs, search_query) else: return qs.filter( models.Q(title__icontains=search_query) | models.Q(tagnames__icontains=search_query) | models.Q(posts__deleted=False, posts__text__icontains = search_query) ) def run_advanced_search(self, request_user, search_state): # TODO: !! review, fix, and write tests for this """ all parameters are guaranteed to be clean however may not relate to database - in that case a relvant filter will be silently dropped """ from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings # Avoid circular import primary_filter = { 'posts__post_type': 'question', 'posts__deleted': False } if getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False): primary_filter['language_code'] = get_language() # TODO: add a possibility to see deleted questions qs = self.filter(**primary_filter) if askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION: qs = qs.filter(approved = True) #if groups feature is enabled, filter out threads #that are private in groups to which current user does not belong if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: #get group names qs = qs.get_visible(user=request_user) #run text search while excluding any modifier in the search string #like #tag [title: something] @user if search_state.stripped_query: qs = self.get_for_query(search_query=search_state.stripped_query, qs=qs) #we run other things after full text search, because #FTS may break the chain of the query set calls, #since it might go into an external asset, like Solr #search in titles, if necessary if search_state.query_title: qs = qs.filter(title__icontains = search_state.query_title) #search user names if @user is added to search string #or if user name exists in the search state if search_state.query_users: query_users = User.objects.filter(username__in=search_state.query_users) if query_users: qs = qs.filter( posts__post_type='question', posts__author__in=query_users ) # TODO: unify with ? #unified tags - is list of tags taken from the tag selection #plus any tags added to the query string with #tag or [tag:something] #syntax. #run tag search in addition to these unified tags meta_data = {} tags = search_state.unified_tags() if len(tags) > 0: if askbot_settings.TAG_SEARCH_INPUT_ENABLED: #todo: this may be gone or disabled per option #"tag_search_box_enabled" existing_tags = set() non_existing_tags = set() #we're using a one-by-one tag retreival, b/c #we want to take advantage of case-insensitive search indexes #in postgresql, plus it is most likely that there will be #only one or two search tags anyway for tag in tags: try: tag_record = Tag.objects.get(name__iexact=tag) existing_tags.add( except Tag.DoesNotExist: non_existing_tags.add(tag) meta_data['non_existing_tags'] = list(non_existing_tags) tags = existing_tags else: meta_data['non_existing_tags'] = list() #construct filter for the tag search for tag in tags: qs = qs.filter(tags__name=tag) # Tags or AND-ed here, not OR-ed (i.e. we fetch only threads with all tags) else: meta_data['non_existing_tags'] = list() if search_state.scope == 'unanswered': qs = qs.filter(closed = False) # Do not show closed questions in unanswered section if askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_QUESTION_MEANING == 'NO_ANSWERS': # todo: this will introduce a problem if there are private answers # which are counted here qs = qs.filter(answer_count=0) # TODO: expand for different meanings of this elif askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_QUESTION_MEANING == 'NO_ACCEPTED_ANSWERS': qs = qs.filter(accepted_answer__isnull=True) elif askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_QUESTION_MEANING == 'NO_UPVOTED_ANSWERS': raise NotImplementedError() else: raise Exception('UNANSWERED_QUESTION_MEANING setting is wrong') elif search_state.scope == 'followed': followed_filter = models.Q(favorited_by=request_user) if 'followit' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: followed_users = request_user.get_followed_users() followed_filter |= models.Q(posts__post_type__in=('question', 'answer'), posts__author__in=followed_users) #a special case: "personalized" main page only == #if followed is the only available scope #if total number (regardless of users selections) #followed questions is < than a pagefull - we should mix in a list of #random questions if askbot_settings.ALL_SCOPE_ENABLED == askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_SCOPE_ENABLED == False: followed_question_count = qs.filter(followed_filter).distinct().count() if followed_question_count < 30: #here we mix in anything followed_filter |= models.Q(deleted=False) qs = qs.filter(followed_filter) #user contributed questions & answers if try: # TODO: maybe support selection by multiple authors u = User.objects.get(id=int( except User.DoesNotExist: meta_data['author_name'] = None else: qs = qs.filter(posts__post_type__in=('question', 'answer'), posts__author=u, posts__deleted=False) meta_data['author_name'] = u.username #get users tag filters if request_user and request_user.is_authenticated(): #mark questions tagged with interesting tags #a kind of fancy annotation, would be nice to avoid it interesting_tags = Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__user = request_user, user_selections__reason = 'good' ) ignored_tags = Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__user = request_user, user_selections__reason = 'bad' ) subscribed_tags = Tag.objects.none() if askbot_settings.SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED: subscribed_tags = Tag.objects.filter( user_selections__user = request_user, user_selections__reason = 'subscribed' ) meta_data['subscribed_tag_names'] = [ for tag in subscribed_tags] meta_data['interesting_tag_names'] = [ for tag in interesting_tags] meta_data['ignored_tag_names'] = [ for tag in ignored_tags] if request_user.display_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING and (interesting_tags or request_user.has_interesting_wildcard_tags()): #filter by interesting tags only interesting_tag_filter = models.Q(tags__in=interesting_tags) if request_user.has_interesting_wildcard_tags(): interesting_wildcards = request_user.interesting_tags.split() extra_interesting_tags = Tag.objects.get_by_wildcards(interesting_wildcards) interesting_tag_filter |= models.Q(tags__in=extra_interesting_tags) qs = qs.filter(interesting_tag_filter) # get the list of interesting and ignored tags (interesting_tag_names, ignored_tag_names) = (None, None) if request_user.display_tag_filter_strategy == const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED and (ignored_tags or request_user.has_ignored_wildcard_tags()): #exclude ignored tags if the user wants to qs = qs.exclude(tags__in=ignored_tags) if request_user.has_ignored_wildcard_tags(): ignored_wildcards = request_user.ignored_tags.split() extra_ignored_tags = Tag.objects.get_by_wildcards(ignored_wildcards) qs = qs.exclude(tags__in = extra_ignored_tags) if request_user.display_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_SUBSCRIBED \ and subscribed_tags: qs = qs.filter(tags__in = subscribed_tags) if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS: meta_data['interesting_tag_names'].extend(request_user.interesting_tags.split()) meta_data['ignored_tag_names'].extend(request_user.ignored_tags.split()) QUESTION_ORDER_BY_MAP = { 'age-desc': '-added_at', 'age-asc': 'added_at', 'activity-desc': '-last_activity_at', 'activity-asc': 'last_activity_at', 'answers-desc': '-answer_count', 'answers-asc': 'answer_count', 'votes-desc': '-points', 'votes-asc': 'points', 'relevance-desc': '-relevance', # special Postgresql-specific ordering, 'relevance' quaso-column is added by get_for_query() } orderby = QUESTION_ORDER_BY_MAP[search_state.sort] if not ( getattr(django_settings, 'ENABLE_HAYSTACK_SEARCH', False) \ and orderby=='-relevance' ): #FIXME: this does not produces the very same results as postgres. qs = qs.extra(order_by=[orderby]) # HACK: We add 'ordering_key' column as an alias and order by it, because when distict() is used, # qs.extra(order_by=[orderby,]) is lost if only `orderby` column is from askbot_post! # Removing distinct() from the queryset fixes the problem, but we have to use it here. # UPDATE: Apparently we don't need distinct, the query don't duplicate Thread rows! # qs = qs.extra(select={'ordering_key': orderby.lstrip('-')}, order_by=['-ordering_key' if orderby.startswith('-') else 'ordering_key']) # qs = qs.distinct() qs = qs.only('id', 'title', 'view_count', 'answer_count', 'last_activity_at', 'last_activity_by', 'closed', 'tagnames', 'accepted_answer') #print qs.query return qs.distinct(), meta_data def precache_view_data_hack(self, threads): # TODO: Re-enable this when we have a good test cases to verify that it works properly. # # E.g.: - make sure that not precaching give threads never increase # of db queries for the main page # - make sure that it really works, i.e. stuff for non-cached threads is fetched properly # Precache data only for non-cached threads - only those will be rendered #threads = [thread for thread in threads if not thread.summary_html_cached()] thread_ids = [ for obj in threads] page_questions = Post.objects.filter( post_type='question', thread__id__in = thread_ids ).only(# pick only the used fields 'id', 'thread', 'points', 'is_anonymous', 'summary', 'post_type', 'deleted' ) page_question_map = {} for pq in page_questions: page_question_map[pq.thread_id] = pq for thread in threads: thread._question_cache = page_question_map[] last_activity_by_users = User.objects.filter(id__in=[obj.last_activity_by_id for obj in threads])\ .only('id', 'username', 'country', 'show_country') user_map = {} for la_user in last_activity_by_users: user_map[] = la_user for thread in threads: thread._last_activity_by_cache = user_map[thread.last_activity_by_id] #todo: this function is similar to get_response_receivers - profile this function against the other one def get_thread_contributors(self, thread_list): """Returns query set of Thread contributors""" # INFO: Evaluate this query to avoid subquery in the subsequent query below (At least MySQL can be awfully slow on subqueries) u_id = list(Post.objects.filter(post_type__in=('question', 'answer'), thread__in=thread_list).values_list('author', flat=True)) #todo: this does not belong gere - here we select users with real faces #first and limit the number of users in the result for display #on the main page, we might also want to completely hide fake gravatars #and show only real images and the visitors - even if he does not have #a real image and try to prompt him/her to upload a picture from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings avatar_limit = askbot_settings.SIDEBAR_MAIN_AVATAR_LIMIT contributors = User.objects.filter(id__in=u_id).order_by('avatar_type', '?')[:avatar_limit] return contributors def get_for_user(self, user): """returns threads where a given user had participated""" post_ids = PostRevision.objects.filter( author = user ).values_list( 'post_id', flat = True ).distinct() thread_ids = Post.objects.filter( id__in = post_ids ).values_list( 'thread_id', flat = True ).distinct() return self.filter(id__in = thread_ids) class ThreadToGroup(models.Model): """the "through" many-to-many relation between threads and groups - to distinguish full and "what's published" visibility of threads to various groups """ SHOW_PUBLISHED_RESPONSES = 0 SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES = 1 VISIBILITY_CHOICES = ( (SHOW_PUBLISHED_RESPONSES, 'show only published responses'), (SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES, 'show all responses') ) thread = models.ForeignKey('Thread') group = models.ForeignKey(Group) visibility = models.SmallIntegerField( choices=VISIBILITY_CHOICES, default=SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES ) class Meta: unique_together = ('thread', 'group') db_table = 'askbot_thread_groups' app_label = 'askbot' class Thread(models.Model): SUMMARY_CACHE_KEY_TPL = 'thread-question-summary-%d' ANSWER_LIST_KEY_TPL = 'thread-answer-list-%d' title = models.CharField(max_length=300) tags = models.ManyToManyField('Tag', related_name='threads') groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, through=ThreadToGroup, related_name='group_threads') # Denormalised data, transplanted from Question tagnames = models.CharField(max_length=125) view_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) favourite_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) answer_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) last_activity_at = models.DateTimeField( last_activity_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='unused_last_active_in_threads') language_code = models.CharField(max_length=16, default=django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) followed_by = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='followed_threads') favorited_by = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='FavoriteQuestion', related_name='unused_favorite_threads') closed = models.BooleanField(default=False) closed_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True) #, related_name='closed_questions') closed_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) close_reason = models.SmallIntegerField( choices=const.CLOSE_REASONS, null=True, blank=True ) deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True) #denormalized data: the core approval of the posts is made #in the revisions. In the revisions there is more data about #approvals - by whom and when approved = models.BooleanField(default=True, db_index=True) accepted_answer = models.ForeignKey(Post, null=True, blank=True, related_name='+') answer_accepted_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) added_at = models.DateTimeField(default = #db_column will be removed later points = models.IntegerField(default = 0, db_column='score') objects = ThreadManager() class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' #property to support legacy themes in case there are. @property def score(self): return int(self.points) @score.setter def score(self, number): if number: self.points = int(number) def _question_post(self, refresh=False): if refresh and hasattr(self, '_question_cache'): delattr(self, '_question_cache') post = getattr(self, '_question_cache', None) if post: return post self._question_cache = Post.objects.get(post_type='question', thread=self) return self._question_cache def get_absolute_url(self): return self._question_post().get_absolute_url(thread = self) #question_id = self._question_post().id #return reverse('question', args = [question_id]) + slugify(self.title) def get_answer_count(self, user = None): """returns answer count depending on who the user is. When user groups are enabled and some answers are hidden, the answer count to show must be reflected accordingly""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED == False: return self.answer_count else: return self.get_answers(user).count() def get_oldest_answer_id(self, user=None): """give oldest visible answer id for the user""" answers = self.get_answers(user=user).order_by('added_at') if len(answers) > 0: return answers[0].id return None def get_sharing_info(self, visitor=None): """returns a dictionary with abbreviated thread sharing info: * users - up to a certain number of users, excluding the visitor * groups - up to a certain number of groups * more_users_count - remaining count of shared-with users * more_groups_count - remaining count of shared-with groups """ shared_users = self.get_users_shared_with( max_count=2,#"visitor" is implicit exclude_user=visitor ) groups = self.groups ugroups = groups.get_personal() ggroups = groups.exclude_personal() sharing_info = { 'users': shared_users, 'groups': self.get_groups_shared_with(max_count=3), 'more_users_count': max(0, ugroups.count() - 3), 'more_groups_count': max(0, ggroups.count() - 3) } return sharing_info def get_users_shared_with(self, max_count=None, exclude_user=None): """returns query set of users with whom this thread is shared """ filter = models.Q( thread=self, visibility=ThreadToGroup.SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES ) & models.Q( group__name__startswith=PERSONAL_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX ) if exclude_user: user_group = exclude_user.get_personal_group() filter = filter & ~models.Q( thread_groups = ThreadToGroup.objects.filter(filter) if max_count: thread_groups = thread_groups[:max_count] group_ids = thread_groups.values_list('group_id', flat=True) group_ids = list(group_ids)#force query for MySQL from askbot.models import GroupMembership user_ids = GroupMembership.objects.filter( group__id__in=group_ids ).values_list( 'user__id', flat=True ) return User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids) def get_groups_shared_with(self, max_count=None): """returns query set of groups with whom thread is shared""" thread_groups = ThreadToGroup.objects.filter( models.Q( thread=self, visibility=ThreadToGroup.SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES ) & ~models.Q( group__name__startswith=PERSONAL_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX ) ) if max_count: thread_groups = thread_groups[:max_count] group_ids = thread_groups.values_list('group_id', flat=True) return Group.objects.filter(id__in=list(group_ids))#force list 4 mysql def update_favorite_count(self): self.favourite_count = FavoriteQuestion.objects.filter(thread=self).count() def update_answer_count(self): self.answer_count = self.get_answers().count() def increase_view_count(self, increment=1): qset = Thread.objects.filter( qset.update(view_count=models.F('view_count') + increment) self.view_count = qset.values('view_count')[0]['view_count'] # get the new view_count back because other pieces of code relies on such behaviour #################################################################### self.update_summary_html() # regenerate question/thread summary html #################################################################### def set_closed_status(self, closed, closed_by, closed_at, close_reason): self.closed = closed self.closed_by = closed_by self.closed_at = closed_at self.close_reason = close_reason self.invalidate_cached_data() def set_accepted_answer(self, answer, timestamp): if answer and answer.thread != self: raise ValueError("Answer doesn't belong to this thread") self.accepted_answer = answer self.answer_accepted_at = timestamp def set_last_activity(self, last_activity_at, last_activity_by): self.last_activity_at = last_activity_at self.last_activity_by = last_activity_by #################################################################### self.update_summary_html() # regenerate question/thread summary html #################################################################### def get_tag_names(self): "Creates a list of Tag names from the ``tagnames`` attribute." if self.tagnames.strip() == '': return list() else: return self.tagnames.split(u' ') def get_title(self, question=None): if not question: question = self._question_post() # allow for optimization if the caller has already fetched the question post for this thread if self.is_private(): attr = const.POST_STATUS['private'] elif self.closed: attr = const.POST_STATUS['closed'] elif question.deleted: attr = const.POST_STATUS['deleted'] else: attr = None if attr is not None: return u'%s %s' % (self.title, unicode(attr)) else: return self.title def format_for_email(self, user=None): """experimental function: output entire thread for email""" question, answers, junk, published_ans_ids = \ self.get_cached_post_data(user=user) output = question.format_for_email_as_subthread() if answers: answer_heading = ungettext( '%(count)d answer:', '%(count)d answers:', len(answers) ) % {'count': len(answers)} output += '


' % answer_heading for answer in answers: output += answer.format_for_email_as_subthread() return output def get_answers_by_user(self, user): """regardless - deleted or not""" return self.posts.filter(post_type='answer', author=user, deleted=False) def has_answer_by_user(self, user): #use len to cache the queryset return len(self.get_answers_by_user(user)) > 0 def has_moderator(self, user): """true if ``user`` is also a thread moderator""" if user.is_anonymous(): return False elif askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: if user.is_administrator_or_moderator(): user_groups = user.get_groups(private=True) thread_groups = self.get_groups_shared_with() return bool(set(user_groups) & set(thread_groups)) return False def requires_response_moderation(self, author): """true, if answers by a given author must be moderated before publishing to the enquirers""" author_groups = author.get_groups() thread_groups = self.get_groups_shared_with() for group in set(author_groups) & set(thread_groups): if group.moderate_answers_to_enquirers: return True return False def tagname_meta_generator(self): return u','.join([unicode(tag) for tag in self.get_tag_names()]) def all_answers(self): return self.posts.get_answers() def get_answers(self, user=None): """returns query set for answers to this question that may be shown to the given user """ if user is None or user.is_anonymous(): return self.posts.get_answers().filter(deleted=False) else: return self.posts.get_answers( user=user ).filter(deleted=False) # return self.posts.get_answers(user=user).filter( # models.Q(deleted=False) \ # | models.Q(author=user) \ # | models.Q(deleted_by=user) # ) #we used to show deleted answers to admins, #users who deleted those answers and answer owners #but later decided to not show deleted answers at all #because it makes caching the post lists for thread easier #if user.is_administrator() or user.is_moderator(): # return self.posts.get_answers(user=user) #else: # return self.posts.get_answers(user=user).filter( # models.Q(deleted=False) \ # | models.Q(author=user) \ # | models.Q(deleted_by=user) # ) def invalidate_cached_thread_content_fragment(self): cache.cache.delete(self.SUMMARY_CACHE_KEY_TPL % def get_post_data_cache_key(self, sort_method = None): return 'thread-data-%s-%s' % (, sort_method) def invalidate_cached_post_data(self): """needs to be called when anything notable changes in the post data - on votes, adding, deleting, editing content""" #we can call delete_many() here if using Django > 1.2 for sort_method in const.ANSWER_SORT_METHODS: cache.cache.delete(self.get_post_data_cache_key(sort_method)) def invalidate_cached_data(self): self.invalidate_cached_post_data() #self.invalidate_cached_thread_content_fragment() self.update_summary_html() def get_cached_post_data(self, user = None, sort_method = 'votes'): """returns cached post data, as calculated by the method get_post_data()""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: #temporary plug: bypass cache where groups are enabled return self.get_post_data(sort_method=sort_method, user=user) key = self.get_post_data_cache_key(sort_method) post_data = cache.cache.get(key) if not post_data: post_data = self.get_post_data(sort_method) cache.cache.set(key, post_data, const.LONG_TIME) return post_data def get_post_data(self, sort_method='votes', user=None): """returns question, answers as list and a list of post ids for the given thread, and the list of published post ids (four values) the returned posts are pre-stuffed with the comments all (both posts and the comments sorted in the correct order) """ thread_posts = self.posts.all() if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: if user is None or user.is_anonymous(): groups = (Group.objects.get_global_group(),) else: groups = user.get_groups() thread_posts = thread_posts.filter(groups__in=groups) thread_posts = thread_posts.distinct()#important for >1 group order_by_method = { 'latest':'-added_at', 'oldest':'added_at', 'votes':'-points' } if sort_method in order_by_method: order_by = order_by_method[sort_method] else: order_by = order_by_method['latest'] thread_posts = thread_posts.order_by(order_by) #1) collect question, answer and comment posts and list of post id's answers = list() post_map = dict() comment_map = dict() post_to_author = dict() question_post = None for post in thread_posts: #pass through only deleted question posts if post.deleted and post.post_type != 'question': continue if post.is_approved() is False:#hide posts on the moderation queue continue post_to_author[] = post.author_id if post.post_type == 'answer': answers.append(post) post_map[] = post elif post.post_type == 'comment': if post.parent_id not in comment_map: comment_map[post.parent_id] = list() comment_map[post.parent_id].append(post) elif post.post_type == 'question': assert(question_post == None) post_map[] = post question_post = post #2) sort comments in the temporal order for comment_list in comment_map.values(): comment_list.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('added_at')) #3) attach comments to question and the answers for post_id, comment_list in comment_map.items(): try: post_map[post_id].set_cached_comments(comment_list) except KeyError: pass#comment to deleted answer - don't want it if self.has_accepted_answer() and self.accepted_answer.deleted == False: #Put the accepted answer to front #the second check is for the case when accepted answer is deleted if self.accepted_answer_id in post_map: accepted_answer = post_map[self.accepted_answer_id] answers.remove(accepted_answer) answers.insert(0, accepted_answer) #if user is not an inquirer, and thread is moderated, #put published answers first #todo: there may be > 1 enquirers published_answer_ids = list() if self.is_moderated() and user != #if moderated - then author is guaranteed to be the #limited visibility enquirer published_answer_ids = self.posts.get_answers( #todo: may be > 1 user ).filter( deleted=False ).order_by( { 'latest':'-added_at', 'oldest':'added_at', 'votes':'-points' }[sort_method] ).values_list('id', flat=True) published_answer_ids = reversed(published_answer_ids) #now put those answers first answer_map = dict([(, answer) for answer in answers]) for answer_id in published_answer_ids: #note that answer map may not contain answers publised #to the question enquirer, because current user may #not have access to that answer, so we use the .get() method answer = answer_map.get(answer_id, None) if answer: answers.remove(answer) answers.insert(0, answer) return (question_post, answers, post_to_author, published_answer_ids) def has_accepted_answer(self): return self.accepted_answer_id != None def get_similarity(self, other_thread = None): """return number of tags in the other question that overlap with the current question (self) """ my_tags = set(self.get_tag_names()) others_tags = set(other_thread.get_tag_names()) return len(my_tags & others_tags) def get_similar_threads(self): """ Get 10 similar threads for given one. Threads with the individual tags will be added to list if above questions are not full. This function has a limitation that it will retrieve only 100 records then select 10 most similar from that list as querying entire database may be very expensive - this function will benefit from some sort of optimization """ def get_data(): # todo: code in this function would be simpler if # we had question post id denormalized on the thread tags_list = self.get_tag_names() similar_threads = Thread.objects.filter( tags__name__in=tags_list ).exclude( id = ).exclude( posts__post_type='question', posts__deleted = True ).distinct()[:100] similar_threads = list(similar_threads) for thread in similar_threads: thread.similarity = self.get_similarity(other_thread=thread) similar_threads.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('similarity'), reverse=True) similar_threads = similar_threads[:10] # Denormalize questions to speed up template rendering # todo: just denormalize question_post_id on the thread! thread_map = dict([(, thread) for thread in similar_threads]) questions = Post.objects.get_questions() questions = questions.select_related('thread').filter(thread__in=similar_threads) for q in questions: thread_map[q.thread_id].question_denorm = q # Postprocess data for the final output result = list() for thread in similar_threads: question_post = getattr(thread, 'question_denorm', None) # unfortunately the if statement below is necessary due to # a possible bug # all this proves that it's wrong to reference threads by # the question post id in the question page urls!!! # this is a "legacy" problem inherited from the old models if question_post: url = question_post.get_absolute_url() title = thread.get_title(question_post) result.append({'url': url, 'title': title}) return result def get_cached_data(): """similar thread data will expire with the default expiration delay """ key = 'similar-threads-%s' % data = cache.cache.get(key) if data is None: data = get_data() cache.cache.set(key, data) return data return LazyList(get_cached_data) def remove_author_anonymity(self): """removes anonymous flag from the question and all its revisions the function calls update method to make sure that signals are not called """ #note: see note for the is_anonymous field #it is important that update method is called - not save, #because we do not want the signals to fire here thread_question = self._question_post() Post.objects.filter( thread_question.revisions.all().update(is_anonymous=False) def is_followed_by(self, user = None): """True if thread is followed by user""" if user and user.is_authenticated(): return self.followed_by.filter(id = > 0 return False def is_moderated(self): """True, if tread has SHOW_PUBLISHED_RESPONSES group memberships""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: return ThreadToGroup.objects.filter( thread=self, visibility=ThreadToGroup.SHOW_PUBLISHED_RESPONSES ).count() > 0 return False def add_child_posts_to_groups(self, groups): """adds questions and answers of the thread to given groups, comments are taken care of implicitly by the underlying ``Post`` methods """ post_types = ('question', 'answer') posts = self.posts.filter(post_type__in=post_types) for post in posts: post.add_to_groups(groups) def remove_child_posts_from_groups(self, groups): """removes child posts from given groups""" post_ids = self.posts.all().values_list('id', flat=True) group_ids = [ for group in groups] PostToGroup.objects.filter( post__id__in=post_ids, tag__id__in=group_ids ).delete() def add_to_groups( self, groups, visibility=ThreadToGroup.SHOW_ALL_RESPONSES, recursive=False ): """adds thread to a list of groups ``groups`` argument may be any iterable of groups """ for group in groups: #todo: change to bulk create when django 1.3 goes out of use thread_group, created = ThreadToGroup.objects.get_or_create( thread=self, group=group ) if thread_group.visibility != visibility: thread_group.visibility = visibility if recursive == True: #comments are taken care of automatically self.add_child_posts_to_groups(groups) def remove_from_groups(self, groups, recursive=False): thread_groups = ThreadToGroup.objects.filter( thread=self, group__in=groups ) thread_groups.delete() if recursive == True: self.remove_child_posts_from_groups(groups) def make_public(self, recursive=False): """adds the global group to the thread""" groups = (Group.objects.get_global_group(), ) self.add_to_groups(groups, recursive=recursive) if recursive == False: self._question_post().make_public() def make_private(self, user, group_id = None): """adds thread to all user's groups, excluding the global, or to a group given by id. The add by ID now only works if user belongs to that group """ if group_id: group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id) groups = [group] self.add_to_groups(groups) global_group = Group.objects.get_global_group() if group != global_group: self.remove_from_groups((global_group,)) else: groups = user.get_groups(private=True) self.add_to_groups(groups) self.remove_from_groups((Group.objects.get_global_group(),)) self._question_post().make_private(user, group_id) if len(groups) == 0: message = 'Sharing did not work, because group is unknown' user.message_set.create(message=message) def is_private(self): """true, if thread belongs to the global group""" if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: group = Group.objects.get_global_group() return not self.groups.filter( return False def remove_tags_by_names(self, tagnames): """removes tags from thread by names""" removed_tags = list() for tag in self.tags.all(): if in tagnames: tag.used_count -= 1 removed_tags.append(tag) self.tags.remove(*removed_tags) return removed_tags def update_tags( self, tagnames = None, user = None, timestamp = None ): """ Updates Tag associations for a thread to match the given tagname string. When an added tag does not exist - it is created If tag moderation is on - new tags are placed on the queue Tag use counts are recalculated A signal tags updated is sent *IMPORTANT*: self._question_post() has to exist when update_tags() is called! """ if tagnames.strip() == '': return previous_tags = list(self.tags.filter(status = Tag.STATUS_ACCEPTED)) ordered_updated_tagnames = [t for t in tagnames.strip().split(' ')] previous_tagnames = set([ for tag in previous_tags]) updated_tagnames = set(ordered_updated_tagnames) removed_tagnames = previous_tagnames - updated_tagnames #remove tags from the question's tags many2many relation #used_count values are decremented on all tags removed_tags = self.remove_tags_by_names(removed_tagnames) #modified tags go on to recounting their use #todo - this can actually be done asynchronously - not so important modified_tags, unused_tags = separate_unused_tags(removed_tags) modified_tags = removed_tags #add new tags to the relation added_tagnames = updated_tagnames - previous_tagnames if added_tagnames: #find reused tags reused_tags, new_tagnames = get_tags_by_names(added_tagnames) reused_tags.mark_undeleted() added_tags = list(reused_tags) #tag moderation is in the call below created_tags = Tag.objects.create_in_bulk( tag_names=new_tagnames, user=user ) added_tags.extend(created_tags) #todo: not nice that assignment of added_tags is way above self.tags.add(*added_tags) modified_tags.extend(added_tags) else: added_tags = Tag.objects.none() #Save denormalized tag names on thread. Preserve order from user input. accepted_added_tags = filter_accepted_tags(added_tags) added_tagnames = set([ for tag in accepted_added_tags]) final_tagnames = (previous_tagnames - removed_tagnames) | added_tagnames ordered_final_tagnames = list() for tagname in ordered_updated_tagnames: if tagname in final_tagnames: ordered_final_tagnames.append(tagname) self.tagnames = ' '.join(ordered_final_tagnames) to save here? #todo: factor out - tell author about suggested tags suggested_tags = filter_suggested_tags(added_tags) if len(suggested_tags) > 0: #1) notify author that the tag is going to be moderated #todo: factor this out if len(suggested_tags) == 1: msg = _( 'Tag %s is new and will be submitted for the ' 'moderators approval' ) % suggested_tags[0].name else: msg = _( 'Tags %s are new and will be submitted for the ' 'moderators approval' ) % ', '.join([ for tag in suggested_tags]) user.message_set.create(message = msg) #2) todo: notify moderators about newly suggested tags #################################################################### self.update_summary_html() # regenerate question/thread summary html #################################################################### #if there are any modified tags, update their use counts modified_tags = set(modified_tags) if modified_tags: Tag.objects.update_use_counts(modified_tags) signals.tags_updated.send(None, thread=self, tags=modified_tags, user=user, timestamp=timestamp ) return True return False def add_tag( self, user = None, timestamp = None, tag_name = None, silent = False ): """adds one tag to thread""" tag_names = self.get_tag_names() if tag_name in tag_names: return tag_names.append(tag_name) self.retag( retagged_by=user, retagged_at=timestamp, tagnames=' '.join(tag_names), silent=silent ) def retag(self, retagged_by=None, retagged_at=None, tagnames=None, silent=False): """changes thread tags""" if None in (retagged_by, retagged_at, tagnames): raise Exception('arguments retagged_at, retagged_by and tagnames are required') if len(tagnames) > 125:#todo: remove magic number!!! raise django_exceptions.ValidationError('tagnames value too long') thread_question = self._question_post() self.tagnames = tagnames.strip() # Update the Question itself if silent == False: thread_question.last_edited_at = retagged_at #thread_question.thread.last_activity_at = retagged_at thread_question.last_edited_by = retagged_by #thread_question.thread.last_activity_by = retagged_by # Update the Thread's tag associations self.update_tags(tagnames=tagnames, user=retagged_by, timestamp=retagged_at) # Create a new revision latest_revision = thread_question.get_latest_revision() PostRevision.objects.create( post=thread_question, title=latest_revision.title, author=retagged_by, revised_at=retagged_at, tagnames=tagnames, summary=unicode(const.POST_STATUS['retagged']), text=latest_revision.text ) def has_favorite_by_user(self, user): if not user.is_authenticated(): return False return FavoriteQuestion.objects.filter(thread=self, user=user).exists() def get_last_update_info(self): posts = list(self.posts.select_related('author', 'last_edited_by')) last_updated_at = posts[0].added_at last_updated_by = posts[0].author for post in posts: last_updated_at, last_updated_by = max((last_updated_at, last_updated_by), (post.added_at, if post.last_edited_at: last_updated_at, last_updated_by = max((last_updated_at, last_updated_by), (post.last_edited_at, post.last_edited_by)) return last_updated_at, last_updated_by def get_summary_html(self, search_state=None, visitor = None): html = self.get_cached_summary_html(visitor) if not html: html = self.update_summary_html(visitor) # todo: this work may be pushed onto javascript we post-process tag names # in the snippet so that tag urls match the search state # use `<<<` and `>>>` because they cannot be confused with user input # - if user accidentialy types <<>> into question title or body, # then in html it'll become escaped like this: <<<tag-name>>> regex = re.compile( r'<<<(%s)>>>' % const.TAG_REGEX_BARE, re.UNICODE ) if search_state is None: search_state = DummySearchState() while True: match = if not match: break seq = # e.g "<<>>" tag = # e.g "my-tag" full_url = search_state.add_tag(tag).full_url() html = html.replace(seq, full_url) return html def get_cached_summary_html(self, visitor = None): #todo: remove this plug by adding cached foreign user group #parameter to the key. Now with groups on caching is turned off #parameter visitor is there to get summary out by the user groups if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED: return None return cache.cache.get(self.SUMMARY_CACHE_KEY_TPL % def update_summary_html(self, visitor = None): #todo: it is quite wrong that visitor is an argument here #because we do not include any visitor-related info in the cache key #ideally cache should be shareable between users, so straight up #using the user id for cache is wrong, we could use group #memberships, but in that case we'd need to be more careful with #cache invalidation context = { 'thread': self, #fetch new question post to make sure we're up-to-date 'question': self._question_post(refresh=True), 'search_state': DummySearchState(), 'visitor': visitor } from askbot.views.context import get_extra as get_extra_context context.update(get_extra_context('ASKBOT_QUESTION_SUMMARY_EXTRA_CONTEXT', None, context)) html = get_template('widgets/question_summary.html').render(context) # INFO: Timeout is set to 30 days: # * timeout=0/None is not a reliable cross-backend way to set infinite timeout # * We probably don't need to pollute the cache with threads older than 30 days # * Additionally, Memcached treats timeouts > 30day as dates (, # which probably doesn't break anything but if we can stick to 30 days then let's stick to it cache.cache.set( self.SUMMARY_CACHE_KEY_TPL %, html, timeout=const.LONG_TIME ) return html def summary_html_cached(self): return cache.cache.has_key(self.SUMMARY_CACHE_KEY_TPL % class QuestionView(models.Model): question = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='viewed') who = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='question_views') when = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' class FavoriteQuestion(models.Model): """A favorite Question of a User.""" thread = models.ForeignKey(Thread) user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='user_favorite_questions') added_at = models.DateTimeField( class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' db_table = u'favorite_question' def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return u'[%s] favorited at %s' %(self.user, self.added_at) class DraftQuestion(models.Model): """Provides space to solve unpublished draft questions. Contents is used to populate the Ask form. """ author = models.ForeignKey(User) title = models.CharField(max_length=300, null=True) text = models.TextField(null=True) tagnames = models.CharField(max_length=125, null=True) class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' class AnonymousQuestion(DraftContent): """question that was asked before logging in maybe the name is a little misleading, the user still may or may not want to stay anonymous after the question is published """ title = models.CharField(max_length=300) tagnames = models.CharField(max_length=125) is_anonymous = models.BooleanField(default=False) def publish(self, user): added_at = #todo: wrong - use User.post_question() instead try: user.assert_can_post_text(self.text) Thread.objects.create_new( title = self.title, added_at = added_at, author = user, wiki =, is_anonymous = self.is_anonymous, tagnames = self.tagnames, text = self.text, ) self.delete() except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied, error: #delete previous draft questions (only one is allowed anyway) prev_drafts = DraftQuestion.objects.filter(author=user) prev_drafts.delete() #convert this question to draft DraftQuestion.objects.create( author=user, title=self.title, text=self.text, tagnames=self.tagnames ) #add message with a link to the ask page extra_message = _( 'Please, review your question.' ) % reverse('ask') message = string_concat(unicode(error), u' ', extra_message) user.message_set.create(message=unicode(message))