import bs4 import copy import datetime import functools import time from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core import management from django.core import serializers import django.core.mail from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from askbot.tests import utils from askbot.tests.utils import with_settings from askbot import models from askbot import mail from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot import const from askbot.models.question import Thread TO_JSON = functools.partial(serializers.serialize, 'json') def email_alert_test(test_func): """decorator for test methods in :class:`~askbot.tests.email_alert_tests.EmailAlertTests` wraps tests with a generic sequence of testing email alerts on updates to anything relating to given question """ @functools.wraps(test_func) def wrapped_test(test_object, *args, **kwargs): func_name = test_func.__name__ if func_name.startswith('test_'): test_name = func_name.replace('test_', '', 1) #run the main codo of the test function test_func(test_object) #if visit_timestamp is set, #target user will visit the question at that time test_object.maybe_visit_question() test_object.send_alerts() test_object.check_results(test_name) else: raise ValueError('test method names must have prefix "test_"') return wrapped_test def setup_email_alert_tests(setup_func): @functools.wraps(setup_func) def wrapped_setup(test_object, *args, **kwargs): #empty email subscription schedule #no email is sent test_object.notification_schedule = \ copy.deepcopy(models.EmailFeedSetting.NO_EMAIL_SCHEDULE) #timestamp to use for the setup #functions test_object.setup_timestamp = #timestamp to use for the question visit #by the target user #if this timestamp is None then there will be no visit #otherwise question will be visited by the target user #at that time test_object.visit_timestamp = None #dictionary to hols expected results for each test #actual data@is initialized in the code just before the function #or in the body of the subclass test_object.expected_results = dict() #do not follow by default (do not use q_sel type subscription) test_object.follow_question = False #fill out expected result for each test test_object.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 0, } test_object.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } #this function is expected to contain a difference between this #one and the desired setup within the concrete test setup_func(test_object) #must call this after setting up the notification schedule #because it is needed in setUpUsers() function test_object.setUpUsers() return wrapped_setup class SubjectLineTests(TestCase): """Tests for the email subject line""" def test_set_prefix(self): """set prefix and see if it is there """ askbot_settings.update('EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX', 'test prefix') subj = mail.prefix_the_subject_line('hahah') self.assertEquals(subj, 'test prefix hahah') def test_can_disable_prefix(self): """set prefix to empty string and make sure that the subject line is not altered""" askbot_settings.update('EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX', '') subj = mail.prefix_the_subject_line('hahah') self.assertEquals(subj, 'hahah') class EmailAlertTests(TestCase): """Base class for testing delayed Email notifications that are triggered by the send_email_alerts command this class tests cases where target user has no subscriptions that is all subscriptions off subclasses should redefine initial data via the static class member this class tests cases where target user has no subscriptions that is all subscriptions off this class also defines a few utility methods that do not run any tests themselves class variables: * notification_schedule * setup_timestamp * visit_timestamp * expected_results should be set in subclasses to reuse testing code """ def send_alerts(self): """runs the send_email_alerts management command and makes a shortcut access to the outbox """ #make sure tha we are not sending email for real #this setting must be present in assert( django_settings.EMAIL_BACKEND == 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' ) management.call_command('send_email_alerts') @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): """generic pre-test setup method: this function is empty - because it's intendend content is entirely defined by the decorator the ``setUp()`` function in any subclass must only enter differences between the default version (defined in the decorator) and the desired version in the "real" test """ pass def setUpUsers(self): self.other_user = utils.create_user( username = 'other', email = '', date_joined = self.setup_timestamp, status = 'm' ) self.target_user = utils.create_user( username = 'target', email = '', notification_schedule = self.notification_schedule, date_joined = self.setup_timestamp, status = 'm' ) def post_comment( self, author = None, parent_post = None, body_text = 'dummy test comment', timestamp = None ): """posts and returns a comment to parent post, uses now timestamp if not given, dummy body_text author is required """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.setup_timestamp comment = author.post_comment( parent_post = parent_post, body_text = body_text, timestamp = timestamp, ) return comment def edit_post( self, author = None, post = None, timestamp = None, body_text = 'edited body text', ): """todo: this method may also edit other stuff like post title and tags - in the case when post is of type question """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.setup_timestamp post.apply_edit( edited_by = author, edited_at = timestamp, text = body_text, comment = 'nothing serious' ) def post_question( self, author = None, timestamp = None, title = 'test question title', body_text = 'test question body', tags = 'test', ): """post a question with dummy content and return it """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.setup_timestamp self.question = author.post_question( title = title, body_text = body_text, tags = tags, timestamp = timestamp ) if self.follow_question: self.target_user.follow_question(self.question) return self.question def maybe_visit_question(self, user = None): """visits question on behalf of a given user and applies a timestamp set in the class attribute ``visit_timestamp`` if ``visit_timestamp`` is None, then visit is skipped parameter ``user`` is optional if not given, the visit will occur on behalf of the user stored in the class attribute ``target_user`` """ if self.visit_timestamp: if user is None: user = self.target_user user.visit_post( question = self.question, timestamp = self.visit_timestamp ) def post_answer( self, question = None, author = None, body_text = 'test answer body', timestamp = None, follow = None,#None - do nothing, True/False - follow/unfollow ): """post answer with dummy content and return it """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.setup_timestamp if follow is None: if author.is_following_question(question): follow = True else: follow = False elif follow not in (True, False): raise ValueError('"follow" may be only None, True or False') return author.post_answer( question = question, body_text = body_text, timestamp = timestamp, follow = follow, ) def check_results(self, test_key = None): if test_key is None: raise ValueError('test_key parameter is required') expected = self.expected_results[test_key] outbox = django.core.mail.outbox error_message = 'emails_sent=%d, expected=%d, function=%s.test_%s' % ( len(outbox), expected['message_count'], self.__class__.__name__, test_key, ) #compares number of emails in the outbox and #the expected message count for the current test self.assertEqual(len(outbox), expected['message_count'], error_message) if expected['message_count'] > 0: if len(outbox) > 0: error_message = 'expected recipient %s found %s' % \ (, outbox[0].recipients()[0]) #verify that target user receives the email self.assertEqual( outbox[0].recipients()[0],, error_message ) def proto_post_answer_comment(self): """base method for use in some tests """ question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user ) answer = self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.target_user ) comment = self.post_comment( parent_post = answer, author = self.other_user, ) return comment @email_alert_test def test_answer_comment(self): """target user posts answer and other user posts a comment to the answer """ self.proto_post_answer_comment() @email_alert_test def test_answer_delete_comment(self): comment = self.proto_post_answer_comment() comment.get_owner().delete_comment(comment = comment) @email_alert_test def test_question_edit(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user ) self.edit_post( post = question, author = self.other_user ) self.question = question @email_alert_test def test_answer_edit(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user ) answer = self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.target_user ) self.edit_post( post = answer, author = self.other_user ) self.question = question @email_alert_test def test_question_and_answer_by_target(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user ) answer = self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.target_user ) self.question = question def proto_question_comment(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user, ) comment = self.post_comment( author = self.other_user, parent_post = question, ) return comment @email_alert_test def test_question_comment(self): """target user posts question other user posts a comment target user does or does not receive email notification depending on the setup parameters in the base class user does not receive a notification """ self.proto_question_comment() @email_alert_test def test_question_comment_delete(self): """target user posts question other user posts a comment target user does or does not receive email notification depending on the setup parameters in the base class user does not receive a notification """ comment = self.proto_question_comment() comment.get_owner().delete_comment(comment) def proto_test_q_ask(self): """base method for tests that have name containing q_ask - i.e. target asks other answers answer is returned """ question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user, ) answer = self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.other_user, ) return answer @email_alert_test def test_q_ask(self): """target user posts question other user answer the question """ self.proto_test_q_ask() @email_alert_test def test_q_ask_delete_answer(self): answer = self.proto_test_q_ask() self.other_user.delete_post(answer) @email_alert_test def test_q_ans(self): """other user posts question target user post answer """ question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user, ) self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.target_user ) self.question = question @email_alert_test def test_q_ans_new_answer(self): """other user posts question target user post answer and other user posts another answer """ question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user, ) self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.target_user ) self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.other_user ) self.question = question @email_alert_test def test_mention_in_question(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user, body_text = 'hey @target get this' ) self.question = question @email_alert_test def test_mention_in_answer(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user, ) self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.other_user, body_text = 'hey @target check this out' ) self.question = question class WeeklyQAskEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_ask'] = 'w' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(14) self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 0} self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } #local tests self.expected_results['question_edit_reedited_recently'] = \ {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['answer_edit_reedited_recently'] = \ {'message_count': 1} @email_alert_test def test_question_edit_reedited_recently(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user ) self.edit_post( post = question, author = self.other_user, ) self.edit_post( post = question, author = self.other_user, timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) ) @email_alert_test def test_answer_edit_reedited_recently(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.target_user ) answer = self.post_answer( question = question, author = self.other_user, ) self.edit_post( post = answer, author = self.other_user, timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) ) class WeeklyMentionsAndCommentsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['m_and_c'] = 'w' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(14) self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } class WeeklyQAnsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_ans'] = 'w' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(14) self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } class InstantQAskEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_ask'] = 'i' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } class InstantWholeForumEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_all'] = 'i' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 2, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 2, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 2, } self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 2, } def test_global_subscriber_with_zero_frequency_gets_no_email(self): user = self.target_user user.notification_subscriptions.update(frequency='n') user.email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL self.post_question(author=self.other_user) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 0) class BlankWeeklySelectedQuestionsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): """blank means that this is testing for the absence of email because questions are not followed as set by default in the parent class """ @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_sel'] = 'w' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(14) self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } class BlankInstantSelectedQuestionsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): """blank means that this is testing for the absence of email because questions are not followed as set by default in the parent class """ @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_sel'] = 'i' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 0, } class LiveWeeklySelectedQuestionsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): """live means that this is testing for the presence of email as all questions are automatically followed by user here """ @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_sel'] = 'w' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(14) self.follow_question = True self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 0} self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } class LiveInstantSelectedQuestionsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): """live means that this is testing for the presence of email as all questions are automatically followed by user here """ @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_sel'] = 'i' #first posts yesterday self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.follow_question = True self.expected_results['q_ask'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ask_delete_answer'] = {'message_count': 1} self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_and_answer_by_target'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans'] = {'message_count': 0, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } class InstantMentionsAndCommentsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['m_and_c'] = 'i' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.expected_results['question_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['question_comment_delete'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['answer_delete_comment'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_question'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['mention_in_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } #specialized local test case self.expected_results['question_edited_mention_stays'] = {'message_count': 1} @email_alert_test def test_question_edited_mention_stays(self): question = self.post_question( author = self.other_user, body_text = 'hey @target check this one', ) self.edit_post( post = question, author = self.other_user, body_text = 'yoyo @target do look here' ) class InstantQAnsEmailAlertTests(EmailAlertTests): @setup_email_alert_tests def setUp(self): self.notification_schedule['q_ans'] = 'i' self.setup_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(1) self.expected_results['answer_edit'] = {'message_count': 1, } self.expected_results['q_ans_new_answer'] = {'message_count': 1, } class DelayedAlertSubjectLineTests(TestCase): def test_topics_in_subject_line(self): threads = [ models.Thread(tagnames='one two three four five'), models.Thread(tagnames='two three four five'), models.Thread(tagnames='three four five'), models.Thread(tagnames='four five'), models.Thread(tagnames='five'), ] subject = Thread.objects.get_tag_summary_from_threads(threads) self.assertEqual('"five", "four", "three", "two" and "one"', subject) threads += [ models.Thread(tagnames='six'), models.Thread(tagnames='six'), models.Thread(tagnames='six'), models.Thread(tagnames='six'), models.Thread(tagnames='six'), models.Thread(tagnames='six'), ] subject = Thread.objects.get_tag_summary_from_threads(threads) self.assertEqual('"six", "five", "four", "three", "two" and more', subject) class FeedbackTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.create_user(username = 'user1', status='m') self.create_user(username = 'user2', status='m') u3 = self.create_user(username = 'user3') u3.is_superuser = True def assert_feedback_works(self): outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) #todo: change groups to django groups #then replace to 4 back to 3 in the line below self.assertEqual(len(outbox[0].recipients()), 3) def test_feedback_post_form(self): client = Client() data = { 'email': '', 'text': 'hi this is a test case', 'subject': 'subject line' } response ='feedback'), data) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEquals(response.templates[0].name, 'feedback.html') def test_mail_moderators(self): """tests askbot.mail_moderators() """ mail.mail_moderators('subject', 'text') self.assert_feedback_works() class TagFollowedInstantWholeForumEmailAlertTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.user1 = self.create_user( username = 'user1', notification_schedule = {'q_all': 'i'}, status = 'm' ) self.user2 = self.create_user( username = 'user2', status = 'm' ) def test_wildcard_catches_new_tag(self): """users asks a question with a brand new tag and other user subscribes to it by wildcard """ askbot_settings.update('USE_WILDCARD_TAGS', True) self.user1.email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING self.user1.mark_tags( wildcards = ('some*',), reason = 'good', action = 'add' ) self.user2.post_question( title = 'some title', body_text = 'some text for the question', tags = 'something' ) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(len(outbox[0].recipients()), 1) self.assertTrue( in outbox[0].recipients() ) @with_settings(SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED=False) def test_tag_based_subscription_on_new_question_works1(self): """someone subscribes for an pre-existing tag then another user asks a question with that tag and the subcriber receives an alert """ models.Tag( name = 'something', created_by = self.user1 ).save() self.user1.email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING self.user1.mark_tags( tagnames = ('something',), reason = 'good', action = 'add' ) self.user2.post_question( title = 'some title', body_text = 'some text for the question', tags = 'something' ) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(len(outbox[0].recipients()), 1) self.assertTrue( in outbox[0].recipients() ) @with_settings(SUBSCRIBED_TAG_SELECTOR_ENABLED=True) def test_tag_based_subscription_on_new_question_works1(self): """someone subscribes for an pre-existing tag then another user asks a question with that tag and the subcriber receives an alert """ models.Tag( name = 'something', created_by = self.user1 ).save() self.user1.email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_SUBSCRIBED self.user1.mark_tags( tagnames = ('something',), reason = 'subscribed', action = 'add' ) self.user2.post_question( title = 'some title', body_text = 'some text for the question', tags = 'something' ) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(len(outbox[0].recipients()), 1) self.assertTrue( in outbox[0].recipients() ) class EmailReminderTestCase(utils.AskbotTestCase): #subclass must define these (example below) #enable_setting_name = 'ENABLE_UNANSWERED_REMINDERS' #frequency_setting_name = 'UNANSWERED_REMINDER_FREQUENCY' #days_before_setting_name = 'DAYS_BEFORE_SENDING_UNANSWERED_REMINDER' #max_reminder_setting_name = 'MAX_UNANSWERED_REMINDERS' def setUp(self): self.u1 = self.create_user(username = 'user1') self.u2 = self.create_user(username = 'user2') askbot_settings.update(self.enable_setting_name, True) askbot_settings.update(self.max_reminder_setting_name, 5) askbot_settings.update(self.frequency_setting_name, 1) askbot_settings.update(self.days_before_setting_name, 2) self.wait_days = getattr(askbot_settings, self.days_before_setting_name) self.recurrence_days = getattr(askbot_settings, self.frequency_setting_name) self.max_emails = getattr(askbot_settings, self.max_reminder_setting_name) def assert_have_emails(self, email_count = None): management.call_command(self.command_name) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), email_count) def do_post(self, timestamp): self.question = self.post_question( user = self.u1, timestamp = timestamp ) class AcceptAnswerReminderTests(EmailReminderTestCase): """only two test cases here, because the algorithm here is the same as for unanswered questons, except here we are dealing with the questions that have or do not have an accepted answer """ enable_setting_name = 'ENABLE_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDERS' frequency_setting_name = 'ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDER_FREQUENCY' days_before_setting_name = 'DAYS_BEFORE_SENDING_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDER' max_reminder_setting_name = 'MAX_ACCEPT_ANSWER_REMINDERS' command_name = 'send_accept_answer_reminders' def do_post(self, timestamp): super(AcceptAnswerReminderTests, self).do_post(timestamp) self.answer = self.post_answer( question = self.question, user = self.u2, timestamp = timestamp ) def test_reminder_positive_wait(self): """a positive test - user must receive a reminder """ days_ago = self.wait_days timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) self.assert_have_emails(1) def test_reminder_negative_wait(self): """negative test - the answer is accepted already""" days_ago = self.wait_days timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) self.u1.accept_best_answer( answer = self.answer, ) self.assert_have_emails(0) class UnansweredReminderTests(EmailReminderTestCase): enable_setting_name = 'ENABLE_UNANSWERED_REMINDERS' frequency_setting_name = 'UNANSWERED_REMINDER_FREQUENCY' days_before_setting_name = 'DAYS_BEFORE_SENDING_UNANSWERED_REMINDER' max_reminder_setting_name = 'MAX_UNANSWERED_REMINDERS' command_name = 'send_unanswered_question_reminders' def test_reminder_positive_wait(self): """a positive test - user must receive a reminder """ days_ago = self.wait_days timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) self.assert_have_emails(1) def test_reminder_negative_wait(self): """a positive test - user must receive a reminder """ days_ago = self.wait_days - 1 timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) self.assert_have_emails(0) def test_reminder_cutoff_positive(self): """send a reminder a slightly before the last reminder date passes""" days_ago = self.wait_days + (self.max_emails - 1)*self.recurrence_days - 1 timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) #todo: change groups to django groups #then replace to 2 back to 1 in the line below self.assert_have_emails(1) def test_reminder_cutoff_negative(self): """no reminder after the time for the last reminder passes """ days_ago = self.wait_days + (self.max_emails - 1)*self.recurrence_days timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(days_ago, 3600) self.do_post(timestamp) self.assert_have_emails(0) class EmailFeedSettingTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.user = self.create_user('user') def get_user_feeds(self): return models.EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(subscriber = self.user) def test_add_missings_subscriptions_noop(self): data_before = TO_JSON(self.get_user_feeds()) self.user.add_missing_askbot_subscriptions() data_after = TO_JSON(self.get_user_feeds()) self.assertEquals(data_before, data_after) def test_add_missing_q_all_subscription(self): feed = self.get_user_feeds().filter(feed_type = 'q_all') feed.delete() count_before = self.get_user_feeds().count() self.user.add_missing_askbot_subscriptions() count_after = self.get_user_feeds().count() self.assertEquals(count_after - count_before, 1) feed = self.get_user_feeds().filter(feed_type = 'q_all')[0] self.assertEquals( feed.frequency, askbot_settings.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_Q_ALL ) def test_missing_subscriptions_added_automatically(self): new_user = models.User.objects.create_user('new', '') feeds_before = self.get_user_feeds() #verify that feed settigs are created automatically #when user is just created self.assertTrue(feeds_before.count() != 0) data_before = TO_JSON(feeds_before) new_user.add_missing_askbot_subscriptions() data_after = TO_JSON(self.get_user_feeds()) self.assertEquals(data_before, data_after) class EmailAlertTestsWithGroupsEnabled(utils.AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.backup = askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED askbot_settings.update('GROUPS_ENABLED', True) def tearDown(self): askbot_settings.update('GROUPS_ENABLED', self.backup) @with_settings(MIN_REP_TO_TRIGGER_EMAIL=1) def test_notification_for_global_group_works(self): sender = self.create_user('sender') recipient = self.create_user( 'recipient', notification_schedule=models.EmailFeedSetting.MAX_EMAIL_SCHEDULE ) self.post_question(user=sender) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(outbox[0].recipients(), []) class PostApprovalTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): """test notifications sent to authors when their posts are approved or published""" def setUp(self): self.reply_by_email = askbot_settings.REPLY_BY_EMAIL askbot_settings.update('REPLY_BY_EMAIL', True) self.enable_content_moderation = \ askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION askbot_settings.update('ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION', True) self.self_notify_when = \ askbot_settings.SELF_NOTIFY_EMAILED_POST_AUTHOR_WHEN when = const.FOR_FIRST_REVISION askbot_settings.update('SELF_NOTIFY_EMAILED_POST_AUTHOR_WHEN', when) assert( django_settings.EMAIL_BACKEND == 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' ) def tearDown(self): askbot_settings.update( 'REPLY_BY_EMAIL', self.reply_by_email ) askbot_settings.update( 'ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION', self.enable_content_moderation ) askbot_settings.update( 'SELF_NOTIFY_EMAILED_POST_AUTHOR_WHEN', self.self_notify_when ) def test_emailed_question_answerable_approval_notification(self): self.u1 = self.create_user('user1', status = 'a')#regular user question = self.post_question(user = self.u1, by_email = True) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox #here we should get just the notification of the post #being placed on the moderation queue self.assertEquals(len(outbox), 1) self.assertEquals(outbox[0].recipients(), []) def test_moderated_question_answerable_approval_notification(self): u1 = self.create_user('user1', status = 'a') question = self.post_question(user = u1, by_email = True) self.assertEquals(question.approved, False) u2 = self.create_user('admin', status = 'd') self.assertEquals(question.revisions.count(), 1) u2.approve_post_revision(question.get_latest_revision()) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox self.assertEquals(len(outbox), 2) #moderation notification self.assertEquals(outbox[0].recipients(), [,]) #self.assertEquals(outbox[1].recipients(), [,])#approval class AbsolutizeUrlsInEmailsTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): @with_settings( MIN_REP_TO_TRIGGER_EMAIL=1, APP_URL='', MIN_REP_TO_INSERT_LINK=1 ) def test_urls_are_absolute(self): u1 = self.create_user('u1') max_email = models.EmailFeedSetting.MAX_EMAIL_SCHEDULE u2 = self.create_user('u2', notification_schedule=max_email) text = 'home' + \ 'an image' question = self.post_question(user=u1, body_text=text) outbox = django.core.mail.outbox html_message = outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] content_type = outbox[0].alternatives[0][1] self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/html') soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_message) links = soup.find_all('a') url_bits = {} for link in links: url_bits[link.attrs['href'][:4]] = 1 self.assertEqual(len(url_bits.keys()), 1) self.assertEqual(url_bits.keys()[0], 'http') images = soup.find_all('img') url_bits = {} for img in images: url_bits[img.attrs['src'][:4]] = 1 self.assertEqual(len(url_bits.keys()), 1) self.assertEqual(url_bits.keys()[0], 'http') class MailMessagesTests(utils.AskbotTestCase): def test_ask_for_signature(self): from askbot.mail import messages user = self.create_user('user') message = messages.ask_for_signature(user, footer_code = 'nothing') self.assertTrue(user.username in message)