{% load compress %} {% block title %}{% endblock %} - {{ settings.APP_TITLE|escape }} {% block meta_description %} {% endblock %} {% if settings.GOOGLE_SITEMAP_CODE %} {% endif %} {% if settings.SITE_FAVICON %} {% endif %} {% block before_css %}{% endblock %} {% include "meta/html_head_stylesheets.html" %} {% include "meta/fonts.html" %} {# may contain external files #} {% block forestyle %}{% endblock %} {% include "meta/html_head_javascript.html" %} {% block forejs %}{% endblock %} {% if settings.USE_CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD %} {{ settings.CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD }} {% endif %} {% include "widgets/system_messages.html" %} {% include "debug_header.html" %} {% if settings.MULTILINGUAL %}
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{{ settings.LEADING_SIDEBAR }}
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