{% import "macros.html" as macros %} {% include "question/question_card.html" %} {% if answers %}
{% include "question/answer_tab_bar.html" %}
{{ macros.paginator(paginator_context, anchor='#sort-top') }}
{% for answer in answers %} {% if answers|length > 1 and loop.index == 2 %} {% endif %} {% include "question/answer_card.html" %} {% endfor %} {{ macros.paginator(paginator_context, anchor='#sort-top') }}
{% endif %} {# buttons below cannot be cached yet #} {% if new_answer_allowed %} {% include "question/new_answer_form.html" %} {% else %}
{% trans %}Edit Your Previous Answer{% endtrans %} {% trans %}(only one answer per user is allowed){% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% if question.closed == False and request.user == question.author %}{# this is outside the form on purpose #} {% endif %}