{% extends "email/base_mail.html"%} {# parameters: * reply_separator_line * replace_content_address * mailto_link_subject * post * reply_code (comma-separated list of emails to respond to this message) #} {%block content %} {{ reply_separator_line }}

{% trans post_text = post.text|safe_urlquote, subject = mailto_link_subject|safe_urlquote, author_email_signature = author_email_signature|safe_urlquote %}If you would like to edit by email, please click here{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Below is a copy of your post:{% endtrans %}

{% if post.post_type == 'question' %}

{{ post.thread.title }}

{% endif %} {{ post.html }} {% endblock %} {%block footer %} {% include "email/footer.html" %}

{{ email_code }}

{# important #} {% endblock %}