import datetime import logging from django.db import models from django.db.backends.dummy.base import IntegrityError from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.html import strip_tags from askbot import const from askbot.utils import functions from askbot.models.tag import Tag class ResponseAndMentionActivityManager(models.Manager): def get_query_set(self): response_types = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_DISPLAY response_types += (const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION, ) return super( ResponseAndMentionActivityManager, self ).get_query_set().filter( activity_type__in = response_types ) class ActivityManager(models.Manager): def get_all_origin_posts(self): #todo: redo this with query sets origin_posts = set() for m in self.all(): post = m.content_object if post and hasattr(post, 'get_origin_post'): origin_posts.add(post.get_origin_post()) else: logging.debug( 'method get_origin_post() not implemented for %s' \ % unicode(post) ) return list(origin_posts) def create_new_mention( self, mentioned_by = None, mentioned_whom = None, mentioned_at = None, mentioned_in = None, reported = None ): #todo: automate this using python inspect module kwargs = dict() kwargs['activity_type'] = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION if mentioned_at: #todo: handle cases with rich lookups here like __lt kwargs['active_at'] = mentioned_at if mentioned_by: kwargs['user'] = mentioned_by if mentioned_in: if functions.is_iterable(mentioned_in): raise NotImplementedError('mentioned_in only works for single items') else: post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(mentioned_in) kwargs['content_type'] = post_content_type kwargs['object_id'] = if reported == True: kwargs['is_auditted'] = True else: kwargs['is_auditted'] = False mention_activity = Activity(**kwargs) mention_activity.question = mentioned_in.get_origin_post() if mentioned_whom: assert(isinstance(mentioned_whom, User)) mention_activity.add_recipients([mentioned_whom]) mentioned_whom.update_response_counts() return mention_activity def get_mentions( self, mentioned_by = None, mentioned_whom = None, mentioned_at = None, mentioned_in = None, reported = None, mentioned_at__lt = None, ): """extract mention-type activity objects todo: implement better rich field lookups """ kwargs = dict() kwargs['activity_type'] = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION if mentioned_at: #todo: handle cases with rich lookups here like __lt, __gt and others kwargs['active_at'] = mentioned_at elif mentioned_at__lt: kwargs['active_at__lt'] = mentioned_at__lt if mentioned_by: kwargs['user'] = mentioned_by if mentioned_whom: if functions.is_iterable(mentioned_whom): kwargs['recipients__in'] = mentioned_whom else: kwargs['recipients__in'] = (mentioned_whom,) if mentioned_in: if functions.is_iterable(mentioned_in): it = iter(mentioned_in) raise NotImplementedError('mentioned_in only works for single items') else: post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(mentioned_in) kwargs['content_type'] = post_content_type kwargs['object_id'] = if reported == True: kwargs['is_auditted'] = True else: kwargs['is_auditted'] = False return self.filter(**kwargs) class ActivityAuditStatus(models.Model): """bridge "through" relation between activity and users""" STATUS_NEW = 0 STATUS_SEEN = 1 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (STATUS_NEW, 'new'), (STATUS_SEEN, 'seen') ) user = models.ForeignKey(User) activity = models.ForeignKey('Activity') status = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=STATUS_NEW) class Meta: unique_together = ('user', 'activity') app_label = 'askbot' db_table = 'askbot_activityauditstatus' def is_new(self): return (self.status == self.STATUS_NEW) class Activity(models.Model): """ We keep some history data for user activities """ user = models.ForeignKey(User) receiving_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='received_activity') recipients = models.ManyToManyField(User, through=ActivityAuditStatus, related_name='incoming_activity') activity_type = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY) active_at = models.DateTimeField( content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') #todo: remove this denorm question field when Post model is set up question = models.ForeignKey('Post', null=True) is_auditted = models.BooleanField(default=False) #add summary field. summary = models.TextField(default='') objects = ActivityManager() responses_and_mentions = ResponseAndMentionActivityManager() def __unicode__(self): return u'[%s] was active at %s' % (self.user.username, self.active_at) class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' db_table = u'activity' def add_recipients(self, recipients): """have to use a special method, because django does not allow auto-adding to M2M with "through" model """ for recipient in recipients: #todo: may optimize for bulk addition aas = ActivityAuditStatus(user = recipient, activity = self) def get_mentioned_user(self): assert(self.activity_type == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_MENTION) user_qs = self.recipients.all() user_count = len(user_qs) if user_count == 0: return None assert(user_count == 1) return user_qs[0] def get_snippet(self, max_length = 120): if self.summary == '': return self.content_object.get_snippet(max_length) else: return self.summary def get_absolute_url(self): return self.content_object.get_absolute_url() class EmailFeedSettingManager(models.Manager): def filter_subscribers( self, potential_subscribers = None, feed_type = None, frequency = None ): """returns set of users who have matching subscriptions and if potential_subscribers is not none, search will be limited to only potential subscribers, otherwise search is unrestricted todo: when EmailFeedSetting is merged into user table this method may become unnecessary """ matching_feeds = self.filter( feed_type = feed_type, frequency = frequency ) if potential_subscribers is not None: matching_feeds = matching_feeds.filter( subscriber__in = potential_subscribers ) subscriber_set = set() for feed in matching_feeds: subscriber_set.add(feed.subscriber) return subscriber_set class EmailFeedSetting(models.Model): #definitions of delays before notification for each type of notification frequency DELTA_TABLE = { 'i':datetime.timedelta(-1),#instant emails are processed separately 'd':datetime.timedelta(1), 'w':datetime.timedelta(7), 'n':datetime.timedelta(-1), } #definitions of feed schedule types FEED_TYPES = ( 'q_ask', #questions that user asks 'q_all', #enture forum, tag filtered 'q_ans', #questions that user answers 'q_sel', #questions that user decides to follow 'm_and_c' #comments and mentions of user anywhere ) #email delivery schedule when no email is sent at all NO_EMAIL_SCHEDULE = { 'q_ask': 'n', 'q_ans': 'n', 'q_all': 'n', 'q_sel': 'n', 'm_and_c': 'n' } FEED_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('q_all',_('Entire forum')), ('q_ask',_('Questions that I asked')), ('q_ans',_('Questions that I answered')), ('q_sel',_('Individually selected questions')), ('m_and_c',_('Mentions and comment responses')), ) UPDATE_FREQUENCY = ( ('i',_('Instantly')), ('d',_('Daily')), ('w',_('Weekly')), ('n',_('No email')), ) subscriber = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='notification_subscriptions') feed_type = models.CharField(max_length=16, choices=FEED_TYPE_CHOICES) frequency = models.CharField( max_length=8, choices=const.NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_CHOICES, default='n', ) added_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) reported_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True) objects = EmailFeedSettingManager() class Meta: #added to make account merges work properly unique_together = ('subscriber', 'feed_type') app_label = 'askbot' def __str__(self): if self.reported_at is None: reported_at = "'not yet'" else: reported_at = '%s' % self.reported_at.strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M') return 'Email feed for %s type=%s, frequency=%s, reported_at=%s' % ( self.subscriber, self.feed_type, self.frequency, reported_at ) def save(self,*args,**kwargs): type = self.feed_type subscriber = self.subscriber similar = self.__class__.objects.filter( feed_type=type, subscriber=subscriber ).exclude( if len(similar) > 0: raise IntegrityError('email feed setting already exists') super(EmailFeedSetting,self).save(*args,**kwargs) def get_previous_report_cutoff_time(self): now = return now - self.DELTA_TABLE[self.frequency] def should_send_now(self): now = cutoff_time = self.get_previous_report_cutoff_time() if self.reported_at == None or self.reported_at <= cutoff_time: return True else: return False def mark_reported_now(self): self.reported_at = class GroupMembership(models.Model): """an explicit model to link users and the tags that by being recorded with this relation automatically become group tags """ group = models.ForeignKey(Tag, related_name = 'user_memberships') user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name = 'group_memberships') class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' unique_together = ('group', 'user') class GroupProfile(models.Model): """stores group profile data""" group_tag = models.OneToOneField( Tag, unique = True, related_name = 'group_profile' ) logo_url = models.URLField(null = True) moderate_email = models.BooleanField(default = True) is_open = models.BooleanField(default = False) #preapproved email addresses and domain names to auto-join groups #trick - the field is padded with space and all tokens are space separated preapproved_emails = models.TextField(null = True) #only domains - without the '@' or anything before them preapproved_email_domains = models.TextField(null = True) class Meta: app_label = 'askbot' def can_accept_user(self, user): """True if user is preapproved to join the group""" if user.is_anonymous(): return False if self.is_open: return True if user.is_administrator_or_moderator(): return True #relying on a specific method of storage if (' %s ' % in self.preapproved_emails: return True email_domain ='@')[1] return (' %s ' % email_domain) in self.preapproved_email_domains