from django import forms as django_forms from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from askbot.tests.utils import AskbotTestCase from askbot.tests.utils import with_settings from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot import forms from askbot.utils import forms as util_forms from askbot import models EMAIL_CASES = (#test should fail if the second item is None ('', ''), ('Name Name ', ''), ('"Name Name []" ', ''), ( 'someone ', '' ), ( 'freddy krueger (by way of somebody else)', '' ), ( 'Google Anniversary Promotion =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A9_2011?= ', '' ), ('=?koi8-r?B?5sHExcXXwSDvzNjHwQ==?= ', ''), (' (Cron Daemon)', ''), ('', ''), ('some text without an email adderess', None) ) SUBJECT_LINE_CASES = (#test fails if second item is None ( ' [ tag1;long tag, another] question title', ('tag1 long-tag another', 'question title') ), ('[] question title', None), ('question title', None), (' [question title', None), ('] question title', None), ) class AskByEmailFormTests(AskbotTestCase): """Tests :class:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm` form""" def setUp(self): #benign data set that must pass = { 'sender': '', 'subject': '[tag-one] where is titanic?', 'body_text': 'where is titanic?' } def test_subject_line(self): """loops through various forms of the subject line and makes sure that tags and title are parsed out""" setting_backup = askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED askbot_settings.update('TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED', True) user = AnonymousUser() for test_case in SUBJECT_LINE_CASES:['subject'] = test_case[0] form = forms.AskByEmailForm(, user=user) output = test_case[1] if output is None: self.assertFalse(form.is_valid()) else: self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertEquals( form.cleaned_data['tagnames'], output[0] ) self.assertEquals( form.cleaned_data['title'], output[1] ) askbot_settings.update('TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED', setting_backup) def test_email(self): """loops through variants of the from field in the emails and tests the email address extractor""" user = AnonymousUser() for test_case in EMAIL_CASES:['sender'] = test_case[0] expected_result = test_case[1] form = forms.AskByEmailForm(, user=user) if expected_result is None: self.assertFalse(form.is_valid()) else: self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertEquals( form.cleaned_data['email'], expected_result ) class TagNamesFieldTests(AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.field = forms.TagNamesField() self.user = self.create_user('user1') def tearDown(self): askbot_settings.update('MANDATORY_TAGS', '') def clean(self, value): return self.field.clean(value).strip().split(' ') def assert_tags_equal(self, tag_list1, tag_list2): self.assertEqual(sorted(tag_list1), sorted(tag_list2)) def test_force_lowercase(self): """FORCE_LOWERCASE setting is on """ askbot_settings.update('FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS', True) cleaned_tags = self.clean('Tag1 TAG5 tag1 tag5') self.assert_tags_equal(cleaned_tags, ['tag1','tag5']) def test_custom_case(self): """FORCE_LOWERCASE setting is off """ askbot_settings.update('FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS', False) models.Tag(name = 'TAG1', created_by = self.user).save() models.Tag(name = 'Tag2', created_by = self.user).save() cleaned_tags = self.clean('tag1 taG2 TAG1 tag3 tag3') self.assert_tags_equal(cleaned_tags, ['TAG1', 'Tag2', 'tag3']) def test_catch_missing_mandatory_tag(self): askbot_settings.update('MANDATORY_TAGS', 'one two') self.assertRaises( django_forms.ValidationError, self.clean, ('three',) ) def test_pass_with_entered_mandatory_tag(self): askbot_settings.update('MANDATORY_TAGS', 'one two') cleaned_tags = self.clean('one') self.assert_tags_equal(cleaned_tags, ['one',]) def test_pass_with_entered_wk_mandatory_tag(self): askbot_settings.update('MANDATORY_TAGS', 'one* two') askbot_settings.update('USE_WILDCARD_TAGS', True) cleaned_tags = self.clean('oneness') self.assert_tags_equal(cleaned_tags, ['oneness',]) class EditQuestionAnonymouslyFormTests(AskbotTestCase): """setup the following truth table on reveal_identity field: is_anon can owner checked result """ truth_table = ( (0, 0, 0, 0, False), (0, 0, 0, 1, False), (0, 0, 1, 0, False), (0, 0, 1, 1, False), (0, 1, 0, 0, False), (0, 1, 0, 1, False), (0, 1, 1, 0, False), (0, 1, 1, 1, False),#all up to this point are False (1, 0, 0, 0, False), (1, 0, 0, 1, 'error'),#not owner (1, 0, 1, 0, 'error'),#rules changed either reload page or check box (1, 0, 1, 1, True),#rules changed - say yes here (1, 1, 0, 0, False), (1, 1, 0, 1, 'error'), (1, 1, 1, 0, False), (1, 1, 1, 1, True), ) #legend: is_anon - question is anonymous # can - askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY # owner - editor is question owner # checked - the checkbox "reveal_identity" is marked def setUp(self): self.create_user() self.create_user( username = 'other_user', status = 'm'#must be able to edit ) super(EditQuestionAnonymouslyFormTests, self).setUp() def setup_data(self, is_anon, can_be_anon, is_owner, box_checked): """sets up data in the same order as shown in the truth table above the four positional arguments are in the same order """ askbot_settings.update('ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY', can_be_anon) question = self.post_question(is_anonymous = is_anon) if is_owner: editor = self.user else: editor = self.other_user data = { 'tags': 'tag1 tag2', 'text': 'ostaousohuosuh', 'title': 'stahosetuhaoeudhuh' } if box_checked: data['reveal_identity'] = 'on' self.form = forms.EditQuestionForm( data, question=question, user=editor, revision=question.get_latest_revision(), ) def test_reveal_identity_field(self): """runs through the truth table and tests them items by one """ current_item = 0 for entry in self.truth_table: self.setup_data(*(entry[:4])) if self.form.is_valid(): result = self.form.cleaned_data['reveal_identity'] else: result = 'error' error_message = 'failed truth table item %d' % current_item current_item += 1 expected_result = entry[4] self.assertEquals(result, expected_result, error_message) class AskFormTests(AskbotTestCase): def setup_data(self, allow_anonymous = True, ask_anonymously = None): askbot_settings.update('ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY', allow_anonymous) data = { 'title': 'test title', 'text': 'test content', 'tags': 'test', } if ask_anonymously == True: data['ask_anonymously'] = 'on' self.form = forms.AskForm(data, user=AnonymousUser()) self.form.full_clean() def assert_anon_is(self, value): self.assertEquals( self.form.cleaned_data['ask_anonymously'], value ) def test_ask_anonymously_disabled(self): """test that disabled anon postings yields False""" self.setup_data(ask_anonymously = True, allow_anonymous = False) self.assert_anon_is(False) def test_ask_anonymously_field_positive(self): """check that the 'yes' selection goes through """ self.setup_data(ask_anonymously = True) self.assert_anon_is(True) def test_ask_anonymously_field_negative(self): """check that the 'no' selection goes through """ self.setup_data(ask_anonymously = False) self.assert_anon_is(False) class UserStatusFormTest(AskbotTestCase): def setup_data(self, status): data = {'user_status': status} self.moderator = self.create_user('moderator_user') self.moderator.set_status('m') self.subject = self.create_user('normal_user') self.subject.set_status('a') self.form = forms.ChangeUserStatusForm(data, moderator = self.moderator, subject = self.subject) def test_moderator_can_suspend_user(self): self.setup_data('s') self.assertEquals(self.form.is_valid(), True) def test_moderator_can_block_user(self): self.setup_data('s') self.assertEquals(self.form.is_valid(), True) def test_moderator_cannot_grant_admin(self): self.setup_data('d') self.assertEquals(self.form.is_valid(), False) def test_moderator_cannot_grant_moderator(self): self.setup_data('m') self.assertEquals(self.form.is_valid(), False) #Test for askbot.utils.forms class UserNameFieldTest(AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.u1 = self.create_user('user1') self.username_field = util_forms.UserNameField() def test_clean(self): self.username_field.skip_clean = True self.assertEquals(self.username_field.clean('bar'), 'bar')#will pass anything self.username_field.skip_clean = False #will not pass b/c instance is not User model self.username_field.user_instance = dict(foo=1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.username_field.clean, 'foo') self.username_field.user_instance = self.u1 self.assertEquals(self.username_field.clean('user1'), self.u1.username) #will pass #not pass username required self.assertRaises(django_forms.ValidationError, self.username_field.clean, '') #invalid username and username in reserved words self.assertRaises(django_forms.ValidationError, self.username_field.clean, ' ') self.assertRaises(django_forms.ValidationError, self.username_field.clean, 'fuck') self.assertRaises(django_forms.ValidationError, self.username_field.clean, '......') #TODO: test more things class AnswerEditorFieldTests(AskbotTestCase): """don't need to test the QuestionEditorFieldTests, b/c the class is identical""" def setUp(self): self.old_min_length = askbot_settings.MIN_ANSWER_BODY_LENGTH askbot_settings.update('MIN_ANSWER_BODY_LENGTH', 10) self.field = forms.AnswerEditorField(user=AnonymousUser()) def tearDown(self): askbot_settings.update('MIN_ANSWER_BODY_LENGTH', self.old_min_length) def test_fail_short_body(self): self.assertRaises( django_forms.ValidationError, self.field.clean, 'a' ) def test_pass_long_body(self): self.assertEquals( self.field.clean(10*'a'), 10*'a' ) class PostAsSomeoneFormTests(AskbotTestCase): form = forms.PostAsSomeoneForm def setUp(self): self.good_data = { 'username': 'me', 'email': '' } def test_blank_form_validates(self): form = forms.PostAsSomeoneForm({}) self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True) def test_complete_form_validates(self): form = forms.PostAsSomeoneForm(self.good_data) self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True) def test_missing_email_fails(self): form = forms.PostAsSomeoneForm({'post_author_username': 'me'}) self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), False) def test_missing_username_fails(self): form = forms.PostAsSomeoneForm({'post_author_email': ''}) self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), False) class AskWidgetFormTests(AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.good_data = {'title': "What's the price of a house in london?"} self.good_data_anon = {'title': "What's the price of a house in london?", 'ask_anonymously': True} self.bad_data = {'title': ''} def test_valid_input(self): form_object = forms.AskWidgetForm( include_text=False, data=self.good_data, user=AnonymousUser() ) self.assertTrue(form_object.is_valid()) form_object = forms.AskWidgetForm( include_text=False, data=self.good_data_anon, user=AnonymousUser() ) self.assertTrue(form_object.is_valid()) def test_invalid_input(self): form_object = forms.AskWidgetForm( include_text=False, data=self.bad_data, user=AnonymousUser() ) self.assertFalse(form_object.is_valid()) TEXT_WITH_LINK = 'blah blah' class EditorFieldTests(AskbotTestCase): def setUp(self): self.user = self.create_user('user') self.user.reputation = 5 @with_settings(EDITOR_TYPE='markdown', MIN_REP_TO_SUGGEST_LINK=10) def test_low_rep_user_cannot_post_links_markdown(self): field = forms.EditorField(user=self.user) self.assertRaises( django_forms.ValidationError, field.clean, TEXT_WITH_LINK ) @with_settings(EDITOR_TYPE='tinymce', MIN_REP_TO_SUGGEST_LINK=10) def test_low_rep_user_cannot_post_links_tinymce(self): field = forms.EditorField(user=self.user) self.assertRaises( django_forms.ValidationError, field.clean, TEXT_WITH_LINK )