"""tests to be performed in the beginning of models/__init__.py the purpose of this module is to validate deployment of askbot question: why not run these from askbot/__init__.py? the main function is run_startup_tests """ import askbot import django import os import re import south import sys import urllib from django.db import transaction, connection from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from askbot.utils.loading import load_module from askbot.utils.functions import enumerate_string_list from askbot.utils.url_utils import urls_equal from urlparse import urlparse PREAMBLE = """\n ************************ * * * Askbot self-test * * * ************************\n """ FOOTER = """\n If necessary, type ^C (Ctrl-C) to stop the program. """ class AskbotConfigError(ImproperlyConfigured): """Prints an error with a preamble and possibly a footer""" def __init__(self, error_message): msg = PREAMBLE + error_message if sys.__stdin__.isatty(): #print footer only when askbot is run from the shell msg += FOOTER super(AskbotConfigError, self).__init__(msg) def askbot_warning(line): """prints a warning with the nice header, but does not quit""" print >> sys.stderr, line def print_errors(error_messages, header = None, footer = None): """if there is one or more error messages, raise ``class:AskbotConfigError`` with the human readable contents of the message * ``header`` - text to show above messages * ``footer`` - text to show below messages """ if len(error_messages) == 0: return if len(error_messages) > 1: error_messages = enumerate_string_list(error_messages) message = '' if header: message += header + '\n' message += 'Please attend to the following:\n\n' message += '\n\n'.join(error_messages) if footer: message += '\n\n' + footer raise AskbotConfigError(message) def format_as_text_tuple_entries(items): """prints out as entries or tuple containing strings ready for copy-pasting into say django settings file""" return " '%s'," % "',\n '".join(items) #todo: # # *validate emails in settings.py def test_askbot_url(): """Tests the ASKBOT_URL setting for the well-formedness and raises the :class:`AskbotConfigError` exception, if the setting is not good. """ url = django_settings.ASKBOT_URL if url != '': if isinstance(url, str) or isinstance(url, unicode): pass else: msg = 'setting ASKBOT_URL must be of string or unicode type' raise AskbotConfigError(msg) if url == '/': msg = 'value "/" for ASKBOT_URL is invalid. '+ \ 'Please, either make ASKBOT_URL an empty string ' + \ 'or a non-empty path, ending with "/" but not ' + \ 'starting with "/", for example: "forum/"' raise AskbotConfigError(msg) else: try: assert(url.endswith('/')) except AssertionError: msg = 'if ASKBOT_URL setting is not empty, ' + \ 'it must end with /' raise AskbotConfigError(msg) try: assert(not url.startswith('/')) except AssertionError: msg = 'if ASKBOT_URL setting is not empty, ' + \ 'it must not start with /' def test_jinja2(): """tests Jinja2 settings""" compressor_ext = 'compressor.contrib.jinja2ext.CompressorExtension' ext_list = getattr(django_settings, 'JINJA2_EXTENSIONS', None) errors = list() if ext_list is None: errors.append( "Please add the following line to your settings.py:\n" "JINJA2_EXTENSIONS = ('%s',)" % compressor_ext ) elif compressor_ext not in ext_list: errors.append( "Please add to the JINJA2_EXTENSIONS list an item:\n" "'%s'," % compressor_ext ) print_errors(errors) def test_middleware(): """Checks that all required middleware classes are installed in the django settings.py file. If that is not the case - raises an AskbotConfigError exception. """ required_middleware = [ 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'askbot.middleware.anon_user.ConnectToSessionMessagesMiddleware', 'askbot.middleware.forum_mode.ForumModeMiddleware', 'askbot.middleware.cancel.CancelActionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware', ] if 'debug_toolbar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: required_middleware.append( 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', ) required_middleware.extend([ 'askbot.middleware.view_log.ViewLogMiddleware', 'askbot.middleware.spaceless.SpacelessMiddleware', ]) found_middleware = [x for x in django_settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES if x in required_middleware] if found_middleware != required_middleware: # either middleware is out of order or it's missing an item missing_middleware_set = set(required_middleware) - set(found_middleware) middleware_text = '' if missing_middleware_set: error_message = """\n\nPlease add the following middleware (listed after this message) to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES variable in your site settings.py file. The order the middleware records is important, please take a look at the example in https://github.com/ASKBOT/askbot-devel/blob/master/askbot/setup_templates/settings.py:\n\n""" middleware_text = format_as_text_tuple_entries(missing_middleware_set) else: # middleware is out of order error_message = """\n\nPlease check the order of middleware closely. The order the middleware records is important, please take a look at the example in https://github.com/ASKBOT/askbot-devel/blob/master/askbot/setup_templates/settings.py for the correct order.\n\n""" raise AskbotConfigError(error_message + middleware_text) #middleware that was used in the past an now removed canceled_middleware = [ 'askbot.deps.recaptcha_django.middleware.ReCaptchaMiddleware' ] invalid_middleware = [x for x in canceled_middleware if x in django_settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES] if invalid_middleware: error_message = """\n\nPlease remove the following middleware entries from the list of MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your settings.py - these are not used any more:\n\n""" middleware_text = format_as_text_tuple_entries(invalid_middleware) raise AskbotConfigError(error_message + middleware_text) def try_import(module_name, pypi_package_name, short_message = False): """tries importing a module and advises to install A corresponding Python package in the case import fails""" try: load_module(module_name) except ImportError, error: message = 'Error: ' + unicode(error) message += '\n\nPlease run: >pip install %s' % pypi_package_name if short_message == False: message += '\n\nTo install all the dependencies at once, type:' message += '\npip install -r askbot_requirements.txt' message += '\n\nType ^C to quit.' raise AskbotConfigError(message) def test_modules(): """tests presence of required modules""" from askbot import REQUIREMENTS for module_name, pip_path in REQUIREMENTS.items(): try_import(module_name, pip_path) def test_postgres(): """Checks for the postgres buggy driver, version 2.4.2""" if 'postgresql_psycopg2' in askbot.get_database_engine_name(): import psycopg2 version = psycopg2.__version__.split(' ')[0].split('.') if version == ['2', '4', '2']: raise AskbotConfigError( 'Please install psycopg2 version 2.4.1,\n version 2.4.2 has a bug' ) elif version > ['2', '4', '2']: pass #don't know what to do else: pass #everythin is ok def test_encoding(): """prints warning if encoding error is not UTF-8""" if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding'): if sys.stdout.encoding != 'UTF-8': askbot_warning( 'Your output encoding is not UTF-8, there may be ' 'issues with the software when anything is printed ' 'to the terminal or log files' ) def test_template_loader(): """Sends a warning if you have an old style template loader that used to send a warning""" old_loaders = ( 'askbot.skins.loaders.load_template_source', 'askbot.skins.loaders.filesystem_load_template_source', ) errors = list() for loader in old_loaders: if loader in django_settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS: errors.append( 'remove "%s" from the TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting' % loader ) current_loader = 'askbot.skins.loaders.Loader' if current_loader not in django_settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS: errors.append( 'add "%s" to the beginning of the TEMPLATE_LOADERS' % current_loader ) elif django_settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS[0] != current_loader: errors.append( '"%s" must be the first element of TEMPLATE_LOADERS' % current_loader ) print_errors(errors) def test_celery(): """Tests celery settings todo: we are testing two things here that correct name is used for the setting and that a valid value is chosen """ broker_backend = getattr(django_settings, 'BROKER_BACKEND', None) broker_transport = getattr(django_settings, 'BROKER_TRANSPORT', None) delay_time = getattr(django_settings, 'NOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME', None) delay_setting_info = 'The delay is in seconds - used to throttle ' + \ 'instant notifications note that this delay will work only if ' + \ 'celery daemon is running Please search about ' + \ '"celery daemon setup" for details' if delay_time is None: raise AskbotConfigError( '\nPlease add to your settings.py\n' + \ 'NOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME = 60*15\n' + \ delay_setting_info ) else: if not isinstance(delay_time, int): raise AskbotConfigError( '\nNOTIFICATION_DELAY_TIME setting must have a numeric value\n' + \ delay_setting_info ) if broker_backend is None: if broker_transport is None: raise AskbotConfigError( "\nPlease add\n" 'BROKER_TRANSPORT = "djkombu.transport.DatabaseTransport"\n' "or other valid value to your settings.py file" ) else: #todo: check that broker transport setting is valid return if broker_backend != broker_transport: raise AskbotConfigError( "\nPlease rename setting BROKER_BACKEND to BROKER_TRANSPORT\n" "in your settings.py file\n" "If you have both in your settings.py - then\n" "delete the BROKER_BACKEND setting and leave the BROKER_TRANSPORT" ) if hasattr(django_settings, 'BROKER_BACKEND') and not hasattr(django_settings, 'BROKER_TRANSPORT'): raise AskbotConfigError( "\nPlease rename setting BROKER_BACKEND to BROKER_TRANSPORT\n" "in your settings.py file" ) def test_compressor(): """test settings for django compressor""" precompilers = getattr(django_settings, 'COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS', None) errors = list() lessc_item = ('text/less', 'lessc {infile} {outfile}') if precompilers is None: errors.append( 'Please add to your settings.py file: \n' 'COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = (\n' " ('%s', '%s'),\n" ')' % lessc_item ) else: if lessc_item not in precompilers: errors.append( 'Please add to the COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS the following item:\n' "('%s', '%s')," % lessc_item ) js_filters = getattr(django_settings, 'COMPRESS_JS_FILTERS', []) if len(js_filters) > 0: errors.append( 'Askbot does not yet support js minification, please add to your settings.py:\n' 'COMPRESS_JS_FILTERS = []' ) if 'compressor' not in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append( 'add to the INSTALLED_APPS the following entry:\n' " 'compressor'," ) print_errors(errors) def test_media_url(): """makes sure that setting `MEDIA_URL` has leading slash""" media_url = django_settings.MEDIA_URL #todo: add proper url validation to MEDIA_URL setting if not (media_url.startswith('/') or media_url.startswith('http')): raise AskbotConfigError( "\nMEDIA_URL parameter must be a unique url on the site\n" "and must start with a slash - e.g. /media/ or http(s)://" ) class SettingsTester(object): """class to test contents of the settings.py file""" def __init__(self, requirements = None): """loads the settings module and inits some variables parameter `requirements` is a dictionary with keys as setting names and values - another dictionary, which has keys (optional, if noted and required otherwise):: * required_value (optional) * error_message """ self.settings = load_module(os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']) self.messages = list() self.requirements = requirements def test_setting(self, name, value = None, message = None, test_for_absence = False, replace_hint = None ): """if setting does is not present or if the value != required_value, adds an error message """ if test_for_absence: if hasattr(self.settings, name): if replace_hint: value = getattr(self.settings, name) message += replace_hint % value self.messages.append(message) else: if not hasattr(self.settings, name): self.messages.append(message) elif value and getattr(self.settings, name) != value: self.messages.append(message) def run(self): for setting_name in self.requirements: self.test_setting( setting_name, **self.requirements[setting_name] ) if len(self.messages) != 0: raise AskbotConfigError( '\n\nTime to do some maintenance of your settings.py:\n\n* ' + '\n\n* '.join(self.messages) ) def test_new_skins(): """tests that there are no directories in the `askbot/skins` because we've moved skin files a few levels up""" askbot_root = askbot.get_install_directory() for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(askbot_root, 'skins')): item_path = os.path.join(askbot_root, 'skins', item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): raise AskbotConfigError( ('Time to move skin files from %s.\n' 'Now we have `askbot/templates` and `askbot/media`') % item_path ) def test_staticfiles(): """tests configuration of the staticfiles app""" errors = list() django_version = django.VERSION if django_version[0] == 1 and django_version[1] < 3: staticfiles_app_name = 'staticfiles' wrong_staticfiles_app_name = 'django.contrib.staticfiles' try_import('staticfiles', 'django-staticfiles') import staticfiles if staticfiles.__version__[0] != 1: raise AskbotConfigError( 'Please use the newest available version of ' 'django-staticfiles app, type\n' 'pip install --upgrade django-staticfiles' ) if not hasattr(django_settings, 'STATICFILES_STORAGE'): raise AskbotConfigError( 'Configure STATICFILES_STORAGE setting as desired, ' 'a reasonable default is\n' "STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'staticfiles.storage.StaticFilesStorage'" ) else: staticfiles_app_name = 'django.contrib.staticfiles' wrong_staticfiles_app_name = 'staticfiles' if staticfiles_app_name not in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append( 'Add to the INSTALLED_APPS section of your settings.py:\n' " '%s'," % staticfiles_app_name ) if wrong_staticfiles_app_name in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append( 'Remove from the INSTALLED_APPS section of your settings.py:\n' " '%s'," % wrong_staticfiles_app_name ) static_url = django_settings.STATIC_URL or '' if static_url is None or str(static_url).strip() == '': errors.append( 'Add STATIC_URL setting to your settings.py file. ' 'The setting must be a url at which static files ' 'are accessible.' ) url = urlparse(static_url).path if not (url.startswith('/') and url.endswith('/')): #a simple check for the url errors.append( 'Path in the STATIC_URL must start and end with the /.' ) if django_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX != static_url + 'admin/': errors.append( 'Set ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX as: \n' " ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = STATIC_URL + 'admin/'" ) # django_settings.STATICFILES_DIRS can have strings or tuples staticfiles_dirs = [d[1] if isinstance(d, tuple) else d for d in django_settings.STATICFILES_DIRS] default_skin_tuple = None askbot_root = askbot.get_install_directory() old_default_skin_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(askbot_root, 'skins')) for dir_entry in django_settings.STATICFILES_DIRS: if isinstance(dir_entry, tuple): if dir_entry[0] == 'default/media': default_skin_tuple = dir_entry elif isinstance(dir_entry, str): if os.path.abspath(dir_entry) == old_default_skin_dir: errors.append( 'Remove from STATICFILES_DIRS in your settings.py file:\n' + dir_entry ) askbot_root = os.path.dirname(askbot.__file__) default_skin_media_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(askbot_root, 'media')) if default_skin_tuple: media_dir = default_skin_tuple[1] if default_skin_media_dir != os.path.abspath(media_dir): errors.append( 'Add to STATICFILES_DIRS the following entry: ' "('default/media', os.path.join(ASKBOT_ROOT, 'media'))," ) extra_skins_dir = getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_EXTRA_SKINS_DIR', None) if extra_skins_dir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(extra_skins_dir): errors.append( 'Directory specified with settning ASKBOT_EXTRA_SKINS_DIR ' 'must exist and contain your custom skins for askbot.' ) if extra_skins_dir not in staticfiles_dirs: errors.append( 'Add ASKBOT_EXTRA_SKINS_DIR to STATICFILES_DIRS entry in ' 'your settings.py file.\n' 'NOTE: it might be necessary to move the line with ' 'ASKBOT_EXTRA_SKINS_DIR just above STATICFILES_DIRS.' ) if django_settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE == \ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.StaticFilesStorage': if os.path.dirname(django_settings.STATIC_ROOT) == '': #static root is needed only for local storoge of #the static files raise AskbotConfigError( 'Specify the static files directory ' 'with setting STATIC_ROOT' ) if errors: errors.append( 'Run command (after fixing the above errors)\n' ' python manage.py collectstatic\n' ) required_finders = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', 'compressor.finders.CompressorFinder', ) finders = getattr(django_settings, 'STATICFILES_FINDERS', None) missing_finders = list() for finder in required_finders: if finder not in finders: missing_finders.append(finder) if missing_finders: errors.append( 'Please make sure that the following items are \n' + \ 'part of the STATICFILES_FINDERS tuple, create this tuple, if it is missing:\n' + ' "' + '",\n "'.join(missing_finders) + '",\n' ) print_errors(errors) if django_settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE == \ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.StaticFilesStorage': if not os.path.isdir(django_settings.STATIC_ROOT): askbot_warning( 'Please run command\n\n' ' python manage.py collectstatic' ) def test_csrf_cookie_domain(): """makes sure that csrf cookie domain setting is acceptable""" #todo: maybe use the same steps to clean domain name csrf_cookie_domain = django_settings.CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN if csrf_cookie_domain is None or str(csrf_cookie_domain.strip()) == '': raise AskbotConfigError( 'Please add settings CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAN and CSRF_COOKIE_NAME ' 'settings - both are required. ' 'CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN must match the domain name of yor site, ' 'without the http(s):// prefix and without the port number.\n' 'Examples: \n' " CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN = ''\n" " CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN = 'example.com'\n" ) if csrf_cookie_domain == 'localhost': raise AskbotConfigError( 'Please do not use value "localhost" for the setting ' 'CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN\n' 'instead use, a real IP ' 'address or domain name.' '\nThe value must match the network location you type in the ' 'web browser to reach your site.' ) if re.match(r'https?://', csrf_cookie_domain): raise AskbotConfigError( 'please remove http(s):// prefix in the CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN ' 'setting' ) if ':' in csrf_cookie_domain: raise AskbotConfigError( 'Please do not use port number in the CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN ' 'setting' ) def test_settings_for_test_runner(): """makes sure that debug toolbar is disabled when running tests""" errors = list() if 'debug_toolbar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append( 'When testing - remove debug_toolbar from INSTALLED_APPS' ) if 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' in \ django_settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: errors.append( 'When testing - remove debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware ' 'from MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES' ) print_errors(errors) def test_avatar(): """if "avatar" is in the installed apps, checks that the module is actually installed""" if 'avatar' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try_import('Image', 'PIL', short_message = True) try_import( 'avatar', '-e git+git://github.com/ericflo/django-avatar.git#egg=avatar', short_message = True ) def test_haystack(): if 'haystack' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try_import('haystack', 'django-haystack', short_message = True) if getattr(django_settings, 'ENABLE_HAYSTACK_SEARCH', False): errors = list() if not hasattr(django_settings, 'HAYSTACK_SEARCH_ENGINE'): message = "Please HAYSTACK_SEARCH_ENGINE to an appropriate value, value 'simple' can be used for basic testing" errors.append(message) if not hasattr(django_settings, 'HAYSTACK_SITECONF'): message = 'Please add HAYSTACK_SITECONF = "askbot.search.haystack"' errors.append(message) footer = 'Please refer to haystack documentation at http://django-haystack.readthedocs.org/en/v1.2.7/settings.html#haystack-search-engine' print_errors(errors, footer=footer) def test_custom_user_profile_tab(): setting_name = 'ASKBOT_CUSTOM_USER_PROFILE_TAB' tab_settings = getattr(django_settings, setting_name, None) if tab_settings: if not isinstance(tab_settings, dict): print "Setting %s must be a dictionary!!!" % setting_name name = tab_settings.get('NAME', None) slug = tab_settings.get('SLUG', None) func_name = tab_settings.get('CONTENT_GENERATOR', None) errors = list() if (name is None) or (not(isinstance(name, basestring))): errors.append("%s['NAME'] must be a string" % setting_name) if (slug is None) or (not(isinstance(slug, str))): errors.append("%s['SLUG'] must be an ASCII string" % setting_name) if urllib.quote_plus(slug) != slug: errors.append( "%s['SLUG'] must be url safe, make it simple" % setting_name ) try: func = load_module(func_name) except ImportError: errors.append("%s['CONTENT_GENERATOR'] must be a dotted path to a function" % setting_name) header = 'Custom user profile tab is configured incorrectly in your settings.py file' footer = 'Please carefully read about adding a custom user profile tab.' print_errors(errors, header = header, footer = footer) def get_tinymce_sample_config(): """returns the sample configuration for TinyMCE as string""" askbot_root = askbot.get_install_directory() file_path = os.path.join( askbot_root, 'setup_templates', 'tinymce_sample_config.py' ) config_file = open(file_path, 'r') sample_config = config_file.read() config_file.close() return sample_config def test_tinymce(): """tests the tinymce editor setup""" errors = list() if 'tinymce' not in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append("add 'tinymce', to the INSTALLED_APPS") required_attrs = ( 'TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR', 'TINYMCE_JS_ROOT', 'TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG' ) missing_attrs = list() for attr in required_attrs: if not hasattr(django_settings, attr): missing_attrs.append(attr) if missing_attrs: errors.append('add missing settings: %s' % ', '.join(missing_attrs)) #check compressor setting compressor_on = getattr(django_settings, 'TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR', False) if compressor_on is False: errors.append('add line: TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR = True') #todo: add pointer to instructions on how to debug tinymce: #1) add ('tiny_mce', os.path.join(ASKBOT_ROOT, 'media/js/tinymce')), # to STATIFILES_DIRS #2) add this to the main urlconf: # ( # r'^m/(?P.*)$', # 'django.views.static.serve', # {'document_root': static_root} # ), #3) set `TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR = False` #4) set DEBUG = False #then - tinymce compressing will be disabled and it will #be possible to debug custom tinymce plugins that are used with askbot config = getattr(django_settings, 'TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG', None) if config: if 'convert_urls' in config: if config['convert_urls'] is not False: message = "set 'convert_urls':False in TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG" errors.append(message) else: message = "add to TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG\n'convert_urls': False," errors.append(message) #check js root setting - before version 0.7.44 we used to have #"common" skin and after we combined it into the default js_root = getattr(django_settings, 'TINYMCE_JS_ROOT', '') old_relative_js_path = 'common/media/js/tinymce/' relative_js_path = 'default/media/js/tinymce/' expected_js_root = os.path.join(django_settings.STATIC_ROOT, relative_js_path) old_expected_js_root = os.path.join(django_settings.STATIC_ROOT, old_relative_js_path) if os.path.normpath(js_root) != os.path.normpath(expected_js_root): error_tpl = "add line: TINYMCE_JS_ROOT = os.path.join(STATIC_ROOT, '%s')" if os.path.normpath(js_root) == os.path.normpath(old_expected_js_root): error_tpl += '\nNote: we have moved files from "common" into "default"' errors.append(error_tpl % relative_js_path) if errors: header = 'Please add the tynymce editor configuration ' + \ 'to your settings.py file.' footer = 'You might want to use this sample configuration ' + \ 'as template:\n\n' + get_tinymce_sample_config() print_errors(errors, header=header, footer=footer) def test_longerusername(): """tests proper installation of the "longerusername" app """ errors = list() if 'longerusername' not in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append( "add 'longerusername', as the first item in the INSTALLED_APPS" ) else: index = django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS.index('longerusername') if index != 0: message = "move 'longerusername', to the beginning of INSTALLED_APPS" raise AskbotConfigError(message) if errors: errors.append('run "python manage.py migrate longerusername"') print_errors(errors) def test_template_context_processors(): """makes sure that all necessary template context processors are in the settings.py""" required_processors = [ 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'askbot.context.application_settings', 'askbot.user_messages.context_processors.user_messages', 'django.core.context_processors.csrf', ] old_auth_processor = 'django.core.context_processors.auth' new_auth_processor = 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth' invalid_processors = list() if django.VERSION[1] <= 3: required_processors.append(old_auth_processor) if new_auth_processor in django_settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS: invalid_processors.append(new_auth_processor) elif django.VERSION[1] > 3: required_processors.append(new_auth_processor) if old_auth_processor in django_settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS: invalid_processors.append(old_auth_processor) missing_processors = list() for processor in required_processors: if processor not in django_settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS: missing_processors.append(processor) errors = list() if invalid_processors: message = 'remove from TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in settings.py:\n' message += format_as_text_tuple_entries(invalid_processors) errors.append(message) if missing_processors: message = 'add to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in settings.py:\n' message += format_as_text_tuple_entries(missing_processors) errors.append(message) print_errors(errors) def test_cache_backend(): """prints a warning if cache backend is disabled or per-process""" if django.VERSION[1] > 2: backend = django_settings.CACHES['default']['BACKEND'] else: backend = django_settings.CACHE_BACKEND errors = list() if backend.strip() == '' or 'dummy' in backend: message = """Please enable at least a "locmem" cache (for a single process server). If you need to run > 1 server process, set up some production caching system, such as redis or memcached""" errors.append(message) if 'locmem' in backend: message = """WARNING!!! You are using a 'locmem' (local memory) caching backend, which is OK for a low volume site running on a single-process server. For a multi-process configuration it is neccessary to have a production cache system, such as redis or memcached. With local memory caching and multi-process setup you might intermittently see outdated content on your site. """ askbot_warning(message) def test_group_messaging(): """tests correctness of the "group_messaging" app configuration""" errors = list() if 'group_messaging' not in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors.append("add to the INSTALLED_APPS:\n'group_messaging'") settings_sample = ("GROUP_MESSAGING = {\n" " 'BASE_URL_GETTER_FUNCTION': 'askbot.models.user_get_profile_url',\n" " 'BASE_URL_PARAMS': {'section': 'messages', 'sort': 'inbox'}\n" "}") settings = getattr(django_settings, 'GROUP_MESSAGING', {}) if settings: url_params = settings.get('BASE_URL_PARAMS', {}) have_wrong_params = not ( url_params.get('section', None) == 'messages' and \ url_params.get('sort', None) == 'inbox' ) url_getter = settings.get('BASE_URL_GETTER_FUNCTION', None) if url_getter != 'askbot.models.user_get_profile_url' or have_wrong_params: errors.append( "make setting 'GROUP_MESSAGING to be exactly:\n" + settings_sample ) url_params = settings.get('BASE_URL_PARAMS', None) else: errors.append('add this to your settings.py:\n' + settings_sample) if errors: print_errors(errors) def test_secret_key(): key = django_settings.SECRET_KEY if key.strip() == '': print_errors(['please create a random SECRET_KEY setting',]) elif key == 'sdljdfjkldsflsdjkhsjkldgjlsdgfs s ': print_errors([ 'Please change your SECRET_KEY setting, the current is not secure' ]) def test_multilingual(): is_multilang = getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL', False) errors = list() django_version = django.VERSION if is_multilang and django_version[0] == 1 and django_version[1] < 4: errors.append('ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL=True works only with django >= 1.4') if is_multilang: middleware = 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware' if middleware not in django_settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: errors.append( "add 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES " "if you want a multilingual setup" ) trans_url = getattr(django_settings, 'ASKBOT_TRANSLATE_URL', False) if is_multilang and trans_url: errors.append( 'Please set ASKBOT_TRANSLATE_URL to False, the "True" option ' 'is currently not supported due to a bug in django' ) print_errors(errors) def test_messages_framework(): if not 'django.contrib.messages' in django_settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errors = ('Add to the INSTALLED_APPS section of your settings.py:\n "django.contrib.messages"', ) print_errors(errors) def run_startup_tests(): """function that runs all startup tests, mainly checking settings config so far """ #this is first because it gives good info on what to install test_modules() #todo: refactor this when another test arrives test_askbot_url() test_avatar() test_cache_backend() test_celery() test_compressor() test_custom_user_profile_tab() test_encoding() test_group_messaging() test_haystack() test_jinja2() test_longerusername() test_new_skins() test_media_url() #test_postgres() test_messages_framework() test_middleware() test_multilingual() #test_csrf_cookie_domain() test_secret_key() test_staticfiles() test_template_loader() test_template_context_processors() test_tinymce() settings_tester = SettingsTester({ 'CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY': { 'value': True, 'message': "add line CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY = True" }, 'USE_I18N': { 'value': True, 'message': 'Please set USE_I18N = True and\n' 'set the LANGUAGE_CODE parameter correctly' }, 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL': { 'message': 'add setting LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL - an url\n' 'where you want to send users after they log in\n' 'a reasonable default is\n' 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = ASKBOT_URL' }, 'ASKBOT_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR': { 'test_for_absence': True, 'message': 'Please replace setting ASKBOT_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR ', 'replace_hint': "with MEDIA_ROOT = '%s'" }, 'ASKBOT_UPLOADED_FILES_URL': { 'test_for_absence': True, 'message': 'Please replace setting ASKBOT_UPLOADED_FILES_URL ', 'replace_hint': "with MEDIA_URL = '/%s'" }, 'RECAPTCHA_USE_SSL': { 'value': True, 'message': 'Please add: RECAPTCHA_USE_SSL = True' }, 'HAYSTACK_SITECONF': { 'value': 'askbot.search.haystack', 'message': 'Please add: HAYSTACK_SITECONF = "askbot.search.haystack"' } }) settings_tester.run() if 'manage.py test' in ' '.join(sys.argv): test_settings_for_test_runner() @transaction.commit_manually def run(): """runs all the startup procedures""" try: run_startup_tests() except AskbotConfigError, error: transaction.rollback() print error sys.exit(1) try: from askbot.models import badges badges.init_badges() transaction.commit() except Exception, error: print error transaction.rollback()