"""Definitions of Celery tasks in Askbot in this module there are two types of functions: * those wrapped with a @task decorator and a ``_celery_task`` suffix - celery tasks * those with the same base name, but without the decorator and the name suffix the actual work units run by the task Celery tasks are special functions in a way that they require all the parameters be serializable - so instead of ORM objects we pass object id's and instead of query sets - lists of ORM object id's. That is the reason for having two types of methods here: * the base methods (those without the decorator and the ``_celery_task`` in the end of the name are work units that are called from the celery tasks. * celery tasks - shells that reconstitute the necessary ORM objects and call the base methods """ import sys import traceback import logging import uuid from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from celery.decorators import task from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot import const from askbot import mail from askbot.models import Post, Thread, User, ReplyAddress from askbot.models.badges import award_badges_signal from askbot.models import get_reply_to_addresses, format_instant_notification_email from askbot import exceptions as askbot_exceptions # TODO: Make exceptions raised inside record_post_update_celery_task() ... # ... propagate upwards to test runner, if only CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True # (i.e. if Celery tasks are not deferred but executed straight away) @task(ignore_result = True) def notify_author_of_published_revision_celery_task(revision): #todo: move this to ``askbot.mail`` module #for answerable email only for now, because #we don't yet have the template for the read-only notification if askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL: #generate two reply codes (one for edit and one for addition) #to format an answerable email or not answerable email reply_options = { 'user': revision.author, 'post': revision.post, 'reply_action': 'append_content' } append_content_address = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new( **reply_options ).as_email_address() reply_options['reply_action'] = 'replace_content' replace_content_address = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new( **reply_options ).as_email_address() #populate template context variables reply_code = append_content_address + ',' + replace_content_address if revision.post.post_type == 'question': mailto_link_subject = revision.post.thread.title else: mailto_link_subject = _('An edit for my answer') #todo: possibly add more mailto thread headers to organize messages prompt = _('To add to your post EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE') reply_separator_line = const.SIMPLE_REPLY_SEPARATOR_TEMPLATE % prompt data = { 'site_name': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME, 'post': revision.post, 'author_email_signature': revision.author.email_signature, 'replace_content_address': replace_content_address, 'reply_separator_line': reply_separator_line, 'mailto_link_subject': mailto_link_subject, 'reply_code': reply_code } #load the template template = get_template('email/notify_author_about_approved_post.html') #todo: possibly add headers to organize messages in threads headers = {'Reply-To': append_content_address} #send the message mail.send_mail( subject_line = _('Your post at %(site_name)s is now published') % data, body_text = template.render(Context(data)), recipient_list = [revision.author.email,], related_object = revision, activity_type = const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_UPDATE_SENT, headers = headers ) @task(ignore_result = True) def record_post_update_celery_task( post_id, post_content_type_id, newly_mentioned_user_id_list = None, updated_by_id = None, timestamp = None, created = False, diff = None, ): #reconstitute objects from the database updated_by = User.objects.get(id=updated_by_id) post_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(id=post_content_type_id) post = post_content_type.get_object_for_this_type(id=post_id) newly_mentioned_users = User.objects.filter( id__in=newly_mentioned_user_id_list ) try: notify_sets = post.get_notify_sets( mentioned_users=newly_mentioned_users, exclude_list=[updated_by,] ) #todo: take into account created == True case #update_object is not used (activity_type, update_object) = post.get_updated_activity_data(created) post.issue_update_notifications( updated_by=updated_by, notify_sets=notify_sets, activity_type=activity_type, timestamp=timestamp, diff=diff ) except Exception: # HACK: exceptions from Celery job don't propagate upwards # to the Django test runner # so at least let's print tracebacks print >>sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc() raise @task(ignore_result = True) def record_question_visit( question_post = None, user_id = None, update_view_count = False): """celery task which records question visit by a person updates view counter, if necessary, and awards the badges associated with the question visit """ #1) maybe update the view count #question_post = Post.objects.filter( # id = question_post_id #).select_related('thread')[0] if update_view_count: question_post.thread.increase_view_count() user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) if user.is_anonymous(): return #2) question view count per user and clear response displays #user = User.objects.get(id = user_id) if user.is_authenticated(): #get response notifications user.visit_question(question_post) #3) send award badges signal for any badges #that are awarded for question views award_badges_signal.send(None, event = 'view_question', actor = user, context_object = question_post, ) @task() def send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post( update_activity = None, post = None, recipients = None, ): #reload object from the database post = Post.objects.get(id=post.id) if post.is_approved() is False: return if recipients is None: return acceptable_types = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPES_FOR_INSTANT_NOTIFICATIONS if update_activity.activity_type not in acceptable_types: return #calculate some variables used in the loop below update_type_map = const.RESPONSE_ACTIVITY_TYPE_MAP_FOR_TEMPLATES update_type = update_type_map[update_activity.activity_type] origin_post = post.get_origin_post() headers = mail.thread_headers( post, origin_post, update_activity.activity_type ) logger = logging.getLogger() if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: log_id = uuid.uuid1() message = 'email-alert %s, logId=%s' % (post.get_absolute_url(), log_id) logger.debug(message) else: log_id = None for user in recipients: if user.is_blocked(): continue reply_address, alt_reply_address = get_reply_to_addresses(user, post) subject_line, body_text = format_instant_notification_email( to_user = user, from_user = update_activity.user, post = post, reply_address = reply_address, alt_reply_address = alt_reply_address, update_type = update_type, template = get_template('email/instant_notification.html') ) headers['Reply-To'] = reply_address try: mail.send_mail( subject_line=subject_line, body_text=body_text, recipient_list=[user.email], related_object=origin_post, activity_type=const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_UPDATE_SENT, headers=headers, raise_on_failure=True ) except askbot_exceptions.EmailNotSent, error: logger.debug( '%s, error=%s, logId=%s' % (user.email, error, log_id) ) else: logger.debug('success %s, logId=%s' % (user.email, log_id))