{# todo: add tips to widen selection #}

{% if scope == "unanswered" %} {% trans %}There are no unanswered questions here{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if scope == "favorite" %} {% trans %}No questions here. {% endtrans %} {% trans %}Please star (bookmark) some questions or follow some users.{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% if query or search_tags or author_name %}

{% trans %}You can expand your search by {% endtrans %} {% if reset_method_count > 1 %} {% if author_name %} {% trans %}resetting author{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if search_tags %}{% if author_name and query %}, {% elif author_name %}{% trans %} or {% endtrans %}{% endif %} {% trans %}resetting tags{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if query %}{% trans %} or {% endtrans %} {% trans %}starting over{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% trans %}starting over{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% endif %}

{% trans %}Please always feel free to ask your question!{% endtrans %}