{# form is wrapping search buttons and the search bar inputs #} {% set enabled_scopes_class = 'scopes-' + '%s'|format(settings.ALL_SCOPE_ENABLED) + '-' + '%s'|format(settings.UNANSWERED_SCOPE_ENABLED) + '-' + '%s'|format((request.user.is_authenticated() and settings.FOLLOWED_SCOPE_ENABLED)) %}
{# Some or all contents of this div may be dropped over the search bar via negative margins, to make sure that the search bar can occupy 100% of the content width. Search bar may have padding on the left and right to accomodate the buttons. #} {% include "widgets/scope_nav.html" %} {# three buttons below are in the opposite order because they are floated at the right #} {% if settings.ASK_BUTTON_ENABLED %} {% include "widgets/ask_button.html" %} {% endif %} {# clears button floats #}
{% include "widgets/search_bar.html" %} {# include search form widget #}