{% csrf_token %}
{% if request.user.is_anonymous() and settings.ALLOW_POSTING_BEFORE_LOGGING_IN == False %} {% if not thread.closed %} {% trans %}Login/Signup to Answer{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if not thread.closed %}
{% spaceless %}

{% if answers %} {% trans %}Your answer{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}Be the first one to answer this question!{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% endspaceless %}
{% if request.user.is_anonymous() %}
{% trans %}Please start posting your answer anonymously - your answer will be saved within the current session and published after you log in or create a new account. Please try to give a substantial answer, for discussions, please use comments and please do remember to vote (after you log in)!{% endtrans %}
{% else %}

{% if request.user==question.author %} {% trans %}You are welcome to answer your own question, but please make sure to give an answer. Remember that you can always revise your original question. Please use comments for discussions and please don't forget to vote :) for the answers that you liked (or perhaps did not like)!{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}Please try to give a substantial answer. If you wanted to comment on the question or answer, just use the commenting tool. Please remember that you can always revise your answers - no need to answer the same question twice. Also, please don't forget to vote - it really helps to select the best questions and answers!{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% endif %}

{% trans %}Add answer{% endtrans %}

{{ macros.edit_post( answer, user = request.user, editor_type = settings.EDITOR_TYPE ) }} {% if settings.WIKI_ON %} {{ macros.checkbox_in_div(answer.wiki) }} {% endif %} {% if settings.GROUPS_ENABLED and request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.can_make_group_private_posts() %} {{ macros.checkbox_in_div(answer.post_privately) }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}